Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #10

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IMO they weren’t looking to steal gas or diesel from L and C. I don’t know if KMs truck is gas or diesel but I know the van is gas. And I know there was nowhere along that highway that was selling any fuel at the time of night (based on the witnesses seeing them alive). And I know the highway was shut down with traffic stops, etc very early. So IMO they didn’t need fuel clearly, they wanted money if anything or whatever they could find. They were broke young men. They would of had to get fuel at one of the 4 stations and the price is insanely expensive so I can’t see them having used cash to pay when they did get fuel (before they killed the victims). So if they used a card, maybe that’s why the ditched their truck, it ran out of fuel. That’s as far as they would of been able to make it without refueling. So they did what they did to LD and took his vehicle.

Good theory. And yes, diesel is pretty expensive now, especially up in Northern BC I'm sure.. to fill a 100L tank, yikes.
If someone had inadvertently aided the suspects, wouldn't that someone have come forward to RCMP with that info?
What am I missing?

Whatever it is that RCMP knows. Because they've been reminding the public at every single presser and by twitter at least once a day for a week. They keep saying it. It's fairly specific. Again, they may want that person to come forward, but that person has their own reasons not to. I can think of many reasons why someone would not come forward. Fear of being charged as an accessory would top the list, for most people.
I'm assuming the $20 of gas they purchased in York Landing was to torch the SUV - I don't recall reading whether the gas went straight into the tank or whether they brought in a jerry can. Bryer also asked if alcohol could be consumed there - answer was "no" as it's a dry community. So they headed further to Gillam, where they could buy alcohol, in preparation of their celebratory final hurrah, "good-bye cruel world" event. I mean, I sure would need a couple of drinks before I end it all. Or, was the alcohol for Bryer himself only, as he doesn't drive? (surely Kam wouldn't drink and take the risk of driving to the next location - or maybe he would). I think they torched the vehicle, headed into the woods with their booze, made a toast to each other (one donning a new suit) and called it a night.

People like these guys fantasize about what it's like to kill someone in real life. Some killers describe the feeling as a real "rush" or "euphoric". I believe this urge for them was overwhelming. They made up their minds and set their plan in motion under the guise of exploring job opportunities. They set out specifically knowing someone was going to die. Exercising their ability to control the delicate balance between life and death - ahhh, what power! It wasn't a road trip, it was a power trip.

Now that it's done, and experience had, there is nothing else, so no other way out.

I think you probably mean Split Lake? York Landing is a 2 hour ferry ride away.

Split Lake is also about a 2 hour drive south of Fox Lake Cree reserve, where the burned SUV was found. If buying $20 gas to torch a vehicle was their mission, I’d expect they would’ve been anxious to get out of Split Lake after getting stopped ASAP and buy gas in Gillam instead, as they passed through. But who knows.
That is as good an explanation for the burning of the camper truck as we've seen so far IMO.
Specifically because we know they stopped for free coffee but not fuel-makes me think they were out of cash and could not use cards at that point or it would directly tie them to the first crime scene area. There is no cell service at all where they were so they would not have known anything about if they were suspects at that time, if they were caught on CCTV anywhere, etc. So they thought they had to do what they did to escape. IMO MOO. I also think that’s why they didn’t purchase anything from the co-op and they got rid of their gun(S) after the first murder. Maybe the second. Either way they were said to have no weapons (guns) when stopped at the alcohol check stop. Like I said, just my opinion. They got $20 of gas with the last of their cash and they had to ditch the rav4 also, it ran out of fuel.
Bryer also asked if alcohol could be consumed there - answer was "no" as it's a dry community. So they headed further to Gillam, where they could buy alcohol, in preparation of their celebratory final hurrah, "good-bye cruel world" event.

Someone(sorry at this point I can't remember who or when) suggested earlier that they could have been asking to confirm what they were told when stopped.
I have been holding onto that since they mentioned it. Seems plausible IMO
I just went to the gas station and for 99% sure it was gas they filled up with. The pumps go (from the back of the van to the front) gas only (I nozzle and it’s green), then the next pump which they used is gas (different grades-green nozzle) this is the one I believe he used and the one right beside is bright yellow and it’s diesel. I took Picts if anyone thinks I’m making that up. I then looked at the video again and I’m 99% sure the nozzle is green that he put in the van. Can someone else look and tell me what they think. But I’m quite sure it’s gas. The yellow nozzle is really close to the spot Chynna is doing the window.
Also the gas stations up the highway do lock their nozzles at night. And some of the stations have cameras. I know you can get fuel at testa-which is as south as I would suspect KM and BS would travel, there’s one at Toad River lodge with a restaurant, then there’s a couple at muncho one is double g and the other Muncho Lake lodge which nobody uses because of his jacked up price. It’s well known online in the reviews to not stop there. I cannot say for sure whether Liard Hot Springs lodge sells fuel anymore. They did when it was called trapper rays (for a very long time) but it’s under new management and I don’t know about the fuel but I would think they would because after that, there’s no fuel stops for a very long time.
I think you probably mean Split Lake? York Landing is a 2 hour ferry ride away.

Split Lake is also about a 2 hour drive south of Fox Lake Cree reserve, where the burned SUV was found. If buying $20 gas to torch a vehicle was their mission, I’d expect they would’ve been anxious to get out of Split Lake after getting stopped ASAP and buy gas in Gillam instead, as they passed through. But who knows.
You're right, it was Split Lake. I apologize for getting that fact wrong. Thanks for correcting me.
Throwing out an opinion here.

Within the first week of this they had, allegedly, killed at least one person, were spotted by at least two, and captured on film.

It's going on 10 days since any single confirmed sighting. And not a single new victim, that we know of, or sighting.

They're either dead or very focused on accomplishing something.
Police investigate reported sightings of Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod in Ontario

Dramatic development in hunt for highway murder teens

Police are investigating several new sightings of teen murder spree suspects Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky in the city of Ontario, more than 2000km from the current search area in the tiny town of Gillam.

Come on OZ. Ontario is our most populated province and home to our Nation's capital, Ottawa. Not a city.
I worked as a locksmith for 10 years in my younger days... I can say with reasonable assurance that there are two Toyota keys at least one house key either a kwikset or weiser brand and the smaller keys belong to small cam locks they could be locks for a camper, mailbox, filing cabinet, padlock or many other things. But I would put money that those keys are Toyota keys!
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just had a thought.
RAV was burned..... BUT.. maybe it was torched by someone random- teenagers looking for fun- it was close to a populated area- it is summer and many teens are joyriding at night- perhaps they stopped- and burned it
suspects- maybe had a ride and left the rav behind unburnt to not bring attention to where they were.
why the heck would suspects burn the rav??
makes no sense
they would know the car burning would bring le
let's include the camper in this suggestion too
maybe suspects didnt burn the camper
maybe someone else saw it- stole the fiberglass top and torched the truck
suspects might have ditched the camper due to engine problems and then stole the rav

suspects like burning things, IMO
Someone(sorry at this point I can't remember who or when) suggested earlier that they could have been asking to confirm what they were told when stopped.
I have been holding onto that since they mentioned it. Seems plausible IMO
I've thought this, too, after word of the stop by the constables got out. It was reported they seemed very nervous during the stop, so I could totally see them thinking of this as a roundabout way to confirm the constables were just stopping them for that reason and not for another (like recognizing them and reporting them).

I'm envisioning a frantic, panicked conversation of the "Dude, do you think they know who we are?" variety between the 2 after they drove off from the stop.
Someone(sorry at this point I can't remember who or when) suggested earlier that they could have been asking to confirm what they were told when stopped.
I have been holding onto that since they mentioned it. Seems plausible IMO

Yes there’s a MSM link quoting the Split Lake gas station clerk somewhere, discussed and linked only yesterday. iirc the gas station clerk stated she was asked about alcohol and the reserve being dry in relation to a sign posted nearby, also the reason they were stopped and searched. It was a more lengthy explanation beyond “they asked about alcohol” which was Version One reported by the media.

A public warning issued over fugitive murder suspects Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky. RCMP
Survival experts say B.C. teen murder suspects may be headed for civilization after evading capture for nine days
“It’s a lot easier to find resources and it’s maybe easier to hide in the city,” he said.

“Everyone knows everyone in the country, people in the city don’t even know their next-door neighbour.”

But whether they do reach a town or stay in the woodlands, the duo’s mentality will be the difference between life, death and capture.

“If they’re not on the same page, you’ll see power struggles, disagreements and their relationship may start to deteriorate,” Kong said.

“If they agree on next steps, like what the ultimate goal is and if it should play out in a certain manner, that could help them in terms of encouragement and keeping each other calm.”

"Covering that much distance in 10 days also leads Kong to believe they may have more than just the shirts on their backs and hearts in their throats.

“People assumed they have limited supplies, but they came by vehicle. A vehicle carries a lot and we don’t know how much they have,” he said."
Yes there’s a MSM link quoting the gas station clerk somewhere, discussed only yesterday. iirc the gas station clerk stated she was asked about alcohol and the reserve being dry in relation to a sign posted nearby, also the reason they were stopped and searched. It was a more lengthy explanation beyond “they asked about alcohol” which was Version One reported by the media.

Ahh missed that one somewhere then.
I will try to hunt it down.

ETA: Only video I can find just has her saying they paid for gas. Doesn't even mention alcohol, but I'm too tired to look. I'm taking your word for it :)
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I've thought this, too, after word of the stop by the constables got out. It was reported they seemed very nervous during the stop, so I could totally see them thinking of this as a roundabout way to confirm the constables were just stopping them for that reason and not for another (like recognizing them and reporting them).

I'm envisioning a frantic, panicked conversation of the "Dude, do you think they know who we are?" variety between the 2 after they drove off from the stop.

I believe I was at one that said it, additionally I think it adds to why they burnt up the rav 4 they figured time was up with it. One thing I don’t think happened is they headed off into the bush at least not for very long... if the terrain is as harsh as everyone let’s on, would they really push it that hard not immediately having someone in their heels??? Might be a different story if there was a team chasing them but that wasn’t the case. I think they knew where they were going and where they wanted to be. I don’t believe they left a car with food and supplies to burn and headed into no mans land without a plan. MOO
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