Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #10

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That's interesting because so many people have assumed Kam would be the leader for some reason.
Sorry gitana1, I quoted the wrong post.

I live in Eastern Canada and am a business owner, who wears camo. I have a camo jacket, shirt, skirt & pants for leasure. It never goes out of style here. However, I think it does play a factor here as one of the red flags. I wear camo because I like it and it's comfy, but I feel he wears it for a different reason (symbolic, belonging, wannabe, antisocial perhaps). There are numous red flags, that in and of itself doesn't paint a person as someone who could murder 3 people, but when you add each of the layers does paint a picture of a disturbed young person IMO. Not all gamers go on to kill someone, but a small percentage do, mental health issues can run in families, etc. It's not the individual red flags it's the totality of the flags and I think some people (not you) are missing that and not looking at the whole picture.
Maybe. Kinda look's like a grandma's house to me. Lots of family photos. Looks like a graduation photo. Somebody in a military uniform. Lots of pics of people holding little kids. Old TV. Overstuffed style armchair. Big, cheap 50's style mirror. A wood burning fireplace that evidently isn't used. Do you suppose BS arranged those pics for his selfie. It doesn't look practical to usually have them lined up all over the place like that. Anybody know anything about the miltary history of the BS maternal family? Was this meant as some kind of an homage? Puzzling.
Maybe. Kinda look's like a grandma's house to me. Lots of family photos. Looks like a graduation photo. Somebody in a military uniform. Lots of pics of people holding little kids. Old TV. Overstuffed style armchair. Big, cheap 50's style mirror. A wood burning fireplace that evidently isn't used. Do you suppose BS arranged those pics for his selfie. It doesn't look practical to usually have them lined up all over the place like that. Anybody know anything about the miltary history of the BS maternal family? Was this meant as some kind of an homage? Puzzling.

It just looks like a normal, cluttered lower middle class residence to me. And he did live with his grandma off and on so it probably was her house. In another photo of him that I saw, there was a Mylar "Happy Birthday" banner in the background, so I don't think he was paying attention to the background items. The living room doesn't look like it's out of a magazine, but I've seen much worse.
Not to be critical of the excellent work of LE but if I ruled the investigation I think a lot of time and resources might have been saved, or at least lessened, by just putting a tap on the family's phones. There is just no way whatsoever that, if they are alive, one or other of those boys would sooner or later phone home for money, if nothing else. MOO Maybe they've done that. Who knows.

Often family members are coached by police in what to say if they are contacted and voluntarily allow calls such as that to be traced.

Even if somebody was inclined to, it’d be literally impossible to send them money. For certain the pairs bank accounts are being closely monitored and the only other way would require naming the intended recipients which would set off big red alarm bells within the system. The sender would get arrested and the location of the fugitives would become known.

I don’t think anyone is helping these fugitives or they wouldn’t have travelled through a dry reserve, up a road that goes nowhere.
Not to be critical of the excellent work of LE but if I ruled the investigation I think a lot of time and resources might have been saved, or at least lessened, by just putting a tap on the family's phones. If they are alive, one or other of those boys would sooner or later phone home for money, if nothing else. MOO Maybe they've done that. Who knows.

Speaking of which, we know there was a warrant to search the house, presumably for items belonging to the suspects.

But...would that warrant extend to all the financials of the parents? Would that be a separate warrant? Because if they're running around with a parent's debit card, that would require monitoring.

Is it common, in Canada, for relatives of suspects to be put under surveillance? It would not be common here in California, the parents would probably have to be charged with accessory to a felony for that to happen (I don't know for sure though).
I find that camo or his overall look depends on location. While someone wearing camo would look kind of out of place in Toronto or Ottawa, but outside of big cities seeing people in camo is fairly normal. Camo is cheap in Toronto too, but aside from either pants OR jacket its rare to see someone in full gear in larger cities.

I'm not sure what to think anymore, Ontario sightings make sense if the suspects are moving in the province, you see them drive by, but alas, no 2nd witness or video is captured in that quick moment and the sighting cannot be confirmed.

They are either moving north (Churchill, MB) or got into Ontario and are driving as fast as they can.

I'm really worried they're dead from suicide or running into the wilds and not being as skilled as they fantasized themselves to be.

I want these two to be brought out alive and to justice, for the families of those who were killed. For this just to fade as two dudes who disappeared into the Great White North would be super hard for the victims' loved ones, I think.
Here's an areal shot of muskeg south of Hudson Bay. Hundreds of miles in all directions of swamp, lakes and peat bog. Any thoughts on survival possibilities here?

Muskeg | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Holy smokes.
Not to be critical of the excellent work of LE but if I ruled the investigation I think a lot of time and resources might have been saved, or at least lessened, by just putting a tap on the family's phones. If they are alive, one or other of those boys would sooner or later phone home for money, if nothing else. MOO Maybe they've done that. Who knows.

Do we know they didn't?
Here's an areal shot of muskeg south of Hudson Bay. Hundreds of miles in all directions of swamp, lakes and peat bog. Any thoughts on survival possibilities here?

Muskeg | The Canadian Encyclopedia
That would be near impossible to navigate through for any long distance. You can't stay dry and nighttime temps will be dropping to below zero soon, bad combination. I've walked through muskeg (though not that bad!) for work in northern Alberta and the squishy ground takes way more energy out of you, it can be exhausting and frustrating. I also had black flies buzzing at my face all day for weeks on end. It was so bad that when I was in bed at night (in camp, so indoors), I could still feel them hammering my face! Can't imagine not being able to get away from that and I have a pretty high tolerance for bugs!
Often family members are coached by police in what to say if they are contacted and voluntarily allow calls such as that to be traced.

Even if somebody was inclined to, it’d be literally impossible to send them money. For certain the pairs bank accounts are being closely monitored and the only other way would require naming the intended recipients which would set off big red alarm bells within the system. The sender would get arrested and the location of the fugitives would become known.

I don’t think anyone is helping these fugitives or they wouldn’t have travelled through a dry reserve, up a road that goes nowhere.

Just to clarify, I didn't intend, for even one second to suggest that these families would send money to their fugitive sons - only that IMO average parents of average teenagers away from home can, sooner or later, expect to receive a call requesting some cash. As I recall, a conversation usually quite quickly gets to "... so anyway, get this!!!" followed by some elaborate story meant to justify the request. LOL.l
I'm really worried they're dead from suicide or running into the wilds and not being as skilled as they fantasized themselves to be.

I want these two to be brought out alive and to justice, for the families of those who were killed. For this just to fade as two dudes who disappeared into the Great White North would be super hard for the victims' loved ones, I think.

Unfortunately it seems like that's the most likely explanation. They're a couple of sheltered teenagers, and I find it next to impossible to believe that they outsmarted the RCMP and all the resources of both the police and local community, in one of the worst environments on the continent to try to "rough it." I also doubt they had outside help because that just doesn't seem realistic from all the stories of spree killers we know about -- it sounds like something out of a movie. We also know at least one of them made frequent comments about committing murder-suicide in the past. It could have just been talk, but it seems like it could have some relevance. When they first went into the wilderness and when the purported York Landing sighting was reported, I thought there was a good chance they'd be captured, found dead, or die in a police shootout within a few days. The RCMP has said they are leaving the area and I think it's with good reason. I think the RCMP thinks they're dead and maybe even found conversations between them online or something where they discussed it.
Here's an areal shot of muskeg south of Hudson Bay. Hundreds of miles in all directions of swamp, lakes and peat bog. Any thoughts on survival possibilities here?

Muskeg | The Canadian Encyclopedia

With what survival equipment/supplies they allegedly had, I'd say very slim. I really have to wonder what would have been going through their minds to go into that environment completely unprepared. If they've spent time in the bush as kids, as has been suggested, they should know better. I really have to wonder if they didn't get away by small boat out into the Hudson Bay.
b) Escaped to another region of Canada without any help. Would be nearly impossible to do considering the police have been monitoring the roads, railways, etc. out since right after the RAV4 was found -- again would be very surprising if they did this.

The RAV4 was found actively burning on the evening of Monday, July 22. They weren't named as suspects until mid Tuesday, July 23. They had nearly a day to make some headway, either far into the woods, or out of the area before anyone would've been looking for them out there or even knew who they were. They were considered missing in BC, no would be keeping eyes out in Manitoba for them. That's evidenced by the fact that they strolled into a gas station in Split Lake and the clerk lady had no idea who they were yet, described them as "normal". There wouldn't have been a whole lot of police activity up there looking for them immediately either, they would've had to identify the vehicle first and assemble a team to go out there. So who knows, theoretically they could have well left the area in that time between burning the SUV, and the next day when they were named as suspects and put on blast in the media.
Now this is definitely something. Thompson isn't that far, they could've made it there from Gillam. RCMP states that he may be headed to Toronto area. Maybe he is their ride? He is missing since before the other dates, so who knows?

MOO: They intended to go to Gillam, MB or that general area because once they were done with their crimes in BC they had assistance waiting for them.

Why drive thousands of kilometres to Gillam, MB to dissapear, unless there was someone or something waiting for them there?
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