Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #14

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Should the mysteries of the hows and whys of these tragic and senseless murders and of the road trip to one of the most remote spots in Canada never be explained, at least the mysteries of my Android phone have been!

Until messenger has an update and changes everything around lol. With all the tweaks and changes they make to things t’s almost like a new phone after some upgrades.
I'm sorry--I realize the point you're making now! If it wasn't delivered to his phone, I wonder how BS still was apparently able to talk to grandma in the early days of the trip.

Perhaps because Bryer chose to communicate with his grandmother, but not his father. The check mark indicates that the message could have been received, but not read.
Perhaps because Bryer chose to communicate with his grandmother, but not his father. The check mark indicates that the message could have been received, but not read.

If they had of been received the little blue circle with checkmark would be filled in blue. It was not. They were never received by Bryers phone at all.
Perhaps because Bryer chose to communicate with his grandmother, but not his father. The check mark indicates that the message could have been received, but not read.
Right, but if it just wasn't delivered, then that implies he wasn't getting service. If it was delivered but he didn't read it, he was clearly ignoring it. That's what I had assumed, but after other people's comments on here, I do think it is possible the messages were simply undelivered to his phone.

And if it were the case they were undelivered, it makes me wonder if he didn't have service up there. Or he turned off his phone?

I wonder if he used Kam's phone to get in touch with grandma? I don't know about Canada, but I know where I live, cell service can be patchy. Some phones will get service where others don't.

As with everything else with this case, it's just odd.
Until messenger has an update and changes everything around lol. With all the tweaks and changes they make to things t’s almost like a new phone after some upgrades.
I hear you. I just got my phone, from a different manufacturer than my last, and I've felt like a babe in the woods ever since.

I hope whatever information the RCMP releases tomorrow provides more clarity around why they arrived at some of their conclusions and why the resources used for this manhunt was so unprecedented.
I'm sorry--I realize the point you're making now! If it wasn't delivered to his phone, I wonder how BS still was apparently able to talk to grandma in the early days of the trip.
FB messenger requires a data connection or wifi connection, a regular cellular call doesn't... If the mobile coverage was not the best, maybe he used a payphone to call his grandma?

I wonder if the messages were ever delivered?
Are there any theories as to why B refers to Kam as Kim in the first text? I don't see it as accidental because the a and i are far apart on a QWERTY board.
Forgiving people who commit crimes is one thing. But forgiving parents of people who are suspects in crimes is another. This bothers me, for reasons explained previously. The parents and families of BS and KM are not suspects. At this point, KM and BS are suspects, with no public proof yet available.

How do you forgive someone for something somebody else did, when not even that is proven yet?

I understand the anguish, but forgiving the families of BS and KM for crimes is treating them as if the families themselves committed these crimes. How can you be forgiven for something you did not do?

AS was under no obligation to apologize to anyone, but he did.

All this talk about AS, Bryers mom/grandmother, Kam's parents... it makes me feel uncomfortable. As a parent, I know that my kids can and have made mistakes, some of them, I know I taught them better than that and I sometimes don't understand. I can't even begin to imagine being a parent of a murderer and second guessing every thing I ever said and did with my children. AS has made it easy to be critical of Bryer's upbringing, but there are kids that had it much worse that never grew up to be a murderer, so I am having a hard time blaming the parents. But JMO.
FB messenger requires a data connection or wifi connection, a regular cellular call doesn't... If the mobile coverage was not the best, maybe he used a payphone to call his grandma?

I wonder if the messages were ever delivered?
Are there a lot of pay phones in that part of Canada? They're almost non-existent where I am in the US.

Are there any theories as to why B refers to Kam as Kim in the first text? I don't see it as accidental because the a and i are far apart on a QWERTY board.
In the first filmed interview, he said Bryer would use voice-to-text, so it was the phone mishearing him and filling in Kim instead of Kam.
On my Android on Messenger, which is the app they were using, it changes to a smaller version of the profile pic of the person who viewed it and is much more apparent than just a color change.

That's visible in the screenshot because we can see the smaller version of AS's profile pic below the message he sent. Maybe the screenshot occurred after Bryer's Facebook account was shut down? But if so, it doesn't match what I see, either, in Messenger for conversations with people who no longer have active accounts.

Edit: Wait, I get what you're saying now. Sorry for my confusion! I suppose it is possible they weren't delivered to his phone, but he was still apparently using his phone (presumably) to contact his grandma in the early days of the trip.

If he didn't have data and wasn't accessing free wifi, he may not have gotten the messages. He could have contacted gran by email from a public computer. We don't know. Seems like it was a choice to end contact.

There are different versions of Messenger.
FB messenger requires a data connection or wifi connection, a regular cellular call doesn't... If the mobile coverage was not the best, maybe he used a payphone to call his grandma?

I wonder if the messages were ever delivered?
On my iPhone my messages say delivered when they are received...the messages did not say that on AS’s phone. So, either BS’s phoned was turned off or he was out of service range.
Are there any theories as to why B refers to Kam as Kim in the first text? I don't see it as accidental because the a and i are far apart on a QWERTY board.

Bryer's dad said in his first interview that Bryer always "talks into his phone" rather than typing. So the phone heard "Kim" instead of Kam, or didn't recognize Kam as a word and so autocorrected it.
Then that would mean BS had never once spelled it correctly, at least for my Apple phone. Once I reject auto-correct for any reason, it doesn't correct if I use that name again. Thankfully.

Do Androids not do that?
I don't use text-to-speak on my Android, so I don't know. I have a close friend who uses text-to-speak, and her messages are riddled with errors I know she wouldn't use if she were typing. Maybe he just didn't bother to correct them? Or he gave up. LOL
Bryer's dad said in his first interview that Bryer always "talks into his phone" rather than typing. So the phone heard "Kim" instead of Kam, or didn't recognize Kam as a word and so autocorrected it.

Yep, probably can't spell. May not even be able to write. It's a real problem these days. I have students who want to record lectures, but of course, then they would need headphones to use notes to do a lab exercise later in the class. Which is not permitted.

So...they peer at others' notes and get help. They almost never get their simple sentences written in time to turn in. They are so used to "writing" by talking (and then emailing themselves...)

They have no way of noticing spelling or punctuation errors.
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