CANADA - Lucas Fowler & Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #5

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First scene is the burned truck (no visible sign of the mounted camper), second scene is the body, and the third scene:

"The RCMP has also expanded its efforts to a third location much closer to the town of Dease Lake itself. That scene is also on the side of the highway, but it's unclear what's behind the police tape there."
Maybe the third scene is the camper that was on the truck. Fibreglass might melt to nothing, but it was a camper, not an empty shell.

They got rid of the camper 4 days after Lucas and Chynna were murdered. I wonder what evidence was found. Didn't they then search their homes again and remove evidence?

Jade is very close to Dease Lake, and the 3rd location searched.

Truck and camper remnants were all at same location, 50km south of Dease Lake. Have a look at the complete photos, stuff on blue tarp.
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I’m new(ish) here, but a long time reader. I’ve been following along with you all on this case since the beginning. It seems clear now that these boys are either in hiding or have capitalized on their head start, and are way out of their last known locale.

It’s been mentioned before, but I’m still curious: We don’t know their motivations, but if we assume that this was not premeditated, it seems likely they would gravitate towards a familiar local.

If they did set out to murder and rampage, then chaos is the name of the game - they could be anywhere. I believe in the competence of the RCMP and we have to accept they are holding back info.

I think it’s possible, whatever their initial intentions, they didn’t plan on making it this far. They may be improvising, which hopefully, will lead to their discovery.
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This is what he posted.
Gray Hughes had this in one of his investigative videos. And he specifically pointed out that that van image was really old .... years old. And that the van wasn't even the same van.
He showed the Google image of it and even the year that it was a Google satellite date stamp. I don't remember the date of it cuz it's been awhile since I seen it but it was in one of gray Hughes videos. And it was not the van.

Additional note. Yes it says 2019 Google but that's just Google's copyright year. But the actual satellite image was back years ago.
If they had driven up to Whitehorse, then were driving back home to Port Alberni, it makes sense to have stopped in Dease Lake on their way home 4 days after Bryer talked to his grandmother. Why would they go in the direction of Laird River, which was out of the way. Fowler and Reese's van was pointing north, so they were heading up, Kam and Bryer would have had to be driving the opposite direction if they were coming from Whitehorse. But then why stop a random van?

If they did go to Whitehorse, Yukon to look for work they can’t have looked very long. That puts the credibility of their original story into question IMO.
I wouldn't go so far as to say there were comfortable in the remote north and the wilderness.

They were from Port Alberni. Which is not Victoria, or Vancouver, or even Nanaimo, but it is a seaport, with a connection to logging, fishing, and tourism. If they are familiar with anything "wilderness" it would be ocean fishing and wet timberlands. So some time maybe outdoors in logged areas with dirt roads and the safety of a community not too far away.

But there aren't any details yet provided that tell me these were guys that spent a lot of time camping, or fishing, or hunting with their family. They sound a bit like unathletic nerds, driven to the fulfillment of internet-derived survival games they could mimic with some friends.

I don't see them as experienced outdoors people familiar at all with real wilderness.

They might think they were prepared, but we have no evidence of them even stepping foot off of Vancouver Island prior to this trip, do we?

I'll bet most 12 year olds in Gillam have far better survival skills that these guys

So you're saying a 12 year old would have lasted more than the 4 days these clowns did. Not so sure about that...
Lake of the woods has hundred of hiking trails, atv trails, private roads, etc.

They could hike in off of the trans canada or like 2 other highways that border it.

The hard part would be making sure nobody finds the car they abandon there.

You definitely need to take a few supplies. A tarp, or a tent, fish hooks and line maybe, water filtration system or pot to boil, knife/saw/hatchet, first aid kit with a needle, gauze, and antibiotics. Matches, shoe laces, rope or 550 cord.

Maybe some high calorie food to get you off to a good start until you get deeper in. But there is lots of flora and fauna to survive off of right now.

have these guys ever eaten small game?
If they met with someone else, there is zero possibility they are even close to Gillam now. Any resident of the greater Gillam metropolitan area (yes, I know) who had a lot in common with their interests would stick out like a sore thumb right now.

I don't see it likely because who would be nutty enough to want to throw their lot in with a few murderers right now.
If they had driven up to Whitehorse, then were driving back home to Port Alberni, it makes sense to have stopped in Dease Lake on their way home 4 days after Bryer talked to his grandmother. Why would they go in the direction of Laird River, which was out of the way. Fowler and Reese's van was pointing north, so they were heading up, Kam and Bryer would have had to be driving the opposite direction if they were coming from Whitehorse. But then why stop a random van?

It was reported that Lucas and Chynna were pointing North, the vehicle that was seen by the witness at 11:30PM July 13 was pointing South. The suspect was described as having a beard, being a bit taller that 6'3" Lucas, dark hair and eyes. That sounds like one of the suspects. The composite sketch has big cheeks. Maybe that is the suspect's baby face.

They probably drove North after the July 14/15 murders. Their truck was burned 50km South at the bridge over the Istikine River. The botanist's body was found 2km South of the burning truck. If the camper was found closer to Dease Lake, then they were heading South.

This is one possible route, and it fits with the timeline especially if they drove through Whitehorse on the way to Dease Lake.

The surveillance video (here:
) shows two young men who are trying to look calm and unobtrusive. BS definitely looks somewhat more on edge. KM looks slightly, every so slightly, annoyed. He may even have had a thought about being on camera.

The unnecessary coat buttoning gesture by BS is a mark of anxiety and a desire to keep in costume, to keep in persona. If they were just in the store, not on video, an onlooker would wonder what they are doing there - they don't seem to be looking for much in particular.

At 0:11 there's a look of slight anguish and concern on KM's face. The hand in the pocket is a gesture of nonchalance, but his face is anything but. I agree he looks stressed there. His gaze is on some point slightly to his left and downward, but really, it's an inward gaze.

There's a bit of relief as they leave the store. Did they have robbery in mind? BS may have something in his hand. I don't see any evidence of severe lack of sleep or bug bites. Does KM have something in his pocket? BS looks a bit more tired and distracted than his companion.

It's clear KM is leading in this foray into the store (and maybe in general). I am leaving aside any diagnosis of "joint psychosis" because I don't see any evidence for it. But, if there are disagreements or the need for sudden decision making, they may function better as a couple if each of them knows their role and one of them makes the snap decisions.

they look clean and tidy- no mud and their hair is neatly combed. they do not look like campers. does this store have a shower?

Either of them can behave impulsively and should be expected to be very unpredictable. They look less anxious than I would have expected, given the circumstances.
Some questions here that haven't been answered. Not all the perceived evidence makes sense. Their burning vehicle wasn't "hidden" it was parked off the highway where it was obviously found easily and where anyone on a road trip might have pulled in for a rest stop. They were supposed to have driven huge distances within tiny timeframes and no sleep, with only one experienced driver, sometimes backtracking for hundreds of kilometres (drive 350k's, kill Chynna and Lucas, then turn around and drive another 350k's back to where you started?). They are supposed to have been driving virtually non-stop for days on end, so probably either left earlier than the grandmother, Carol thought they did or didn't go where she thought they were going. Why drive so far to Whitehorse on 12th (around 1700k?), in a day and then call on 14th and tell her they had already left? They would have arrived there and left immediately without any rest - maybe one ****** job interview and dashed dreams, but why hasn't anyone from Whitehorse mentioned seeing them? Why has the media encouraged Bryer's father to speculate such damming and awful life-ending scenario's publicly for his own attention when it appears that he really hardly knew Bryer and didn't raise him? Bryer's father whined that he was so, so sorry for not "being able" to help?/rescue?/save? Bryer - did he mean Bryer had tried to ask for help and he ignored him or refused to help him. Nobody seems to have looked for or found any evidence of either of them purchasing a gun apart from an airsoft? (Surely there must be some type of record-keeping for this?). There is so far no evidence declared that they were anywhere near the couple who were murdered (Lucas and Chynna), apart from rumours and speculation. They are speculated to have deliberately burnt their vehicle when parked off the highway, leaving everything they owned in it, apart from their wallets, but a burnt laptop was found - the vehicle was valuable and comfortable and held all their belongings, which they would have swapped out to another one or stashed if they had the chance before it burned, at least removed some clothing and their laptops etc. Maybe their phones also burned? They were gamers and would never leave their laptops burn deliberately. If the laptops were in the burning vehicle, probably any guns would have also been (wherever they got them from?) They have only been pictured in the same clothes, so had not attempted to change clothing or their appearance for some time and as it appears everything they had with them burned, they had no other clothing (we can see from Bryer wearing the same heavy, long-sleeved shirt and Kam wearing the same t-shirt), so to me it seems that the vehicle fire had no planning at all. Why burn the vehicle you were supposed to be worried it will identify you from security cam/dashcam footage etc, but NOT change clothing and appearance at all? It appears they are believed to have forcibly stolen Mr. Dycks' car (which still doesn't appear to have been confirmed or unconfirmed by police!!) and left him on the side of the road, injured, shot or sick, perhaps after he offered them a lift or they flagged him down when their vehicle was burning? No information has been provided about how Mr, Dyck died. There has been nothing said about him being shot, and they were charged with his second-degree murder, which could mean anything. Have the police found how he died? If he was shot was it with the same bullets and gun as Chynna and Lucas? If Mr. Dyck had been shot, wouldn't they have been charged with first-degree murder? There are too many holes and questions in this case for me at the moment. I hope that it is not realised much later that the real killers of Chynna and Lucas aren't using this time to get too far away to ever be found???
The lack of information from RCMP during the investigation is par for the course. They likely do have the answers to many of your questions, but their default is to share nothing (for various reasons). If they share anything, it’s because they have a reason to, not because they have a reason not to. It was the same when they were tracking down Tim Bosma’s killers. We didn’t find out how much damning evidence they had till trial. I expect the same in this case.

I will say the difficulty of driving these distances in the timeline is far overstated. It’s doable even with toddlers that need potties on the way. It’s easy for two young guys, and not having a driver’s license doesn’t mean one of them isn’t driving. Driving an automatic in good conditions is pretty easy.
“The RCMP has also expanded its efforts to a third location much closer to the town of Dease Lake itself. That scene is also on the side of the highway, but it's unclear what's behind the police tape there.”
Northern B.C. deaths: Investigators probing 3 scenes near Dease Lake
In British Columbia:
1. There was the site where the couple CD LF were murdered.
2. There was the site where the truck and camper were burnt out.
3. There was the site that the older gentleman LD was found dead at the rest stop.
4. Then the other site was approximately 50 km north of where the older man LD was found dead.
Also depends on what kind of backpack they have as well. A pump shotgun with a pistol grip can be cut down pretty short and might just fit in a normal backpack. A double barrel can definitely be cut down to fit in a normal backpack. If they have a decent size hiking backpack you could definitely fit a shotgun that's been cut down but still have enough barrel length to have some accuracy
And that is precisely how bad guys with a gun get them.

K&S were documented leaving Port Alberni on July 12, while the gun robbery was reported on July 11, so they couldn't have done it themselves.

I do think they secured a weapon and ammo in Port Alberni or at least made arrangements prior to their departure. This whole stupid ploy seems pre-meditated in many respects and having firearms and a supply of ammo would be a critical part of this whole ploy. Securing them in would be easiest from the base where you live. And how much would this cost? They sure made those 5 months of Walmart wages go a long way.

I don't think it's credible that they would happenstance across firearms and ammo after they departed unless they had already made arrangements.
It was reported that Lucas and Chynna were pointing North, the vehicle that was seen by the witness at 11:30PM July 13 was pointing South. The suspect was described as having a beard, being a bit taller that 6'3" Lucas, dark hair and eyes. That sounds like one of the suspects. The composite sketch has big cheeks. Maybe that is the suspect's baby face.

They probably drove North after the July 14/15 murders. Their truck was burned 50km South at the bridge over the Istikine River. The botanist's body was found 2km South of the burning truck. If the camper was found closer to Dease Lake, then they were heading South.

This is one possible route, and it fits with the timeline especially if they drove through Whitehorse on the way to Dease Lake.

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@otto is this the original map that you made?

Also, I believe the witness stated the man talking to Lucas was shorter?
K&S were documented leaving Port Alberni on July 12, while the gun robbery was reported on July 11, so they couldn't have done it themselves.

I do think they secured a weapon and ammo in Port Alberni or at least made arrangements prior to their departure. This whole stupid ploy seems pre-meditated in many respects and having firearms and a supply of ammo would be a critical part of this whole ploy. Securing them in would be easiest from the base where you live. And how much would this cost? They sure made those 5 months of Walmart wages go a long way.

I don't think it's credible that they would happenstance across firearms and ammo after they departed unless they had already made arrangements.
With them working at Walmart and taking everything that's has happened into consideration, I think it's a possibility they could have been taking the ammo they needed if indeed that particular store sold ammo. If this was all planned out, taking ammo would be the least of their worries
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