Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #8

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What's the distance from Gilliam, etc.
I think this is unrelated to the search for the 2 men. Quote from article: ' RCMP said officers are in the area searching for suspects who fled from a vehicle believed to be stolen' and the article also mentions they are searching for a number of people. Plus Bruderheim is about 16 1/2 hours from York Landing in driving hours.
I agree they are not as trapped as it looks on a map. Its just not feasible to have a single line of humans close enough to each other to cover the entire distance to cut off the peninsula. What is more likely happening is they are positioning their resources at key select "crossing points" where they feel the suspects would emerge from the bush at certain logical crossing points or other features.

What does bother me a little bit is we havent yet heard that they had picked up their trail from the RAV4 to get to where they are last spotted at the dump. Since we know search dogs were used then I am kind of surprised we have not heard that they had picked up their trail and were maybe following them until that sighting at the dump happened.

I suppose they would not disclose that information either how close on their tail they were so maybe I shouldnt even be bothered by that because LE very well may have knew which route they took and they may have been close on their heels when the dump sighting was announced.
I hope that this time, since the dogs arrived pretty quickly and it was known quite precisely where the people sighted went, the dogs were able to pick up a fresher scent. I'm also curious, if they'd gone out to scavenge and left whatever stuff they have somewhere nearby in the woods, that'd be much more obvious to dogs and humans than just people walking through.
Maybe the fugitives have internet service but the RCMP radios don't work........!!!

lol right? highly doubt they're keeping tabs on social media or are in communication with anyone who is. still, not cool to post pics of LE when they've said not to. Don't need rubberneckers coming out of the woodwork and getting in the way.
I believe that is not confirmed.

As I recall, the chief said one of the individuals was wearing a grey sweatshirt and the other was wearing a camouflage “sweatshirt”. BS was previously recorded wearing a camo jacket, so I’ll give the chief poetic license in using the word “sweatshirt”

Actually cotton sweatshirts would be terrible to be wearing as they stay wet for a long time, and would be very cold at night when damp

Since they're no longer in Sask., I guess they're not wearing bunnyhugs.
Damn. That sort of thing does happen a lot, and I can’t fault this guy on account of he hadn’t been informed they were wanted.

He’s really lucky these two didn’t decide to shoot him, as he was unarmed.

I’m not sure if the cryptic way the RCMP handles press is beneficial or not. To clarify and not just be critical, even if it wasn’t public knowledge, wouldn’t it make sense to alert at least local gas stations in the area to be on the lookout for a Rav 4? The first victims were confirmed dead by gun violence and what if the second victim Mr. Dyck wasn’t? Wouldn’t that suggest there could be more possible suspects and that people should be aware, hence cautious?

Right up until this moment we still don’t know whether they are armed or not.

On late Mon July 15th Lucas and Chynna are discovered dead. The one thing most disturbing, is a witness who described her impression that Lucas appeared to be in an uncomfortable conversation with an unknown male by the side of the road. This man in no way matches Kam or Byrer. There is a composite sketch.

Four days later they find Leonard Dyck dead and the burning vehicle that was confirmed as driven by Kam and Byrer. At this point I would conclude that Kam and Byrer broke down and ambushed the next driver they could. Somewhere in all this press someone talks about one man jumping out in the roadway. (Fri July 19th)

I would suspect Mr. Dyck either stopped to assist or pick up a “lone” hitchhiker” and he was overpowered. Who knows, they haven’t said, he could have had a heart attack from the trauma and they haven’t shot anybody.

Since their vehicle couldn’t be moved it made sense to throw what they could in his vehicle and destroy any evidence of them in the vicinity. Although the vehicle couldn’t be totally destroyed, it did destroy their prints, scent (for tracking) and any personal items they had to leave behind.

When the burning vehicle was first found they issued a “missing persons” alert for the boys. (Fri July 19th) There was no mention or has there been as to Mr. Dyck’s vehicle but obviously he had one.

As best as I can piece together, it was the following Monday July 22nd when the officers spotted them at the gas isle inquiring about alcohol. Something had to hit those officers later, maybe they kept notes IDK but it would seem most officers (if not all) had to be alerted to the two missing teens and the missing Rav 4.

On Wed July 24th they are charged with the death of Mr. Dyck (after all they are in his car) and as possible suspects in Lucas and Chynna’s death (note suspects/not charged.)

As to Lucas and Chynna’s death, they may or may not be connected. One thing that bodes to their connection, is Mr. Dyck is dead and they appear to be involved with his death and in both cases the ID’s belonging to the victims were taken.
Interesting. It is about 17 hours by car from Gillam to Bruderheim. They are saying they are searching for suspects regarding a stolen vehicle. It is possible that it could be KM & BS if they did manage to get their hands on a stolen vehicle. But that is a big if.

A really big if because if we make a possible connection to every stolen vehicle report, our heads would be spinning. But other than times when the suspects are spotted, car thefts generally go unreported in the news.

  • According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, on average, a car is stolen every seven minutes in Canada.
Auto theft | Royal Canadian Mounted Police
After a thorough & exhaustive search, #rcmpmb has not been able to substantiate the tip in York Landing. RCMP resources will continue to be in the York Landing & Gillam areas.

We thank the community for their patience & understanding & ask them to continue to be vigilant.
Guess I was right
A really big if because if we make a possible connection to every stolen vehicle report published by the media, our heads would be spinning.

  • According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, on average, a car is stolen every seven minutes in Canada.
Auto theft | Royal Canadian Mounted Police
I really think it
A big NEGATIVE. The journalist is a waste of skin - this guy is a local band peace officer, NOT a federal agent with the RCMP.
Good grief!
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