Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #8

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I still believe the sighting, there would be no reason for them to lie. If they really saw two tall slender white guys in that area, one wearing camo... an area accessible by foot through multiple routes from Gillam, foraging the dump. It just all adds up and makes too much sense for it to be a coincidence IMO.

The Bear Clan people, who are not local, may just be mistaken. The big problems with this sighting are the clothing, given the weather, and what would be involved in walking to York Landing. The scenario screams out hypothermia. For whatever reason, no doubt based on interviews with these witnesses, analysis and the results of the search overnight and today, the RCMP appear to have lost confidence in this sighting being correct.
It may well be that RCMP are not divulging this, but it has concerned me that not even discarded rubbish from these blokes has been picked up, by human or dog .. wrappers, from MRE's, evidence of small fires, useless pieces of clothing.. , and let's say, they are , as Alan (the Dad ) claims , 'masters' at bushmanship, no one has picked up the remains of birds, or animals they are eating, chewed bones, smouldering cooking fires, even their waste product, .. it's as if they are passing over the land , hovering about 3 feet above ground, ingesting nothing, eliminating nothing, needing nothing, ..

And all this is Perfect, Spectacular health, no broken bones, no debilitating coughing, no gastro enteric problems, no minor accidents, ( a stubbed toe, a stick in the eye, a burn of the hand ) …

Baffling isn't it?? It does appear that they are leaving no trace.
I can easily imagine that somebody saw some shapes that they thought were the suspects, and got out of there as fast as they could. That's why more details would be very helpful. Did one person allegedly see them, or two? Was it a long sighting, or a glance? You'd be amazed at how people can mix things up.

Did the witness have a cell phone with a camera?
Interesting people dump their weapons before the checkstop, and these two specifically asked about the dry status of the community.

Yes reportedly the two asked the gas station attendant at the same Split Lake community where they could buy alcohol. I wonder if they were so naive as to think alcohol couldn’t be brought into the community, instead it had to be purchased there.
Renata D'Aliesio‏ @RenataDAliesio
I have just arrived back in Split Lake from spending the day in York Landing, where @meltait is staying the night. Residents say the police search was intense Sunday night. Many were too scared to sleep and kept their shotguns close.

5:38 PM - 29 Jul 2019 pst

Renata D'Aliesio‏ @RenataDAliesio
The search was intense again this morning, as police scoured the area by foot, vehicles, quads and boats. A drone, helicopter and the military's Hercules scanned from the sky. #YorkLanding #Canadamanhunt

5:41 PM - 29 Jul 2019 pst
So there is another suspect in the murder of the couple? RCMP receive tips on Texas murder suspect in connection with northern B.C. double homicide
This makes no sense. If KM and BM didn’t kill the couple than why burn their own truck only to kill LD for his car?

Old story though. Still that's extremely interesting. That guy is an actual proven murderer. Where is he? Is he still a "person of interest"? As for the truck burning and death of LD, it's possible, isn't it, that you the actions reversed. They pull into a rest stop where the professor is also stopped. They chat with the gentleman who tells them he's on a month long field trip. Anyway, with the unlicensed driver at the wheel, when pulling out they accidentally run over the professor. What to do? They hop in their car and head away but stop and think we're going to be in trouble. Have to get out of here. So they pull over, torch their vehicle, walk back to the rest stop and jump into the professors Rav 4 (which is filled with lots of great supplies) and take off. Bad decisions. Very bad ones. Then again, they're very young and on their own for the first time in their lives, we presume. Just a thought.
Yes reportedly the two asked the gas station attendant at the same Split Lake community where they could buy alcohol. I wonder if they were so naive as to think alcohol couldn’t be brought into the community, instead it had to be purchased there.

I am of the mindset that they asked questions about it being dry to confirm that’s why they were indeed stopped by constables. They were likely panicked and very suspicious so they wanted to validate and make sure they weren’t being looked for yet...
i think that's an old article...says that the original text was written on 7/23 and then they updated it to say the two teenagers are named persons of interests in the 3 deaths
Even though that report is from the 7/23 I think the fact that the RCMP addressed the issue of the missing fugitive from the US is impt. Early on the RCMP would make no comment on the missing fugitive from the US. It seems clear that alot of work has been done on the missing fugitive and they are attempting to track him. There is a small thread on the missing fugitive here on WS and make no mistake the crime he committed in TX was horrific IMO and he is a cold blooded killer.
I wonder if they hit Mr D with their vehicle.There was a large dent in the roof.They might have panicked when they found he had been killed.I’m still not definitely linking the two crimes together,especially with an unknown person seen by the van.

This is exactly where I think this all started. An accident. JMO
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