Found Deceased Canada - Mariam Makhniashvili, 17, Toronto, 14 Sept 2009 - #8

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Meant to add. I am impressed with Mariam's friend and friends. Lots of the adults seem nervous talking to Georgian or foreign media. Though maybe they are just very upset. I wish Dark Eyes would post here again.

Added info..
"He is being held in the Toronto (Don) Jail"

"Mr. Gajewski lives in an upstairs apartment in a house near Keele Street and was described by his landlord, James Morell, as a Jehovah's Witness and a polite loner who rarely had visitors.

“I feel sorry for him,” said Mr. Morell, who visited his tenant in jail on Tuesday.

“I'm so glad you came to see me, I've never been so low and blue in my whole life,” Mr. Morell recounted his tenant saying during the visit.

Mr. Gajewski constantly talked about the end of the world, Mr. Morell also said, adding that when he visited him in jail, Mr. Gajewski told him, “Jehovah is going to punish all these people who did me harm.”

After arresting Mr. Gajewski, police thoroughly searched his apartment, seizing his computer and disks, Mr. Morell said.

“They made a wreck of his room upstairs.”

"Reached at his north Toronto home, Mariam's father, Vakhtang Makhniashvili, said he spoke with a detective Wednesday morning and that she made no mention of Mr. Gajewski's arrest “I heard from the TV that somebody was doing something similar at some other school, a collegiate institute, I'm not sure which one, but this is the same person, probably"
Maybe publication ban was lifted?
" After hearing the evidence against Gajewski -- all of which was placed under a publication ban -- Justice of the Peace Milan Then ultimately decided he would remain in custody"

“Our efforts are engaged to the Georgian language translation video,” Constable Drummond said. “Our efforts are going towards appealing to those speaking the Georgian language.”

Don't remember this part either may have missed it.

I agree extremely interesting they would update at this point unlikely to have to do with the publication ban IMO. Could be something "official" could be someone with the newspaper with an interest in the case, wants it keep it open. But interesting.
Bumping this Antiquegirl on WS discussing post by Outcast. This is the closest thing we have to anything that COULD be an eyewitness account of the kidnapping of Mariam though of course it is probably something else - but it would be good to find out what kind of car, the time, and if the other girl was ever interviewed.

Originally Posted by outcast View Post

Does anyone remember that superintendant of one of the buildings on Shallmar, close to FHCI, told about some girls arguing with someone in the car on the street in front of his building, on that morning? I think he said it was in Russian language.
Found it:

"One witness has told police he saw two teens, one matching Mariam's description, arguing with a man in a parked car. He told reporters he saw one girl leave and another get in the car."

I don't remember ever hearing anything more about this. Presumably, LE checked it out.

ETA: Notice that this doesn't say where or when this was seen, who this witness was, what the car looked like, etc. A good reporter would have asked these questions and followed up on whether or not LE was on it.
Something rather obvious occurred to me the one way progress might be made in this case would be to go back to Langer/Fridman assuming they are the same person. I don't even know that LE even questioned or talked to him other than as a victim (?).

What I would want to know is: when he wrote to Mariam's family in Georgia he said he has been doing research into Mariam's disappearance and then asked about bail money whether VM had the cash for it. He then proceeded to show up and court and bail him out. Now...what kind of research had he been doing and why? Does it involve simply the info we have on the Scribe page quite interesting in itself or does it go further? What does he know? Was he really paying for this himself or did somebody put up the money? If so who and does he even know? His interest in the case does seem to lead towards an international angle in the case even a geopolitical angle in the case. This remains remarkable up to this day. Maybe he will talk to LE? Or speak in some other way about it?

If we add this up we are an awfully long way from the idea of the lonely teenage newcomer making a beeline for the Hoggs Hollow Bridge. Why did Langer NOT quickly find in his research that there was nothing particularly interesting or unusual about the disappearance and that it was the case of a runaway or a suicide. He must it seems to me have had considerable reason to think the case had an unusual angle o/w why spend his time and money? Why did he want VM in his home? Why did he want him out? We only have the odd excuse that he did not keep the discipline of the household a very strange phrase. His wife's excuse that whenever she sees a "bloodied bird" she is inclined to help it is obviously dissimulation. And now a really weird phrase. I think Langer said they didn't talk about Mariam's case he and VM? But I thought VM was obsessed so how could you not talk about it?

To brainstorm for a minute here. Is it possible that the Scribe page research AND the backpack placement by whoever is part of the plot/coverup to make people think that powerful borderline business/criminal interests from 20 years ago someone are relevant to Mariam's case? Or that Mariam was somehow taken by a more pernicious underground element relating to dating services? As you can see I am getting a bit skeptical about the value or purpose of the research into that building. Or is that Scribe page peripheral to the real research he was doing on Mariam's case? Baffling. If he knows nothing he knows nothing but it seems to me he might be the quickest route into knowledge we don't yet have. (And I am not argueing that the research into the building is not relevant it may well be if we can understand it somehow).
1. First of all has a Coroner's report been completed in the case? Is one imminent? Does anyone in media remember who Mariam was and is anyone still interested in the interesting ambiguities in the case? Even if not alive does Mariam still have "rights" or in Canada is it considered tolerable for someone to come as a teen to Canada for a few months and die in such strange circumstances? Should we just forget about it and buy the vague police theories? (The may be right but they obviously may not be. Are we worried it cost too much already? Really?

2. Why did Mariam's father have to make a public plea to not be tortured but rather be given humane treatment? That one fell on deaf ears as well. I realize he made things difficult for himself with his own acts. But I am concerned as to whether he was tormented into a temporary madness and violence through harrasment. Why wasn't he allowed to change his plea and why did he want to change it? The "outbursts" mentioned in media seemed to be his attempt to change his plea and file his complaint about his treatment. Usually the problem in prisons is that people can't get any help even if the judge commands it. Why would Vahktang be treated by a forensic doctor well known in dangerous offender hearings? His complaint that they were trying to break down his mind is very interesting. Maybe it was delusional. But maybe it wasn't. I suspect it wasn't. Even if some kind of external problems followed them to Canada do we not have to ask how it is that some foreign influence can so easily penetrate into the lives of people living peacefully here? And such a promising new Canadian??

3. I wish we could get just some glimmer of something from authorities about Mariam's case. Because if nothing is going to be done and a human being (Mariam) is just going to be forgotten and the case swept aside then I think something needs to be done outside of the formal investigative channels. Now for all I know someone is doing research into this still but I don't know have no way of knowing.
Old posts from thread 7 in the days after remains discovered but before they were ID as Mariam's. Many interesting points which I will try to comment on at some point or someone else might care to

# 245 from thread seven sleuther DD "We do not know if these remains are intact but it seems to me that if animals had scattered them, the clothes wouldn't necessarily be with the remains and they are".

# 248 "I'm still not clear on how far under the overpass the remains were found. If it was more than a few feet underneath, it would rule out a suicide (jumper)"

# 253 "There is a little arrow sign on the bridge in The National picture I posted above, indicating to "cross" this way. Sure does seem like the bridge was in use for something"

# 254 "Even though my husband and I have not played Don Valley recently, I would strongly suspect that there are foxes and coyotes roaming that valley area. We have them in many of our city ravines and parks. I wouldn't be surprised if there are deer as well. We have seen them on other golf courses

# 257 I'm wondering that, had a body been there for all these years, would the stench of decomposition not been detected by either golfers or passers by during that time? Mariam went missing in early September, so there should have been plenty of good weather left in which to golf or stroll. It's hard to know yet if the remains were originally buried or left out in the open.

Can a vehicle even access that spot easily? That would be necessary if the body was dumped there by a second party. So would a shovel if it was buried. To do so during daylight would be pretty risky, I imagine. Doing it in the dark - difficult and also risky.

So strange!. . .

# 259 "A police spokeswoman said officers did not know the gender of the remains but a source revealed that they had found a pair of thong underwear at the site. A second police source confirmed the finding."

Somehow, I just don't see Mariam as the "thong type", but who knows? It would definitely suggest that the remains are female, though.

I have a feeling that these are not Mariam's remains but I could be so wrong. They seemed to have a description of the clothes Mariam was wearing on the day she disappeared and as far as we know her mother hasn't been summoned to look at them. Then again I realize that even if the clothes turned out to be Mariam's the coroner still must carry out a full forensic examination. I guess there is always the sickening possibility that a perpetrator held her for a time and gave her other clothing to wear.

# 260 I cannot imagine MM wearing a thong, but my teens tell me all the girls wear them these days. Of course this may not be MM at all, or worse- maybe the uid was forced to wear a certain type of clothing.
1. On one thread someone named a URL that Mariam used. I have been trying rather desperately to find that again if anyone knows which thread or post it is. I believe it was European maybe German based (??? sorry if this is incorrect but that is the point trying to find it)

This it the question I really need answered but also:

2. Is it correct the remains were found on Tuesday and her mother was informed on Thursday morning?

3. Did her mother ever get to see the clothes including the thong underwear mentioned by the TO officer?

4. Crucially where on Mariam's remains did they take the DNA from???

5. Have asked this one before: how did the DNA results come back so fast just over a week when at first they said it would take several weeks due to the advanced state of decomposition?

6. The link is now broken but why was there a sign on the bridge saying cross this way? For cars breaking down? Construction workers?

7. On the Golfnuts site several felt she must have been dropped from the bridge at a later date.
Please note especially the last post where poster D. notes that it is an interesting bit of "foreshadowing" that Doucette wrote his article about missing people just before the discovery of the remains. I had been thinking that Doucette with his connections knew about the find by the "hikers" but unless I am mistaken that article was in the morning Sun on the 27th of February the day before the hikers or whatever they were found the remains. So back to D's point about the interesting foreshadowing.

"I have a feeling that these are not Mariam's remains but I could be so wrong. They seemed to have a description of the clothes Mariam was wearing on the day she disappeared and as far as we know her mother hasn't been summoned to look at them. Then again I realize that even if the clothes turned out to be Mariam's the coroner still must carry out a full forensic examination. I guess there is always the sickening possibility that a perpetrator held her for a time and gave her other clothing to wear". (263)

"The golf course is closed in the winter, when it becomes a popular spot to walk dogs. Tim Clark, out with his English cocker spaniel, first noticed the police presence on Wednesday. He wondered whether the remains could belong to someone who slept under the highway. "Because, why hasn't it been discovered by all the animals, the foxes?" he said".

"I have never seen anything suspicious in this park at all," said Michael Sexton, taking his husky and Labrador for a stroll. His thoughts turned to Tabidze as she awaits word. "I just think about my three daughters," he said."
Thanks (266)

And Barry said that although the clothes Mariam was wearing when she went missing were “somewhat unremarkable,” it’s believed there are some similarities with the clothes of the deceased person found Tuesday near Yonge St. And Hwy. 401. (278

Well I did find it interesting that this was in the news seemingly out of the blue shortly before any info about remains being found. So I considered it at the time to possibly being a bit of foreshadowing....

"Missing tales sometimes have tragic ends (279)

By Chris Doucette,Toronto Sun
TORONTO - In big cities like Toronto, people go missing every day. Usually they are found safe and sound, but sometimes they are found dead and occasionally they are never found at all"
"WEYBRIDGE, ENGLAND/LONDON - A Russian businessman helping Swiss prosecutors uncover a powerful fraud syndicate has died in unexplained circumstances near his mansion in Britain, in a chilling twist to a Russian mafia scandal that has strained Moscow’s ties with the West".
"Martin O'Carrigan says he has nothing to hide.

That's why he didn't think twice when officers showed up at his door Monday asking to search his apartment for clues in the case of a missing Toronto teen. He even opened up his closet door for the two detectives to get a closer look.

"They were just doing their jobs," said O'Carrigan, adding he had no qualms about letting the "very personable" detectives search his apartment, in the same building where the family of 18-year-old Mariam Makhniashvili lives.

In what police are calling an unprecedented move, they have assigned 60 detective constables from squads such as fraud, sex crimes and homicide to canvass about 6,000 homes in the midtown area where Mariam lived and went to school.

While O'Carrigan responded to a list of questions about whether he saw Mariam or anything suspicious around the time of her disappearance on Sept. 14, the officers listened attentively. They took note of what he said and how he said it.

"If you've got nothing to hide, just answer the questions. Someone in the building must know something, some lead, some tip, something that will help," said O'Carrigan" From the Toronto Star

The things that are odd about this case are almost limitless here is another via the Toronto Star. 20 Shallmar where Mariam lived, the search is described here. The article makes it seem like they are searching apartments but unless I am mistaken this informant either slightly disguised or with a spelling mistake in his name is the partner of someone who has as commercial establishment a talent/casting agency and this would thus be their business not their apartment. In any case he gives a very good description of the search and certainly everything he says is commendable. LE and media never focused on the fact there were businesses in the buildings on Shallmar. It is important because no disrespect intended to anyone who has a business there but a business of course means the possibility of many more visitors than an apartment might expect.

So the person speaking in this article is I think an actor add an i within the first name (thus a Celtic name) to get who I think it is. I wonder if they wrote about the case elsewhere because if you search the actor's name with google images you get Mariam's picture (the one with hair pulled back light blue shirt arms folded right beside the actor's....) there are a few other pictures of her and relating to the case if you search through the jumble - I realize google images is pretty ineffective though it often brings things together in interesting ways than might be useful to researchers.

Now since the name is spelled wrong in the paper I am wondering how google images picked it up to match the two items. Perhaps he gave another interview where his name was spelled correctly I would like to see it if so because he makes some very astute points and describes the way the officers questioned him meticulously - the search method of course became very controversial, the invading of homes etc.

I have noticed that names of witnesses and observers are often mispelled in this case is this typical out of politeness to the witness? See for example Sally Slater or Salter spelled both ways in articles who said she saw Mariam at Yonge and Eglinton. Many instances of this and I have broached the question before of whether the people giving interviews are actually residents. Because I believe in some cases they are not.

Why? To what end? Just casual or sloppy reporting?

Also of note is that O'Carrigan believed that evidence could be found within the building in some form, a tip at least.
This is an old article that I'm not sure has been posted here.

A sad end to the mystery of Mariam Makhniashvili's disappearance
From Saturday's Globe and Mail (Includes correction)

Published Friday, Mar. 09 2012, 10:48 AM EST

Last updated Thursday, Sep. 06 2012, 1:08 PM EDT

Investigators said she was alone when she died and that there was no sign of foul play. She left behind no note and there was nothing to say exactly what had brought her to the precipice.

“In retrospect, you could see that, as an introvert, as a bookworm who kept to herself. One could assume it was a result of isolation and depression,” said Detective Sergeant Dan Nealon, who led the probe into her disappearance. “But at this point, it’s speculative.”

At Forest Hill Collegiate Institute, where Ms. Makhniashvili was a student for four days, flags flew at half-mast. Peruvian immigrant Paloma Samaniego, a Grade 12 student, befriended Giorgi in ESL and science classes. She remembered the isolation of being a teenager in a new place with a language barrier, and the case touched a nerve with her. Things were definitely amiss with her friend, she said.

“I know … how a person acts when you have problems at home and the actions that George had were like a person who really had problems,” the 18-year-old said.
Full article:
1. On one thread someone named a URL that Mariam used. I have been trying rather desperately to find that again if anyone knows which thread or post it is. I believe it was European maybe German based (??? sorry if this is incorrect but that is the point trying to find it)

This it the question I really need answered but also:

2. Is it correct the remains were found on Tuesday and her mother was informed on Thursday morning?

3. Did her mother ever get to see the clothes including the thong underwear mentioned by the TO officer?

4. Crucially where on Mariam's remains did they take the DNA from???

5. Have asked this one before: how did the DNA results come back so fast just over a week when at first they said it would take several weeks due to the advanced state of decomposition?

6. The link is now broken but why was there a sign on the bridge saying cross this way? For cars breaking down? Construction workers?

7. On the Golfnuts site several felt she must have been dropped from the bridge at a later date.

BBM: #6 - I posted that picture. The sign was quite small, looked like it was for pedestrians, notably the golfers. Definitely not a construction sign.

ETA: Here is the sign. Posted on the bridge. Small, white, with a little arrow:

I haven't really been following this thread since Mariam was found, but, I just wanted to say that I never really thought she committed suicide, and the reason is a much because of the location she chose to go to, along with other things. Just doesn't make sense. 2 cents
This is an old article that I'm not sure has been posted here.

A sad end to the mystery of Mariam Makhniashvili's disappearance
From Saturday's Globe and Mail (Includes correction)

Published Friday, Mar. 09 2012, 10:48 AM EST

Last updated Thursday, Sep. 06 2012, 1:08 PM EDT

Full article:

From the quote you posted above, they say she was alone. How do they know that? How can they know that?
"A month after police confirmed they had found Mariam Makhniashvili’s remains at the bottom of a 401 overpass, one of the best potential clues into how she ended up there has evaporated.

Shortly after finding the missing teenager’s remains, police said they would attempt to retrieve Ministry of Transportation video footage from the relevant section of the 401.
But as Staff Inspector Greg McLane discovered, the retention period on that footage is six months, so any record of the time Mariam disappeared in Sept. 2009 is gone.

“As a result, we’re unable to cultivate any evidence or information [from the MTO cameras] that would assist us… We’re going to continue looking into other things,” Staff Insp. McLane said"
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