Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #1

DNA Solves
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Col's Brother speaks...wonder why the split caused a rift and was it something he blamed his mother for...*snipped with respect*
That's what I got the feeling of, especially if he chose to take his stepfathers name when he was younger. Sexual sadists/murderers often have a lot of deep seated hatred/anger towards their mothers too, do they not?
Russ Williams on suicide watch

Col. Russell Williams was acting as though he was a prisoner of war when he was first processed at the Quinte Detention Centre. He would only give authorities his name, rank and serial number.

He is acting crazier by the minute. They need to get his DNA then they can turn their backs on his suicide watch. Typical loser feeling sorry for himself .
Col's Brother speaks...wonder why the split caused a rift and was it something he blamed his mother for...there is much biographical info at this link...

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Meanwhile, Random House Canada has already announced the fall release of a book on Col. Williams.

Wow! While I was expecting at least one book and TV movie about this case, I sure didn't think it would be in the works so soon.

Another thing that I'm wondering about: This article states that he graduated from U of T in 1987. That would make him 24 years old. This would indicate either a Masters Degree or he lost a year somewhere.

Williams is already in Wikipedia for his crimes:
That's what I was wondering!

Not on your life! No reputable publisher like Random House would touch her with a ten foot pole. My bet would be a newspaper journalist, but I suppose it could be almost anyone - except DH.

Russ Williams on suicide watch

Col. Russell Williams was acting as though he was a prisoner of war when he was first processed at the Quinte Detention Centre. He would only give authorities his name, rank and serial number.

He is acting crazier by the minute. They need to get his DNA then they can turn their backs on his suicide watch. Typical loser feeling sorry for himself .


I'm thinking that there is confusion about his DNA. It's almost certain that the military would already have a sample and have possibly already given it to the O.P.P. However, they're not allowed to enter it into the national data base until he's convicted of the crimes. But if he pleaded "not guilty" and went to trial, DNA would be crucial evidence before a guilty verdict could be reached. So, this just doesn't make sense and I hope someone clears it up. I suspect this might be another example of media error.

While we have all been busy for the past two weeks with this case and in particular dissecting RW since Monday, it occurred to me tonight as a mother how the families of Jessica and Marie-France must be feeling this week. As relieved as they must be that the perp has been found and arrested, I'm sure they don't give a tinker's damn about what a high position he held in the military, what his childhood was like, where he went to school, or who is writing a book about him. I'm thinking that they are grieving their beautiful girls beyond imagination and Jessica's family is sadly preparing for her upcoming funeral. I'm betting that they wish the case weren't so high profile and getting so much publicity. If it were one of my daughters (heavens forbid!), I would be curled up in a corner somewhere, not caring about the news ... not caring about anything except wishing I could set the clock back. My heart breaks for them all.

Now that I got that off my chest, I guess we should get back to sleuthing.

I'm thinking that there is confusion about his DNA. It's almost certain that the military would already have a sample and have possibly already given it to the O.P.P. However, they're not allowed to enter it into the national data base until he's convicted of the crimes. But if he pleaded "not guilty" and went to trial, DNA would be crucial evidence before a guilty verdict could be reached. So, this just doesn't make sense and I hope someone clears it up. I suspect this might be another example of media error.


Toronto defence lawyer and legal analyst Steven Skurka said police can get a search warrant to get the DNA for individual cases as long as they have some justification.
“I’ve certainly experienced a case where they get the DNA before as well,” Skurka said. “It’s not the case that you’d have to wait.”
There is some new information here that I haven't seen before. I'm sorry if this link has been posted previously, but it's time-stamped 11:32 p.m. February 11th.

  • Col. Russell Williams gave a statement to police in which he allegedly directed investigators to where they could find evidence, including hidden keepsakes, inside his Westboro home.

  • Williams, who is being held at the Quinte Detention Centre near Napanee ...

  • Police wouldn’t say what, if anything, was found in Williams’ home in Westboro as they streamed out empty-handed Thursday evening.

  • It allowed a brief glimpse into an ordinary garage containing cardboard boxes, a white fridge, a bicycle and recycling bins.

  • Since her husband turned himself in to police on Sunday, Harriman — who had no knowledge about the colonel’s alleged secret life — has been staying elsewhere.

  • Police detectives first visited the Edison Avenue home earlier this week, but not to search it for evidence. Instead, they were there to retrieve some of Harriman’s personal belongings and purse.

  • He moved to Canada from Britain as a child, with his father, David Williams, mother Christine and younger brother Harvey.

I underlined pertinent facts that were new to me.
Williams and Paul Bernardo were friends

This just gets more strange as the story progresses

Police sources confirm the two were college "pals" who "partied" together and that their relationship is the subject of intense scrutiny by the joint forces team probing the murders of Cpl. Marie-France Comeau and Jessica Lloyd.

While speculative, police are even looking into the possibility Bernardo and Williams may have "competed against each other." The police source would not elaborate on what that meant.
A few inspectors could be seen coming and going, but most of the team remained inside until they departed en masse shortly before 7 p.m.

Since her husband turned himself in to police on Sunday, Harriman — who had no knowledge about the colonel’s alleged secret life — has been staying elsewhere.

Investigators said they were to continue their search today. Det. Sgt. Brian Mason said police had seven days to complete the search of Williams’ home, but he declined to comment further.

A woman who has lived in the other half of the duplex since 1964 — and remembers the family — said Thursday that Russell Williams was a fair, intelligent boy whom her son would occasionally baby sit.

“He (Russell) used to talk to me over the back fence,” she said, speaking only on condition of anonymity. “One thing he said, ‘Huvvy’ — as he called his brother Harvey — ‘he spent a penny in the flowers,’ which is an English expression for urinating in the flowers.

“But he was really a bright kid. At that point he didn’t look like his dad, but he does now,” she said.

David Williams — a former metallurgist at AECL — and Christine Williams — who holds a degree in physiotherapy and practiced in the community at the time — were active members of the Deep River Yacht & Tennis Club, where he sailed racing boats and she played tennis.

Lloyd went missing Jan. 28, after texting a friend that she'd arrived safe at her Belleville home. Police found her body after arresting Williams. An autopsy on Lloyd's body was completed Wednesday, but police would not release the cause of death.

First time I read of this; haven't seen this mentioned in any other news, though there is so much to read, I might have missed it. Thought LE didn't want to divulge the content of Jessica's text :confused:

(paragraph 4, starting at the bottom)
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