GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #5

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A microphone has just been set up in the prisoner's box. We wonder if this means #ColRW will choose to address the court today. [via Twitter]

Nobodyzgirl posted this same notice. We must have hit the submit button about the same time. Thanks, and sorry, nobodyzgirl.

No problem, it happens all the time. I'm sure people are curious to see whether or not he makes a statement - I know I for one am curious to see if he makes a statement.
a little off topic but my house is starting to gather dust balls..:innocent:
R v Williams - Day 4

The sentencing hearing of Colonel Russell Williams enters what is expected to be its final day, today.
Despite the many surprises and shock revelations in the proceedings, the end has never been in doubt; Williams' plea of guilty to two counts of first-degree murder, means Justice Robert Scott has no option but to sentence him to life imprisonment with no chance of parole for 25 years.
Today is expected to go like this: Crown Attorney Lee Burgess will offer his final submission on the overwhelming evidence against Williams; defence attorney Michael Edelson will the make submissions on his client; and just before sentencing, Williams will then be given an opportunity to address court.
Indications are that Williams WILL make a statement, although even he might not know for certain, given the enormity of the circumstances and his state of mind.
After anything he might say, Justice Scott will pass sentence for his two murder, two sexual assault, two forcible confinements, and 82 fetish burglaries, Williams will be handcuffed and led away and may never be seen in public again.
Yesterday, Williams actually cried in the prisoner's box as he watched and listened to the video of his interrogation by police in which he confessed.
As a spectator noted, his tears did not come when his cruel attacks on his victims were detailed, but rather when he was reminded of the turmoil HE felt when he was finally caught.
There is much relief being expressed at the courthouse -- by police, media, victims and members of the public -- that this particularly disturbing hearing is drawing to a close.
Court is scheduled to start at 10 a.m.

Read more:
Det.-Sgt. Smyth then starts to move to the heart of the matter. He asks him if he watches CSI, the fictional TV series on how science is used to solve crimes.

“I prefer Law and Order but I do watch CSI occasionally,” he says.

“What would you be willing to give me today to help me move past you in this investigation,” Det.-Sgt. Smyth asks. At this point, Williams looks like he is suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. But he doesn’t break his cover.

“What do you need?

“Well, do you want to supply things like fingerprints, blood samples, things like that?”


“Um footwear impressions?”


“I think that’s what we’re going to ask you to do.”

Williams starts to offer his first hesitation.

“Can I assume you’re going to be discreet … cause it’s tough to undo the rumour mill once it gets started.”

He gives his swab for DNA analysis, and hands over the boots he is wearing. He says there is no reason for any of his DNA to have been found in any of the homes of the women.

It is when he is asked what type of tires he has on his car that Williams for the first time looks notably concerned.

BBM: WTH? He must honestly think they have nothing on him, for him to agree to this. Cocky.

Law and Order. Very clever. One of his victims had been watching Law and Order when he attacked her.
I was thinking the same Flip, no remorse, no empathy towards the victims nor their families. He cannot believe what is happening to HIM.

In that interview he only worries about how his wife is feeling about her 'dream house' being ripped apart, but he doesn't worry about:

- how his wife is feeling about what he has done?
- his wife finding out that he likes wearing women underwear?
- how his wife will feel about him raping those women?
- his wife finding out his interest in other women (photographing and such)
- her finding out he murdered Marie and Jessica?

Just about the house? :banghead: Cannot even call it "home" because they had been living there for 1-1/2 months (from Dec. 17, 2009 to Feb. 7th, 2010).

And then we find out that so far she has only worried about the floors being scratched? Unbelievable!

Didn't they say he had moved in three days before?
About the victim surcharge: it is $100 per count, so that means RW will owe $8,800 to a fund for victims of crime.
10:09 smithjoanna: Crown: "He transformed this community because he betrayed this community and he betrayed the military..."

10:10 smithjoanna: Crown: No doubt he laughed at us as he lived his life as a leader by day and the life of a sadistic killer by night.
She was chosen (but it doesn't say by whom) IIRC, RW was studying French in Gatineau for the first 6 months in 2009, and became the Commander July 15th, 2009.

As we recall, RW worked for a time in the personnel end of things at DND HQ. He could have accessed personal files long before he became base commander at CFB Trenton.

From reading at MFC FB site, I believe MFC had taken time off from the military at some point, during which time she became a flight attendant?
10:12 smithjoanna: Crown contrasting secret life of serial killer with public life of base commander, linking dates of crimes with prestigious events.

10:13 smithjoanna: Crown on the father of Marie-France Comeau: "She was his ray of sunshine, pretty and very much in love with life."
The Comeau family, and other victim impact statements were entered into evidence, but will not be read.

The CBC is reporting that police told them that Mary Elizabeth Harriman was ruled out as a suspect very eary in the investigation, that she is paralyzed by the whole thing, and that there is not one person in the courtroom in his support.

He's alone again, just like he was in the old days in high school, and university.
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