GUILTY Canada - Noelle Paquette, 27, Sarnia, Ont, 31 Dec 2012 - #1

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Thank-you for posting that picture. Wow. Can the locals indicate the snowfall dates and amounts lately? I, personally, do not believe in psychic ability, but, I'll tell you one thing - whoever took those pictures is a hero to me.
Is there a presser? LE said today at noon there would be an update
We do get 19 and 20 year older crossing to come to our bars and. Clubs.

This could be very, very significant. And especially since it was NYE, there may have been more people who crossed over to party than usual. I'm sure Border Patrol is reviewing each and every entrance closely if they do not have a local suspect in mind.

I'm with Bravo; until there is more word from LE as to the nature and circumstances of this investigation, it is difficult to comment at time. Anxiously awaiting a presser.
I hear ya Margarita. Busting at the seams here wanting to discuss. Not that i have anything more than the little we do know. Canadian Cases are sometimes a bit harder to follow. LE is on their own timeline. Lets hope for swift and harsh Justice for whomever this young lady is :rose:
While we're waiting, I'll tell you a personal story which reminds me of this case.

One time I "accidentally" got left behind at 2 am at an event. My phone battery was dead, there were no stores open that late at night to use the phone, there was nobody else around to give me a ride, and I had no choice but to try to walk home alone (about ten miles of open road).

Well, a creepy man was tailing me in his car, following slowly alongside me, saying scary things and kept circling around. I was literally running and hiding in ditches and behind trees trying to shake him. I was able to lose him.

The point of the story is that there are plenty of predators out there who will try to take advantage of the opportunity of someone walking alone. I'm wondering if this is what happened to Noelle (or if she was offered a ride by someone who seemed ok, so she accepted, and unfortunately was met with her demise).
Picture I saw showed footprints going to ditch, a large imprint and footprints going back. It did have an orange glow which was from the flash.

I wish I remembered that name of the person/psychic who posted the pic.

Her brother states on his FB status that he will ensure whoever did this to her will be brought to justice. From that post seems like there was an attack or something.

Your description fits the pic I saw yesterday on the main event page on Noelle's FB search site, which is now down.

From what I recall in the discussion, people thought it was too far away from the area Noelle went missing, but encouraged her to send the tip into the police. It was many hours after this, maybe even in double figures before it was announced Noelle had been found and the search was called off. The pic was taken in the dark, so that will provide a window as to when it was taken.
Media and LE are releasing very little iinformation, but thats the story of how they found a body near Mandaumin Rd.

As for the 'medium' stuff?
The girl that took the pic announced today that she had spiritual guidance and that she was indeed a medium and this was what led her to the spot. She maintains she did not see anything gory, only the disturbance in the snow at the side of the road.

To be fair, if that had been me noticing that disturbance, I don't think I would have carried on any further following the markings in the snow either.
This could be very, very significant. And especially since it was NYE, there may have been more people who crossed over to party than usual. I'm sure Border Patrol is reviewing each and every entrance closely if they do not have a local suspect in mind.

Well in all honesty, any Americans would be heading the opposite direction to the bridge after the bars close. But I guess anything is possible.

Also, the location where the body is found is on a rural road but it's not an isolated side road, it is actually quite busy during the day for people in that area. My point being, whoever is the perpetrator didn't put much thought into this location. It would seem to me like a panicked attempt to get rid of the body and not a real thought out attempt to hide the body , obviously look how quickly she (assuming Noelle) was found.

So it is quite possible that someone didn't know the area too well.
I guess I could pose one thought. No matter who this poor girl is. I think it very risky for somebody to be trolling around looking for a somebody to Victimize. It was N.Y's Eve and after the bars and parties are winding up. RIDE Programs would and could be anywhere. Just a hunch but i think this could be personal and the Victim was driven to the site after the fact. Somebody who knew the roads. Somebody sober enough to be driving around??? Just some random thoughts.
I guess I could pose one thought. No matter who this poor girl is. I think it very risky for somebody to be trolling around looking for a somebody to Victimize. It was N.Y's Eve and after the bars and parties are winding up. RIDE Programs would and could be anywhere. Just a hunch but i think this could be personal and the Victim was driven to the site after the fact. Somebody who knew the roads. Somebody sober enough to be driving around??? Just some random thoughts.

You are right. At that time of night after NY's Eve there would be lots of traffic on the road she was heading towards. There would be a lot of cabs and others driving from Sarnia to Corunna. It would seem to me that someone would see something and almost certainly that a cab driver would have drove by her at some point and noticed her. (I think every cab driver in the city should be interviewed). You are also right with the RIDE programs, it would be very risky for someone to be looking for someone to victimize at that time.
Picture I saw showed footprints going to ditch, a large imprint and footprints going back. It did have an orange glow which was from the flash.

I wish I remembered that name of the person/psychic who posted the pic.

Her brother states on his FB status that he will ensure whoever did this to her will be brought to justice. From that post seems like there was an attack or something.

the girl that took the picture also stated how she had walked in , out, and through what im guessing is a crime scene :( so they will first have to figure out what prints are hers and what prints are her boyfriends and go from there..
It seems by some social media comments, fwiw, that there is an assumption of "more than one" perpetrator here. Since we don't even have official verification that the body is even Noelle, though, it seems certain at this point, obviously this should be taken with a grain of salt.
I saw this pic and it gave me the chills on first sight.

The pic was taken and forwarded to the Police by a 22 year old local Petrolia girl who is claiming her psychic powers led her to the area. I'm finding this a wee bit hard to swallow right now :moo:

Me too. I live in this area. I know these roads. I just am having a really hard time with that story.
Thank-you for posting that picture. Wow. Can the locals indicate the snowfall dates and amounts lately? I, personally, do not believe in psychic ability, but, I'll tell you one thing - whoever took those pictures is a hero to me.

We had a large snowfall on Boxing Day. About 10-12". Nothing of note since then. It was near 0 degrees a few days ago and the snow may have melted or compacted a bit at that time. Then we had a freeze again.
Me too. I live in this area. I know these roads. I just am having a really hard time with that story.

I don't believe in psychic abilities at all and have a hard time believing this as well. But considering a lot of people were aware of this women's disappearance and this girl who posted the picture lives in the Petrolia area, it is quite possible that this person was just being alert and noticed the tracks when she was driving. For that she should be commended.

But to come out after and say she is psychic is a bit over the top, IMO.
Hope they were able to get tire treads too. That alone put former Col. Williams on LE's radar.
Well in all honesty, any Americans would be heading the opposite direction to the bridge after the bars close. But I guess anything is possible.

Also, the location where the body is found is on a rural road but it's not an isolated side road, it is actually quite busy during the day for people in that area. My point being, whoever is the perpetrator didn't put much thought into this location. It would seem to me like a panicked attempt to get rid of the body and not a real thought out attempt to hide the body , obviously look how quickly she (assuming Noelle) was found.

So it is quite possible that someone didn't know the area too well.

I see this a little different. There are essential 2 main ways to get from Sarnia to Courtright. One is down Vidal/River Rd which is the direct route that Noelle would have taken, on foot, that night. The other is to head down Wellington to Indian Rd, then hop on Plank Rd out to the county.....Plank Rd ends at Mandaumin Rd in the vicinity of where she was found.

My thought is, someone she knew picked her up near where she started walking, on the premise of driving her home. They took the Plank Rd route to avoid the RIDE programs which more often then not are on River Rd in the area of Corunna or the Aamjiwnaang Reserve. Then, something happened in the car....and this person/people panicked and dumped her where they did.
Not a believer in Psychic abilities either. I dont think if i was from small town Petrolia i would want it out there. Especially when there is a body involved :what: IMO
It seems by some social media comments, fwiw, that there is an assumption of "more than one" perpetrator here. Since we don't even have official verification that the body is even Noelle, though, it seems certain at this point, obviously this should be taken with a grain of salt.

That wouldn't surprise me one bit....a group of snotslingin drunk perverted guys, teenagers or otherwise on New Year's Eve, hootin n hollerin at a young attractive lady walking alone, looking for trouble after the bars close. It infuriates me just thinking about this possibilty, as pretty much every possibility does.

For the record, (this is not currently relative to this case at this time since we absolutely no information yet), but I will say, it just seems like more and more teenagers / young people are accused of violent crimes these days. And the fact that it was New Year's Eve makes this possibility more likely in my opinion because I find that the older one gets, the less they want to go out on NYE. (Of course there are exceptions to this, just saying...)
Going on what little we do know. My guess would be this crime was in the heat of a moment. Not only for reasons I posted above but ya never know where those RIDE checkpoints are going to be. I have seen them in the most out of the way places. Trying to catch those driving "the back way home". And they do pick up and move locations.
I see this a little different. There are essential 2 main ways to get from Sarnia to Courtright. One is down Vidal/River Rd which is the direct route that Noelle would have taken, on foot, that night. The other is to head down Wellington to Indian Rd, then hop on Plank Rd out to the county.....Plank Rd ends at Mandaumin Rd in the vicinity of where she was found.

My thought is, someone she knew picked her up near where she started walking, on the premise of driving her home. They took the Plank Rd route to avoid the RIDE programs which more often then not are on River Rd in the area of Corunna or the Aamjiwnaang Reserve. Then, something happened in the car....and this person/people panicked and dumped her where they did.

That is certainly a plausible scenario.
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