CANADA - shooter in RCMP vehicle & uniform, 22 killed (plus perp), Portapique, NS, 18 April 2020 #2

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This may clear it up

Reporter: What can you tell us about the first woman that was assaulted?

Spokeswoman: Are you talking about his girlfriend?

Reporter: yes Can you clarify what the nature of their relationship was were they still together, so that we have a little more information on that

Spokeswoman after conferring with Spokesman: They were neighbors


Thank you, answers lead to more questions.
I didn’t notice any confusion, unless I missed something. A question was asked about the girlfriend and he replied to it, using the term “common-law” wife. For a girlfriend to be considered common-law wouldn’t the two be living together? It also indicates their relationship was beyond that of dating.
Possibly they were separated and she'd move in with a neighbour. That's a dangerous time for domestic violence.
There aren’t many viable explanations for the shooter’s escape from the Portapique neighborhood given the timeline. Police arrived on the scene at 10:26 to encounter a wounded man with a gunshot wound. The injured man said he had been shot on Portapique Beach Rd., the only road into and out of the neighborhood. The shooter’s only way out of the neighborhood within the timeline given at the PC today was to double back, heading north on Portapique Beach Rd. But he probably saw an RCMP cruiser with its lights on at the entrance to the neighborhood, likely getting information from the wounded victim and the woman traveling with the wounded victim. Knowing he had to escape or risk being caught, he likely turned right on Orchard Beach Dr. and continued straight (at the point where the road made a sharp turn to the right) through the field that would lead to Brown Loop and onto Highway headed east. Supt. Campbell said in today’s presser that a neighbor spotted the shooter’s car driving through a field. There are three homes at that location that could have potentially been able to spot the shooter’s imitation cruiser, 75 and 61 Portapique Beach Rd., and 71 Orchard Beach Dr. The other alternative would be for the shooter to have tried escaping by heading south down Portapique Beach Rd., then turning left on to Faris Lane. But Faris Lane is a dead end, and it appears there is no back trail or field in that part of Portapique. Anyway, it is very unlikely he could have escaped via that route in 9 minutes.

I agree, the possible route was Orchard Beach Drive through a field to connect directly to Brown Loop, then exiting on hwy 2 heading west. If so, any police vehicles entering via Portapique Beach Rd intersection would be avoided. If Bible Hill was the detachment officers were first dispatched from, that’s toward the east and Portapique Beach Rd would be the first access into the community.
Hello everyone. I’m new to this site. First time posting but have followed both threads.

I live about 3 hrs away but have had many relatives that live or have lived in the Truro area. One of which is an RCMP member neighbouring these scenes. I just want to say we are all deeply saddened by this all. All our love to the families directly affected by this horrendous weekend.

I didn’t want to post anything until more information was fleshed out. I think I have found some facts that have yet to be covered on these two threads.

An interview with Sergeant Lilly who took Lisa McCullys children to safety.
In aftermath of Nova Scotia shootings, RCMP officer wishes he could’ve done more

These photos are taken from Bay Shore Road. From across the Portapique River. Looking over to the lower end of Portapique Beach Road. #293 has been burnt down.



There was confirmation by a family member of who’s place that is but since it was not from a Media source, I feel I should leave that detail out.

I have a theory of the escape field used, but I will post that in a separate post. Thank you.
Possibly they were separated and she'd move in with a neighbour. That's a dangerous time for domestic violence.

Yes it sure is a dangerous time. The different media versions involving this relationship, it’s hard to know what the true version is as police aren’t forthcoming with all the facts. Story #1 the ex and her boyfriend, the first to be murdered. Story #2, going to a party together, coming home and he becomes violent, tying her up or using handcuffs, she hides.

One thing I do wonder about, how did she know he was wearing an RCMP and “in possession” of the 4th police cruiser when she called 911 and emerged early that Sunday morning? Had the two communicated via cellphone?

“After the woman somehow escaped and emerged from hiding at daybreak on Sunday, she called 911 and informed investigators that Wortman “was in possession of a fully marked and equipped replica RCMP vehicle and was wearing an RCMP uniform,” Campbell said...”
N.S. mass murderer’s uniform, cruiser let him kill at will. He looked like one of us, RCMP say
yes probably all of us
Unfortunately with the fake police incidents lately (several in Ontario), we all have to be on our guard. If I get pulled over, I'll try to get to a populated area and call 911 to verify of it's a real cop.
Crazy huh? I would *never* have questioned (in my head) being pulled over by a cruiser with lights, thinking it might NOT be a real police officer. Now................ no idea what I might do, or not, if pulled over.
I’m so confused by the update release. Half of the victims died from house fires and not gunshots? If everyone was already deceased when the first responders arrived and the shooter fled right after, the surviver who was shot driving was the last victim to get shot by the killer? Why wouldn’t they just confirm with him if the killer was driver s police car or white Taurus to determine if the killer was there or fled the area? Why did it take over 2 hrs to rescue the 4 children survivors from the home after they called 911 when he had already killed and lit every other house around them on fire. The killer could have been hiding in the same house as the kids for all anyone knew. It took 4 hrs to rescue the other surviver from the nearby woods too, and the gf was never found hiding in the woods nearby either after searching for 9 hours . Sounds like the nearby backroads werent checked where the killer was parked for almost 7 hours either . How did the shooter then drive out past the road blocks and helicopters ect at 5:30 am. I wish they would have said what time they received the first 911 call that evening, and the girlfriends. They still haven’t mentioned how they identified the shooter the first night either.
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From an bird’s eye view it looks as though a car could drive into that large field from the Cobequid Court. That field does have a trail by the tree line on the western side. The trail travels straight onto highway 2/Goosecap Trail.

If that were the path GW followed, he would have driven behind at least 5 residents situated on Portapique Cresent.

Not sure if these things are being looked into or even relavant but there is a shooting range in Debert on the Plains Road.

As per today’s (04/28/20) PC we now know he was in the industrial area of Debert overnight until shortly before 6am... just a point of interest there is a self storage facility just east of the industrial park by 12 mins. Again, not sure if there would be any connection or not.
Yes it sure is a dangerous time. The different media versions involving this relationship, it’s hard to know what the true version is as police aren’t forthcoming with all the facts. Story #1 the ex and her boyfriend, the first to be murdered. Story #2, going to a party together, coming home and he becomes violent, tying her up or using handcuffs, she hides.

N.S. mass murderer’s uniform, cruiser let him kill at will. He looked like one of us, RCMP say

Could it be that the original assertion, that he killed his ex and her bf first, was correct? What if the woman he tied up and left to die in the fire was his ex, hence, living in a nearby home, with her new bf, who was shot and killed or burned in another house? So maybe all the above: she was his ex, with a new bf, all at the same party, and then she, by then only his neighbour, went to his place to talk about the argument they had at said party - all are true? Maybe the original source assumed she was dead in the fire because that source didn't know she made it out?
After he spent the night in Deibert (probably sleeping?), it appears that he drove to Wentworth, and was there for three hours. Doing what?
The Supt indicated they thought he had killed the people in the home 3 hrs before he set fire to it. He would have needed to hide his car, I think. Then, goulishly, eat something, possibly shower, and I bet, look at the news coverage.
Could it be that the original assertion, that he killed his ex and her bf first, was correct? What if the woman he tied up and left to die in the fire was his ex, hence, living in a nearby home, with her new bf, who was shot and killed or burned in another house? So maybe all the above: she was his ex, with a new bf, all at the same party, and then she, by then only his neighbour, went to his place to talk about the argument they had at said party - all are true? Maybe the original source assumed she was dead in the fire because that source didn't know she made it out?

Sure, indeed that could be so. But if she’d already separated from him and moved on, I can’t think of a reason for her to hide in the woods after heavy police presence arrived, particularly if she had access to a cellphone. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll learn more in due course.
After he spent the night in Deibert (probably sleeping?), it appears that he drove to Wentworth, and was there for three hours. Doing what?

Pure speculation, but shower? change of clothes? possibly laundry if he got something on his uniform. Oh and maybe he raided the fridge for breakfast. Then a quick look around for some more ammo and guns. Maybe a bag to carry it in to put in the car. All this, of course, after he shot the homeowners and their neighbour and probably their dog.

He looked cool and deliberate in that small video clip where he got out of the fake cruiser to carefully take off his jacket and put on that vest.

Cold and calculating.

Sure, indeed that could be so. But if she’d already separated from him and moved on, I can’t think of a reason for her to hide in the woods after heavy police presence arrived, particularly if she had access to a cellphone. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll learn more in due course.

Maybe she didn't have access to her cell while she was in the trees? If an ex beat the living crap out of me, tied me up and left me to die in a burning house, I'd be shell shocked and wouldn't come out of hiding for hours either.
This might be unanswerable at this time but........if he went and killed the couple early Sunday morning and a few hours later set fire to the house, would it not have been smarter to take one of their cars, hide his there and not set fire? He could have got a huge head start on a "getaway" at that point. The fact that he set fire to the house and stayed with his uniform and car, would suggest his "business" was not yet done. How much of what unfolded was planned and how much circumstance I guess we will never know. However, it suggests to me that he knew he would not get away.
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