Found Deceased Canada - Terry, 27, & Hailey Blanchette, 2, Blairmore, AB, 14 Sept 2015 #1

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Re: the indignity charge. My uncle told me what he heard it was, but I dunno. Makes no sense to me. Then again, none of this does.

Why couldn't this guy have got eaten by a bear on the way to do his crime? There have been bears in Blairmore lately. Or got hit by a semi? Or a train? Or just done himself in instead? Or just not have been a psycho who would do something like this in the first place?

I feel awful for ALL the families involved, including the accused's. What a nightmare.
Re: the indignity charge. My uncle told me what he heard it was, but I dunno. Makes no sense to me. Then again, none of this does.

Why couldn't this guy have got eaten by a bear on the way to do his crime? There have been bears in Blairmore lately. Or got hit by a semi? Or a train? Or just done himself in instead? Or just not have been a psycho who would do something like this in the first place?

I feel awful for ALL the families involved, including the accused's. What a nightmare.

My instincts tell me he was trying to play "hero" and was a go between. I hope a lot of peoples' cell phones and computers are/were seized as I believe that will give the answer to why Hailey and her father were murdered. Personally I don't think it was drugs as some speculate. Sorry if I'm being evasive but that's all I can say on my theory. No knowledge, just speculation. MOO.
You are assuming that if someone doesn't know what high school their significant other went to...that means they don't know ANYTHING about each other? Riiiight.

I do not see where, in my post, I ever said such a thing.

Perhaps the assumptions are yours?
But if he was trying to play "hero," why kill a little baby?
This video with the Mom. Anyone else find it kinda interesting?

She says in the interview that she last spoke with TB on Sept 9th and it was during that phone call that they discussed when she'd be coming to pick up Hailey. I thought it was reported that TB was supposed to have returned Hailey to Mom in Edmonton this past Sunday?

Why is it being reported in MSM that Mom had been in a relationship with perp DS if she explains she hadn't seen him for "years", then specified it was 3 years, and she claimed they'd never had a physical relationship, had only been good friends way back then?

I agree, the reporting by MSM is maddening. I went back over this thread and clicked on many MSM links and the contradictory reporting is enough to make one's head spin.

No wonder there is so much heel-nipping between posters. We are all trying to piece this thing together based on shoddy reporting.
These murders were done on a very personal level for DS. In the video Insp. Tony Hamori announced DS was being charged with first degree murder of TB and first degree murder of HDB PLUS INDIGNITY TO A HUMAN BODY FOR HDB. What came to mind when I heard this is that DS has something personal against someone related to Hailey. I assume it wasn't TB he had the personal vendetta against as DS murdered him first, therefore he would not have been able to know that Hailey was also murdered and TS would not suffer the trauma and anguish DS intended on the person(s) he really has issues with. He wants the living victim to suffer with the anguish of knowing what he did to his murder victims, especially HDB. What may have happened was DS tried to abduct/take HDB and Terry put up a fight to keep his precious daughter and to protect her from being taken but instead he paid with his own life. That's the gut feeling I'm getting from this statement about indignity to a human body charge. I guess whatever indignity the did to little HDB was obvious when she was found. If she had been sexually assaulted, DS would have also had those charges applied. They very well could be applied after an autopsy.

CD had said she was making arrangements to pick HDB up from Terry. Last time she spoke to Terry was the 9th... I have to wonder how her and Terry worked it out before when they handed Hailey off to one another?? I believe the truth will all come out shortly and I have speculation which I will hold off on for now. MOO.

Poor sweet child I pray you did not suffer. RIP beautiful, innocent, child. So disturbing and heartbreaking. Why the innocent children? ALL MOO.

I, too, am curious about that "indignity" charge. I was under the assumption that like in the US, it could stem from many actions, some more sinister than others. I believe here in the US, moving a body after death or "dumping" (I am so sorry, Hailey) a body can result in "abuse of a corpse" charges.

I hope LE can clear this up for us, but they may choose to stay mum.
Unfortunately, I do not believe we will receive any more information unless someone else is arrested; if there is anyone else involved. We won't know anything until trial and once again, it will take years before this case is brought to fruition.

One more point for those non Canadians that are following this thread, don't be surprised if DS pleads not guilty. Very rarely, if ever, even after spilling the beans, does one plead guilty in Canada. We go through the motions, give them their day in court, because for some unknown reason we choose to give the "bad guy" all the opportunity in the world to save their sorry asses. Makes me sick. We do more to protect the guilty party's rights than that of the victim. I'm not sure how we got to this point but we did.
The officer said that the murderer and the male victim were acquaintances. Mother said she had no relationship with the murderer, they were just friends a few years ago, nothing more. This likely started over a drug dispute rather than unrequited love. Only mom and dad, family and friends would know the child was still with dad, so I do not think she was the target but rather collateral damage that we see all too often. There is no reason to think that the baby recognized a friend of her mother's from over 3 years ago, before she was born, and would be able to tell on him. There was no plan here, it was a stupid dispute over something stupid.
But if he was trying to play "hero," why kill a little baby?

Perhaps for easier disposal/hiding, out of anger thinking he was set up possibly? Drugs? By which I mean DS could have been using them at the time and had an influence from them. MOO.
Unfortunately, I do not believe we will receive any more information unless someone else is arrested; if there is anyone else involved. We won't know anything until trial and once again, it will take years before this case is brought to fruition.

One more point for those non Canadians that are following this thread, don't be surprised if DS pleads not guilty. Very rarely, if ever, even after spilling the beans, does one plead guilty in Canada. We go through the motions, give them their day in court, because for some unknown reason we choose to give the "bad guy" all the opportunity in the world to save their sorry asses. Makes me sick. We do more to protect the guilty party's rights than that of the victim. I'm not sure how we got to this point but we did.

The officer said that the murderer and the male victim were acquaintances. Mother said she had no relationship with the murderer, they were just friends a few years ago, nothing more. This likely started over a drug dispute rather than unrequited love. Only mom and dad, family and friends would know the child was still with dad, so I do not think she was the target but rather collateral damage that we see all too often. There is no reason to think that the baby recognized a friend of her mother's from over 3 years ago, before she was born, and would be able to tell on him. There was no plan here, it was a stupid dispute over something stupid.

Totally agree with your theory. At first, I thought of a love triangle gone bad but after mom's interview, I no longer believe that to be the case. Like you, I believe this was drug related. JMO
Unfortunately, I do not believe we will receive any more information unless someone else is arrested; if there is anyone else involved. We won't know anything until trial and once again, it will take years before this case is brought to fruition.

One more point for those non Canadians that are following this thread, don't be surprised if DS pleads not guilty. Very rarely, if ever, even after spilling the beans, does one plead guilty in Canada. We go through the motions, give them their day in court, because for some unknown reason we choose to give the "bad guy" all the opportunity in the world to save their sorry asses. Makes me sick. We do more to protect the guilty party's rights than that of the victim. I'm not sure how we got to this point but we did.

Sad but true. And the media will drop this case like a hot potato until we get closer to the trial (eg jury selection, etc). We won't hear anything else until then. So we sit and wait. Maybe 3 years like Victoria Stafford's trial.
I haven't been able to get past the picture of this beautiful, happy child in the very first post. I keep thinking about the fact that someone who loved this child has to go to that apartment and do something with the Hello Kitty bicycle helmet and that little bicycle....and, for them, that is just the beginning. Her mother looks so young and vulnerable. I feel for everyone touched by this tragedy, including DS' family.

I have cried when my kitties have been put to sleep; however, I lost a child many years ago at age 3 and found my mum had passed away in her sleep just a few weeks ago. I am grieving, but I haven't cried. I'm still in the busy mode..banking, attorney, notifying people, I'm really good at that! Then I don't have to deal with reality! At least, not at that moment. My heart just hurts for these poor families who are now on a road that no one can imagine in their wildest nightmares.

RIP beautiful Haleigh...I find some comfort in knowing that she is with her loving father.
I haven't been able to get past the picture of this beautiful, happy child in the very first post. I keep thinking about the fact that someone who loved this child has to go to that apartment and do something with the Hello Kitty bicycle helmet and that little bicycle....and, for them, that is just the beginning. Her mother looks so young and vulnerable. I feel for everyone touched by this tragedy, including DS' family.

I have cried when my kitties have been put to sleep; however, I lost a child many years ago at age 3 and found my mum had passed away in her sleep just a few weeks ago. I am grieving, but I haven't cried. I'm still in the busy mode..banking, attorney, notifying people, I'm really good at that! Then I don't have to deal with reality! At least, not at that moment. My heart just hurts for these poor families who are now on a road that no one can imagine in their wildest nightmares.

RIP beautiful Haleigh...I find some comfort in knowing that she is with her loving father.

So sorry for your loss
I think that the reason that Terry may not have been right next to CD during the whole pregnancy is because he was spending time in Alberta's finest, I think he could have been in jail for his criminal charges that have been reported.

All that I have seen of this young man since his daughter came into the world is to be commended, he stepped up, Hailey changed his life for the better. In every picture that you see of Hailey she is clean, happy, and a confident looking little girl, pictures with Hailey and Terry together she looks so at ease with him.

I keep thinking about the relative finding Terry, the whole timing. CD contacts Terry on the 9th to say that she is moving, could he keep Hailey a few extra days, the relative comes into play because it's grandpa who used to help take care of Hailey when Terry worked, he came to get or stay with Hailey because Terry has to go to work the next day. I don't find it odd at all about the exchange of Hailey between CD and Terry, the exchange probably took place every other Sunday afternoon

I think that the police have enough evidence that DS went to Terry's with the intent to kill him, that's why we have the 1st degree murder charge.

DS really didn't have to kill little Hailey, even if she saw him, she is only 2 years old she would not have been a good witness.

I keep thinking of the different motives DS could have had, drug deal gone bad, it is possible, in this case I would think that Hailey would have been left alone. DS obsessed with CD, wants to eliminate any connection to her past. DS is a sexual predator and was after Hailey. It's not just a random killing, DS didn't just pick Terry and Hailey's house, he knew who lived there, he went to their house with intent

With Blairmore being such a small area, even if DS and Terry didn't hang out together, they would still probably hear stories of one another's lives from other's that they each knew, the same goes for CD's life.
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