Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #2 **ARREST**

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I just wanted to add that the truck didnt show up there until Wednesday night (? Sorry I am tired) anyway that's enough time no doubt for him to try and reVIN it. Thus te police having to get a warrant for forensics to go in and dust and such as without those warrants is inadmissible in court.
But LE found the owner of that first truck by searching the cell phone records of the guy that called Tim. And the 2 guys had the same description... 1st truck guy just added the tattoo detail.

Really? I'm not trying to be a jerk here but can you show me an LE quote that the first truck seller was found by examining cellphone records? Because it seems to me the cellphone was found after the guy told cops about the ambition tattoo. I am under the impression the first truck seller contacted police with his info after he heard about the circumstances surrounding TB's disapperance.
Yes. This case piqued my interest and is the only reason I signed up to comment after reading the entire backlog... yesterday I was onboard with LE. Today I'm not as much because of the second search warrant to look at the truck in the trailer. Why would LE not have been able to ID the truck the first time they searched it???

They did ID the truck, but they can't OFFICIALLY say they have found it until the warrant is issued.
The only thing that links DM to that cellphone is that it was used in Etobicoke. Circumstantial at best. Unless it has finger prints on it we haven't heard about.

Unless the phone in question was found in the possession of DM... which is very probable. Although, since police did say they were able to locate every number that phone dialed out to, well.. he may have dumped that phone. The thing with phones, the imei number is always stored, so police do know where phone was purchased, ever stolen... and how it was purchased... so the imei of the phone, will be damning enough, if he kept the phone that is.
The big brown track is, but under the plane looks like straw or dirt.

Sorry I see that now, maybe for dirt bikes, quads ? I don't think it's a runway though. may just be the way the farmer has been working that part of the land? Crop circle ?
Really? I'm not trying to be a jerk here but can you show me an LE quote that the first truck seller was found by examining cellphone records? Because it seems to me the cellphone was found after the guy told cops about the ambition tattoo. I am under the impression the first truck seller contacted police with his info after he heard about the circumstances surrounding TB's disapperance.

I am confident the previous seller that was unharmed was found after Tim's Cellphone was located. Either way, police would of known who called Tim even before they founded it though pulling the records.
Why would LE not have been able to ID the truck the first time they searched it???


From what I understand, they just cannot 'officially' state that it is Tim's truck until they have the proper warrant in place - I think they absolutely know it's the his truck, they are just have no obligation to the public to make the announcement right away, just to satisfy our curiosity.

IMO, LE are dotting their 'i's and crossing their 't's and I'm glad of it! I do not want DM to get off on some technicality!

Really? I'm not trying to be a jerk here but can you show me an LE quote that the first truck seller was found by examining cellphone records? Because it seems to me the cellphone was found after the guy told cops about the ambition tattoo. I am under the impression the first truck seller contacted police with his info after he heard about the circumstances surrounding TB's disapperance.

No, LE linked his phone number to the phone that was used to call TB. LE contacted HIM, not the other way around. Check the previous press conferences.
Was he? I'll have to look further into that. As I recall LE found the cellphone but it wasn't stated it was in DM's possession was it?

we only hear a small fraction of what info LE has.
I'm starting to have second thoughts on this whole investigation. Millard's lawyer says his client claims he has nothing to do with this situation and has no financial motive for being involved. Reports yesterday said LE had found TB's truck but today they're saying LE is looking to obtain another search warrant to the trailer they supposedly found the truck in, in order to "make sure it's the truck we're looking for". Everyone was praising LE when they made an arrest but this is starting to sound like keystone cops... I'm wondering if the first guy who saw the 'ambition' tattoo on one of the two guys who looked at buying his truck happened to see Millard and a friend, but that the two guys who took TB's truck were two entirely different people than Millard and his friend, who we know looked at the first truck! I'm really starting to doubt LE is on the ball here...

.... the cell records tie DM to both trucks, this will be high profile case, police must juggle speed of finding TB with dotting i's and crossing t's for prosecution.
Unless the phone in question was found in the possession of DM... which is very probable. Although, since police did say they were able to locate every number that phone dialed out to, well.. he may have dumped that phone. The thing with phones, the imei number is always stored, so police do know where phone was purchased, ever stolen... and how it was purchased... so the imei of the phone, will be damning enough, if he kept the phone that is.

I read it was purchased with a false ID 3 months ago. No way to realistically point it at DM or whomever unless it was frequently used in a location near their houses.
Seems to me the only reason DM would'nt be cooperating with police is if he, like that copycat 'Dexter' killer in Edmonton, think's he's smarter than LE and thinks he will get away with it if he clams up. Otherwise he'd already be trying to cut deals.... So either he didn't do it at all, or he's pretty confident he is going to get way with what he did do....
Seems to me the only reason DM would'nt be cooperating with police is if he, like that copycat 'Dexter' killer in Edmonton, think's he's smarter than LE and thinks he will get away with it if he clams up. Otherwise he'd already be trying to cut deals.... So either he didn't do it at all, or he's pretty confident he is going to get way with what he did do....

Could still change his mind before standing in front of the judge tomorrow

I am confident the previous seller that was unharmed was found after Tim's Cellphone was located. Either way, police would of known who called Tim even before they founded it though pulling the records.

I thought the first seller "came forward with information" because they seemed to obtain that lead VERY quickly, if e didn't come forward I don't think it would of came out that fast IMO
Yes. This case piqued my interest and is the only reason I signed up to comment after reading the entire backlog... yesterday I was onboard with LE. Today I'm not as much because of the second search warrant to look at the truck in the trailer. Why would LE not have been able to ID the truck the first time they searched it???

Personally I believe LE knows more than what we're told. We must remember whatever they find now need to be submittable in court therefore they must follow legal protocols. Imagine LE discovered blood or other evidences that tied suspect(s) to the case but they had to be thrown out simply because of a procedure error?

Remember the double murder case of Barry Boenke and Susan Trudel? The whole case got thrown out because the Mr. Big sting? The biggest insult was that RCMP said they wouldn't be looking for other suspects for that murder. If they didn't believe the teen was responsible to the murders why wouldn't they look for other suspects? IMHO they knew who did it but there is nothing they could do due to some stupid procedures.
Was he? I'll have to look further into that. As I recall LE found the cellphone but it wasn't stated it was in DM's possession was it?

Well, yes and no. I believe the story was, police retrieved TB's cellphone, looked up the number that called him, found the number belonging to the suspect and retrieved the data associated with it (call/text history). Turns out that that number had called a man the day before about similar truck, they met up and took it for a test drive, same circumstances. The owner of the first truck described the man as having the word "ambition" tattooed on his wrist.

that's how it went right, or am i forgetting something? So much information has been flying past over the past few days.
Since we're into speculating. All I can think of since watching a preview of a "Grand Theft Auto" video one of the people had on their FB page was a ring of bratty rich screwed up young adults in a ring playing a real live game. One of the shots on the video was throwing someone out of a helicopter. Hmm.
Really? I'm not trying to be a jerk here but can you show me an LE quote that the first truck seller was found by examining cellphone records? Because it seems to me the cellphone was found after the guy told cops about the ambition tattoo. I am under the impression the first truck seller contacted police with his info after he heard about the circumstances surrounding TB's disapperance.

I'm not talking about Tim's cell phone. I'm talking about DM's cell phone.

LE got the number of the cell that phoned Tim's house. They checked the records of that cell phone and started calling the recent numbers it had called. One of those numbers was the guy in Toronto who said they test drove his truck the day before.

and NO, I'm not going to look for the link lol
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