Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #5 **ARREST**

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Bosma slaying probe will take time, forensics expert warns

“When you get an investigation of this magnitude where there are several different jurisdictions involved as well as several different locations … each one has to be treated as its own individual crime scene, which is quite involved,” Bryan said.

A police source told CBC News that investigators believe Bosma may have been killed as the result of an attempted carjacking.

The same police source said that Bosma's truck was found with seats missing. A spokesperson for Hamilton police wouldn't comment on this information.

Bryan said in his experience with homicide cases, seats or even whole interiors are sometimes removed to dispose of evidence.

“I've seen homicide investigations where the entire car was gutted if it was used for the commission of the offence,” he said. “But without yet knowing the motive, it's hard to say.”
QUESTION: so the first guy with the black truck that the perps went to far along did that all go?....did the guy actually go for a test drive with them?......did he get suspicious and tell them to get lost?.....did they look at his truck and tell him they would keep looking? far into the 'test drive' process did it all go?
And the only thing those ruthless people got wrong in the impersonation was the placement of the ambition tattoo. It wasn’t on his wrist where one would wear a watch.

IMO DM is guilty but let entertain this for a minute!
The 1st potential victim told police about the tattoo, I also think he said that the suspect driving was wearing a t-shirt for this test drive, a long sleeve shirt for TB's. The 1st test drive said that he couldn't remember if the tattoo was on the left or right wrist. As it turns out he has them on both. IMO he would have noticed if there were tats on both. Raised this to hubby and he says maybe a watch was worn, but tat looks to high to be covered by watch IMO. Possible DM got another one upon hearing that the tat on "either" wrist was mentioned so he got a second?? Not likely IMO which leaves what??
I think placing some fault on the victim isn't really helpful here. Being close to this community, most men I have spoken to, thought they would have done the same thing TB did. Remembering also, this is a rural community that is closely connected and assuming that others intend harm is just not the first thought.

I do hope it makes everyone think about their own safety differently in these circumstances as a result of this. 9pm is not that late. It is after people's children are in bed, work is done, a lot of people have down time and I am sure the property was fairly well lit or they could go to a more well lit area if lighting was a concern.
I am not sure we should be questioning the wisdom behind TB's decision making. And I am convinced without doubt that TB had no questionable involvement in all of this and that he did what most men in his circumstance would have done.

I'm not placing blame, merely stating facts that in this day and age even a man can't be too careful when dealing with strangers off of online classifieds and one should never put themselves into a position where they're vulnerable. I'm not blaming TB at all, he surely did not deserve to be abducted and killed.....but he did take some chances and I hope that others learn from it.

True but that adds in more factors: a missing person AND their missing vehicle. I don't know....he is a thrill seeker, true. This is pretty extreme and involved so many risks with Tim's wife seeing them and the fact they went to his home.

Which leads me to this: How did DM contact Tim about the truck in the first place? I'm reading that the kijjiji add had no contact info at all. Why have the add in the first place if no one can contact about the item for sale? Was it through autotrader or an actual sign on the truck? I'm so confused about the part.

I swear when this first all started and they showed the ad on the local news, that the ad had a "click here to show phone number" button on it.... Of course I can't find it now ... found it Bosma had included his cell phone number in the ad, so clipped from middle of story found here Why is kijiji changing their story ? ? ? I KNOW I saw the phone number before the ad was removed.

It seems to me ..... the request for $$ in the obit (not really needed if we believe his lawyer's description of financial wellbeing )) underscores his ''love of the thrill of the chase'' or just being a punk....((morally bankrupt)) MOO
What if this whole thing is some sick and twisted ''game'' like a scavenger hunt or a dare ya that just kept escalating. They had tried it before

I deal alot with funerals, agree this was the weirdest obit I have seen. However requests for donations is not uncommon. Especially in the case of a suicide. JMO
The guy from Etob. that was the first test driver. He commented I believe, not only on the fact that the person who came to his home had an ambition tattoo, I believe it was said he commented that the person had a few tattoos but that is the one he could remember... the ambition on his wrist, also remembering that it had a box around it. The video of DM on the boat doesn't show a lot of tattoos. There is one of wording on his right side but that would of been covered by his shirt. There is one visible on his inner left arm but other than that I don't see anymore that would of been visible. I wouldn't describe him as of having "lots of tattoos."

What if DM didn't even really know the person he showed up to the houses with. <modsnip> sorry this was so long

A lot of pics/vids are over a year old, he may have added more tats recently. See post 524 section# 2, looks like the box around the ambition tat was added Sept 2012. Also had Desert Baja Racing tat on left arm, and the tat on inner right forearm is about a 6 or 7 " long from elbow to almost wrist.
This case is so crazy, anything's possible. My theory is, maybe DM didn't actually murder TB, he's was involved for sure, but did he kill TB?

I think what happened was that TB was transferred, alive to the other vehicle once they reached that remote street in Brantford, it was on the way to hanger and farm. DM took the truck to the hanger and stashed it in the trailer, while the other suspects took TB to the farm where they did the dirty work.

Once the heat was on to find DM, the accomplices dumped the truck on the mother's property, perhaps to peg most of the blame on DM, and like someone elsewhere here mentioned, to make it be known they know where she lives, to stop DM from spilling the beans. Maybe the seats were removed to trick LE into believing TB was killed in the truck (with DM present)?

I'm not trying to defend DM at all, it just seems so unlikely that somebody would be so careless as to leave such blatantly obvious and condemning clues.

Could the second vehicle be Dellen's ride? Could they have stopped in Brantford after Dellen had test driven the truck and said it was a good truck (thats if Dellen was test driver)?? Did Dellen get into the other vehicle leaving two people with Tim ( being that other people were ones who wanted the truck or Tim?) Did Dellen leave them there and go off with his gf or other friend? Did the remaining two then refuse to take Tim back home and took him and his truck to be hidden (truck) or disposed of in the case of Tim?

Was this all planned by the other be rid of Dellen ? or Tim ? or both ?
I think placing some fault on the victim isn't really helpful here. Being close to this community, most men I have spoken to, thought they would have done the same thing TB did. Remembering also, this is a rural community that is closely connected and assuming that others intend harm is just not the first thought.

I do hope it makes everyone think about their own safety differently in these circumstances as a result of this. 9pm is not that late. It is after people's children are in bed, work is done, a lot of people have down time and I am sure the property was fairly well lit or they could go to a more well lit area if lighting was a concern.
I am not sure we should be questioning the wisdom behind TB's decision making. And I am convinced without doubt that TB had no questionable involvement in all of this and that he did what most men in his circumstance would have done.

First off, this is my first post and I want to commend all the sleuths here for an amazing job. I've learned quite a bit in the last few days and have followed each and every post! I live in Saskatchewan and have been glued to information about Tim since the beginning. Heartbreaking that he was killed...I was furious yesterday.

Anyhow, I can see why Tim had no issues responding to the interest by the two suspects. I have sold many items, cars included on kijiji and have never thought twice about my life being in danger. You are so caught up in the moment off "Oh great...someone wants my car, I sure hope they take it!" and you instantly want to be nice and accomodate them so that you get the sale! I sold my truck last week off of Kijiji to two men BUT, i didn't go along for the test drive. I've always sent the potential buyers alone, having said that, they were older and had they been in their 20's, I may have gone along to "supervise" and make sure they weren't bringing my car for a joy ride.

Tim can't be blamed, 9pm wouldn't be too late for me as I have 3 kids and it would have been the perfect time as all 3 would have been in bed.
QUESTION: so the first guy with the black truck that the perps went to far along did that all go?....did the guy actually go for a test drive with them?......did he get suspicious and tell them to get lost?.....did they look at his truck and tell him they would keep looking? far into the 'test drive' process did it all go?
there have not been many details given about this from LE. We have been told;

- 2 guys met him in an industrial area May 5 in the early afternoon
- the 2 guys walked there
- 1 guy had the Ambition tattoo
- all 3 went for a test drive, apparently DM driving, seller in front passenger seat, other suspect in back
- it was said by LE that the seller was suspicious because the 2 walked there

how long the drive was
what lead the end of test drive
what the reason for them not buying truck was

Apparent info, unconfirmed;
That truck had a GPS and that is why the suspects didn't want it.
Yes and no on the investigation. If the man was sick or diagnosed with something terminal, there's no reason to think he wouldn't take his own life. So it could've been and open and shut case.

There could well have been a suicide note...explaining all !!!
I'm not placing blame, merely stating facts that in this day and age even a man can't be too careful when dealing with strangers off of online classifieds and one should never put themselves into a position where they're vulnerable. I'm not blaming TB at all, he surely did not deserve to be abducted and killed.....but he did take some chances and I hope that others learn from it.

If you were suspicious or felt leary about it, would you go, or confront them with your vulnerable wife and child nearby. I know what I'd do...
I swear when this first all started and they showed the ad on the local news, that the ad had a "click here to show phone number" button on it.... Of course I can't find it now ... found it Bosma had included his cell phone number in the ad, so clipped from middle of story found here Why is kijiji changing their story ? ? ? I KNOW I saw the phone number before the ad was removed.

I deal alot with funerals, agree this was the weirdest obit I have seen. However requests for donations is not uncommon. Especially in the case of a suicide. JMO

As for the request for donations, a few of us were sleuthing this all the other night. The fund mentioned in the Obit of WM that people could make donations to, was it even a real valid fund....was the fund even created in honor of a real person? When you Google that fund nothing comes of it, and the person it was apparently created in honor of, her Obit seemed very strange as well and there were questions as to whether she even really ever existed, her Obit was worded very strangely too (and was linked to Millards); in that one as well, people could make a donation to the animal welfare fund created in her honor/memory - and the executor of that fund was Millard. Made me wonder if it was a legit fund or just a shady way of DM making some money.
Bosma slaying probe will take time, forensics expert warns

“When you get an investigation of this magnitude where there are several different jurisdictions involved as well as several different locations … each one has to be treated as its own individual crime scene, which is quite involved,” Bryan said.

A police source told CBC News that investigators believe Bosma may have been killed as the result of an attempted carjacking.

The same police source said that Bosma's truck was found with seats missing. A spokesperson for Hamilton police wouldn't comment on this information.

Bryan said in his experience with homicide cases, seats or even whole interiors are sometimes removed to dispose of evidence.

“I've seen homicide investigations where the entire car was gutted if it was used for the commission of the offence,” he said. “But without yet knowing the motive, it's hard to say.”

BBM: I think we will hear of unknown remains soon...
Is it possible that...

DM was told to or wanted to kidnap / kill (shudder) Tim. He is told or finds out himself that Tim is selling his truck.

DM and his crew decide to get in touch with Tim through his "truck for sale" ad, in DM's mind, this would indicate he is a complete stranger to Tim (maybe he is directly) So that is the route DM takes, but when they search for Dodge Ram for sale online, they find multiple listings... They call the first one, meet the guy, realize it's not Tim and go on to the next... Now they arrive at Tim's and they know it's him. So they go about their original horrifying plan.


My other terrible gut feeling tells me, that although I don't believe Tim was knowingly involved in anything shady, he possibly knew on May 6 when he saw DM, that he knew who he was and that is why he went with two strangers who arrived on foot to test drive his truck, in the middle of the country when it's dark at night.

It is strange to me that someone would go off with two strangers after dark to "test drive" a truck

Your reasoning could be correct.
I also wonder if he went with them because they made a threat against him or his family
I know this is far-fetched, but re the theory about DM being framed and the truck possibly not being the real target -- was the first truck seller the person who provided the tattoo clue which helped lead to the arrest? If you believe the possibility that someone was trying to frame DM and also that the motive was a truck theft, then couldn't that person be one of the people involved? I don't believe this at all, but Was just thinking how his experience with the two suspects is what seems to prove the target was the truck.
Established facts as revealed by the police:

1. No connection or link between murderer and victim, other than the actual incident.

2. Tim was killed and disposed of, but the accused kept the truck, which was found on his property, in a trailer owned by the accused.

3. According to the latest police sources, echoing what was initially revealed by the police, the truck was targeted in a thrill-seeking plot.

If everyone would keep these facts in order, we can stay focused on the proper direction to sleuth in. Especially, bear in mind point # 1. Otherwise, it's all just wild speculation.
As for the request for donations, a few of us were sleuthing this all the other night. The fund mentioned in the Obit of WM that people could make donations to, was it even a real valid fund....was the fund even created in honor of a real person? When you Google that fund nothing comes of it, and the person it was apparently created in honor of, her Obit seemed very strange as well and there were questions as to whether she even really ever existed, her Obit was worded very strangely too (and was linked to Millards); in that one as well, people could make a donation to the animal welfare fund created in her honor/memory - and the executor of that fund was Millard. Made me wonder if it was a legit fund or just a shady way of DM making some money.

AS MB and WM were separarated/divorced/at least living apart, EG could have been WM's then-current companion? Her death lead to his suicide?

Edit: no, she a few years before
BBM: I think we will hear of unknown remains soon...

What do you mean....that you think they will report having found someone else's remains as well? If so, why do you think that?

If so, I personally think it's possible. There's no reason to believe that this isn't their first murder.
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