Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #7 **ARREST**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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In my experience the criminally guilty clam up , outright lie or answer a question with a question.
For example "Why would I do that?"
Another little thing about the incinerator purpose: DM bought the SN250

SN250 – for animal shelters, veterinarians, funeral homes, & law enforcement
SN500 – for small poultry & turkey farmers, veterinarians, animal shelters, & funeral homes
SN1000 – for large poultry & turkey farmers
SN1500 & SN2000 – for meat processors & swine farmers
SN3000 – for large meat processors, swine, cattle, horse farmers, & landfills

Page 6,
The thing is, how re they going to tie suspect #3 in

Suspect #2 has been seen by two witnesses, seller #1 and SB...LE had said that they could release a sketch if necessary and they haven't felt pressed to do so...meaning they probably have ID'd him and are watching him

Suspect #2's DNA would/could be found in TB's truck.

Suspect #3 was no doubt driving one of the perp's own vehicles so it will be harder to tag involvement to this person

Someone's DNA/prints will probably be found on the incinerator and possibly TB's phone

But what else is there to link #2 and #3 to the crime?

#3 will be treated no differently than for example a bank robbery "getaway" car driver/accomplice.

Wouldn't all involved in death during a kidnapping be charged with 1st deg. murder?
I'm sure LE NEED to know why DM refuses to talk to them or tell them anything about what happened that night and who the other people are.

Exercising the constitutional right not to talk should not be considered an assumption of guilt. It will not be considered evidence against him in court.
The law is designed to protect the innocent, not the guilty.

If DM is innocent and can prove it, there is no need for him to be sitting in jail right now.

What if DM is innocent, but can't prove it? The constitutional right allows him to place the onus on LE to prove his guilt.
#3 will be treated no differently than for example a bank robbery "getaway" car driver/accomplice.

Wouldn't all involved in death during a kidnapping be charged with 1st deg. murder?

I was thinking along the lines of, there will be no physical/witness evidence to tie #3 to the crime
I'm sure LE NEED to know why DM refuses to talk to them or tell them anything about what happened that night and who the other people are. If DM is innocent, he sure isn't doing himself any favours in getting his name cleared and getting himself out of this mess. He's just sitting in jail silent, waiting for LE disclosure on what they know, while allowing LE to get search warrants on all his properties and vehicles. And he's just sitting there allowing all this speculation regarding the death of his father and this missing woman to be cast upon him.

If DM is innocent and can prove it, there is no need for him to be sitting in jail right now. He should be working with LE to help find the person's responsible for TB's death and for "planting" all the evidence all over his property. If it were me and I had nothing to do with it, I'd be outraged and giving LE the names of every single person I knew who might have access to my stuff. I'd be cooperating and working with them. Not sitting in jail hoping they don't find anything incriminating against me.


You have to understand that we all have the right to remain silent and we should remain silent. Seriously it is not good to speak when you have been charged with so serious a crime. First of all LE MUST give FULL DISCLOSURE. With this disclosure one can then start to know what the hell is happening. Remember when you talk to police EVERYTHING you say CAN and WILL be used against you. That means they can distort anything to mean what they want it to mean. I know this sounds od... but it is NOT wise for DM to talk until FULL disclosure is given, plus that is his right.
I'm sure LE NEED to know why DM refuses to talk to them or tell them anything about what happened that night and who the other people are. If DM is innocent, he sure isn't doing himself any favours in getting his name cleared and getting himself out of this mess. He's just sitting in jail silent, waiting for LE disclosure on what they know, while allowing LE to get search warrants on all his properties and vehicles. And he's just sitting there allowing all this speculation regarding the death of his father and this missing woman to be cast upon him.

If DM is innocent and can prove it, there is no need for him to be sitting in jail right now. He should be working with LE to help find the person's responsible for TB's death and for "planting" all the evidence all over his property. If it were me and I had nothing to do with it, I'd be outraged and giving LE the names of every single person I knew who might have access to my stuff. I'd be cooperating and working with them. Not sitting in jail hoping they don't find anything incriminating against me.


Excellent post. I totally agree.
1.the police had said in news briefing like i posted before there are many Police dept working on this case from all over S.ONT.

2.They had commented on same Briefing that there are thousand devoted to finding ppl involved...I am sure you all remeber this briefing as it showed D.M farm and I saw posting of a map of their investigation here.....I think it may be the same news brief??

3. In that new report it did say they were hoping for results in a week .......may be longer ..Jmo..they are sifting thru soil with you all know

4. SAME briefing mentioned the seriousness of this investigation ...THE WARNED the PUBLIC to the danger of these ppl...officer made comment to how T>B remains are burned beyind recognition....

5.*** i would love to find this INFRomative news report....I have asked if ANYOnE HERE has it saved...I wished I saved in on hard was the day POLICE found out T.B was dead!....

6. I did not know that websleuth had posted this case...Looked for it days before but could not find you all here.....robynhood...I shall try and find it but busy today..thanks robynhood....
Exercising the constitutional right not to talk should not be considered an assumption of guilt. It will not be considered evidence against him in court.
The law is designed to protect the innocent, not the guilty.

What if DM is innocent, but can't prove it? The constitutional right allows him to place the onus on LE to prove his guilt.

This is not a court of law and at the moment he's looking pretty guilty of something in the court of public opinion. Which is what a message board usually is.

Yes I agree it appears that there is some involvement whether known to him or otherwise. Set ups have been planned to look like the real thing. And yes I hope there will always be people out there who question everything and not be so quick to put the boot in.

The FACTS are spelled out line by line, paragraph by paragraph and SWORN to under oath before a magistrate/judge, etc. on an Affidavit.

Of course, it will have to be proven by the Crown. He may be found not guilty or even acquitted, but he'll never be found innocent.

I share some of your concern as I see the police here throw charges and then the Crown sifts thru and sees what is relevant.

I can also see why the Death Penalty isn't popular here given the "legal" system.
I'm sure LE NEED to know why DM refuses to talk to them or tell them anything about what happened that night and who the other people are. If DM is innocent, he sure isn't doing himself any favours in getting his name cleared and getting himself out of this mess. He's just sitting in jail silent, waiting for LE disclosure on what they know, while allowing LE to get search warrants on all his properties and vehicles. And he's just sitting there allowing all this speculation regarding the death of his father and this missing woman to be cast upon him.

If DM is innocent and can prove it, there is no need for him to be sitting in jail right now. He should be working with LE to help find the person's responsible for TB's death and for "planting" all the evidence all over his property. If it were me and I had nothing to do with it, I'd be outraged and giving LE the names of every single person I knew who might have access to my stuff. I'd be cooperating and working with them. Not sitting in jail hoping they don't find anything incriminating against me.


[bbm] he does not and should not have to 'prove his innocence'

that flies in the face of everything our justice system stands for

he was interrogated for 24 hrs. according to this lawyer BEFORE getting representation (which is totally legal) but once he was able to speak to a lawyer, I'm sure the FIRST piece of advice given was "do not say anything else to police"

this is SOP for ANYONE accused of ANYTHING and when you're in an unfamiliar situation, you listen to your lawyer, especially when you're not allowed to speak to anyone else (I guarantee his mother, fiance, and other close friends are all on the prosecution witness list)

he's allowing all this speculation? lol - do you really think it would stop if he gave a media interview - no, it would increase and in any case, his lawyer wouldn't allow him to say anything directly pertaining to evidence

this is the reality of the Canadian justice system and for all its faults, it's still one of the best in the world

it's easy to sit here in our comfy chairs reading and cast judgment on what we would or would not do but the reality is much, much different than most people realize and the rate at which the public feeds into propaganda mimics a shark-in-blood-infested-waters frenzy ... we should all be embarrassed that it happens and especially that it happens in Canada
You have to understand that we all have the right to remain silent and we should remain silent. Seriously it is not good to speak when you have been charged with so serious a crime. First of all LE MUST give FULL DISCLOSURE. With this disclosure one can then start to know what the hell is happening. Remember when you talk to police EVERYTHING you say CAN and WILL be used against you. That means they can distort anything to mean what they want it to mean. I know this sounds od... but it is NOT wise for DM to talk until FULL disclosure is given, plus that is his right.


Well not exactly. Anything you say that may be considered prejudical towards your right to a fair trial can and will be argued by your defense lawyer and thrown out as evidence.

except wouldn't it be easier --and cheaper-- for DM to pay someone to remove the filth/clean up the barn?

Personally, and this is just my opinion......but if the barn was in such desperate need of a clean-up due to previous use as a hog barn, I would expect that DM would have had his RE Agent include a condition in the purchase contract, that sale was conditional to barn being cleaned up by previous owner. Who would spend that kind of money on a property and then have to clean up the mess? JMO.
I was thinking along the lines of, there will be no physical/witness evidence to tie #3 to the crime

There is that possibility, however when all is looked at(alibi, evidence in the vehicle once found, testimony from others involved, etc.)it will give the jury enough to decide guilt or not.

Remember there is a factual sworn statement/affidavit needed to arrest #3 spelling out the details for arrest.
JMO patient everyone...I belive more news is coming...with all those police forces all over D.M properties...I would think the POLICE will be doing another news brief when they have something concrete to say...and I know they are quiet for many reasons...noy sure of anything >>>.Suspects MAY still be out there...not sure like everyone else here....IF THEY are Police want this part solved..JMO..robynhood...It has been very quiet ..the news///I guarantee Police are working...not enjoying Our Canadian Long weekend....bye robynhood.
The FACTS are spelled out line by line, paragraph by paragraph and SWORN to under oath before a magistrate/judge, etc. on an Affidavit.

Of course, it will have to be proven by the Crown. He may be found not guilty or even acquitted, but he'll never be found innocent.

I share some of your concern as I see the police here throw charges and then the Crown sifts thru and sees what is relevant.

I can also see why the Death Penalty isn't popular here given the "legal" system.

our system is based on the British system and has its faults, just as every other legal system in the world

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer". Sir William Blackstone - 1765
You should not be able to legally burn any airplane related fuel/oil waste without a special HazWaste Incinerator approved by Government and an operating permit from some air quality gov. agency.

However Canada may be different.

ETA....Jet fuel would have no additive, other than color, unless fire retardant(unlikely) and AvGas has tetraethlylead additive.

Does anyone know if MillardAir was flying any planes in 2012, that they would have fuel/oil waste?
Excellent post. I totally agree.

Put yourself in a situation where you are innocent and arrested. Start non stop and even start suggesting possibilities while you are at it... BUT REMEMBER you will NOT be able to retract anything and even if you did not mean something the way it will be will not matter. It WILL be used against you, nothing you say to police or CPS will ever be used to your benefit. That is the nature of 'prosecution' they are there to find you guilty...not innocent!
Personally, and this is just my opinion......but if the barn was in such desperate need of a clean-up due to previous use as a hog barn, I would expect that DM would have had his RE Agent include a condition in the purchase contract, that sale was conditional to barn being cleaned up by previous owner. Who would spend that kind of money on a property and then have to clean up the mess? JMO.

apparently he 'drove a hard bargain' and knocked the price down so substantially that the sellers felt a bit cheated afterwards

there were no conditions in the contract, which indicates to me he didn't care what condition the barns were in which makes me speculate that he was going to tear them down anyway to build his new house (JMO)
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