Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

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I think that right now he is probably one of our most dangerous citizens. We are 100% too 'laisser faire' in Canada to the point of being ridiculous. (His ex-brother-in-law was just given $10.5 millions from our government

The late night news confirmed that she is hospitalized (unknown reason) and he is staying with her and the children. No escaping there.

Nothing seems to make sense in that story and we certainly will never know. The US would have grilled him good.... no wonder he insisted to come to Canada.

Completely as an aside, did you notice the children had haircuts and she seems to be wearing lipstick (on the captivity photo) - If I was holding people hostage, I am sure they would not be getting haircut.... I would give them an elastic (or a string) to hold their hair back. They all look well fed another BIG red flag.

I agree with you on him being your most dangerous citizen. I am glad he did not come to the US, but I think authorities def would have questioned him at the least. Murica

I thought the same thing about the haircuts. It also looked like the kids had dirt strategically placed on their cheeks IMO
And I find it unconscionable that he put his wife in that danger by repeatedly getting her pregnant in a very unsafe environment. To say nothing of the danger that he put the children born from that.

Everyone keeps assuming she got pregnant by him on purpose. They stated she was raped repeatedly. Those children may not be his. There is also the possibility that she wanted to be pregnant so the captors would stop raping her. Their story about planning the pregnancies could be a big lie because they don’t want those children or family finding out that he is not the father.

They are victims. We have no clue what they went through and we have no clue what the truth is. I will not be surprised if their stories change multiple times in the coming months and even years. I hope they all get the emotional and physical support they need. God bless them.
So sorry to hear about Caitlyn's hospitalization, yet glad in sense because it means she is getting some attention. I'm counting on the medical professionals to treat her better than her husband has....and maybe this will be an opportunity for her, in what capacity, I don't know. We've all seen how empty she looks and I hope this hospitalization helps restore her.

Regarding the death of their daughter in captivity, it had have happened far enough along in the pregnancy that they knew the baby was a girl. I'm wondering if perhaps she was raped while pregnant and that the violence caused a miscarriage. That would explain why Joshua calls it murder and the Taliban says it was a miscarriage due to lack of medical care.

I noticed that Joshua alerted the press to his wife's hospitalization (?), but then chastises them and the public to give them a few day's privacy. He IS a manipulator....making you feel bad for being curious when he is the one giving the press info. I've dealt with a manipulator in my life....this is how they operate.

jmopinion, opinion only
So sorry to hear about Caitlyn's hospitalization, yet glad in sense because it means she is getting some attention. I'm counting on the medical professionals to treat her better than her husband has....and maybe this will be an opportunity for her, in what capacity, I don't know. We've all seen how empty she looks and I hope this hospitalization helps restore her.

Regarding the death of their daughter in captivity, it had have happened far enough along in the pregnancy that they knew the baby was a girl. I'm wondering if perhaps she was raped while pregnant and that the violence caused a miscarriage. That would explain why Joshua calls it murder and the Taliban says it was a miscarriage due to lack of medical care.

I noticed that Joshua alerted the press to his wife's hospitalization (?), but then chastises them and the public to give them a few day's privacy. He IS a manipulator....making you feel bad for being curious when he is the one giving the press info. I've dealt with a manipulator in my life....this is how they operate.

jmopinion, opinion only

I don't believe that a living child was murdered. I do believe that there was a miscarriage. Regardless of how many weeks pregnant she was when she miscarried, a miscarriage is not murder. Boyle is pretending to be a victim when he claims that his baby was murdered, and I have to ask why a kidnap victim needs to lie and exaggerate being a victim.

I think her parents would benefit from the advice of a Canadian lawyer regarding their rights in the care of their adult daughter. I think they are the only people who can help Caitlyn, and that they need to take action. I suspect they are afraid to have her committed to a psychiatric institution for fear that she will lose parental rights and potentially be permanently hospitalized. I don't know how it works, but suspect that if they have her committed, they can have her released, but a lawyer would know best. Forcing her to have psychiatric care is probably her only hope, as, without that, her husband will never allow her to think and see clearly.
Everyone keeps assuming she got pregnant by him on purpose. They stated she was raped repeatedly. Those children may not be his. There is also the possibility that she wanted to be pregnant so the captors would stop raping her. Their story about planning the pregnancies could be a big lie because they don’t want those children or family finding out that he is not the father.

They are victims. We have no clue what they went through and we have no clue what the truth is. I will not be surprised if their stories change multiple times in the coming months and even years. I hope they all get the emotional and physical support they need. God bless them.

No one is assuming that she forced him to make her pregnant.

The only person who has claimed rape is Boyle. He has claimed that his baby was murdered and his wife was raped. I assumed that he meant one rape, as he did not use the word "repeatedly". The claim about a murdered child is untrue, and given that "rape and murder" were in the same sentence, I suspect that the rape allegation is also untrue.

He has said that they wanted a big family, as many as twelve children. He claims that she was in her thirties and "her clock was ticking", so they decided to expand their family after their first child was born in captivity. I understand this to be his explanation for why he kept her pregnant for five years. I'm of the opinion that he kept her pregnant because he couldn't keep his pants on, and he believed that his chances of survival were better if he had a pregnant wife and children.

No one has suggested that the children are not his.
We know that Boyle is lying about why he kept his wife pregnant for five years. She is 31 years old - which means 26 years old when the "ticking clock" kicked in. Realistically, even at the age of 31 she has fifteen more years to have a family. Her clock was not "ticking" so fast at the age of 26 that she would plan to be continuously pregnant for five years while a kidnap victim. He is so dumb that he expects the public to believe that normal 26 year old women make crazy decisions because of a "ticking clock".

"American Caitlan Coleman, 31, and her Canadian husband Joshua Boyle, 34, were kidnapped while backpacking in Afghanistan in 2012 by the Taliban-allied Haqqani network."

""We're sitting as hostages with a lot of time on our hands," Boyle told AP. "We always wanted as many as possible, and we didn't want to waste time. Cait's in her 30s, the clock is ticking."

Boyle said their three children are now four, two and "somewhere around six months."

"Honestly we've always planned to have a family of five, 10, 12 children ... "
I don't believe that a living child was murdered. I do believe that there was a miscarriage. Regardless of how many weeks pregnant she was when she miscarried, a miscarriage is not murder. Boyle is pretending to be a victim when he claims that his baby was murdered, and I have to ask why a kidnap victim needs to lie and exaggerate being a victim.

I think her parents would benefit from the advice of a Canadian lawyer regarding their rights in the care of their adult daughter. I think they are the only people who can help Caitlyn, and that they need to take action. I suspect they are afraid to have her committed to a psychiatric institution for fear that she will lose parental rights and potentially be permanently hospitalized. I don't know how it works, but suspect that if they have her committed, they can have her released, but a lawyer would know best. Forcing her to have psychiatric care is probably her only hope, as, without that, her husband will never allow her to think and see clearly.

Well at one point he says:

"The stupidity and the evil of the Haqqani networks, kidnapping of a pilgrim and his heavily pregnant wife engaged in helping ordinary villagers in Taliban-controlled regions of Afghanistan was eclipsed only by the stupidity and evil of authorizing the murder of my infant daughter, Martyr Boyle," Boyle said, revealing the murder of his daughter.

But also...

In prior email exchange with AP, Boyle did not respond to a question about the fourth child but later told Canadian Broadcasting Corp. that it was a forced abortion. The Taliban said in a statement it was a miscarriage.

So was it a force abortion during pregnancy or was it the murder of a living infant?
One thought on the baby that died: if it was the child she was pregnant with when they disappeared, news reports at the time said she had a liver condition. Cholestasis is very common during pregnancy and if not treated, can cause a baby to be stillborn. If that's what she had, the Taliban's story may very well be true.

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Everyone keeps assuming she got pregnant by him on purpose. They stated she was raped repeatedly. Those children may not be his. There is also the possibility that she wanted to be pregnant so the captors would stop raping her. Their story about planning the pregnancies could be a big lie because they don’t want those children or family finding out that he is not the father.

They are victims. We have no clue what they went through and we have no clue what the truth is. I will not be surprised if their stories change multiple times in the coming months and even years. I hope they all get the emotional and physical support they need. God bless them.

When Joshua Boyle was asked if he went to Afghanistan to help the Taliban, he replied, "[FONT=arial, sans-serif]Nothing is black or white of why you go somewhere." Take notice that he didn't say, "Oh heck NO! I'd never assist a violent terrorist group." [/FONT]
One thought on the baby that died: if it was the child she was pregnant with when they disappeared, news reports at the time said she had a liver condition. Cholestasis is very common during pregnancy and if not treated, can cause a baby to be stillborn. If that's what she had, the Taliban's story may very well be true.

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She had a liver condition BEFORE she became pregnant. Due to her obesity at that time, she likely had NAFLD (Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease).
Well at one point he says:

But also...

So was it a force abortion during pregnancy or was it the murder of a living infant?

IMO, Caitlan needed urgent obstetrical care to prevent an imminent miscarriage (uterine cramping and vaginal bleeding), but the kidnappers provided none and she had a miscarriage. Joshua calls this a forced abortion.
We know that Boyle is lying about why he kept his wife pregnant for five years. She is 31 years old - which means 26 years old when the "ticking clock" kicked in. Realistically, even at the age of 31 she has fifteen more years to have a family. Her clock was not "ticking" so fast at the age of 26 that she would plan to be continuously pregnant for five years while a kidnap victim. He is so dumb that he expects the public to believe that normal 26 year old women make crazy decisions because of a "ticking clock".

"American Caitlan Coleman, 31, and her Canadian husband Joshua Boyle, 34, were kidnapped while backpacking in Afghanistan in 2012 by the Taliban-allied Haqqani network."

""We're sitting as hostages with a lot of time on our hands," Boyle told AP. "We always wanted as many as possible, and we didn't want to waste time. Cait's in her 30s, the clock is ticking."

Boyle said their three children are now four, two and "somewhere around six months."

"Honestly we've always planned to have a family of five, 10, 12 children ... "

"We had a lot of time on our hands". In other words, Josh believes he had nothing to stave off his intense intellectual boredom but have sex with Caitlan.
I am troubled by this thread. I do not understand why our members are not giving Boyle and Coleman the same respect that WS usually demands be given to victims. At this point, neither Boyle nor Coleman have been named as suspects of a crime. So, how is it that we are allowed to attack them? Why aren't we giving them the same compassion that we give to other victims?

Perhaps we should wait until more official information is released. It seems unkind to disparage this couple without having true knowledge of their motivations for their actions. Until LE informs us of any wrongdoing, I think we should restrain from attacking this couple.

Am I alone in this thinking? I just think we should wait until we actually learn more.
Boyle is constantly emailing media, sending photos. I am outraged that he immediately violated her privacy as soon as they landed in Canada and continues to do so. Was hoping she had time to recuperate in hospital away from him and kids now that they have become familiar with grandparents. He won't even allow her space to address her health issues now. Manipulative, narcissist, publicity-seeking jackass.

I am troubled by this thread. I do not understand why our members are not giving Boyle and Coleman the same respect that WS usually demands be given to victims. At this point, neither Boyle nor Coleman have been named as suspects of a crime. So, how is it that we are allowed to attack them? Why aren't we giving them the same compassion that we give to other victims?

Perhaps we should wait until more official information is released. It seems unkind to disparage this couple without having true knowledge of their motivations for their actions. Until LE informs us of any wrongdoing, I think we should restrain from attacking this couple.

Am I alone in this thinking? I just think we should wait until we actually learn more.

I think most of the disparagement is against Joshua, not against his wife. And the disparagement is based on his own statements, not things we are making up and projecting on him. For me, the decision to bring his pregnant wife to Afghanistan and then to decision to have more children while in captivity is worthy of questioning, at least his public statements.

I do, however, take heed of WSers who remind us that kidnapped victims often go through a strange transformation while in captivity. I am glad that was brought up, and I will keep that in mind.

However, this man's decisions go back to before captivity.

The wife, imo, is a victim.

The husband....IDK.

OH, thanks for the early pictures. NOW I get it. He wanted to lose some weight on the 'Tali-BAN Diet.' It worked.
Why was he even allowed off Canadian airplane into Russia? Only idiots would believe that at 350 lb, he was going to the "stan" countries in 110 temperatures to hike.
Boyle is constantly emailing media, sending photos. I am outraged that he immediately violated her privacy as soon as they landed in Canada and continues to do so. Was hoping she had time to recuperate in hospital away from him and kids now that they have become familiar with grandparents. He won't even allow her space to address her health issues now. Manipulative, narcissist, publicity-seeking jackass.


OMG. I'm shocked he sent out her hospitalized photo. What an #$%! She's not on oxygen and doesnt have an IV. She's hospitalized for psychiatric care. I'm praying her family can deprogram her and save the children. (He probably reprimanded her for showing the skin on her arms. <modsnip>
I think the difference here is that Caitlan and 4 children are also victims. Joshua's made grandiose and inconsistent statements that continue the harm to his wife and children. They all were hostages but his actions since the release make it clear their value to him is tangential.

In captivity with an infant with food insecure and conditions volatile and dangerous, I doubt his wife had a lot of time on her hands and wanted to carry and nurse 3 more children. The toll on her body in the best of circumstances would have been profound. In near starvation and no access to sunlight, it is brutal. So, yes, I am suspicious of him and his actions since the release have me very concerned that Josh routinely jeopardizes the physical and mental health of his family.
I think the difference here is that Caitlan and 4 children are also victims. Joshua's made grandiose and inconsistent statements that continue the harm to his wife and children. They all were hostages but his actions since the release make it clear their value to him is tangential.

In captivity with an infant with food insecure and conditions volatile and dangerous, I doubt his wife had a lot of time on her hands and wanted to carry and nurse 3 more children. The toll on her body in the best of circumstances would have been profound. In near starvation and no access to sunlight, it is brutal. So, yes, I am suspicious of him and his actions since the release have me very concerned that Josh routinely jeopardizes the physical and mental health of his family.

Photos of his suffering children and hospitalized wife are great publicity before his upcoming book. Don't they have an 3-legged dog which he can also photograph and publish? :mad: I hope Caitlan is deprogrammed and her divorce attorney takes all the profits! Someone please rescue her!
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