Canadian hostage, wife & children freed from Afghanistan, Oct 2017 #1

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Taliban captors are denying that they killed the baby. Have we ever heard the Taliban publicly deny such claims??? this story just keeps getting more and more perplexing.
Also, can someone take a look at the photo in the article I looks like Joshua has grabbed his child by the back of his neck or collar, maybe he is trying to get them away away from the cameras?????

Taliban denies Canadian’s claim its fighters raped his wife and killed his baby

I don't find anything wrong with the photo....other than it seems like a display of his child as a curiosity for the world to look at. Protect your kids, man!

I know it’s a joke that Canadians are super nice and always saying sorry. But can any Canadians weigh in - what is likely to be your governments approach to this? Is he going to be someone they are going to keep a close eye on, or are they just happy he’s home and safe? He had sketchy connections before all of this, is it likely his actions will be monitored to see if he contacts any of those connections?

I hope his parents can at least talk some
Sense into Caitlan, if not their own son. She needs to come home with the kids and be with her parents.

Boyle really really concerns me. Not just in terms of Caitlan and the kids, but in terms of national security.

Both the US and Canadian gov't have stated that Boyle is not under any kind of investigation. I haven't heard nor read anything different.
I know people that work in areas of the gov't that even if they knew something they would never divulge any information.

This is a statement the Canadian gov't put out a few days ago
Canada welcomes arrival of Joshua Boyle and family
From Global Affairs Canada

October 13, 2017 - Ottawa, Ontario - Government of Canada

The Government of Canada today issued the following statement on the arrival in Canada of Joshua Boyle, his wife Caitlan Coleman and their three children:

“Today, we join the Boyle family in rejoicing over the long-awaited return to Canada of their loved ones.

“Canada has been actively engaged on Mr. Boyle’s case at all levels, and we will continue to support him and his family now that they have returned.

“At this time, we ask that the privacy of Mr. Boyle’s family be respected.”

Media Relations Office
Global Affairs Canada
Taliban captors are denying that they killed the baby. Have we ever heard the Taliban publicly deny such claims??? this story just keeps getting more and more perplexing.
Also, can someone take a look at the photo in the article I looks like Joshua has grabbed his child by the back of his neck or collar, maybe he is trying to get them away away from the cameras?????

Taliban denies Canadian’s claim its fighters raped his wife and killed his baby

I actually believe the Taliban over the father about the baby. The Talibans story sounds truthful.

One thing I dont believe is the Pakistan military saying they got away on foot. I suspect the Pakistan military let them go because how does one get close enough to shoot out the tires of the vehicle and not be able to kill or capture the people driving it.

Remember the Pakistan country is where Bin Laden had safe haven for years and I am pretty sure Pakistan higher ups knew exactly where he was.

""At a news conference, Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor, spokesman for the Pakistani military, said its forces had managed to trace the vehicle carrying the hostages within five hours of a tip from the United States, and had rescued the hostages after blowing out the vehicle’s tires.

The captors “fled on foot,” he said.""

Well our last baby was born when I was 38. And there have been ladies who have had children beyond that age... so for her to have any more children even now wouldn't be unusual.

For him to make that statement is somewhat .... insulting.

Insulting, So True. I know women in their early 40's who were still having children.
Every time he speaks or comments I shake my head afterwards.
I don't find anything wrong with the photo....other than it seems like a display of his child as a curiosity for the world to look at. Protect your kids, man!


Not the first photo where the child is pointing or looking at the garden but the 2nd photo.
Not the first photo where the child is pointing or looking at the garden but the 2nd photo.

Yes, I looked at both photos. Seems like an awkward photo, but I can't see that he is actually lifting his child from his neck or shirt.
I don't find anything wrong with the photo....other than it seems like a display of his child as a curiosity for the world to look at. Protect your kids, man!


I think OP is referring to the second photo, not the first photo
Both the US and Canadian gov't have stated that Boyle is not under any kind of investigation. I haven't heard nor read anything different.
I know people that work in areas of the gov't that even if they knew something they would never divulge any information.

This is a statement the Canadian gov't put out a few days ago
Canada welcomes arrival of Joshua Boyle and family
From Global Affairs Canada

October 13, 2017 - Ottawa, Ontario - Government of Canada

The Government of Canada today issued the following statement on the arrival in Canada of Joshua Boyle, his wife Caitlan Coleman and their three children:

“Today, we join the Boyle family in rejoicing over the long-awaited return to Canada of their loved ones.

“Canada has been actively engaged on Mr. Boyle’s case at all levels, and we will continue to support him and his family now that they have returned.

“At this time, we ask that the privacy of Mr. Boyle’s family be respected.”

Media Relations Office
Global Affairs Canada

I read about the Canadian governments statement regarding Boyle. I am more curious about a Canadian citizens perspective, if they think the govt will truly just welcome him back with open arms, or if they are side eyeing him. As a US citizen, I hope our country is looking into him and keeping an eye on him whether he’s in the US or Canada.
Taliban captors are denying that they killed the baby. Have we ever heard the Taliban publicly deny such claims??? this story just keeps getting more and more perplexing.
Also, can someone take a look at the photo in the article I looks like Joshua has grabbed his child by the back of his neck or collar, maybe he is trying to get them away away from the cameras?????

Taliban denies Canadian’s claim its fighters raped his wife and killed his baby

In the 2nd photo I think the father has grabbed the boy by the back top part of his shirt.
You can see how the shirt is being pulled up on the boy by looking at the front area and notice the shirt open part of the V is being pulled up some towards the boys throat.

A little rough handling of the boy IMO but maybe he didnt want the boy to fall as the boy is walking forward. The more I learn about this case the more i feel sorry for the kids and his wife and his wifes parents.
I find it interesting how the US intelligence is what gave the tip to be able to free and find them.

Its pretty amazing and I dont even want to know how the US found out a credible tip like this. One thing it does prove is any really bad guys in the world you had better be looking over your shoulder or you are likely to have a drone drop you a present.

"Pakistani officials have said that the family was freed in northwestern tribal areas of the country after their forces acted on intelligence provided to them by the United States"
This is a piece written by Boyle’s sisters while Boyle and Caitlan were still in captivity.

I find it strange how the one sister focuses so much on Caitlan being defiled. It’s uncomfortable.

“A couple years ago I got in a fight with a sibling over what Caity’s … treatment, might be like. They thought I was horrible for even considering it; I thought they were stupid to not (we were both right, for all the joy that brought us), and then we all sat down and celebrated Christmas.”

Well then. Our sister in law is being raped and her baby was killed. On that note, let’s eat. Merry Christmas y’all.

“It’s not that I’m trying to “hide” Josh and Caity or that I’m embarrassed by them, because from what little I do know, I could not be prouder of them for all they have managed to do for their kids and the sacrifices they have made, given that their lives are, in their own words, “Kafkaesque.”

“The other thing Josh mentions that haunts me is how he and Caity play at Life is Beautiful for the sake of their kids. That he should liken their lives to one of the most heartbreaking movies I’ve seen was certainly not great news, to say the least, but knowing they are trying their best to shield their children from the horrors taking place around them is at least somewhat reassuring.”

Maybe they should have shielded their babies from the horrors by not bringing them into the world under such circumstances.

I don’t like the vibe I get from the whole Boyle family tbh.

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A Canadian here....I think the government will keep an eye on the family, particularly the husband. They're keeping an eye on his ex-wife. They'll keep an eye on him. His behaviour has been strange. I think he is a religious extremist, not necessarily of the violent type, but having strong views that may not fit with Western society.

There are several videos from a very recent interview with Joshua at this link:

He doesn't seem to mind the limelight or sympathy. He clearly shows emotional concern for his children, but in the parts of the interview shown I have yet to see much concern about his wife.

(Sorry if this link was recently posted. I've got to head out and don't have time to check.)
This is a piece written by Boyle’s sisters while Boyle and Caitlan were still in captivity.

I find it strange how the one sister focuses so much on Caitlan being defiled. It’s uncomfortable.

“A couple years ago I got in a fight with a sibling over what Caity’s … treatment, might be like. They thought I was horrible for even considering it; I thought they were stupid to not (we were both right, for all the joy that brought us), and then we all sat down and celebrated Christmas.”

Well then. Our sister in law is being raped and her baby was killed. On that note, let’s eat. Merry Christmas y’all.

“It’s not that I’m trying to “hide” Josh and Caity or that I’m embarrassed by them, because from what little I do know, I could not be prouder of them for all they have managed to do for their kids and the sacrifices they have made, given that their lives are, in their own words, “Kafkaesque.”

“The other thing Josh mentions that haunts me is how he and Caity play at Life is Beautiful for the sake of their kids. That he should liken their lives to one of the most heartbreaking movies I’ve seen was certainly not great news, to say the least, but knowing they are trying their best to shield their children from the horrors taking place around them is at least somewhat reassuring.”

Maybe they should have shielded their babies from the horrors by not bringing them into the world under such circumstances.

I don’t like the vibe I get from the whole Boyle family tbh.

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I'm kind of new to this case, but this seems to say that the family knew that the baby had been killed and that Caitlyn had been assaulted while they were all still in captivity? Am I reading that right?
"After years of living underground, shuffled between cells no bigger than a bathtub, the three children of a US-Canada couple held for years by Islamist militants are marveling at the sun and adjusting to their first taste of freedom – "

Underground in cells no bigger than a bathtub? And they decide to start their dream of having a big family? Just can't wrap my brain around that decision.

Sorry for posting so much all at once but just learning the details of this case. I dont have much more to add so I wont keep bombarding the posts but I do want to add one more thing that has bothered me from the articles.

What kind of power and relationship does Mr B have with the Taliban if he is threatening the leadership of the Taliban to punish his captors. I mean anyone who has been a "real captured person" would feel lucky to be out of the situation and go hide out quietly in safety.

But this guy begins to threaten the leadership almost like he has a communication link directly to taliban leadership or something.

"Boyle called on Friday for the Taliban leadership to punish his Haqqani captors. A day later he told The Canadian Press that he wanted to give Taliban leaders “a final chance to actually try to rectify these crimes against humanity, before we turn to other outlets to seek our justice.”"

I almost get the feeling he is a taliban or was a taliban want-a-be and they laughed at him when he got there and kidnapped him.

There is another part that is also very concerning.

"He said the Haqqani leadership authorized the murder of his daughter in retaliation for his refusal to accept an offer from the kidnappers, but did not elaborate."

So what kind of "DEAL" was Mr B involved in. And in what position was he in to be either accepting or rejecting any offers of anything. Arent you supposed to be a kidnapped person that would have no say in anything.

She needs to get the kids and run from this guy and go back to her parents. He is bad news IMO. He is going to get them killed the next time. And she had better not ever go traveling abroad with him ever again. Because not only could he take her someplace she is not suspecting but I am sure by now the Taliban and lots of other bad guys hate Mr. B for the things he has been saying about them.

In fact I dont think she is even safe at all even in Canada because they may hire someone to get even with him. She really needs to go into hiding at this point.
If this husband doesn't have a job to go to... his wife may not be free to leave him even if she chose to do so. He would be with her all the time... shopping, doing household chores, etc.
And what is he doing in his free time ?

Curious about the term " Kafkaesque ". I've heard it before , and it wasn't a good thing. (Had to do with a survivor of childhood abuse account.)
Their time in Afghanistan would be easy to imagine it being like a nightmare. But wouldn't they (esp. J.B.) have already known that, before going over there to 'hike' , or whatever it was that they were doing there ?
Sorry for posting so much all at once but just learning the details of this case. I dont have much more to add so I wont keep bombarding the posts but I do want to add one more thing that has bothered me from the articles.

What kind of power and relationship does Mr B have with the Taliban if he is threatening the leadership of the Taliban to punish his captors. I mean anyone who has been a "real captured person" would feel lucky to be out of the situation and go hide out quietly in safety.

But this guy begins to threaten the leadership almost like he has a communication link directly to taliban leadership or something.

"Boyle called on Friday for the Taliban leadership to punish his Haqqani captors. A day later he told The Canadian Press that he wanted to give Taliban leaders “a final chance to actually try to rectify these crimes against humanity, before we turn to other outlets to seek our justice.”"

I almost get the feeling he is a taliban or was a taliban want-a-be and they laughed at him when he got there and kidnapped him.

There is another part that is also very concerning.

"He said the Haqqani leadership authorized the murder of his daughter in retaliation for his refusal to accept an offer from the kidnappers, but did not elaborate."

So what kind of "DEAL" was Mr B involved in. And in what position was he in to be either accepting or rejecting any offers of anything. Arent you supposed to be a kidnapped person that would have no say in anything.

She needs to get the kids and run from this guy and go back to her parents. He is bad news IMO. He is going to get them killed the next time. And she had better not ever go traveling abroad with him ever again. Because not only could he take her someplace she is not suspecting but I am sure by now the Taliban and lots of other bad guys hate Mr. B for the things he has been saying about them.

In fact I dont think she is even safe at all even in Canada because they may hire someone to get even with him. She really needs to go into hiding at this point.

Maybe she already has gone into hiding ? imo.
"After years of living underground, shuffled between cells no bigger than a bathtub, the three children of a US-Canada couple held for years by Islamist militants are marveling at the sun and adjusting to their first taste of freedom – "

Underground in cells no bigger than a bathtub? And they decide to start their dream of having a big family? Just can't wrap my brain around that decision.



What kind of sick thought process goes into something like this.....

"Our other baby is dead either due to lack of being near hospitals or at the hands of our captors but lets give it another shot"

"That worked good and its not too crowded yet in this tub so lets have another one"

"the kids are adjusting great to the confined prison like area they have us in so lets have another one. Afterall your biological clock is ticking".

Seriously though its ridiculous.
Will the kids be US or Canadian citizens? Or both? I’m not sure how that works. I hope once they receive their citizenship to whichever country, there aren’t any sudden passport applications being sent in
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