Cases possibly of interest for the LISK case

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Is anyone kind of annoyed that it took the killing season to match Peaches to the body on Jones Beach? I know many advocates were writing to Namus to compare the two or at least to put more attention into processing peaches DNA years ago. Kind of wondering why none of those requests were met back then. Sorry to sound sour. You would think even LE would have compared them to remains found before.
"Five days later, the search for more bodies began in Nassau County. Local media reported that an additional set of partial human remains was found, as well as a separate skull, bringing the potential total number of victims found since December to ten.[SUP][15][/SUP]
On April 22, 2011, two human teeth were found about a foot from the skull.[SUP][16][/SUP] [SUP]"

Some of those remains were Fire Island Jane Doe and some were of the mother. Fire Island Jane Doe's head was recovered b/c it says so in her Namus profile and bc she has a composit. So IMO it probably means that the partial remains were those of peaches and the skull (and possibly the teeth) were those of Fire Island Jane Doe?

[/SUP] The toddler's mother was also revealed as one of the sets of remains found in Nassau County on April 11.[SUP][18][/SUP] Also on September 20, police revealed that the second set of remains found in Nassau County on April 11, 2011, matched two legs that were found in a garbage bag that had washed up on Fire Island in 1996"
Given that "surgical precision" has been bandied about in regards to LISK, and as horribly gruesome as this is, it is still possible for a torso to be recovered without it's vertebrae column, similar to gutting a fish. So I'm on the fence still in regards to whether this is possibly Peaches.

I've never once seen surgical precision mentioned in relation to any of the dismembered LISK victims

The skill level of the dismemberments has oddly never been mentioned. With that being said I agree with you sounds like it could mean 1 vertebrae
I've never once seen surgical precision mentioned in relation to any of the dismembered LISK victims

The skill level of the dismemberments has oddly never been mentioned. With that being said I agree with you sounds like it could mean 1 vertebrae

Sorry, I can't remember where that was inferred. Don't mean to muddy the waters.
Sorry, I can't remember where that was inferred. Don't mean to muddy the waters.

You are probably thinking of the recent articles that brough up Tina Foglia 1982 dismemberment with "surgical precision" or the recent arrest in the Rashawn Brazell case
Is anyone kind of annoyed that it took the killing season to match Peaches to the body on Jones Beach? I know many advocates were writing to Namus to compare the two or at least to put more attention into processing peaches DNA years ago. Kind of wondering why none of those requests were met back then. Sorry to sound sour. You would think even LE would have compared them to remains found before.
Concerning DNA. A hit, is a hit, is a hit. LE knew from the get go Peaches was Jane Doe #3. They kept it a secret. I figured it out. I first had to believe that LE and the ME lied about how long the toddler layed in the bushes for. Theres no logic behind what they did. They had no right. IMO
The only Surgical Precision dismemberment that I know in NY was done by Dmitry Yakovlev from Seagate Brooklyn the Russian surgeon turned real estate agent who 2 of his victims are still missing Michael Klein and Irina Malezhik

You are probably thinking of the recent articles that brough up Tina Foglia 1982 dismemberment with "surgical precision" or the recent arrest in the Rashawn Brazell case
You can see the uncropped "stock photo" the hunter took on josh's twitter by the way. It has the bone cropped out by the post, lookslike an upper arm bone to me.
You can see the uncropped "stock photo" the hunter took on josh's twitter by the way. It has the bone cropped out by the post, lookslike an upper arm bone to me.
I hope this is okay to post...:innocent: I was able to find it quickly and it worked to drag it to my desktop so here it is!


  • C6KueenWgAYn3Px.jpg
    109.8 KB · Views: 118
Josh's Twitter account reads "NY POST" under this photo. Why would the photo be cropped? The entire photo could have been "resized" to fit with the NY Post story on their site. The NY Post published the same article in their actual newspaper the next day, MINUS photo.
Let me know when you have a a photo from the Associated Press, a reliable news source. My guess is the NY Post cropped this photo because they knew for sure a skull was found. They could have resized it, but chose not to.

Minor cropping allowed HOWEVER:
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does anyone see metal fillings in those molars or do those molars look untouched?
Josh's Twitter account reads "NY POST" under this photo. Why would the photo be cropped? The entire photo could have been "resized" to fit with the NY Post story on their site. The NY Post published the same article in their actual newspaper the next day, MINUS photo.

There are two similar photos on Josh's Twitter from March 5th. The one below the map is the larger one I posted. I am still not positive if this is the actual remains. I posted it in part so we wouldn't lose track of it as links change in the future. I was also hoping to see if it's geotagged but I'm not a pro at that and didn't have any luck. IMO a hunter out tracking deer would have probably taken a pic with their phone. Hopefully someone savvy with geotagging/file history can help?
I haven't gotten a reply from the Post. Maybe someone can ask Josh.
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