Cases That Haunt You

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Peter Tobin is thought to be Bible John, his younger photos look a lot like the Bible John artist's impression. He was in the area & the murders stopped when he either moved away or was in prison.
I'm half Scot (mum from Buckie) and reading of Bible John in the Sunday Post got me interested in crime

It's too bad they can't test Tobin's DNA because the forensic evidence has deteriorated. He seems a solid shout for "Bible John".
Peter Tobin's ex wife (who despises him so i don't think she's trying to protect him) says he was on holiday with her at the time of the second murder. I still think it's likely he did the third murder though the one where the sketch and the description came from, another thing pointing to him was John had a missing tooth i think it was in the same place Tobin did. Think it's possible the third was a copycat and it was Tobin, would be pretty smart if he had been on holiday with his wife during the second and LE was convinced they were all connected. Who knows though.
Teresa Maria Caseiro, murdered in Willingboro, New Jersey on July 23rd, 1973. I was a classmate and casual friend of Terry's. Her family was moving to Maine, so her parents and her siblings had gone up there to find a house. Her house in Willingboro was on the market. She stayed behind because she had a job that summer and didn't want to miss the opportunity to work. She was spending the nights with a neighbor across the street from her house, but would go home during the day as needed. On the day she was murdered, she had gone over to her home, where her aunt was going to stop and pick her up for work that afternoon. The aunt stopped and honked her horn, but Terry did not come out of the house. The aunt assumed that Terry had walked to work and so, she drove on to work. When she got there, she realized Terry was not there and called to have a relative go over to the house and look for her. The relative (an uncle, I think) walked through the house and didn't see anything amiss, so left. Left that night, the police were called and Terry's disappearance was reported. The next day, Terry's grandfather went back to the house to search for anything odd, and found Terry dead on the floor of the closet in her parent's room. She had been tied up, gagged and stabbed 50 times in the chest and groin area. Her murder was never solved. This has bothered me for most of my life, that Terry never got justice. Does anyone here know of this murder?

I was born in willingboro and still live in the area. Any chance this could be related to Margaret Fox’s case? I found an article about the man in Teresa’s case driving a red car and there is mention of a red car in Margaret’s case as well. Prior to Margaret going missing there were reports of a man with sandy hair that tried to pick up a girl in Mt. Holly a month prior to Margaret’s disappearance. In the article about Teresa, the age of the men matches up as does the sandy his and red car. Obviously could be a total coincidence, but being so close together town-wise I’m not sure. Wish Teresa had her own board on here.

FBI announces reward, releases recording in Margaret Fox case
Teresa Maria Caseiro, murdered in Willingboro, New Jersey on July 23rd, 1973. I was a classmate and casual friend of Terry's. Her family was moving to Maine, so her parents and her siblings had gone up there to find a house. Her house in Willingboro was on the market. She stayed behind because she had a job that summer and didn't want to miss the opportunity to work. She was spending the nights with a neighbor across the street from her house, but would go home during the day as needed. On the day she was murdered, she had gone over to her home, where her aunt was going to stop and pick her up for work that afternoon. The aunt stopped and honked her horn, but Terry did not come out of the house. The aunt assumed that Terry had walked to work and so, she drove on to work. When she got there, she realized Terry was not there and called to have a relative go over to the house and look for her. The relative (an uncle, I think) walked through the house and didn't see anything amiss, so left. Left that night, the police were called and Terry's disappearance was reported. The next day, Terry's grandfather went back to the house to search for anything odd, and found Terry dead on the floor of the closet in her parent's room. She had been tied up, gagged and stabbed 50 times in the chest and groin area. Her murder was never solved. This has bothered me for most of my life, that Terry never got justice. Does anyone here know of this murder?

I was born in willingboro and still live in the area. Any chance this could be related to Margaret Fox’s case? I found an article about the man in Teresa’s case driving a red car and there is mention of a red car in Margaret’s case as well. Prior to Margaret going missing there were reports of a man with sandy hair that tried to pick up a girl in Mt. Holly a month prior to Margaret’s disappearance. In the article about Teresa, the age of the men matches up as does the sandy hair and red car. Obviously could be a total coincidence, but being so close together town-wise and the ages of the girls, I’m not sure. Wish Teresa had her own board on here.

FBI announces reward, releases recording in Margaret Fox case
Hinterkaifeck and the Setagaya family murder. Mainly for how the killer(s) made themselves at home after murdering the inhabitants.
Hinterkaifeck was a creepy one. If I recall there was accusations of incest by the father. Footprints in the snow going up to the house, but none going away. :eek:
We found out who Jason Doe was (Jason Patrick Callahan)

We found out Kimberly's remains were located mere months after she went missing in 1989, she wasn't identified until 2018 though she was located not far from where she went missing.

I still want answers to who Princess Blue is and what happened to LeeAnna Warner.

Of course, there are so many other cases I would love to see solved.

Kimberly Shawn Cheatham - missing from Dallas, Texas since April 1989
LeeAnna Warner
Princess Blue
(unidentified female) - Located in Manvel, Texas on September 10, 1990
Jason Doe AKA Grateful Dead Fan
Cases that Haunt Me:

1.) Farren Stanberry (missing)
2.) Mike Klitch (murderd)
3.) Dermot Kelly (missing)
4.) Wendy Wolin (murdered)
5.) Brad Bellino (murdered)
6.) Dennis Martin (missing)
7.) Terry and Alan Westerfield (missing)

I think I posted about some of these cases previously, but these are the people that I think about, often at night

The one that haunts me is Brandy Lynn Myers ( Brandy Myers disappears in AZ in 1992 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community ); she was in my 6th grade class and I used to hang out with her every so often during recess. I was even questioned during the investigation- freaky thing for an 11 year old, and I still live near what used to be "Smitty's" so it's a constant reminder every time I go there.
I went to school with her, lived on the same block, and participated in the same exact fundraiser as her. This has boggled me since I was a kid. Recent news says the sister thinks it was a guy who lived on the street who was accused of other similar acts. I used to walk by his house every day to and from school and I looked very similar to her. Terrifying.
Wow, @Slingallow4All and @Vask, that's gotta be sad and frustrating for you -- a childhood friend just disappears. SMH. It happens -- and it's just something I have not experienced, I'm fortunate to say.

And one more thing,

Welcome to Websleuths,
Slingallow4All !!
Cases that Haunt Me:

1.) Farren Stanberry (missing)
2.) Mike Klitch (murderd)
3.) Dermot Kelly (missing)
4.) Wendy Wolin (murdered)
5.) Brad Bellino (murdered)
6.) Dennis Martin (missing)
7.) Terry and Alan Westerfield (missing)

I think I posted about some of these cases previously, but these are the people that I think about, often at night


Updates to above cases, on what I think happened. Search Websleuths for the threads on these cases. They are powerful and heart-breaking!

1.) Farren Stanberry- Wanted to get away to "see the world" after his 18th birthday. High tensions with his Mother, he may have been an unwanted pregnancy. Job loss and mother's refusal to help financially, could have set him into a deep depression. I think he committed suicide and his remains might be in San Francisco Bay.

2.) Mike Klitch- Murdered by someone he knew, likely the killer had prestige in a upper-class community and resources to keep his identity quiet. Businessman's receipts were found with address on them in the same dumping bin as Mike's belongings, 25 miles away in a shed, from the tennis court. Those close to case believe he willingly took a shortcut through a wooded area on a boiling hot day, and gained false trust with a neighbor. They had a confrontation that turned violent and deadly.

3.) Dermot Kelly- Left home after years of emotional and likely physical abuse by his ultra-conservative military, hot-tempered father, to finally find peace, by committing suicide by shooting himself near a partially frozen river, likely in the heart, and forcing himself to drown quickly by leaving his boots and jacket on the river bank. LE is fairly convinced that Dermot committed suicide.

4.) Wendy Woolin- Stabbed to death in broad daylight by a sicko who was never found, but the detective on the case is pretty sure who did it, and has very strong evidence that this man had no car of his own, used public transportation to get around, spent time in mental institutions, and despised woman, particularly young girls. The suspect died some time in the 1990's.

5.) Brad Bellino- Likely hitchhiked home from his friend's house to cut the journey home from what would be about over an hour walking, to about fifteen minutes in a car. Brad met up with a "bad ride."

6.) Dennis Martin- Wondered away from his family and campsite during a game with friends. Probably ran through rough terrain, fell in a hole, or fell in a river, and died from the elements.

7.) Terry and Allan Westerfield- Overwhelming evidence, although circumstantial, shows that they although are listed missing, they were killed by their stepfather,

3.) Dermot Kelly- Left home after years of emotional and likely physical abuse by his ultra-conservative military, hot-tempered father, to finally find peace, by committing suicide by shooting himself near a partially frozen river, likely in the heart, and forcing himself to drown quickly by leaving his boots and jacket on the river bank. LE is fairly convinced that Dermot committed suicide.

Very interesting summaries! I remember briefly reading about this case. Apparently, when his father died, Dermot was not listed in the obituary? Perhaps that was insightful to their relationship? Where did you read that his dad was a ultra-conservative, military type? I suppose the fact they called the police after only a couple hours could point to a controlling household. He was a 16 year-old boy, not a baby.
Very interesting summaries! I remember briefly reading about this case. Apparently, when his father died, Dermot was not listed in the obituary? Perhaps that was insightful to their relationship? Where did you read that his dad was a ultra-conservative, military type? I suppose the fact they called the police after only a couple hours could point to a controlling household. He was a 16 year-old boy, not a baby.

A few years ago,

I contacted a reporter who ran a story on Dermot Kelly and ran a follow up a while back. He spoke to a head investigator that said that Dermot's dad had a bad temper, he was an attorney, and once attacked one of his law partners. Additionally, about ten years ago, a poster who claimed that "Dermot was my Mother's brother" said that at the time Dermot left home, the marriage was failing and sometimes abusive, and the father, was going through a job loss. Dermot's sister Laura, also passed away some years ago, and the article said that she had suffered from emotional problems for years. The Kelly's also had an infant daughter who died I believe back in 1946. The Mother's side of the family never wanted to accept another child dead.

It is also believed that Dermot's dad kept suicide out of the press as a possibility for Dermot, because he did not want the public to know that there was conflict in the family, which would damage his lawyer status with legal people. His Dad was very, very arrogant and controlling. (He also served in World War II.- Army division.)

A few years ago,

I contacted a reporter who ran a story on Dermot Kelly and ran a follow up a while back. He spoke to a head investigator that said that Dermot's dad had a bad temper, he was an attorney, and once attacked one of his law partners. Additionally, about ten years ago, a poster who claimed that "Dermot was my Mother's brother" said that at the time Dermot left home, the marriage was failing and sometimes abusive, and the father, was going through a job loss. Dermot's sister Laura, also passed away some years ago, and the article said that she had suffered from emotional problems for years. The Kelly's also had an infant daughter who died I believe back in 1946. The Mother's side of the family never wanted to accept another child dead.

It is also believed that Dermot's dad kept suicide out of the press as a possibility for Dermot, because he did not want the public to know that there was conflict in the family, which would damage his lawyer status with legal people. His Dad was very, very arrogant and controlling. (He also served in World War II.- Army division.)


You've done your homework! It sounds like Dermot was quite a deep-thinker. Possibly a melancholic personality type, that I'm sure living in an emotionally abusive household contributed to or caused to some degree.

It would be nice to believe he faked his death and rode off into the sunset but he likely took his own life.
Tammy Jo Zywicki is another I remember from years back, though they had a very good suspect in her case he passed away, and those around him were less than forthcoming with information.

Most feel her case is linked to many others, as part of the FBI Highway Serial Killings initiative

She didn't live far from here Id love to see her case, solved one day
This case has baffled me for a long time. Elderly couple on vacation in Costa Rica. The husband sits on a bench near the tour bus while the wife visits the hot springs 20 feet away. Within 30 minutes, the wife comes back and the husband has vanished. Security guards allegedly saw him walking from the resort. No trace of him has ever been found. Gentleman was 86 years-old. Hard to believe he was walking away to start a new life (although there were unconfirmed sightings of him in other parts of Costa Rica). Did he have a senior moment and wander off only to have an accident? It's incredible that he hasn't turned up one way or another.
I don't know if there's a "Case ID" help thread on WS somewhere but I'm desperately trying to find a case I saw on Youtube awhile back. It was a young girl, possibly mid-to-late teens. I think she was hispanic, she had darkish features. Admittedly, quite a pretty girl. From what I recall, she was visiting a friend/relative with someone. They were a few steps ahead of her as they both approached the home of the person whom they were visiting. Next minute, the person in front heard a car pull away, when she turned around the girl had gone. I'm pretty sure she was listed on CharleyProject but for the life of me I've never been able to find her again. Any super sleuths got a clue? :eek:

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