Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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I have a question - since the bulk of her lies seem to revolve around deceiving one set of people so that she can do something with another set of people without the first ones knowing (ex - lying to parents so she could party, lying to Amy so she could be with Tone, etc) - is that an indication of true pathological lying or just simply acting like a spoiled brat? The other facet of her lying seems to be a little more "psychological" based - examples would be her insistence that she was an event planner, college student, etc and had a nanny.

This is just a fascinating subject for me. I am acquainted with an individual who also make up fantastical stories about his younger life/background that are clearly not true and serve to make him look better/more interesting than the rest of us, but he does not lie as Casey does to get out of responsibilities, etc. In fact, this individual is gainfully employed, stable and has a wife and children that he adores and takes good care of.

So, I am guessing one can be a pathological liar without being a sociopath as well?

It is true that one can be a pathological liar without being a sociopath. Also, lying can serve multiple functions for the same person ... avoiding consequences, gaining something, punishing others, or just to exercise power and control. Lying is verbal, takes little energy or effort, but can have profound effects, making it a very likely way for someone to manipulate others for personal gain, including psychological gains, even pathological psychological reasons. For example, Casey seems to enjoy lying to Cindy in ways that result in Cindy working for nothing (e.g., preparing to feed a guest Casey knows is not coming to dinner).

Just my opinions,
It is true that one can be a pathological liar without being a sociopath. Also, lying can serve multiple functions for the same person ... avoiding consequences, gaining something, punishing others, or just to exercise power and control. Lying is verbal, takes little energy or effort, but can have profound effects, making it a very likely way for someone to manipulate others for personal gain, including psychological gains, even pathological psychological reasons. For example, Casey seems to enjoy lying to Cindy in ways that result in Cindy working for nothing (e.g., preparing to feed a guest Casey knows is not coming to dinner).

Just my opinions,

Thanks for your input!!That is really interesting - I had never considered the angle of Casey enjoying her mother working for nothing. Very interesting. I am sure that Psych students will be studying her/this case for years. I imagine a professor could teach a entire class revolving around her.

One more quick question if I may - what is the correct term for someone who lies about/embellishes his/her accomplishments and background but doesn't seem to exhibit any other pathological lying symptoms? Just curious, and thanks in advance!
Thanks for your input!!That is really interesting - I had never considered the angle of Casey enjoying her mother working for nothing. Very interesting. I am sure that Psych students will be studying her/this case for years. I imagine a professor could teach a entire class revolving around her.

One more quick question if I may - what is the correct term for someone who lies about/embellishes his/her accomplishments and background but doesn't seem to exhibit any other pathological lying symptoms? Just curious, and thanks in advance!

I suppose that would be a form of pseudologica fantastica.

Regarding lying in general and Casey in particular, IMO, when a person successfully lies, lying is reinforced (strengthened) as an easy means to whatever end (i.e., an increase in pleasure/comfort and/or a decrease in pain/discomfort). Lying is also behavior that is inconsistent with what the person knows is right and true. Each lie is another occasion when the person behaves contrary to generally accepted social norms and values, making it easier to lie in the future, and to lie about more important matters – all contrary to adaptive/good social values – which makes one increasingly antisocial in terms of values and more likely to gradually become a pathological liar and more likely to engage in antisocial physical acts that are the same as lying, such as stealing. The more lying and stealing, the more antisocial conditioning of values and the more likely the person will progress to increasingly risky, deviant, and violent acting-out ... the person no longer has any values to the contrary and more adaptive character traits (self-discipline, self-restraint) have not been developed.

I always thought that exactly describes KC.
I think the more she lied the more powerful she felt.The lies took over.
Without the lies she was a nobody,a looser without having graduated high school that got knocked up and lived with her parents that treated her like a 12 year old.
I think she was proud of her lies.She found something she thought she was good at and it gave her power and control.
I've been desperately trying to find the photobucket threads here,I think they gave such a deep dark glimpse into what was going on inside of KC's head and they included many icons that boasted about lying ,also her comment to Melissa about what a good liar she is....
I don't think it's correct to refer to these people as "imaginary" because that implies that KC believed these people existed. These were just situations and people she talked about so that she would appear affluent (Nanny) and popular to her new friends.

Interesting case of Brian Blackwell. He (or rather his lawyers) made English Legal History by becoming the first to successfully use 'narcisistic personality disorder' as a defence. In 2004 17 year old Brian viciously murdered his parents. Their decomposing bodies were found 6 weeks later. Brian had taken his girlfriend off on a trip to the USA.
After two days of questioning, he confessed, though claimed it was self defence. :waitasec: police didnt buy that but his QC's had numerous phsycologists examine him and all agreed he was suffering from NPD. Though legally sane, the Crown Prosecution Service (USA equivalent to the DA) reduced the charges of murder to 2 counts manslaughter. They accepted his lawyer's contention that he had acted during an episode of narcissistic rage where he perceived his parents were preventing him from carrying out his fantasies. Basically, they found out he had been stealing from them to live a lavish lifestyle.

snipped from article

"Blackwell was a pathological liar and a tendency towards the grandiose. He liked people to believe he had accomplished things, which in fact he had not. His girlfriend, Amal Saba, was the daughter of Jordanian physicians and a fellow student at Liverpool College. She had succumbed to Blackwell’s extravagant lies about his lifestyle and, although he could play tennis fairly well, he had convinced her that he was a professional tennis player, with a Nike sponsorship deal worth £70,000 and a place in the French Open. He had even asked her to be his manager and in April 2004 had written her a salary cheque for £39,000 despite only having 9p in his account at the time."

"The cheque to Saba bounced due to lack of funds and desperate to keep up appearances, Blackwell went to the bank in May 2004 and withdrew £9,000 from an investment account his parents had set up to pay for his university education. He convinced the bank to give him the money, telling them his father had died and that he needed to buy a car for himself. In fact, he used the money to buy Saba a new Ford Ka car for £6,500. "

This is a very extreme case, but I think there are similarities to ICA.
thanks for the post. very interesting. The difference between your friend and ICA, imo, is that your friend started and continues to fantasize as a coping mechanism for her inner reality. A made up world is easier for her to process than the chaos in her real world.

otoh, ICA creates fantasy as an attempt to manipulate the real world around her. she needs to lie because of what she has done, or WANTS to do. Not to shield herself from perceived threats, but from real threats she has created (the law, her mom problem, her work problem), or as an attempt to get something out of somebody.

sorry I couldn't be clearer. but i feel empathy for your friend. I understand her pain, in a way.


Alright - Long time lurker, first time posting!:woohoo:

Watching Jose's line of questioning has really got me thinking about just HOW MANY imaginary friends Casey has. There are tons! :crazy:

However... and this is a big one. I know someone who has a ton of imaginary friends as well. She makes up very elaborate stories... much better than Casey's, actually. I am very close with her, and she actually confessed this to me. I am not sure if her reasoning is the same as Casey's, but I figure I should speak up to let you know what I've been told by someone who has confided in me and been completely candid regarding their situation.

Here goes - My friend said her elaborate 'other-world' started when her parents were getting divorced when she was about 10. It was her way to escape from 'reality' and her problems with her family. When her parents would start to fight, she would go into this other world. She would go somewhere her parents couldn't find her and just pretend that her life wasn't as bad as it seemed. She never thought anyone would like her for her, so she would make stuff up just so that people would 'love' her as she felt like the world was against her. She is very smart and mature, but can also be very childish at times (even having security objects from childhood). I could write so much more about this, but I'm not sure if anyone is really interested in hearing about this other point of view.

I have asked her about this case and what she thinks of Casey; her opinion is that there must be something that triggered her to start making up all of these people and her home-life most likely has played a part in her imaginary world of thinking and that Casey never really grew up.

Just figured I'd throw that out there. Don't shoot!
And, Kio Marie did tell us right from the beginning...Check the secret place "The Zone" for Caylee.

Even with all the water/flooding....certain psychics had very strong feelings about this place.

IJMO Where Caylee was conceived.

Adding: The "Zone Area" was a secret place for Casey & her friends during high school. For Casey to bring Caylee's remains back to the place where it most likely began...When her life was simple.

The Clues:
"Here Comes Trouble" pink t-shirt
Pull up shorts/diaper
Pooh comforter
'Happy Father's Day" balloon

....Any shoes? Any jewelry? Any bathingsuit?
In contemplating the scene in court the other day when Cindy had a total meltdown, I slowly began to realize that KC has actually gotten some satisfaction that she accomplished one of her goals.

If you watch the CaseyCam while Cindy is bent over in obvious physical, mental and emotional pain, you will see that KC looks at Cindy with a smidgen of curiosity and perhaps satisfaction.

KC has witnessed her success. She broke Cindy. Broke her down. She must be gloating over winning this battle in their lifelong war with each other. Granted, KC will likely be convicted and will NOT get to go to the beach like she once talked about doing "once this is all over." But she got her. The ultimate jab. Not only that, but KC also knows that part of Cindy's pain is perhaps her realizing that KC DID IT. KC does not have to admit to anything. She can go on denying her guilt til eternity, but KC knows that Cindy knows the truth, and that... is true satisfaction for KC.
Casey doesn't have any imaginary friends. She wasn't sitting home alone and lonely. She had a whole group of different real people that she was out running around with, but just telling Cindy about the fake ones so that she could get out and do what she wanted and have use of the vehicle in hopes that Cindy couldn't track her down. If Cindy tried to call any of the fake phone numbers they'd just lead to a real friend's number and a big excuse could have been made for jotting down the wrong numbers. Very devious, and no way imaginary or delusional. The lies to Amy were a con to get her into Amy's home around checks and money plus stay there awhile. The friends have testified that her lies about her job were minimal and in no way elaborate. The lies about having a job got her free babysitters, use of the vehicle, extra financial help, and the ability to run around partying and spending the night with boyfriends. I'm hoping we find out more about all the "lots" of money taken from Cindy and the grandparents, because Casey probably planned on that being forgiven when she became a victim, the mother of a missing child. It was a motive, and possibly a well thought out plan for a simple car jacking or abduction that would have given her freedom to go to New York with Tony.

Thank you to a fellow WS who posted this video in another thread.

This video amazes me. The intensity she shows when she speaks of how this should be "all about Caylee" but "it's not." She is speaking of a People Magazine article with Caylee on the cover...and other things she has seen that are "all about her." That intensity would almost make you believe she is upset about what she claims, or maybe she is but for different reasons? ( 15:42)

In the beginning of this video and for much of the time until you get to what I described above, George is speaking of Caylee: her third birthday party coming up, his experiences with people who help find missing children, how they played Spongebob Squarepants...

Casey really "loses" it when George tells her this about Spongebob she laugh/cries it seems, reminiscing. :sick: This crying is all "right under the eye swiping slash nose wiping" as we have seen so many other times. Wiping and wiping, wiping and wiping. I will admit she seems snotty enough, though. :yuck:

Her main focus is "I want to be home when Caylee comes home." And that she has no more information for anyone. :dunno:

I had to post this here, I am hoping to read what everyone's impressions are of this visit between George and Casey. Mostly, I am amazed at how much "emotion" (?) ICA is showing while George is speaking about Caylee.

I can see George a little more clearly now, (maybe?) as with stuff like "hey beautiful." Casey was/is a terror, a monster that must be placated to at all times by her family. It used to be George and Cindy, but I think they gave that responsibility up to Casey's defense team. I think of Casey having her fit on Saturday, seeing Cindy hug George and cry because Cindy did not look at her while she testified nor after...

of Casey complaining/crying to D. Simms who says, "you are right, I was wrong." All of that kiss butt stuff coming from George and Cindy, all of the covering up was just what some had said all along: for princess Casey.

Is there a word for this kind of enabling, co dependence? What is this behavior? Is it as many have said the only way to deal with a sociopath?

Right now into my mind comes the persons in my own family who I would describe as a person/persons who for which we all walk on egg shells.

I have to think about that deeply now and process that because I am having some kind of realization about that but I don't know exactly what that is... :waitasec: :crazy:

In my family it was my maternal grandfather that everyone did this for, performed to keep him "happy." While being aware this happened to her, my mom was big on saying we were lucky we didn't have to walk on egg shells for her-while of course we did have to with her. But then she walked on egg shells for my brother...but she manipulates him with guilt and obligation. And, the big one we all walked on egg shells for was my sister, she could get my mom to do that for her.

Lots and lots of egg shells. In my just now realization I just realized that a big part of how I live my life and why I do not have contact with the family I do not have contact with is: I refuse to walk on egg shells for anyone. Or more like I would like to learn how to not walk on egg shells for anyone but I do not feel strong enough to resist so I shall remove myself from your presence.

I could not be more interested in the idea that Casey thought Cindy was going to go along with the latest incarnation of the "truth", ICA style. I did waiver as to who came first, the chicken or the egg shells? With everything included as to all the horrible mistakes/wrong doings performed by Cindy since this began; I can find the human being in Cindy. If only because she did not kill anyone. Casey did.

I do not think Cindy's behavior has been even close to how a good person would react to a horrible situation. It is the throwing of the innocent people, people who came to help in front of the firing squad, that I have not forgotten-but unless she is so devious that she knew she could raise a daughter to be what Casey is and know what Casey was capable of and to have wanted all of this to happen: I have to say that it was Casey running this household as they all tried to live with a sociopath.


Thank you for sharing your family experience. I'm not qualified to speak on mental illness or personality disorders, but I do think the engine under the hood is missing more than a few spark plugs. How that happened I don't know, but I do believe that her mental issues don't give rise to as pass on murder.

Mentally ill people aren't the only ones who have learned to use "the best defense is a good offense" tactic. Alcoholics, drug abusers, and people who just want their way and/or don't want to have to account for their actions use this defense every day. The person who puffs up, screams, yells, becomes physical, threatens to harm self or others - they've all learned to deal with people by asserting their bad behavior and intimidating others. All the "sweethearts" and "beautifuls" can't hide the most likely Anthony home scenario. Could be the only way that KC could be heard over CA was to outdo her physically and emotionally. Once the family had a taste of KC's emotional outbursts when provoked or expected to act rationally, they avoided provoking her. Not provoking KC in order to keep Caylee in their lives could have been their coping mechanism. "Now, don't get upset, sweetheart" is a quote that exemplifies these family dynamics to me.

It sort of reminds me of my late husband who in his younger years would puff up and blow up if I asked him to tell me the truth about something, Then he'd use the self-provoked storm to leave the home and do whatever. When I'd come to work shaking and upset, I'd swear he was crazy. But as my ex-boss used to say, he was as crazy as a fox.

As soon as I learned to match his outbursts and be the one who left first, he started to change this behavior. But not before a long separation. I was tired of walking on eggshells and did not want to have to emulate his behavior in order to keep peace in the home.,
Re: From all accounts of photos and video Casey had a deep bond with Caylee and obviously loved and cared for her(paraphrased of course)

I, too am someone who has not followed this case FOr the last 3 years religiously as some.. Am not obsessed or emotionally attached(per se) either with this case.. So, coming from a similar angle as those who felt the photos/videos showed a loving mother daughter bond...

And I could not disagree more with this observation..

In the same breath that this statement regarding this close bond was made.. So, too were the great details of Personality Disorders stated and discussed.. IMO the true answers of an accurate analysis of the photos/videos of mom and daughter are clearly defined in that same discussion..

When speaking about particular disorders where the subject does not even have the capabilities to have the type bond that's said to be obviously present from photos/videos.. Rather the person attempts to mimic what they have observed in others during those specific times.. Clearly capable of fooling some.. Some of the time with their feigned feelings for another human..but they certainly cannot fool all.. All of the time with these character roles they are attempting to play or mimic with only one motive.. Their own personal agenda.. Their own personal gain.. Nothing in the very least to do with real feelings, bonds, or attachments.. Self-serving 100% of the time..

So, IMO it's obvious to even myself who has not closely followed the case as some.. That any type of facade of love, caring, protecting, guarding, etc that is mistaken as true, deep, or heartfelt emotional bond is NOTHING BUT JUST THAT... ONE HUGE FACADE TO SERVE ONLY ONE PERSON's benefit.. Her very own, ICA, herself Casey Marie Anthony..

Jmo, tho!!

Posting via mobile so please excuse errors as there is not the same amount of control as I'd have posting from my laptop! Thanks! :)
Everyone lies . . . .

GA filled out a job application on June 17, 2008. He states on his resume that he turned in that he was UNemployed since March 2008. Actually, as evidenced in discovery (written page 23119, access thru post 306 on "Cindy's (draft?) email to Casey --" thread), he was working for Security Forces Jan. - July 2008. Why was he hiding that fact when applying for a job with Andrews Int'l.?

More importantly, I was reminded when reading the papers GA filled out for Andrews, that GA had moved to Fort Myers in October 2007 not returning to Orlando until March 2008.
That means, out of Caylee's short two and 3/4 year life, GA removed himself from the picture for six months of that time. He claims he loved being a Grandpa so much yet he stated something about tension due to having a baby in the house as one of the reasons he and CA were not getting along. That means that leading up to Caylee's third b-day (that she never saw), GA had only been home for three months prior to June 2008 and was not living in the house for six months prior to that. :waitasec:
That doesn't leave alot of time for all of the interaction that, if you listen to GA and his admirers, claim that he had with Caylee (considering a child doesn't remember much the younger they are).

It's conflicts such as the above, when I think deeper, that really get me wondering about anything anyone claims when it comes to the A's. They'd say anything at the time if it sounded better for what they're being asked imo.
Was looking for something else and found this old article. Pretty darn interesting.
December 12, 2008

"If on the other hand, there is evidence that clearly implicates the Anthony home, then Casey will likely change the story to one of accidental death followed by an anguished and terrified mother trying to deal with a horrific situation. Of course, Casey’s behaviors of partying and such will not make her very lovable in the eyes of a jury. The lawyers may then go for the old line, ‘Yes, Casey is a disturbed woman, maybe even narcissistic, but she is not a coldblooded killer; she is merely a young, foolish girl who made a poor choice by --------fill in the blank -----leaving Caylee alone in the pool where she accidentally drowned, etc. etc."

Fill in the blank: she was sexually abused by her father so she went along with the story he came up with to cover the accidental drowning.


The duct tape, however, could be more useful if some was torn off and the roll tossed back onto a shelf.

I think she nailed this one on the head pretty much. The whole article is pretty darn close to what is going on then and now. Dang. JMHO.
Everyone lies . . . .

GA filled out a job application on June 17, 2008. He states on his resume that he turned in that he was UNemployed since March 2008. Actually, as evidenced in discovery (written page 23119, access thru post 306 on "Cindy's (draft?) email to Casey --" thread), he was working for Security Forces Jan. - July 2008. Why was he hiding that fact when applying for a job with Andrews Int'l.?

More importantly, I was reminded when reading the papers GA filled out for Andrews, that GA had moved to Fort Myers in October 2007 not returning to Orlando until March 2008.
That means, out of Caylee's short two and 3/4 year life, GA removed himself from the picture for six months of that time. He claims he loved being a Grandpa so much yet he stated something about tension due to having a baby in the house as one of the reasons he and CA were not getting along. That means that leading up to Caylee's third b-day (that she never saw), GA had only been home for three months prior to June 2008 and was not living in the house for six months prior to that. :waitasec:
That doesn't leave alot of time for all of the interaction that, if you listen to GA and his admirers, claim that he had with Caylee (considering a child doesn't remember much the younger they are).

It's conflicts such as the above, when I think deeper, that really get me wondering about anything anyone claims when it comes to the A's. They'd say anything at the time if it sounded better for what they're being asked imo.

I never realized he was gone until March 2008!!!
March 2008,the time of the computer searches !
Maybe GA coming back was the catalyst that enraged KC.
Maybe CA did promise to sign the house over to KC to save it and to let her live there with roommates and to move into an Apartement herself.
And then he returned and the plans all changed.
And Someone searched for household weapons,neck braking and chlorofom.
Someone wanted to get rid of someone else in that household.
And I never thought that someone was Caylee.
I now think it was GA.
She's getting back at him for destroying the plan by accusing him of sexual abuse maybe?
Re: From all accounts of photos and video Casey had a deep bond with Caylee and obviously loved and cared for her(paraphrased of course)

I, too am someone who has not followed this case FOr the last 3 years religiously as some.. Am not obsessed or emotionally attached(per se) either with this case.. So, coming from a similar angle as those who felt the photos/videos showed a loving mother daughter bond...

And I could not disagree more with this observation..

In the same breath that this statement regarding this close bond was made.. So, too were the great details of Personality Disorders stated and discussed.. IMO the true answers of an accurate analysis of the photos/videos of mom and daughter are clearly defined in that same discussion..

When speaking about particular disorders where the subject does not even have the capabilities to have the type bond that's said to be obviously present from photos/videos.. Rather the person attempts to mimic what they have observed in others during those specific times.. Clearly capable of fooling some.. Some of the time with their feigned feelings for another human..but they certainly cannot fool all.. All of the time with these character roles they are attempting to play or mimic with only one motive.. Their own personal agenda.. Their own personal gain.. Nothing in the very least to do with real feelings, bonds, or attachments.. Self-serving 100% of the time..

So, IMO it's obvious to even myself who has not closely followed the case as some.. That any type of facade of love, caring, protecting, guarding, etc that is mistaken as true, deep, or heartfelt emotional bond is NOTHING BUT JUST THAT... ONE HUGE FACADE TO SERVE ONLY ONE PERSON's benefit.. Her very own, ICA, herself Casey Marie Anthony..
Jmo, tho!!
Posting via mobile so please excuse errors as there is not the same amount of control as I'd have posting from my laptop! Thanks! :)

Greetings SmoothOperator.
Have not seen you lately since we have had no news on Hailey's board in quite awhile. Hope something changes there soon.

I agree with you that Casey created a huge FACADE to hide her coldness. She pretended to be a 'great' mom. She mimics others to seem 'caring' and loving. imoo
Everyone lies . . . .

GA filled out a job application on June 17, 2008. He states on his resume that he turned in that he was UNemployed since March 2008. Actually, as evidenced in discovery (written page 23119, access thru post 306 on "Cindy's (draft?) email to Casey --" thread), he was working for Security Forces Jan. - July 2008. Why was he hiding that fact when applying for a job with Andrews Int'l.?

More importantly, I was reminded when reading the papers GA filled out for Andrews, that GA had moved to Fort Myers in October 2007 not returning to Orlando until March 2008.
That means, out of Caylee's short two and 3/4 year life, GA removed himself from the picture for six months of that time. He claims he loved being a Grandpa so much yet he stated something about tension due to having a baby in the house as one of the reasons he and CA were not getting along. That means that leading up to Caylee's third b-day (that she never saw), GA had only been home for three months prior to June 2008 and was not living in the house for six months prior to that. :waitasec:
That doesn't leave alot of time for all of the interaction that, if you listen to GA and his admirers, claim that he had with Caylee (considering a child doesn't remember much the younger they are).

It's conflicts such as the above, when I think deeper, that really get me wondering about anything anyone claims when it comes to the A's. They'd say anything at the time if it sounded better for what they're being asked imo.

I always wondered about those computer searches because of the violence implied in them (neck breaking? weapons) as if whoever did the searches was planning a home invasion or something that looked like it. I think that George (and Cindy) very well may have been the true reasons for those searches. IMO
The think the NEW Anthony attitude is to tell the truth as it was happening to them years ago and now continue to tell the truth as it relates to Caylee and let the chips fall may they will.......
Apologies if this has been asked and answered, but does anyone have any ideas as to what George and Cindy believe - and Lee for that matter - regarding Caylee's death.

Are they in court supporting ICA or Caylee or both.
I am just still having a hard time getting my head around them supporting ICA - unless she has finally told them the truth.
In contemplating the scene in court the other day when Cindy had a total meltdown, I slowly began to realize that KC has actually gotten some satisfaction that she accomplished one of her goals.

If you watch the CaseyCam while Cindy is bent over in obvious physical, mental and emotional pain, you will see that KC looks at Cindy with a smidgen of curiosity and perhaps satisfaction.

KC has witnessed her success. She broke Cindy. Broke her down. She must be gloating over winning this battle in their lifelong war with each other. Granted, KC will likely be convicted and will NOT get to go to the beach like she once talked about doing "once this is all over." But she got her. The ultimate jab. Not only that, but KC also knows that part of Cindy's pain is perhaps her realizing that KC DID IT. KC does not have to admit to anything. She can go on denying her guilt til eternity, but KC knows that Cindy knows the truth, and that... is true satisfaction for KC.

She seemed especially proud of herself, even giddy, today. It's just unimaginable and the jury probably sees more than we might give them credit for. They may not have a Casey Cam but some of them have probably been watching her out of the corners of their eyes.
I just now saw this post by Dani in the questions for verified lawyers thread.
HAS ANYONE ELSE SEEN THIS INFO? It seems like it is very important evidence against ICA. ================================

posted by Dani
In Yuri's "OCSO Supplemental Report" (last paragraph of page 8) it says:

"Robyn Adams spoke with Casey Anthony the day Caylee Anthony's remains were found (December 11 th, 2008). After a chaplain informed Casey Anthony of the recovery, Casey Anthony told Robyn Adams law enforcement had found the body of a small child with a baby blanket inside a black garbage bag. As a note, the information regarding the baby blanket and black garbage bag was not made known to the jail chaplain so Casey Anthony had knowledge of items only the suspect, certain law enforcement personnel and the certain medical examiner's personnel knew."

Is it possible the jury will hear/see this information?
"That's all they care about right now, finding Caylee." Casey Anthony 7/16/2008

"Did you ask Ms. Anthony if she ever committed suicide?" Jose Baez 6/01/2011

"It started when two dead squirrels crawled up under the hood of the car" Lee Anthony

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