Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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Can you comment on my understanding that most testing does not "work" on Sociopaths?

From my perspective, the testing "works" if you can get them to agree to testing. It works because they know how a "sociopaths" mind works.. they know the questions to ask and they know how "sociopaths" respond which is why they have the different scales, they are looking for specific traits or tendencies with each scale. As with any illness or disorder "sociopaths" have typical symptoms or traits that are present throughout the course of their illness. When they attempt to malinger they answer things wrong because they are thinking they are answering how the tester wants them to answer, how a "normal" person would answer and they just aren't normal, their thinking is flawed so their answers are flawed. They can tell when a person is answering to appear excessively good or excessively bad.. when they are being defensive or are downplaying behaviors etc. If testing didn't "work" on them, how would we be able to diagnose them, how would the mental health community have been able to come up with the diagnostic criteria? kwim?

Two of the potential issues Anthony could suffer from are borderline personality disorder and psychopathology, the experts said. The main thing these issues have in common is a total lack of empathy...

Borderline personalities have more emotional regulation problem and often use lying to get away from something and not ever feeling like they're responsible."


I am not surprised that Casey Anthony is a pathological liar or has borderline personality disorder (BPD). People with BPD are difficult people to deal with as they are manipulative, immature, and tend to bully. I am not saying all people with borderline are like that, but it seems to be a common trait with them. I have said Casey Anthony has a lot in common with Diane Downs and Lori Drew. Both are psychopaths and likely have BPD as they lie and lack empathy.
The entire family lacks empathy, except possibly Lee IMO. Cindy seemed to view her family as actors in her play of the perfect family. George & Casey are both narcissistic & totally lack impulse control.

I have trouble thinking Casey is borderline, only because IMO she goes beyond that with her totally preditorial sadistic nature. She hurt people for fun, not just when it benefited her. Is that consistant with BPD?
Casey must've been a horrible bully growing up. Does anyone agree?
From my perspective, the testing "works" if you can get them to agree to testing. It works because they know how a "sociopaths" mind works.. they know the questions to ask and they know how "sociopaths" respond which is why they have the different scales, they are looking for specific traits or tendencies with each scale. As with any illness or disorder "sociopaths" have typical symptoms or traits that are present throughout the course of their illness. When they attempt to malinger they answer things wrong because they are thinking they are answering how the tester wants them to answer, how a "normal" person would answer and they just aren't normal, their thinking is flawed so their answers are flawed. They can tell when a person is answering to appear excessively good or excessively bad.. when they are being defensive or are downplaying behaviors etc. If testing didn't "work" on them, how would we be able to diagnose them, how would the mental health community have been able to come up with the diagnostic criteria? kwim?

Well, first of all, the "mental health community" did not come up with the diagnostic criteria - a small group of professionals in NA and Europe did.
The "mental health community" has simply adopted those tools.

A sociopaths responses are highly manipulative, and they have the ability to answer as they "should" or "believe they should" answer, which in itself if a measuring tool. But a measuring tool in itself is not a standalone diagnosis, a life behavioural observation goes hand in hand. In other words, talk is cheap, what counts is what the person has "done" and continues to do that defies the test results.
You sound like you haven't read anything he has written - try a couple of pages of his Casey book and see if you think he is a straight shooter - cause I think he is :crazy:

Yikes - just glanced at my post which should have said "cause I DON'T this he is - I think he's a malingering fruitcake who throws around a bunch of psychiatric terms and a diagnosis or two, flings them on the ground - much like a witch doctor reading chicken bones, and builds a quickly written book around that which he guesses at.
The entire family lacks empathy, except possibly Lee IMO. Cindy seemed to view her family as actors in her play of the perfect family. George & Casey are both narcissistic & totally lack impulse control.

I have trouble thinking Casey is borderline, only because IMO she goes beyond that with her totally preditorial sadistic nature. She hurt people for fun, not just when it benefited her. Is that consistant with BPD?

No. I do not think she has BPD or Bipolar. I think her disorder/s are Axis II moo.
No. I do not think she has BPD or Bipolar. I think her disorder/s are Axis II moo.

I don't see her as BPD either...she toys with people, having no empathy whatsoever. She does not appear to be cycling in and out of psychosis like BPD...nope...I think she is garden variety EV-IL.
I would never want my father staring at my vagina..creepy, never ..George crossed a boundary IMO ..

Sorry but that is just beyond the pale for father staring at my Vajajay..nope..not EVER. I had natural drugs...went home twelve hours later...breast fed...was an earth Mother...but when my midwife stepped back and the doctor and pediatrician walked in...I said...cover me up or get the men out! I no likey being that no my boundaries would preclude that type of looky loo.
Casey must've been a horrible bully growing up. Does anyone agree?

That's what I have suspected about Casey Anthony. She was likely a bully. I have thought that Casey Anthony resembles Lori Drew, South Hadley 6, and Dharun Ravi. I think Anthony is Histrionic and Narcissistic and a psychopath. She likes attention and does anything for it and is obsessed with having money, but does not care about social status.

The entire family lacks empathy, except possibly Lee IMO. Cindy seemed to view her family as actors in her play of the perfect family. George & Casey are both narcissistic & totally lack impulse control.

I have trouble thinking Casey is borderline, only because IMO she goes beyond that with her totally preditorial sadistic nature. She hurt people for fun, not just when it benefited her. Is that consistant with BPD?

People with BPD are emotionally and psychologically manipulative from what I have read. They like to hurt people emotionally and psychologically and are prone to bullying, like Lori Drew.


People with BPD are often uncertain about their identity. As a result, their interests and values may change rapidly.

People with BPD also tend to see things in terms of extremes, such as either all good or all bad. Their views of other people may change quickly. A person who is looked up to one day may be looked down on the next day. These suddenly shifting feelings often lead to intense and unstable relationships.

Other symptoms of BPD include:

Fear of being abandoned

Feelings of emptiness and boredom

Frequent displays of inappropriate anger

Impulsiveness with money, substance abuse, sexual relationships, binge eating, or shoplifting

Intolerance of being alone

Repeated crises and acts of self-injury, such as wrist cutting or overdosing
Casey Anthony does feel bored and empty and is very impulsive and is prone to anger and they are strong traits. She is emotional immature, but not mentally incompetent. She has no known history of suicide, fearing rejection and being alone, or extreme paranoia. However, that description would certainly fit Lori Drew. We can say for sure that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Osama bin Laden, and Fred Phelps do not have BPD.

I don't think she has bipolar and Asperger's.
Sorry but that is just beyond the pale for father staring at my Vajajay..nope..not EVER. I had natural drugs...went home twelve hours later...breast fed...was an earth Mother...but when my midwife stepped back and the doctor and pediatrician walked in...I said...cover me up or get the men out! I no likey being that no my boundaries would preclude that type of looky loo.

Based on how uncomfortable George said he was even being in the room, and from my experiencing births, and watching them, there is no way George was at "that end" of the table. No way....just don't know how that rumor even got started.
Based on how uncomfortable George said he was even being in the room, and from my experiencing births, and watching them, there is no way George was at "that end" of the table. No way....just don't know how that rumor even got started.

I doubt it, too. Plus as ex-LE he may have been at some births during his time as a police officer. My husband delivered two. lol
This is an honest question, no snark.

Is pathological lying a DSM diagnosis on its own? Because she is a liar, narcissist and lacks empathy does she really have to be classified as having a disorder? Or, could it be she is just an evil wench?

This is an honest question, no snark.

Is pathological lying a DSM diagnosis on its own? Because she is a liar, narcissist and lacks empathy does she really have to be classified as having a disorder? Or, could it be she is just an evil wench?


I looked at DSM-IV and have never seen pathological lying as a diagnosis or disorder. It is a characteristic of a narcissists, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and sociopath/psychopath.

DSM-IV Codes

That leads me to the next question, what is the difference between sociopath and psychopath. What I understand is that sociopath is another word for antisocial and more environmental. Psychopaths are wired that way.
I looked at DSM-IV and have never seen pathological lying as a diagnosis or disorder. It is a characteristic of a narcissists, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and sociopath/psychopath.

DSM-IV Codes

That leads me to the next question, what is the difference between sociopath and psychopath. What I understand is that sociopath is another word for antisocial and more environmental. Psychopaths are wired that way.

It's all under Anti Social Personality Disorder now...and she has yet to be diagnosed with anything afaik. It takes more than checking the boxes on the DSM lists to really know what is going on with her unfortunately imo.
It's all under Anti Social Personality Disorder now...and she has yet to be diagnosed with anything afaik. It takes more than checking the boxes on the DSM lists to really know what is going on with her unfortunately imo.

Thanks for answering my question. The reason why I ask is that I am not real content thinking she may get a medical "out" for her "condition"that allows her to sit back on probation and do nothing (such as work and pay down her debt).

I would sure love to see those psych reports the court has wouldn't you? LOL.
I looked at DSM-IV and have never seen pathological lying as a diagnosis or disorder. It is a characteristic of a narcissists, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and sociopath/psychopath.

DSM-IV Codes

That leads me to the next question, what is the difference between sociopath and psychopath. What I understand is that sociopath is another word for antisocial and more environmental. Psychopaths are wired that way.

I have no idea!!!
Thanks for answering my question. The reason why I ask is that I am not real content thinking she may get a medical "out" for her "condition"that allows her to sit back on probation and do nothing (such as work and pay down her debt).

I would sure love to see those psych reports the court has wouldn't you? LOL.

Oh yes definitely. From everything I've heard it is not easy to get on disability...but with her luck who knows?
I looked at DSM-IV and have never seen pathological lying as a diagnosis or disorder. It is a characteristic of a narcissists, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and sociopath/psychopath.

DSM-IV Codes

That leads me to the next question, what is the difference between sociopath and psychopath. What I understand is that sociopath is another word for antisocial and more environmental. Psychopaths are wired that way.

No difference - interchangeable. You could always look up Dr.Robert Hare, who was the primary researcher who began documenting psychopaths and developed some of the clinical tools still being used.
It's all under Anti Social Personality Disorder now...and she has yet to be diagnosed with anything afaik. It takes more than checking the boxes on the DSM lists to really know what is going on with her unfortunately imo.

What's disappointing is that the "experts" who have interviewed her and examined her for disorders have said she is without any. :sick:

And people wonder why we have a high crime rate!

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