Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

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She didn't want to leave Caylee with her Dad because her Dad was nosey. He would ask questions about her job, paycheck, etc. He might even ask for her phone number @ work. cindy wouldn't because cindy knew she really didn't work....George didn't.

In classic Borderline traits, she did her darndest to keep GA and Cindy apart. She hated GA because he wanted answers to her behavior, Cindy didn't. Cindy has contributed to what FCA is today.

She had it made with Cindy...imo, still does.

I've never read a post that I agree with most!!! If she was so terrified of GA why not move out And never speak 2 him. Cindy might have believed the lies bit I think GA was on to her. She was busted and got caught!
I've never read a post that I agree with most!!! If she was so terrified of GA why not move out And never speak 2 him. Cindy might have believed the lies bit I think GA was on to her. She was busted and got caught!

True that!! And didn't she get her revenge on him for 'being onto her'. Scary. Almost like committing another murder; it was that vicious. Watch out. She's dangerous loose on the streets if an innocent person just happens to cross her. :eek:
True that!! And didn't she get her revenge on him for 'being onto her'. Scary. Almost like committing another murder; it was that vicious. Watch out. She's dangerous loose on the streets if an innocent person just happens to cross her. :eek:

Whoop whoop. I agree. I swear I think her N Joran should marry!!! :) no craziness here just murderers.
Let me tell u guys something. I have a 2 year old and I had 2 surgeries in his first 6 months of birth and suffered from depression severly. I sought medical attention. My parents keep him most of the time bc of our work schedule. So no I don't believe she has a mental disorder. I think she's a pathological liar. End of discussion.
I've never read a post that I agree with most!!! If she was so terrified of GA why not move out And never speak 2 him. Cindy might have believed the lies bit I think GA was on to her. She was busted and got caught!

And didn't GA go to one of her "jobs" only to find out she didn't work there???
And didn't GA go to one of her "jobs" only to find out she didn't work there???
Yup...the Sports Authority. I think Cindy told George that she'd handle that little problem with Casey. Boy, did she do a bang-up job.
Yup...the Sports Authority. I think Cindy told George that she'd handle that little problem with Casey. Boy, did she do a bang-up job.

Cindy gave George he77 for "spying on" Casey. At that point I think he mentally signed off trying to do any more with Casey's lies and feckless lifestyle - Cindy wanted to enable her as always. I've always seen Cindy as 50% responsible for Caylee's death. She did nothing to make Casey responsible for her own life or Caylee's care and comfort. She wanted to be popular with Casey.
I think she is a stunted psychopath. She behaves like a chameleon. She takes clues from her surroundings and molds them into a new personna at will. For Lenny P. she was Suzy homemaker, Jose ...a secretary, Cindy ..a good mother, each boyfriend she behaved differently and absorbed their likes and made them her own. And well we all witnessed her performance for the jury. She's an actress forever playing a role. There is no REAL Casey ....just the facade she wants others to see. .....Just like any other psychopath.

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I stand by my opinion that Cindy knew Caylee had died from day 1. There is no GMA in the universe who, if they had FCA as a daughter, would NOT have called their own car in stolen to make sure there grandchild was well and cared for. The car was in the parents' name. LE would have located the both of them immediately...Cindy did no such thing. She didn't even talk to FCA for two weeks. She knew. GA suspected she killed the baby. GA checked out years ago and is more than happy to let CA handle everything including his life, FCA's life, the baby's life and all the money. He is a total co-dependent....and is addicted to the drama.

Cindy told GA to go to work and she would handle the situation with the car. She scrubbed it like there was no tomorrow. She even managed to clean up every maggot in the trunk and only overlooked ONE hair.

Cindy and her daughter will always be together. There is no force that can keep them apart. They will always be together as they are enmeshed. IOW, they feed off each other and give each other validation.

I never thought GA would survive this...that still surprises me. I pegged him for having a heart attack before this was over.
I don't agree with your theory. Yes the car was in G&C's name but it was Casey's car. I think the alarm bells finally rang loud and clear when they received notice the car was impounded. Prior to finding the car Cindy was giving Casey the benefit of the doubt about her and Caylee's whereabouts. She didn't want to get Casey upset by demanding to speak to Caylee or demanding a meeting so she could see her. I'm sure there were niggling suspicions in the back of Cindy's mind when Casey wouldn't let her speak to Caylee but Cindy in her typical fashion never wanted to rock Casey's boat with asking too many questions. Which is why Casey knew she could take her parents for a ride with her lies and get away with it for so long. Cindy had been covering for Casey's bad behavior her whole life and the consequences of not disciplining Casey and letting her get away with stealing, lying, etc for years finally escalated in Caylee's death.
When it comes to the welfare of your grandchild, you do what is in the best interest of the child. Cindy knew FCA didn't have a job..she also knew her temperament. I don't care about semantics of the car being hers. CA & GA could have called the car in stolen and found out where Caylee was. They didn't.

Him being a former cop, you would think he would have done it. My gut tells me they both were covering for their evil daughter.

"Benefit of the doubt" flies out the proverbial window when a child's welfare is at stake.
I don't agree with your theory. Yes the car was in G&C's name but it was Casey's car. I think the alarm bells finally rang loud and clear when they received notice the car was impounded. Prior to finding the car Cindy was giving Casey the benefit of the doubt about her and Caylee's whereabouts. She didn't want to get Casey upset by demanding to speak to Caylee or demanding a meeting so she could see her. I'm sure there were niggling suspicions in the back of Cindy's mind when Casey wouldn't let her speak to Caylee but Cindy in her typical fashion never wanted to rock Casey's boat with asking too many questions. Which is why Casey knew she could take her parents for a ride with her lies and get away with it for so long. Cindy had been covering for Casey's bad behavior her whole life and the consequences of not disciplining Casey and letting her get away with stealing, lying, etc for years finally escalated in Caylee's death.
LEGALLY the car belongs to the parents...not Casey
. They could have called it in stolen and people have certainly done this for lesser reasons. GA, being a cop, knows what could have been done to find Caylee. The only logic to be used is they both suspected/knew Caylee was probably gone...forever. There is no excuse for their behavior. GA should no better but he is so far up Cindy's behind, he is blind.
LEGALLY the car belongs to the parents...not Casey
. They could have called it in stolen and people have certainly done this for lesser reasons. GA, being a cop, knows what could have been done to find Caylee. The only logic to be used is they both suspected/knew Caylee was probably gone...forever. There is no excuse for their behavior. GA should no better but he is so far up Cindy's behind, he is blind.

Let me propose a bit of a different angle on this, sadly from personal experience.

I do feel that Cindy had enabled her daughter over her lifetime until just short of Caylee's death. I have watched this very VERY similar dynamic in a close relationship. In our case, the mother was a combinatation of inattentive to her daughter when she was VERY young and then jealous of her daughter when she became a teenager having typical teenage fun: attention from boys AND attention from the father (HER husband) as he exercised his parental responsibility to monitor behavior and levy consequences. This mom constantly called the father out for doing his fatherly duty, such as grounding her for lying about her whereabouts. The daughter watched this 'fighting' between her parents and learned to use it in masterful manipulation. When the daughter's behavior spiralled downhill into calls from the police due to criminal actions like shoplifting (with no financial need, plenty of money), the mother, started blaming the FATHER :what: because he had not "trusted" the daughter. No chit. I think that was a deflection on the part of the mother to avoid accepting any responsibility. Anyway, eventually, too many other people stepped in insisting on intervention and the daughter was eventually hospitalized involuntarily, diagnosed, and treated. The mother STILL blames the father, even though he was never even allowed to parent. I've heard it from her own mouth. NPD, imo.

I think Cindy reached her limit with Casey. Up 'til that time, I think Caylee had been an object of manipulation between Cindy and Casey. I think George felt stripped of his role as a father and had somewhat turned to his own methods of self-comforting in a passive-aggressive way toward Cindy. But I do believe he felt love, REAL love, for his granddaughter.

I believe when Cindy threatened Casey that one last time, which even the neighbors overheard, she determined, finally, to not allow Caylee to be "used" and held over her head as barter to fulfill Casey's selfish agenda. I believe she allowed Casey to walk out with Caylee and start her own independent life.

As time passed and Casey did not "let" her mom talk to Cindy, I think Cindy felt that Casey was STILL trying to USE CAYLEE AS A MANIPULATIVE TOOL. And for the first time in her life, she held her ground, thinking that, in time, this would mature Casey, give Caylee a real mother, and be for the highest good for them ALL in the long term.

And it migt have worked out that way had Casey not been sociopathic.

I don't like Cindy's history as a mother, but I do feel very deeply for her. I think she just might have finally been stepping up to the plate and letting Casey deal with the natural consequences of her own behavior.

No one, but NO ONE, no matter how much they disliked Casey up to that point, would have dreamed that she was capable of murder.

I truly wish for deep healing for everyone concerned. We have all done things we shouldn't have at some time in our lives. Cindy didn't murder Caylee no matter how dysfunctional the personalities and family dynamics. Casey will be living the kharma for that for eons to come, IMO, even if she holds fast to superficial denial and blame In the face of the public. As to the rest of the family, how do you get past something like this and go on with your life? My heart goes out to them all.
Cindy gave George he77 for "spying on" Casey. At that point I think he mentally signed off trying to do any more with Casey's lies and feckless lifestyle - Cindy wanted to enable her as always. I've always seen Cindy as 50% responsible for Caylee's death. She did nothing to make Casey responsible for her own life or Caylee's care and comfort. She wanted to be popular with Casey.

I agree, and would like to quote a small part of Jeff Ashton's book, Imperfect Justice, (which I highly recommend) as I felt it was very insightful with regards to Cindy's culpability. This is describing a jail conversation Cindy and Casey had and Mr. Ashton's reaction/revelation:

"Okay, is that Zanny's apartment?" Cindy asked again. She paused before completing the rest of the question: "Because I know whose apartment it is." By saying that she knew whose apartment it really was, the protective mother was giving Casey an out before she was too deep into her lie........

It seemed apparent to me that Cindy brought up the photograph with the intent of trapping Casey in a lie. Yet at the last moment she could not bring herself to spring the trap and instead gave her daughter room to squirm out of the lie. Cindy's ambivalence was palpable. Suddenly it was clear why Cindy had been so easy to lie to for thirty-one days. That was the way she wanted it, classic codependency.

( Bold mine, not bolded in the book)
I agree, and would like to quote a small part of Jeff Ashton's book, Imperfect Justice, (which I highly recommend) as I felt it was very insightful with regards to Cindy's culpability. This is describing a jail conversation Cindy and Casey had and Mr. Ashton's reaction/revelation:

"Okay, is that Zanny's apartment?" Cindy asked again. She paused before completing the rest of the question: "Because I know whose apartment it is." By saying that she knew whose apartment it really was, the protective mother was giving Casey an out before she was too deep into her lie........

It seemed apparent to me that Cindy brought up the photograph with the intent of trapping Casey in a lie. Yet at the last moment she could not bring herself to spring the trap and instead gave her daughter room to squirm out of the lie. Cindy's ambivalence was palpable. Suddenly it was clear why Cindy had been so easy to lie to for thirty-one days. That was the way she wanted it, classic codependency.

( Bold mine, not bolded in the book)

I don't believe that Cindy actually wanted to catch her in a lie - however, I do believe she wanted to determine whether she was lying... Does that make senses. IIRC, CA asked the question, the 1,2,3,4 seconds that passed gave her the answer and also gave the then-accussed the breathing room she needed to lie and assuage her mother's fears... And CA bought it - just like she'd bought the entire bouquet of the then accused's lies for the last three (four five six seven years). CA wanted to believe she was asking the hard questions, but she could not do it - more importantly, she needed to hear the then accused lies to form her own defense of her daughter and reformulate her reality and thereby her position. Classic co-dependency - I agree. Palpable ambivalence? I'd say more like "Oh ***** she KILLED her! REGROUP! REGROUP! Make it better, Make it right!"

As for easy to lie to for 31 days? CA had been easy to lie to for YEARS... This wa just the latest in the little missteps she'd enabled in "support" of her daughter
I don't agree with your theory. Yes the car was in G&C's name but it was Casey's car. I think the alarm bells finally rang loud and clear when they received notice the car was impounded. Prior to finding the car Cindy was giving Casey the benefit of the doubt about her and Caylee's whereabouts. She didn't want to get Casey upset by demanding to speak to Caylee or demanding a meeting so she could see her. I'm sure there were niggling suspicions in the back of Cindy's mind when Casey wouldn't let her speak to Caylee but Cindy in her typical fashion never wanted to rock Casey's boat with asking too many questions. Which is why Casey knew she could take her parents for a ride with her lies and get away with it for so long. Cindy had been covering for Casey's bad behavior her whole life and the consequences of not disciplining Casey and letting her get away with stealing, lying, etc for years finally escalated in Caylee's death.

Bolded by me

Cindy did demand to talk to Caylee and/or see Caylee before the car was picked up by the Anthony's at the tow yard. Cindy even went so far as to sit in her car in the Universal parking lot and call Casey to tell her where she was and for Casey to bring out Caylee to her.

IMO Casey and Cindy hated one another but still found that when they had a common enemy they could work together. Caylee was used as a pawn between the two of them. Neither really cared for or truly loved Caylee, it was all for show.
Every effort made in this case to find Caylee was half-hearted at best. She never would let FCa take Caylee overnight. She would call and tell her to bring her home. Suddenly Cindy doesn't even care to find her Caylee when she was abruptly taken from the home.

Nope, Cindy knew. She could have located Caylee by a welfare check, telling the LE she was worried about her GC; that she was the child's total support; that FCA has no means of support; That NO CLOTHES of Caylee's were taken from the house.

How does anyone account for that? FCA took none of Caylees clothes and cindy didn't care. Nope, cindy knew Caylee was gone and was stalling for time to figure out how to protect her daughter. She knew. As soon as FCA said she was kidnapped, it was at this point that cindy called LE about her missing GC...and not one moment up till then. She cleaned the car meticulously. She knew and she knew from day one...but buried her head in the sand. Cindy also is used to playing people. She plays GA all the time. He is her trophy husband.

Cindy is all about how she and her family look. I highly suspect Lee was not her favorite child and he knew it. It was due to him not having perfect looks, like she, ga and fca did. He was always struggling for cindy's affection....still is
George has been in the Anthony home on sufferance for years.
He does what he is told or he is out the door and then he would have to
work for a living....
Remember when Jesse Grund's father called George right at the very beginning
and asked him why he wasn't shaking the trees, out searching for Caylee, calling in favors, anything at all to track her kidnapper down....?
George eventually called him back and said "Because my wife doesn't want me to".
I always thought that was the most amazing statement he ever made.
I wonder if Casey Anthony participated in any extracurricular activities in high school like sports, choir, acting, arts, student council, etc.
I wonder if Casey Anthony participated in any extracurricular activities in high school like sports, choir, acting, arts, student council, etc.

Am I cuckoo or did we learn she ran track?

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