Casey and George give just about identical descriptions of Caylee's clothes

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It is possible that really was what Caylee was wearing when she left the house that day and possible that George saw her and remembered.
I remember what my son was wearing the last time I saw him and that was over 3 years ago . . .

Exactly! And the important thing I noticed is he initially had the wrong date ~ along with CA and Casey. Yet, when talking with Greta, he was too precise even noting the time of day Casey & Caylee walked out the door. This is why I've never believed he saw them that day, 6/16. MOO

bold me

Yet Casey was NOT precise about the time she and Caylee left, saying between 9am-1pm. Her cell phone pings will tell that story.

Have we seen GA's cell phone records for that day yet?
I have some serious issues with the last time of GA's account of seeing Caylee that morning. He never mentions breakfast which he had said he usually had with her and there is just a gap of time as to what happened that morning but that is a whole different thread. As a former officer I would think the most important thing to remember is a description of clothing of what she was last seen wearing so it could be documented. As a grandfather you would replay in your mind the last time she walked out the door and what happened especially from not seeing her. It isn't so much as what his first account said but what is missing in it that lacks credibility.

bold me

I agree.
I would think interaction, like having breakfast with her, would stand out even more, something like (in my own words) Yes I saw her that day we had breakfast together.
Did he do anything with Caylee that morning? Have breakfast with her? Go for a walk? Play with the dogs? Play in the backyard? Did he help feed her lunch?

Yet he remembers, an early afternoon event, watching his fav cooking network show and seeing the 2 girls leave and what they were wearing.
The only explanation I have is if it was an outfit that Caylee wore a lot or was particularly cute. Maybe he liked that little outfit on her and it stuck in his mind. I can remember what my 26 yo son wore on his first day of kindergarten but not what he was wearing yesterday. I can remember this because he look so cute in his Superman shorts:)
I will say in George's defense that ya just never know why you remember some things. If we had to press our memories and really push to recall what someone was wearing as though their life depended on it, maybe we could all come up with the outfit also.
I think if my granddaughter were gone I could come up with what she was wearing when I last saw her. I just know I could.

Some people do notice and remember small details like this, and others do not. I, myself, definately fall in the "do not" category. (I wish I didn't, but I do!) It may be that, since GA was an ex LEO, things like this always just stick in his mind. I have worked with people in LE who could recall the tiniest, most minute details about something, and I am sitting there thinking, "How in the world can you remember that?" However, they do. I, on the other hand, can name almost every volcano on the planet, and give you details about its eruption history, but cannot tell you what my husband was wearing yesterday. So, it may be that GA does remember exactly what she was wearing.
I don't think its very possible that GA could remember what caylee and Kc were wearing on any given day. My questions about this whole identital description are this...
1. Why the date confusion? I know darned well something happened on the 9th. Is this the date Casey actually last saw Caylee?? Is this what she was wearing when KC saw her on that day? I just can't reconcile the date mixup 9th vs 15th. I know it has obviously been proven that Caylee was at Mt dora, so why the date confusion? Was this an outfit that had significance on June 9th? I also obviously think KC killed her daughter...I just don't get it. The date is not something you would forget.
2. Why white shorts were found and not the skirt. I'm assuming because I had a 2 1/2 yr old daughter that Caylee has MANY pink shirts in her wardrobe. I don't believe there is any consistency to the identical clothing statements, other than George heard it from Cindy or someone involved in the case early on, and he jogged his memory to find a day that she was wearing the same or similar outfit. I think he was trying to be helpful and unwittingly aggreed with the last known clothing description, probably convincing himself that it was indeed true.
3. Why is George so vehement that NO ONE discuss the last day he saw his granddaughter but him. He allows himself to comment on it, but during the deposition he wouldn't tolerate morgan mentioning the day AT ALL. I believe he realizes that he made this mistake, either willingly or unwillingly covering for KC and is terrified now. Does that make sense.

I will also add that its very possible to recall the last clothing worn by a deceased child. I can tell you what pair of socks my son was wearing the last time I saw him alive and even what pj's he wore earlier in the day before I got him dressed for the day. Its been 5 years and I remember it vividly. I cannot however remember what my living 2 yr old son wore two days ago. The brain hangs on to vital details when it thinks you will need them, and discards them when you don't. What I am saying here is that George would not be able to recall exactly what Caylee was wearing ( in my opinion) unless he KNEW it was the last time he would see her alive.
Does that make sense to anyone?
Glad this topic was brought up..... not for just the clothes but for the dead timeline George gave us for when caylee was last seen by family. I hands down, hands down suspect George and lee of knowing more ( more than cindy). People like him i read through, so much denial. KC is daddys lil girl he loves her as much as he did caylee. Funny how Kc had such a strained relationship with her dad b4 the arrest to him being the one she wants to talk to in Jail.

Cold, calculating KC in action. Notice the difference in GA's statements between when that jail video took place and now. He has done a complete turnaround from giving a statement to the Grand Jury to total denial that KC had anything to do with his granddaughter's death.
Personally, I don't remember what people were wearing unless it's something that stands out...the last time I saw my neice she was wearing a very bright yellow vest, matching capris, striped knees socks (pink, blue, yellow, purple stripes). I don't remember what color shirt she was wearing (it was a t-shirt) or what color her sandals were (flip flops) but I couldn't tell you one thing that anyone else was wearing that day (about two weeks ago). But, I can tell you exactly what my brother was wearing the last time I saw him (almost 9 years ago).

My point is, if its something that stands out like a bright outfit or if it is a significant event, I can remember but if it is day to day, I can't remember what I wore let alone someone else. I think if GA thought the outfit was really cute he may remember it or later on the event becomes significant (such as it turns out it's the last time he saw her) it may be stored in the depths of his mind and he was able to recall the information. Or maybe hearing KC's description created a memory of see Caylee in a similar outfit and he described that. Who knows....sorry, I'm rambling again...
It is possible that really was what Caylee was wearing when she left the house that day and possible that George saw her and remembered.
I remember what my son was wearing the last time I saw him and that was over 3 years ago . . .


Please don't think I'm being insensitive, that isn't my intention. I don't want to cause you any pain.

You recall what your son was wearing 3 years ago, but did you only remember that 31 days after you last saw him?
I remember what my DD was wearing when I made a missing persons report, but it is so vivid to me because after describing it to LE, and family and neighbours etc it was etched into my brain.

And as thoughts danced through my mind that night, she was wearing those clothes. My DD was found safely after some 45 hours and I am heartbroken for those of you here who were not so fortunate. :blowkiss:

I care not that GA decsribed the clothing wrongly, I care that he uses it to bolster his 'seeing them leave' story.

KC knew for certain what Caylee was wearing that day, and gave the wrong details. The fact that GA repeated that wrong information probably means he didn't know the right information.

When 2 kids get the same INCORRECT answer on the test - one of them cheated.
Respectfully snipped:
I care not that GA decsribed the clothing wrongly, I care that he uses it to bolster his 'seeing them leave' story.

KC knew for certain what Caylee was wearing that day, and gave the wrong details. The fact that GA repeated that wrong information probably means he didn't know the right information.

When 2 kids get the same INCORRECT answer on the test - one of them cheated.
Bolded by me.

I believe that GA willfully gave a false story about seeing KC and Caylee leave and added the description of the clothes to bolster his story.

However, the possibility exists that KC described the same outfit as GA because she KNOWS that's the last thing GA saw Caylee in. It's obvious, to me, that KC is lying about the last outfit she saw Caylee in. Describing the last outfit GA saw Caylee in may have been KC's way of bolstering her story of a kidnapping. This would make KC the cheater of the two.
It seems that CA said they were all separated when the cops got there. If they got together to match stories it would have been after the statements were given on the night of the 15th. KC knew that Caylee wasn't in the clothes she described. IMO, GA had no idea what Caylee had on when she went "missing". He probably found out from KC later that evening/morning of the 16th.
It does not matter that the police separated them. I believe they knew before that 911 call on the 31st day.
they knew the truth IMHO early July.
They spent 2 weeks rehearsing - washing pants - getting their ducks in a row....the 911 call was part of saving their own hide. MOO
Some people do notice and remember small details like this, and others do not. I, myself, definately fall in the "do not" category. (I wish I didn't, but I do!) It may be that, since GA was an ex LEO, things like this always just stick in his mind. I have worked with people in LE who could recall the tiniest, most minute details about something, and I am sitting there thinking, "How in the world can you remember that?" However, they do. I, on the other hand, can name almost every volcano on the planet, and give you details about its eruption history, but cannot tell you what my husband was wearing yesterday. So, it may be that GA does remember exactly what she was wearing.
It may be since GA was an EX LE that he knew exactly what will be asked of all of them. It may be because he was an ex Le that he knew what to do to help Casey. I am of the opinion that when Cindy asked Casey in Jail "you did not tell them" ....She was concerned about far more then we know....
As far as the clothes description, I don't who copied who, but I do think it's telling that George did not include this important piece of information in his written statement completed on July 15th @ 10pm. Three hours later Casey does include the description of Caylee's clothes as the pink shirt, jeans shorts, white shoes, etc...Somehow their descriptions ended up being almost identical.
His statement was IMO one of the oddest things I have read. Not one word about the car, or any physical description of Caylee, like she's three feet tall, etc. Just my spouse called my cellphone, I called my landline, I got voice mail...:eek:

Much like the "perfect 10, perfect teeth" detailed description both George and Cindy parroted, this was agreed on.

I was just listening to Cindy's first interview with police again, and I heard the oddest thing, (the doctors say there is normally a small grain of truth in any elaborate lie), she claims that Jesse's prior girlfriend was a nanny and he had indicated she would be happy to be a nanny for Jesse's current girlfriend, (he was leaving her for) Casey! Very similar to Casey's imaginary Jeff's girlfriend being Zanny, and Jeff having arranged for her to babysit his new girlfriend Casey's child and even pay for it. Cindy was all to happy to tell that to the detectives with a straight face within an interview even though the lies were so similar they were insulting to one's intelligence. So yes, this family's specialty is romance at short notice and they live by :That's Casey's story and we are sticking to it!
Glad this topic was brought up..... not for just the clothes but for the dead timeline George gave us for when caylee was last seen by family. I hands down, hands down suspect George and lee of knowing more ( more than cindy). People like him i read through, so much denial. KC is daddys lil girl he loves her as much as he did caylee. Funny how Kc had such a strained relationship with her dad b4 the arrest to him being the one she wants to talk to in Jail.

Casey's relationship was one of manipulation: What could she manipulate daddy into doing for her. In this instance, I believe there was a discussion about "Dad, don't you remember when we left? We gave you a hug and you tugged on Caylee's ponytail and told her how pretty she looked in her jean shorts and pink shirt? You told her to not step in the mud and get her white shoes all dirty. Can't you remember???" (Or some variation on that theme.)

That their two statements, as was pointed out earlier, include the ponytail in the description of what she was wearing (instead of saying "she has light brown hair and was wearing it in a ponytail that day) is very telling. If one had done it, that's one thing. But that both would process that piece of information in the same way suggests a conversation prior to statements being made. That in itself isn't unusual. However, in the amalgam that became their two statements suggests the providing alibi.

Princess PeePee just got here. She is sitting next to me, and I could not tell you what she is wearing except for her Hannah Montana shoes. (she always wears them.) I could not tell you what she wore yesterday other than generic jeans and tee-shirt. For George to "remember" a month later is not because it was the last time he saw her....he wouldn't have KNOWN it was the last day he was going to see her. One does that when one knows that the person they're thinking of is never coming back. They imprint it on their brain. They "make a memory." Why would George need to make a memory of a perfectly normal day where no strife was in the home, and no one had any problems with anyone else and everyone was healthy and happy.

Casey and George created the "what she wore" in a conversation. George's "memory" of this incident is a false one. And those clothes were not on Caylee when she was thrown into the woods. I infer from that, that there will come a time when it is said "someone else had her and changed her into another outfit and it wasn't Casey." Alibis are derived for such purposes. So I would like to have Cindy answer the question of how it is that the clothes described got back into Caylee's laundry. Invisinanny?
As far as the clothes description, I don't who copied who, but I do think it's telling that George did not include this important piece of information in his written statement completed on July 15th @ 10pm. Three hours later Casey does include the description of Caylee's clothes as the pink shirt, jeans shorts, white shoes, etc...Somehow their descriptions ended up being almost identical.
KC's statement is the only one on the 15th of July that included a description of what Caylee was wearing. The others, GA, CA, and LA all seemed to focus on the events of that day and the month prior. At that time, it's as though they all felt that KC's actions during June and July played a big part in what was happening that evening and it showed in their statements. They were focused on what KC had done, not what Caylee was wearing. After that, stories changed, information was added, and the cover-up began.
I did a little searching to refresh my brain and found something interesting....GA arrived back at the house before the cops got to the house after the last 911 call and all of the family members were present...Only after the cops arrived were they separated...I can't find the initial time the cops arrived...but it certainly makes you wonder what was said in that time frame before the cops came knowing the car smelled the way it did sitting in the garage..
It may be since GA was an EX LE that he knew exactly what will be asked of all of them. It may be because he was an ex Le that he knew what to do to help Casey. I am of the opinion that when Cindy asked Casey in Jail "you did not tell them" ....She was concerned about far more then we know....

ITA! And, he knew what that smell in the car was also, yet he drove it home and then went to work! Something stinks here, besides that Pontiac!
I did a little searching to refresh my brain and found something interesting....GA arrived back at the house before the cops got to the house after the last 911 call and all of the family members were present...Only after the cops arrived were they separated...I can't find the initial time the cops arrived...but it certainly makes you wonder what was said in that time frame before the cops came knowing the car smelled the way it did sitting in the garage..

Cindy can be heard on the last 911 call speaking to George saying "George! Caylee is gone!!" (or something very close to that.) I believe at the end of that call, Casey is the one speaking to LE and she says to the dispatcher that they have arrived.
I did a little searching to refresh my brain and found something interesting....GA arrived back at the house before the cops got to the house after the last 911 call and all of the family members were present...Only after the cops arrived were they separated...I can't find the initial time the cops arrived...but it certainly makes you wonder what was said in that time frame before the cops came knowing the car smelled the way it did sitting in the garage..

Cindy was on the phone with the 911 operator when George walked in the door. You can hear her say "Caylee is missing" then George saying "what?" then Cindy repeats it.
I still have a hard time knowing that KC killed her baby and CA/GA are willing to lie about when they were last with that sweet lil gurl. Knowing all the while she was laying out in the swamp---rotting. I'm sorry but this is way beyond dysfunctional. H3ll, I am dysfunctional and so is my family------so don't tell me about dysfunctional---this crap in Fla. is Evil.

They don't even fit in with the group ove us who are dysfunctional---there should be a study into this family. Fer real. Not joking around here. Am dead serious. Not "ranting" either. Nope. And you wanna know somethin else????? There are more families in this "Evil Category". They just are good at hiding it from the public. Scary huh?

Bolded by me. I totally agree! Couldn't be more serious.. they are very scary.

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