Casey Anthony and Tony L.

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Whenever I think about TL, I always think about the line "He's Just Not In To You." He certainly wasn't as wrapped up in KC as she was in him. I believe KC desperately wanted the relationship to be more when in reality it was really based upon one thing. I think we can all figure out what that one thing is, it's what most guys that age spend their time thinking about. :)

I definately agree,it seems she was into alot of males.
I think TL is doing exactly what the SA's office told him to do. Be quiet and don't talk to the media, friends, or acquaintances about this case if you want to see justice done. I was witness on a Felony case in FL and this is what they told me. The perp ended up with a Plea bargain. I commend TL for being mature enough not to talk with everyone getting $$$ for info and interviews. He could pay off his student loans! As far as KC is concerned TL was a young college kid and he was playing house. Probably the first time he was "taken care" of in his own place and he remembered what nights KC didn't stay with him so it may have been an issue. Kudos to TL for doing the right thing.
Casey & Tony "met" on a Facebook page. I thought Facebook was originally a place where college students hang out. I may be wrong about that.

Casey represented herself as a student at Valencia, which I belive is a Community College? A 2 year school for students to obtain an Associate's Degree. Anyway, she also represented herself as a fulltime employee at Universal.

Would Tony have even responded to her if he knew she was not a high school grad, with a child, unemployed, etc.?

He thought he was corresponding with a person who had a lot more going for her, which was one of her so-called "mistruths."

I believe Tony's deal with Fusion was for a college course, right? He was obtaining college credit for promoting some kind of event. He wasn't a big deal at the club, just earning credit towards his degree.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I think TL is doing exactly what the SA's office told him to do. Be quiet and don't talk to the media, friends, or acquaintances about this case if you want to see justice done. I was witness on a Felony case in FL and this is what they told me. The perp ended up with a Plea bargain. I commend TL for being mature enough not to talk with everyone getting $$$ for info and interviews. He could pay off his student loans! As far as KC is concerned TL was a young college kid and he was playing house. Probably the first time he was "taken care" of in his own place and he remembered what nights KC didn't stay with him so it may have been an issue. Kudos to TL for doing the right thing.

I tend to forget that the people involved (for the most part) are soooo young, all doing such grownup things. I might be tempted to take all the money I could and rationalize that I "deserve" it for what has happened to me. (Might be...I wouldn't really in the end :rolleyes:) I think he and most of them have held up pretty well to having all their business out in the media. I would be worrying about ever finding a serious job, a true friend, a normal life, etc. after this mess. And I would always wonder if it was somehow my fault or if I could have done something to prevent it.

In my opinion only, his voice in the interviews sounds sincere to me. I don't think he was directly involved in the horror show, just a bystander caught up in it.
You're right, they did come out and state that KC acted alone in the death of her child BUT, did they say she acted alone in the disposal of her daughters remains...NO.

No they haven't, but I believe that KC disposed of Caylee all my her evil self. IF...she had help (and I don't believe she did) LE wouldn't have to look any further than Hopespring Dr. IMO. I don't think TL had anything whatsoever do to with the death and/or disposal of Caylee. If you have listened or read his interview with LE, it sounds like they were working together. At least it did to me. :) I believe that there is more to his interview that we haven't heard yet and won't until trial. I don't believe for a minute that KC would cover up for ANYBODY. He left for a planned trip home shortly after Caylee 'disappeared' and wouldn't even leave KC a key to his apartment, so I certainly don't think he was 'into her enough' to become an accomplice before, during or after the fact of a murder. I feel sorry for the guy myself.
Personally I never felt TL was "into" KC much, if he was she would have stayed at his apt while he went on trip.. she didn't, she went and slept on R and AM couch... While I don't think he was into her, I also don't feel she has ever been "into" much of any guy, they just appear to be individual's available to pass her time... I think TL will provide good info but never have believed he even knew Caylee was gone. I've read somewhere he used to ask her where Caylee was and she lied, not his fault. He is not a "total user" or he would have never bothered to ask about Caylee... Hoping the trial starts very, very soon! Also, I never felt KC had any help if she did it was after the fact and feel it would have been family, but don't even really think that. I think KC has lied to each and every person she is close to, loose term as I think she probably used any guy more than they may have used her.
Personally I never felt TL was "into" KC much, if he was she would have stayed at his apt while he went on trip.. she didn't, she went and slept on R and AM couch...

I was under the impression that he didn't *want* KC to stay there while he was gone. This is why I've never gotten the "living with TL" - she wasn't living there,
yet. She was, as I like to call it, shacking up, and I'd be willing to bet she didn't even have her own drawer.
I am not saying that he is at all responsible for Caylee's death but can you imagine going through life and having played a part in a death of a little girl. I can't help but believe as he matures and has a family of his own someday (which with the way karma works will probably be all females) that he will feel some if not a lot of regret having made the remarks he did. Of course he had no way of knowing the situation he was getting into but with time the magnitude of events has got to be very hard to deal with if he has one ounce of humanity in him.

He did not "play a part in the death of a little girl" as you say. That is a horrible statement to make.

A GOOD mother would put her child ahead of a bootie call- the only person who played a part in Caylee's death was Casey Anthony.

I think Tammie63 is just saying that he may feel some sort of guilt just because KC was willing to do anything to spend time with him. He also may feel guilt for saying or doing anything that KC may have misconstrued or used as a rationalization for anything she chose to do.

And as we all know, the suspicion now rests on one person, and one person only, well and a cast of runner-ups for a variety of other charges.

Sorry Pirate that you read into my post TOTALLY opposite of how I was trying to come across. :confused: Should not post when lacking sleep!!!

Thank you VALee for coming to my defense in my absence and beautifully putting my thoughts into words better then I did.:clap::clap:

this why as long as I have been a member here I am better at just lurking...:rolleyes:
I was under the impression that he didn't *want* KC to stay there while he was gone. This is why I've never gotten the "living with TL" - she wasn't living there,
yet. She was, as I like to call it, shacking up, and I'd be willing to bet she didn't even have her own drawer.

I don't *think* she stayed there while he was gone. But she did use his Jeep.
Sorry Pirate that you read into my post TOTALLY opposite of how I was trying to come across. :confused: Should not post when lacking sleep!!! this why as long as I have been a member here I am better at just lurking...:rolleyes:

No, no. It's not just you babe. We ALL have moments where our fingers choose to go in their very own direction, and our words don't come out the way we mean them to at the time. Plus there is a flatness to text that often fails to express the true emotions behind our thoughts. That alone can lead to misunderstandings upon occasion.

Don't let something little like that keep you from sharing your ideas with us. Besides since you have been a member for such a long time I would just bet you have a great deal of insight to share. ;)

Incidentally, some of the best work here is done when 3/4 of the forum is so sleep deprived that we're all seeing pink tutu wearing dancing elephants.

Of course that could just be me..:waitasec:
I have felt all along that TL played a role...whether it be in the actual commission of the crime or helping in disposing of Caylee's body after the fact and was given immunity for his cooperation with LE.

The odds that he didn't play any role would be pretty unbelievable to me.

Why in the world would this guy jeopordize his future to help out KC in any way shape or form of the killing/disposal of a child? KC is a dime a dozen. Easily replaced. My guess, being he's italian, he was a mamas boy, used to being taken care of. KC cooked for him, cleaned and sowed his wild oats. She was cool to party with. What more could a guy his age ask for? He didn't even like her enough to let her in his apartment the week he was in NY!
Call me old fashioned but, based on TL's own statements in his interview with LE, he states..."and once I came back from New York she was full-time at my house."

That to me sounds like a relationship...

something just occurred to me - casey wasn't even allowed to be inside tony's apartment unless tony himself, or his room mates were there. that's not moving in or living with someone. it's not a relationship, it's just hanging imo.
something just occurred to me - casey wasn't even allowed to be inside tony's apartment unless tony himself, or his room mates were there. that's not moving in or living with someone. it's not a relationship, it's just hanging imo.

Yep. They let her in as long as one of the guys was home at the time, if she didnt have Caylee with her (stay for long periods) and she cooked, cleaned and did laundry.

And she wanted THAT more than her sweet little babygirl.
Sorry Pirate that you read into my post TOTALLY opposite of how I was trying to come across. :confused: Should not post when lacking sleep!!!

Thank you VALee for coming to my defense in my absence and beautifully putting my thoughts into words better then I did.:clap::clap:

this why as long as I have been a member here I am better at just lurking...:rolleyes:

Don't lurk without posting!- and I'm sorry if I came across as harsh- I have a son who is getting ready to enter young adulthood and it's hard not to put him in TL's shoes. And I sincerely think he is just another victim here- guilty only of making a bad choice in a girl.

If he happens to be reading here, I can't imagine how he must feel when people blame him or try to associate him with this horrible crime. I'm sure this is a horrible situation for him.
Don't lurk without posting!- and I'm sorry if I came across as harsh- I have a son who is getting ready to enter young adulthood and it's hard not to put him in TL's shoes. And I sincerely think he is just another victim here- guilty only of making a bad choice in a girl.

If he happens to be reading here, I can't imagine how he must feel when people blame him or try to associate him with this horrible crime. I'm sure this is a horrible situation for him.

one of my sons is at that age too and people's attitudes towards tony trouble me so much, i guess, b/c, different time/different place, it could've been my boy.
Thanks Edeva- and re: the attacks on Tony's character- I think morals are instilled as a child but as we become adults, we all make a choice whether to live by those morals as our character develops.

I know of very few people who are proud of every single choice they made as a young adult. That is a time to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. Speaking for myself, there were several bad choices I made when I was in my early 20s and I really don't believe I became the person that I am until I was in my late 20s. My values and character and maturity didn't seem to evolve completely until then.

The things that were ok when I was 22 are not ok now that I'm 40. The things I could excuse or overlook when I was 25 became intolerable by the time I was 30.

Life is about learning. How many times do I wish I knew what I know now when I was a teenager- how different my life would be today. Although, I really like my life and in hindsight, I don't think I would change a thing about my past because I wouldn't be where I am today and I wouldn't be who I am today without those experiences- mistakes and all.

I really hope Tony and all of Casey's other innocent friends can find peace and take some lessons away from this. Given their conduct since all of this exploded, I have to believe that most of them are and will.
Right now 3 people are asking for immunity. None of them are Tony.

Anything LE has decided not to bother Tony about had nothing to do with Caylee's death or disposing of her,IMO.

No way would a paranoid outsider leave Caylee unburied so close to the road. I am sure Tony had enough gas in his vehicle to have been able to drive a LOT further away than down the street on Suburban. A man would be strong enough to carry Caylee further back into the woods too.

Only a girl who was brazen enough to sign her own name to forged checks would think tossing Caylee out by her own house with probably a truckload of evidence was "good enough" body disposing.


And then avoid, deny, and lie, thinking that was going to curtail recompense.
Thanks Edeva- and re: the attacks on Tony's character- I think morals are instilled as a child but as we become adults, we all make a choice whether to live by those morals as our character develops.

I know of very few people who are proud of every single choice they made as a young adult. That is a time to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. Speaking for myself, there were several bad choices I made when I was in my early 20s and I really don't believe I became the person that I am until I was in my late 20s. My values and character and maturity didn't seem to evolve completely until then.

The things that were ok when I was 22 are not ok now that I'm 40. The things I could excuse or overlook when I was 25 became intolerable by the time I was 30.

Life is about learning. How many times do I wish I knew what I know now when I was a teenager- how different my life would be today. Although, I really like my life and in hindsight, I don't think I would change a thing about my past because I wouldn't be where I am today and I wouldn't be who I am today without those experiences- mistakes and all.

I really hope Tony and all of Casey's other innocent friends can find peace and take some lessons away from this. Given their conduct since all of this exploded, I have to believe that most of them are and will.

i agree with you, pirate and somewhere on this thread i've already posted that i think people are trying to apply to tony the standards they would hold a 30yr old man to.
Why in the world would this guy jeopordize his future to help out KC in any way shape or form of the killing/disposal of a child? KC is a dime a dozen. Easily replaced. My guess, being he's Italian he was a mamas boy, used to being taken care of. KC cooked for him, cleaned and sowed his wild oats. She was cool to party with. What more could a guy his age ask for? He didn't even like her enough to let her in his apartment the week he was in NY!

Isn't it interesting that Casey was all about being Irish (shamrocks, etc.) until she was hanging out with TL, and then got the Bella Vida tattoo? In my less than humble,(not to say groveling,) opinion, the tattoo was more about TL and her imagined future with him than Caylee.

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