Casey Anthony and Tony L.

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I've never disbelieved Tony, no one has ever established that he lied about anything, unlike some people. I does annoy me somewhat that some people cast aspersions on his truthfulness without anything to back it up.

I'm with you re:Tony being solid, but in my experience, FB connects are made mainly through mutual friends and rarely through searching for possibilities via the options above. Maybe I am just not working the FB hard enough? LOL
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I've never disbelieved Tony, no one has ever established that he lied about anything, unlike some people. I does annoy me somewhat that some people cast aspersions on his truthfulness without anything to back it up.

For the record I've never disbelieved him or thought he would intentionally lie, I just said I didn't understand how he could have been browsing and found her based on how FB works. In fact, a friend of mine knows TL quite well and had nothing but nice things to say about him so I have no reason to think badly upon him. Maybe he saw her pic tagged in someone he knew's profile and friend requested her and described that as "browsing". Or perhaps he really found her on MySpace and simply mixed the two up. You can type in a network on FB (Orlando) but you will thousands of results and can't really narrow it down from the location. I guess what I'm saying is, unlike Myspace, you can't type in the location, age, sex, and relationship status of a person you are looking for on FB and get a result. At least from what I've experienced and I am a pretty avid FB user and have been for almost 5 years. Also, I believe what you listed are just ways you can browse pages you can become a "fan" of, but not find individual people's profiles. From what I know, Facebook aims to be a legit social networking site (at first you had to have a working college e-mail to even use it) and doesn't really approve of "browsing" for random people. They like that there is some sort of connection between people, hence the having mutual friends in common.
He said he was looking at her profile because she was a Valencia student, I think. Maybe he wanted to meet a nice college girl before he got to Orlando. :)

I have 3 schools affiliated with my Facebook account and no email registered with any of those schools. Just filled in the names of the schools on the form.

Yes you are correct, I totally forgot about that! I believe they did that so high school students could put in their schools and people who graduated from college so long ago that they lost their college e-mail. When Facebook first started, only college students with college e-mails could have profiles. I am also interested in that because Lee was her friend on Facebook. I know now you can control what parts of your profile people see but I think that is a pretty recent thing. He would have seen that she typed in Valencia as her college and known for sure she didn't go there. Hmmm.
For the record I've never disbelieved him or thought he would intentionally lie, I just said I didn't understand how he could have been browsing and found her based on how FB works. In fact, a friend of mine knows TL quite well and had nothing but nice things to say about him so I have no reason to think badly upon him. Maybe he saw her pic tagged in someone he knew's profile and friend requested her and described that as "browsing". Or perhaps he really found her on MySpace and simply mixed the two up. You can type in a network on FB (Orlando) but you will thousands of results and can't really narrow it down from the location. I guess what I'm saying is, unlike Myspace, you can't type in the location, age, sex, and relationship status of a person you are looking for on FB and get a result. At least from what I've experienced and I am a pretty avid FB user and have been for almost 5 years. Also, I believe what you listed are just ways you can browse pages you can become a "fan" of, but not find individual people's profiles. From what I know, Facebook aims to be a legit social networking site and doesn't approve of "browsing" for random people. They like that their is some sort of connection between people, hence the having mutual friends in common.

You can browse by school--I've done it.
You can browse by school--I've done it.

Yes now you can, but I don't think that was the case in May 2008 which is when I'm focusing on. The reason this sticks out so much is because around that time I had met someone on vacation, forgot their last name, but knew where they lived and what school they went to--I remember trying to find them through that but the search didn't allow me to be detailed. And also at that time, to get a search result by school the person had to be in that school's network which means KC couldn't have been because she didn't have a Valencia e-mail. She could have put it in her profile, but wouldn't show up on a search by school at that time in 2008. I remember that as a fact because my friend wanted to open up an account at that time, her e-mail address had recently expired a year after she graduated (which was in April '07), and she was mad because she was unable to show up in search results since she couldn't be in the school's network. That's why I was so confused with his story because I believe at that time Facebook just didn't work that way or have that browsing ability. Meaning she wouldn't have shown up on a search of people that went to Valencia and if he put the Orlando network he would have had to scroll through males, people aged 40+, "unattractive" girls, high schoolers, etc. just to find a single, good looking girl who he wanted to ask out. I doubt he would have spent all the time doing this. One thing he could have done was search the name Casey and the Orlando network at the same time but I also find this very doubtful. This is why I'm thinking it was probably a MySpace search and he just mixed up the two.
Hmm I thought in order to browse by school the person would have to be in that school network and therefore have an e-mail with that school. I knew anyone could type any school in their profile but if they want to be found through a search of their school they have to be formally affiliated with it by e-mail. You can tell if someone's registered because their alma mater and graduation year will come up under their name once you get a search result. Also, being able to search by network AND school is fairly new I think (at least since May of 2008). The reason this sticks out so much is because around that type I had met someone, forgot their last name, but knew where they lived and what school they went to--I remember trying to find them through that but the search didn't allow me to be detailed. That's why I was so confused with his story because I believe at that time Facebook just didn't work that way or have that browsing ability...

Hmmm well as I remember it I had 2 schools on my list as that was the maximum number allowed, but I had actually attended 3 (I had never had emails from any of these schools). I wanted to search for people who went to #3 but couldn't, until I went into my profile and replaced one of the other 2schools with the name of school #3, and then I think I just clicked on the name of school #3 in my profile and that search option popped up. I'm not sure if you can search by school from the regular search page.
For the record I've never disbelieved him or thought he would intentionally lie, I just said I didn't understand how he could have been browsing and found her based on how FB works. In fact, a friend of mine knows TL quite well and had nothing but nice things to say about him so I have no reason to think badly upon him. Maybe he saw her pic tagged in someone he knew's profile and friend requested her and described that as "browsing". Or perhaps he really found her on MySpace and simply mixed the two up. You can type in a network on FB (Orlando) but you will thousands of results and can't really narrow it down from the location. I guess what I'm saying is, unlike Myspace, you can't type in the location, age, sex, and relationship status of a person you are looking for on FB and get a result. At least from what I've experienced and I am a pretty avid FB user and have been for almost 5 years. Also, I believe what you listed are just ways you can browse pages you can become a "fan" of, but not find individual people's profiles. From what I know, Facebook aims to be a legit social networking site (at first you had to have a working college e-mail to even use it) and doesn't really approve of "browsing" for random people. They like that there is some sort of connection between people, hence the having mutual friends in common.

You can browse whatever and whoever you like. Maybe he was browsing through the music and checked out the other fans and came across her, maybe it was by college, as he mentions she was a Vallencia student. I doubt he got it mixed up with myspace as in 2 interviews with LE he states the same thing - he saw her while he was browsing on facebook.

If facebook did not approve of "browsing" then I doubt these options would be available in the first place. Either way it matters little to me as I believe he is telling the truth.
You guys have prompted me to listen to TL's first interview again, and I never really thought about his comment in the beginning-A media phone call interrupts the interview, and TL answers it...he gets off quickly and tells John Allen "it was CBS...I don't know how they got my number"....Poor guy, he still did not get yet how big this was gonna be-and that we would all have access to his number!
I feel bad for him that he will be pulled back to Orlando to have to deal with this, wish all her ex-friends could move on with their lives.
You can browse whatever and whoever you like. Maybe he was browsing through the music and checked out the other fans and came across her, maybe it was by college, as he mentions she was a Vallencia student. I doubt he got it mixed up with myspace as in 2 interviews with LE he states the same thing - he saw her while he was browsing on facebook.

If facebook did not approve of "browsing" then I doubt these options would be available in the first place. Either way it matters little to me as I believe he is telling the truth.

Darnudes, what you linked is a "fan" page which wasn't a Facebook option until early 2009 I believe. In fact, the date on the Valencia page you linked says it was started in July 2009. These fan page applications would cover the music pages you mentioned as well. Perhaps you aren't understanding what I'm stating. Facebook is a lot different than it was in May 2008 with a lot more options, browsing ability, and less privacy. He couldn't have searched her under Valencia because at that time only students registered with college e-mails could be found when a college search was done. Linking things from the current Facebook doesn't really mean or prove anything because most of those options weren't available at that time. I don't know how much I can stress I'm not trying to say TL lied or was purposely dishonest as he would have had no reason to. I'm just saying that saying you browsed across someone on Facebook confuses me when taking into consideration how it worked at that time.

And yes, I remember the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, saying how they try to limit their browsing ability the way MySpace allows it. The founder came to my college shortly after it was created (we were one of the first schools to have it) to discuss it and made mention of how they tried to limit people getting random friend requests as a result of browsing. I can think of maybe 6 random friend requests I got on Facebook (most likely due to people who found me on fan pages within the last year) and about 50 on MySpace..
As far as Tony goes.......I think he met the wrong girl at the wrong time........he cooperated with police.......and just because he dropped out of sight.....doesn't mean he had anything to hide. I think he was smart early on in taking down all his profiles, changing his number, and distancing himself. I never found his "meeting KC' online as suspect......she lived on social networking sites....
Hmmm well as I remember it I had 2 schools on my list as that was the maximum number allowed, but I had actually attended 3 (I had never had emails from any of these schools). I wanted to search for people who went to #3 but couldn't, until I went into my profile and replaced one of the other 2schools with the name of school #3, and then I think I just clicked on the name of school #3 in my profile and that search option popped up. I'm not sure if you can search by school from the regular search page.

You're right, I don't think you can search by school on the regular search page either, more of you find a direct link to that school in someone else's profile and click it. It could be a link in your own profile or perhaps a friend's. The way I took it was he was browsing local people in the Orlando network, saw her profile, and saw she went to Valencia as well, rather than browsed through the Valencia network. JMOO.
As far as Tony goes.......I think he met the wrong girl at the wrong time........he cooperated with police.......and just because he dropped out of sight.....doesn't mean he had anything to hide. I think he was smart early on in taking down all his profiles, changing his number, and distancing himself. I never found his "meeting KC' online as suspect......she lived on social networking sites....

You're absolutely right. I just want to let it be known I don't think it is suspect at all (I believe he has nothing to hide), I'm just so confused as to how he could have found her based on my experience with FB.

On a side note, my friend who knows Tony says that he has been living back in NY since he graduated and is working for a company in NYC that deals with the management of people in the music industry. Very few people in NY are familiar enough with the case that they would know his name so he definitely is able to keep a low profile out here and start anew if you will. Glad to see he was able to get his life back on track!
You're absolutely right. I just want to let it be known I don't think it is suspect at all (I believe he has nothing to hide), I'm just so confused as to how he could have found her based on my experience with FB.

On a side note, my friend who knows Tony says that he is now living back in NY and working for a music industry based company in NYC. Glad to see he was able to get his life back on track!

Yep...I have seen his profile and job info....looks like he is moving on and doing well.
Darnudes, what you linked is a "fan" page which wasn't a Facebook option until early 2009 I believe. In fact, the date on the Valencia page you linked says it was started in July 2009. These fan page applications would cover the music pages you mentioned as well. Perhaps you aren't understanding what I'm stating. Facebook is a lot different than it was in May 2008 with a lot more options, browsing ability, and less privacy. He couldn't have searched her under Valencia because at that time only students registered with college e-mails could be found when a college search was done. Linking things from the current Facebook doesn't really mean or prove anything because most of those options weren't available at that time. I don't know how much I can stress I'm not trying to say TL lied or was purposely dishonest as he would have had no reason to. I'm just saying that saying you browsed across someone on Facebook confuses me when taking into consideration how it worked at that time.

And yes, I remember the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, saying how they try to limit their browsing ability the way MySpace allows it. The founder came to my college shortly after it was created (we were one of the first schools to have it) to discuss it and made mention of how they tried to limit people getting random friend requests as a result of browsing. I can think of maybe 6 random friend requests I got on Facebook (most likely due to people who found me on fan pages within the last year) and about 50 on MySpace..

Were the apps available back then? My son plays farmville and some of his "neighbors" are random people from SC. He doesn't know them, didn't send them a friend request and doesn't talk to them but they are on his facebook as his "neighbors".

I have no idea if Facebook just started using the apps or not, just a thought.
You're absolutely right. I just want to let it be known I don't think it is suspect at all (I believe he has nothing to hide), I'm just so confused as to how he could have found her based on my experience with FB.

On a side note, my friend who knows Tony says that he has been living back in NY since he graduated and is working for a company in NYC that deals with the management of people in the music industry. Very few people in NY are familiar enough with the case that they would know his name so he definitely is able to keep a low profile out here and start anew if you will. Glad to see he was able to get his life back on track!

good for him!from my take on the case----he absolutely did the right thing from the get-go. ie: told the truth,for better or worse-----something casey & her parents seem to never have heard of.

it would warm my heart though to know that JB has told casey about tony having a fantastic life now----------without her!

i do feel so very badly for all of her friends, they'll have to come back at trial----2 years later------and re-live the whole insanity all over again.

i wonder if she'll stone-cold look them in the eye? or just 'pretend doodle' on her legal pad?
I was reading back over his interview today. He says that after KC left, he tried to text her and realized her phone was at his house. He then says about twenty minutes later he gets a phone call from a 407 number and that it was Lee. If KC's phone was at his house and KC doesn't have his number memorized, then how did LA get his number?

This is one of those "surprise" moments for me. Was this ever addressed/answered, how Lee got Tony's number?
For the record I've never disbelieved him or thought he would intentionally lie, I just said I didn't understand how he could have been browsing and found her based on how FB works. In fact, a friend of mine knows TL quite well and had nothing but nice things to say about him so I have no reason to think badly upon him. Maybe he saw her pic tagged in someone he knew's profile and friend requested her and described that as "browsing". Or perhaps he really found her on MySpace and simply mixed the two up. You can type in a network on FB (Orlando) but you will thousands of results and can't really narrow it down from the location. I guess what I'm saying is, unlike Myspace, you can't type in the location, age, sex, and relationship status of a person you are looking for on FB and get a result. At least from what I've experienced and I am a pretty avid FB user and have been for almost 5 years. Also, I believe what you listed are just ways you can browse pages you can become a "fan" of, but not find individual people's profiles. From what I know, Facebook aims to be a legit social networking site (at first you had to have a working college e-mail to even use it) and doesn't really approve of "browsing" for random people. They like that there is some sort of connection between people, hence the having mutual friends in common.
BBM. I have found several High school classmates by doing just that.:)
I would think that he got it from Casey.............

If he got it from KC, then why would KC have called from jail to ask Lee what the number was? She would have to have it memorized if she gave it to him if her phone was still at Tony's.
If he got it from KC, then why would KC have called from jail to ask Lee what the number was? She would have to have it memorized if she gave it to him if her phone was still at Tony's.

How do we know that she hadn't remembered his phone # and called from Jail just to see what her family's reactions were to all the media hype? There are still a lot of mysteries to this puzzle.

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