Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #150

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I sure have been. They even ran a CT scan. They were convinced I was having a stroke or some sort of blockage. All tests came back normal. After a little bit of Klonipin I was fine. I know full well what that child must have been feeling, and I know that it wasn't fun.

So then which is it? Are panic attacks serious or not?

THE CHILD WAS HOSPITALIZED. Another poster is dismissive of this..."It's just a panic attack."

It's no small deal for a 12 year old child.
Let what go, exactly?

This child is now entangled in this circus because of Casey. A woman who murdered her daughter.

I feel sorry for the little girl. You seem to only want to excuse Casey's behavior away.

What about her bond agreement...she's not to have contact with minors. You don't see anything wrong with her tossing the rules aside to correspond with a 12 year old, to invite her into her home?

Don't want to make an excuse. Just leave Dakota out of this thread. No need for it. Start another thread if you think it's useful and then explain to her parents why you did. End of conversation.
Hi all this is my first post and I have been following the case since the beginning and recently found this great site. But I do have a question for all of you that seem more in the know than myself. When Casey abandoned the car at Amscot, how did she get home??? I am assuming she had no money to take a cab....was someone else with her? someone that knew her car smelled?? or possibly helped her do something with Caylee's body???

We don't know for sure. But she says Tony picked her up.
Why are you downplaying the significance of this? A person charged with child neglect that is out on half a million dollar bond that states no contact with children under 17, is the cause for a 12 year old to be in the hospital. Nuff said!

No doubt that those of us who believe Casey is sooo guilty that we can smell that reek, but the problem is if it is against the bond, WHY hasn't it been revoked? Why haven't we heard anything about it from LE? One would think they would hop and skip right over to collect up and take her (hopefully) back to jail in (hopefully) gen pop.
Calm down; Channel 9's newscaster said that "she tried to hurt herself" on TV. But the link on their website just says "stress". I think the newscaster over spoke! I shouldn't have said anything; even if she did it shouldn't have been disclosed I don't think, not in the news.

I agree - this girl is a minor and her condition should not have been disclosed to the media like this. Now she will be a media target and ridiculed by people at school, etc. However, I am only a little less angry over a panic attack than I am about a suicide attempt. Panic attacks can be very serious, but my point is the little girl should have never been involved period. Thanks for clarifying.

I had issue with that little girl organizing the vigil and being on tv talking about kids only wanting to have fun and not participating. I FOUND IT WRONG, wrong for a 12 year old to put so much pressure on herself or mother allowing her to put so much pressure on herself. Unfortunately the recent developments of the child being hospitalized and being distraught only confirm how wrong it was to allow a 12 year old to get involved with this. We are grown ups and we can't even process what is happening, not a 12 year old. And I have issue with the child being allowed to get so involved with this case and watch the news and the progress of this case.

A child is a child and we should not push them to grow up faster - even if it is about doing good things. Some things are inappropriate for 12 year old kids to be involved BECAUSE THEY ARE EMOTIONALLY IMMATURE TO PROCESS THINGS. And here are the results....the poor girl being in hospital due to the stress of the new revelations.

I am sorry but parents should take a really good hard look on what they are exposing their children. That child should NOT have been allowed to get so emotionally involved in the case from the get go. Who allowed her to watch the news so much in order for the child to want to do something? That child was being over-exposed regarding info on this case and I find that wrong. Ys we live in an awful world and these things happen and we should educate our children about reality and how to protect themselves BUT....that is totally different from allowing them to be exposed in situations that are not age appropriate.

Secondly, it is admirable that the child wanted to do something, but organize a vigil, meet the family of the suspect in this case, talk with them on the phone, and all that? Why did her mother allowed that??????? There were so many other things AGE APPROPRIATE that the child could have done to honor Caylee, support Caylee, etc. etc. Why did the mother allowed that? And what normal adult accepts the emotional support of a 12 year old? That is unethical for the child. Of course the child would be emotionally drained. The responsibility to support emotionally the grandparents, filtering everything with the brain of a 12 year old, no psychologist, no educator would be suprised with the results of this.

Hi all this is my first post and I have been following the case since the beginning and recently found this great site. But I do have a question for all of you that seem more in the know than myself. When Casey abandoned the car at Amscot, how did she get home??? I am assuming she had no money to take a cab....was someone else with her? someone that knew her car smelled?? or possibly helped her do something with Caylee's body???

Tony her boyfriend at the moment. picked her up she sai dthe car was broke down.
I don't feel comfortable having the links to this young ladies MySpace here. Any votes to have it deleted now before this get's out of hand?

DELETE IT.......I thought minors couldn't have 'public' myspace pages anyway.
Actually, my dad's been to the hospital a few times for panic attacks.
Then again, he's 82. He concerns us & my mom with his symptoms.
Once he was with the ENT doctor for something else entirely, and had a panic attack, and the ENT drove him to the ER demanding a cardiac work up.
Poor dad, embarrassing for the old guy.
Symptoms can be identical to a cardiac event. And the ER's never take a chance. They hook you up, draw some blood, check it out, and send you home.

Read the poster's comments who said it was "just a panic attack."

To me, any reason that this child had to be hospitalized is substantial.
Ohhhhhh sorry the quote is missing. How many times did Casey use Caylee's name in her emails and letters to the 12 yr old? I roll the dice, oh chit there are no zero's. :mad: I understand. I totally agree. I don't think Casey Anthony should be ANYWHERE on the internet right now.

I think a nice card game..say SOLITAIRE..would be okay.:furious:
Casey has manipulated someone her whole life. Now that all her friends are gone, nobody likes her or will talk to her, her family is getting sick of her...she chooses SOMEBODY else to manipulate. It's like "I'm ok because someone believes me"

And the kids parents are wrong but you can tell by the emails that Cindy knew about this little girl!! And she allowed Casey to spew her lies to her, too! Lots of blame to go around.

Fact remains. ONe is 12 one is 22 and out of jail on bail!
I have to disagree. I was 31 years old when my beloved Mother was taken from me very violently and my panic attacks DID REQUIRE HOSPITALIZATION!! The medic team sent to my home all but demanded it and the doctors refused to release me for over 12 hours!! Panic attacks can speed your heart rate up to very dangerous levels and many people hyperventilate to the point that they pass out or even have seizures!

Take an Ativan.
No doubt that those of us who believe Casey is sooo guilty that we can smell that reek, but the problem is if it is against the bond, WHY hasn't it been revoked? Why haven't we heard anything about it from LE? One would think they would hop and skip right over to collect up and take her (hopefully) back to jail in (hopefully) gen pop.

I have to believe that all the communications went through the girls grandmother.
Hi all this is my first post and I have been following the case since the beginning and recently found this great site. But I do have a question for all of you that seem more in the know than myself. When Casey abandoned the car at Amscot, how did she get home??? I am assuming she had no money to take a cab....was someone else with her? someone that knew her car smelled?? or possibly helped her do something with Caylee's body???

supposedly her boyfriend picked her up, we don't know the rest.
And do you remember when they told her that her little boy would be a paraplegic? And she said, 'No he won't! He's fine!"

"Do you mean the bullet missed his heart? Gee whiz!"

That's what I remember.
I agree - this girl is a minor and her condition should not have been disclosed to the media like this. Now she will be a media target and ridiculed by people at school, etc. However, I am only a little less angry over a panic attack than I am about a suicide attempt. Panic attacks can be very serious, but my point is the little girl should have never been involved period. Thanks for clarifying.

The information came from somewhere. Someone put that info out there. Most likely her mother/grandmother. They had the ability to keep her uninvolved, they chose to escalate her involvement.
carrying over in case anyone missed this:

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Local 6 News on Friday exclusively obtained e-mails from Casey Anthony, the mother of a missing 3-year-old Orlando girl, that she sent to a 12-year-old girl she befriended since being bailed out of jail.

The e-mails, letters and a bracelet were sent to Dakota Skii, a St. Cloud Middle School student, who helped organize a vigil in St. Cloud earlier this month for Caylee Anthony, who has been missing since mid-June.
can't imagine what they're going through, and I just want to help them get through this," Skii said at the vigil.

Skii, who believes Caylee is still alive, was hospitalized with a severe stress-related medical issue after hearing that sources recently said DNA results and air sample tests from Casey Anthony’s car suggest that Caylee is likely dead, Skii's grandmother, Lois Peter, told Local 6 News.

Peter contacted Local 6 News about the relationship and has since contacted law enforcement, saying she hopes the Anthonys do not feel betrayed and that she wants the "madness" to end.

Peter said she called Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy Anthony, after Skii was hospitalized to inform her of the situation.

"I heard Casey in the background, and she was crying. I was like, 'Yeah, Casey. Just tell us what happened to Caylee,'" said Peter, who believes that Caylee may have died accidentally.

Casey Anthony sent Skii an e-mail on Thursday night, saying, "If you need anything, I'll do anything I can, and more."

Skii also received a bracelet with the words "my friend, my sister" from Casey Anthony.

What are the parents/grandparents of Dakota Skii thinking! A 12-year-old child should not be involved in this mess, and certainly not to the point of personal involvement that causes emotional stress.
Hi all this is my first post and I have been following the case since the beginning and recently found this great site. But I do have a question for all of you that seem more in the know than myself. When Casey abandoned the car at Amscot, how did she get home??? I am assuming she had no money to take a cab....was someone else with her? someone that knew her car smelled?? or possibly helped her do something with Caylee's body???

TonE (her latest boyfriend, not the LE bf) picked her up. He's not talking to us or the press, so we don't know if he noticed a smell.

Welcome to the zoo!
Seriously, what did Casey ever done in her life to deserve so many people being sacrificed in her narcissistic path of COVERING FOR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY=HERSELF? How many willingly or unwillingly have been destroyed so far just so they could clean up mrs. Casey's mess?

Just like her friend told to the detectives, Casey was not interesting about anything or anyone unless there was something in it for HERSELF. I am tired of seeing casualties while Casey springles to her lawyer's office with her brownies all smelly and delicious.

And I want to hear Mr. Leonard P. apologising to those friends and roomates of Casey's that he tried to cast suspicion upon the first days of his involvement. He might have changed his mind after reading those 400 pages of documents, but he did abused his easy access to the media to bring into the case people who are innocent bystanders. It would only be ethical if he apologised for that.

By the way....did she get a haircut as well? Her hair seem shorter since the day she left prison.
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