Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #150

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The pages are set to private. ANYONE can find them.

Why is everyone so worried about that? Really. They were as easy to find as typing the name into google.

Again...if you look at the "Fly Home to Mommy Baby Caylee" site, the child says that she "hates life."

That is the destructive reach of Casey Anthony.

For all the intrusion into privacy that's gone on in this forum, I'm really kinda astonished that the links to two myspace pages are causing such a problem.

Go look at the kiomarie thread. People are using programs from their jobs to find all kinds of personal info, including social security numbers...THAT is where the complaints should be.

I can understand your feelings on that. I am totally against this. I am even more concerned that this girls mother, grandmother whatever allowed it.

If my child started getting upset over this the last thing I would do is want her to contact Casey. I would tell her Casey is not a good mommy and that Caylee is more than likely in heaven with God. But hey, that's just me.
Casey is a very dangerous person! There is a reason her bail was set at half a million dollars and an order of no contact with children under 17.

Yeah, my kids think they can do alot in this world, but it's my job as a parent to step in and protect them from themselves.

I was with you right up to this lost me there, though...

Hm. Quoted the wrong person for some reason. My reply was to Katie...
I wonder if Cindy will blame this little girls hospitalization on the media too
This is unbelievable! You are posting a 12 year old childs myspace details??? :eek:

I am speechless!

And I thought this was all supposed to be about Caylee :rolleyes:

NO I did not.

The page is set to private. Jesus.

I just posted the headline on her page.

Maybe you should read the thread before you go off on a tangent?
Which part of the the threats and possibly explosive situation at the Anthony home is it ok for the 12 yo to see? How does this even make sense? There is an RV out front of the house you are talking about with armed guys inside. There is a bodyguard assigned to Casey 24 hours a day and you are ready for a 12 year old to stroll up in front of the FOX webcam and head into that mess?

And a dead baby that disappeared outta that house- what the h*ll else do you need?
Many people aren't put into the hospital, admitted to the hospital, because of a panic attack.

Your blase attitude about Casey's impact on this child is obvious.
Actually, my dad's been to the hospital a few times for panic attacks.
Then again, he's 82. He concerns us & my mom with his symptoms.
Once he was with the ENT doctor for something else entirely, and had a panic attack, and the ENT drove him to the ER demanding a cardiac work up.
Poor dad, embarrassing for the old guy.
Symptoms can be identical to a cardiac event. And the ER's never take a chance. They hook you up, draw some blood, check it out, and send you home.
By the way, many people go to the hospital because a panic attack feels like a heart attack. I don't because I recognize the symptoms, but a 12 year old cannot.

I have to disagree. I was 31 years old when my beloved Mother was taken from me very violently and my panic attacks DID REQUIRE HOSPITALIZATION!! The medic team sent to my home all but demanded it and the doctors refused to release me for over 12 hours!! Panic attacks can speed your heart rate up to very dangerous levels and many people hyperventilate to the point that they pass out or even have seizures!
Casey is a very dangerous person! There is a reason her bail was set at half a million dollars and an order of no contact with children under 17.

Yeah, my kids think they can do alot in this world, but it's my job as a parent to step in and protect them from themselves.

Even if you take the whole Caylee case out of the mix. I really want my 12 year old daughter to learn about:
- Getting tatoos
- Multiple partners
- Drinking
- Drug use
- Gang Signs
- Partying at clubs
- Having a baby at 19
- Stealing from friends and family
- How to become a habitual liar
Many people aren't put into the hospital, admitted to the hospital, because of a panic attack.

Your blase attitude about Casey's impact on this child is obvious.

Truthfully, I would question any adult putting their child in a position of exposure with this family for any reason.
Most adults can't handle the stress of dealing with a child's possible death. Why would someone think a child could handle it?

What am i missing?

Absolutely!! I am going to email Ann tonight and see if she is following this case. High profile cases arent usually her thing (they become high profile after she writes!) but I would love to see her delve into this whole family....

She'll answer :)
I deleted the myspace links.

Now all of you who have quoted me, and included the links in your quote, can kindly do so. Right? Because it's kinda ironic that you complained about the myspace links, while quoting them into your posts.

Please QA. I certainly wasn't putting you down. I came in the thread just a few minutes ago.

I believe in the right to free or anywhere.

I was putting down the parents of the kid.

I feel that the last thing YOU would do is something unsavory. :blowkiss:
You have got to be kidding me ... That is what i would want a woman confessing murdering her baby to my 12 year old...NOT. OMG:bang:

Yep, watch the video. Just disturbing.

As far as the controversy with the young girl and her myspace pages and being involved with the case, we can talk about the issue as it does play into the case here without bringing the little girl into it. The little girl did nothing wrong here. It's the adults around her that did. She is a minor and should not have her information posted here, even myspace or facebook pages. So we should respect that. Would you want your childrens' information posted on a public site like this? I wouldn't. Not if I could help it.
This case has got be concluded and Caylee's body found. It has moved from bizarre to circus like and macabre..involving a12 year old girl is just beyond my understanding. Why would anyone allow their 12 year old to participate in anything to do with this case? Hoping for a bookdeal or movie? All sanity has left the Orlando area..something must be in the water and the air.
By the way, many people go to the hospital because a panic attack feels like a heart attack. I don't because I recognize the symptoms, but a 12 year old cannot.

By the way, panick attacks are common in children. Read about it. It can come on from starting school to watching the news.

Why are you downplaying the significance of this? A person charged with child neglect that is out on half a million dollar bond that states no contact with children under 17, is the cause for a 12 year old to be in the hospital. Nuff said!
Excuse me Check? I am missing the point here.:)
Ohhhhhh sorry the quote is missing. How many times did Casey use Caylee's name in her emails and letters to the 12 yr old? I roll the dice, oh chit there are no zero's. :mad:
Let what go, exactly?

This child is now entangled in this circus because of Casey. A woman who murdered her daughter.

I feel sorry for the little girl. You seem to only want to excuse Casey's behavior away.

What about her bond agreement...she's not to have contact with minors. You don't see anything wrong with her tossing the rules aside to correspond with a 12 year old, to invite her into her home?

For the record I think the emails are creepy and manipulative and totally inappropriate. Her parents judgement is suspect to say the least.

But it wasn't no contact with minors, it was no unsupervised contact. Her parents knew.

(that almost feels like defending Casey, I need a shower)
Hi all this is my first post and I have been following the case since the beginning and recently found this great site. But I do have a question for all of you that seem more in the know than myself. When Casey abandoned the car at Amscot, how did she get home??? I am assuming she had no money to take a cab....was someone else with her? someone that knew her car smelled?? or possibly helped her do something with Caylee's body???
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