Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #153

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The attached link also says that the bond company has revoked her bond.

"ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony is scheduled to appear in court Saturday morning on charges of forgery, theft and using fraudulent information. Orange County deputies took her into custody at her home Friday evening. Also overnight, the bond company that posted her original bond, revoked it."

YAY! :clap:
What on earth happened between 6 and 10 pm ?? Where was Cindy and CMA between 8 and 10 pm ?
There could be some minor errors in this time line, but basically this is what happened.

George is much more of a question mark than Cindy:

2:30p Casey picks up Amy at Airport
???? Amy drops Casey off at Tony L's
???? Cindy calls Amy who is at Mall
???? Cindy picks up Amy, Goes to Tony's and confronts Casey
???? Casey and Cindy drive around
7:41pm (?) First call to 911
After seeing that circus last night, Leonard really had no choice but to revoke it before someone else gets hurt.
Me too...I cannot imagine having someone/s right outside my home waiting to see my every move either. This should not be allowed. I know some here don't agree with me, but that on top of what else they're having to deal with is just more than I could endure.

While Cindy and George's behaviors have been extremely odd at times and perplexing, I do think this has to be very stressful for them. They are actually like prisoners in their own homes. I am not sure how any of us would react if we were spied upon 24/7 without let up.

I can understand how emotions are running very high but imo it is much better to turn negative energy into positive energy by signing up to search for Caylee.

Does anyone believe Baez when he said that the cops wanted a big show? I think I do. I don't feel they had to do that last night right at the time of a protest. I think that was fixed.


Of course it was. They have been bashing LE and pushing the innocence thing. Last night LE pushed back. Cindy even said her daughter was not going back to jail. They knew that if they picked her up late and kept her up late she would start this next leg of the journey tired. Makes it easier to break her down mentally. Remember our Marines playing rock music for Noriega? I also bet that there will be noise in the hall outside her cell tonight. It will keep her up and she will look and feel like hell today.

It also might have been for Casey's safety. Some in the crowd were lookin' for a rat killin'.
Does anyone believe Baez when he said that the cops wanted a big show? I think I do. I don't feel they had to do that last night right at the time of a protest. I think that was fixed.

I'm not sure. On one hand, yes, I could see it being staged. On the other hand, I could see LE saying "We're not coming tonight," and then seeing the protestors think "Holy cats! We better think of some way to get her out of there and under the cover of protection." I guess I don't see the point of staging something that you KNOW is gonna play into the defense's argument.
I think this was LE's way of saying to the public, "We haven't forgotten Caylee... give us time..."

Or maybe it was LE saying" Wow, things are really gettin' outta hand over there. We better break it up....but we don't want to go against those protesters, after all, they're right....hmmm...what to do, what to do? Hey, Yuri, got any ideas? A warrant? Sure, we'll do an arrest. Kill two bird with one stone, everybody's happy. Well, except the Anthonys. Truth hurts, don't it?"
So that's why they gassed up the rv yesterday and left today--they were returning it!
Good morning everyone.

I'm just wondering if anyone else thought LE, in the presser yesterday, were dropping hints that this investigation was bigger than we know and involves more than Casey? IMOO
Originally Posted by MvD
Could someone help me out here.. Last night.. right before all heck broke loose..someone had posted something about Beth Holloway and Cindy Anthony meeting/talking.. and that one of the two had called the other a phony.. etc.. I cannot find anything more about this.. could someone please bring me up to speed? TIA!

I remember the post. It was attributed to a Cindy Intvw on INside Edition.

Hi puffster! I remember the post your refering to and I may be wrong but I think the poster was actually quoting his wife. I think they were watching Beth and Cindy on TV and Cindy was trying to cry and the posters wife said "Shes a phony!" ....or something to that effect! LOL
I dont think Beth called Cindy a Phony. I hope this makes sense because I'm still on my first cup of coffee! lol
Me too...I cannot imagine having someone/s right outside my home waiting to see my every move either. This should not be allowed. I know some here don't agree with me, but that on top of what else they're having to deal with is just more than I could endure.

I agree with you, 100%.
O/T...could someone direct me to instructions on how to put up an avatar? TIA
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony is scheduled to appear in court Saturday morning on charges of forgery, theft and using fraudulent information. Orange County deputies took her into custody at her home Friday evening. Also overnight, the bond company that posted her original bond, revoked it.

Does this mean she's not getting out? Yahoo!

Thanks gigi:blowkiss:
My thought when I heard the charges werew the financial ones were they waited till Friday night before a holiday so she would have to wait till Tuesday to see a judge.

That was my thoughts too but I read last night where she will go before the Judge this morning around 10:30 or 11:30.

Cindy was not happy on Today show interview this AM.....Lester Holt states to her that you said you wanted Casey out of jail so that she would help find Caylee HAS she been helpful with this? Cindy replied I never said that. I said that her bail was too high for the charges...Well I remember her saying on more than one interview Casey needed to be out of jail so she could help them find Caylee!!!!
I didn't get a chance to post last night as the board was on overloaded. If anyone finds the document Baez had in his hand, please post it.

LE did a strategic move last night going to pick up Casey re: current charges. Although Baez stated LE had this information 2 months ago, that doesn't mean that LE had to charge Casey ASAP.

Since LE has given Casey until Tuesday, which actually was extended from Friday, per Baez request, LE had to do something before Tuesday to get a hold of Casey one on one and speak with her.

Cindy speaking on the TODAY show and reading the statement from the tow yard was difficult to watch. Even if the tow yard didn't not smell an odor upon the arrival of the car on the 30th of June, the car sat in the tow yard for nearly two weeks in the heat allowing for the "stain" to begin to ferment, bringing the odor to it's highest level.

Whatever was in the vehicle maybe small in size, and not to the degree of a full body in the trunk, it's evident that something was in the trunk at one point in time.

Baez stated last night: "there is compelling reasons for Casey actions" ... I sure would like to know what he meant by that statement!

Baez had a fax in his had to LE stating that if they need to re-arrest Casey, he will bring her in to surrender. He told them that twice. The video has been removed for some reason.
"Also overnight, the bond company that posted her original bond, revoked it.

I thought Padilla siad he wasn't going to yesterday. This guy can't make up his mind.
Cindy was just on the Today show spinning her insanity all over the place. Still maintaining Caylee is alive & how she & Casey talk about Caylee & the fact that the media is outside their house and the protestors last night have nothing better to do, they should be out looking for her granddaughter! She is so delusional! I don't see any of them including Casey out scouring the streets looking for Caylee! So, basically, she lied again since everyone else (LP and Tim) have both stated that Casey doesn't engage in any conversation nor does she seem interested in the whereabouts of her daughter. Cindy also said the car didn't have a smell at some particular time trying to establish that someone just put a dead body in the trunk at the lot. God, my head is spinning. The guy from Today interviewing her (Lester) had such a disturbed look on is face after the interview. NUTS! :bang:

Whatever meds she's on, they are obviously not working. She needs a complete evaluation with proper meds and perhaps an emergency intervention.
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