Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #153

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How could anybody we working under these circumstances, I wonder. Is George or Cindy still working at the moment?

Cindy is not; she's off from work for a few weeks. I don't know about George.
I want to run through a time line, and see if anyone else finds it curious.
June 7: The date CA originally gives as the last time she saw Caylee.
June 9: TA had his truck towed to a repair shop. Later that day he went back and picked it up. (Why LE chose to document this is unclear to me.) From this date forward for at least 3 weeks, Casey is spending the night with TA. This is the original date that she and GA say they last saw Caylee.
June 15: Cindy takes Caylee to visit her parents. This is Father's Day. It is also the day that the next door neighbor over heard a huge argument coming from the Anthony's home, with CMA screaming at her parents.
June 17: The day Zenaida G views apartment at the Sawgrass apartments. I believe (and I'm only pulling this part from memory) this is also the date that CMA borrowed the shovel for 45 minutes from their neighbor. CMA's cell phone records for this date are not released.
June 28: CMA dumps the out-of-gas car at Ascot. (sp??) (The car was out of gas when GA later picks it up.)
June 30: The car was towed from Ascot to the towing yard. (And racked up a $466 bill.)
July 2 or 3: CMA gets the tattoo.
July 10: CMA tells the online boyfriend in California that she is coming to see him. She tells him that there is something that she wants to tell him; something that she has only told her mother and her brother.
July 12: This is the week CMA has Amy's car. (CMA's is still at the tow yard.)
July 15: One month to the day of the Father's Day argument, sometime between 2 and 4 pm CMA visits the tattoo parlor to make another appointment. Around noon is the time she claimed she receives the phone call from Caylee. Also around the middle of the day, Cindy and GA go to the tow yard and retrieve CMA's car. While at the tow yard, the fella who takes GA over to the car mentions that the car smells like decomp. (There is the remnants of a pizza in the trunk, which the tow guy throws away, and later LE picks it up.) GA makes no reply. GA drives the car home. (Cindy has by now smelled the decomp in the car.)Around 5 pm, Cindy calls Amy and tells her that she has to find CMA, and that....something like... if she doesn't find her, something really bad might happen. (She doesn't say what.) Sometime between 6 and 8, Cindy picks up Amy and they drive to Tony's apt. They pick up CMA and her belongings, then Cindy drops off Amy and takes CMA and her belongings home. At 10 pm Cindy calls GA and asks him to come home. LA arrives at the Anthony home to find CMA's car in the garage, and no one home. A few minutes later, Cindy arrives with CMA. At 11 pm GA arrives, and finds Cindy in the garage with CMA's car, crying. She tells him that CMA has told her that she hasn't seen Caylee for 31 days.
What's wrong with this picture ? Why wasn't GA there ? Surely he didn't go to work after smelling decomp in the car. What on earth happened between 6 and 10 pm ?? Where was Cindy and CMA between 8 and 10 pm ?
There could be some minor errors in this time line, but basically this is what happened.
Leonard for President !
" Are you KIDDING ME ??! I mean who ARE THESE people ??! JVM
I swear, if I have to listen to that woman scream one more time, I'm gonna loose it.
I think she is back in jail again 78gidget.

I am watching NG from earlier that I taped and I just heard the guy from TES (tim i think?) say Casey was on her computer a lot mostly when Jane asked what she was doing while he was there for hours... Prob. online reading all the articles about her b eing a big celeb now huh? Thank god she is back in jail!

I thought her computer time was supposed to be limited. The TES guy said she was basically on the computer most of the time he was there.
Karen Anne you are right about George not being there,IIRC Lee was at the house (visiting) when Cindy arrived with Casey. From the time she picked her up from Tony's around 6:30? and dropping Amy off they supposedly drove around talking about where is Caylee. Cindy then drove to the police station (closed) first 911 8:08 it's about the stolen car, she drives home Lee is there then Casey tells Lee the nanny story and Cindy makes the second call, and sometime in there Cindy is calling George and he is not answering IIRC he's to busy I guess,and then the third call. Where was George?
Karen Anne the one thing about the July 15th date it is also the day Casey picked Amy up at the airport IIRC 2:30 and drove back to Tony's to get dropped off so Amy could go back to the airport to pick up Ricardo and JP,they would not all fit in the car. So I don't know when she went to the tattoo parlor.
Karen Anne the one thing about the July 15th date it is also the day Casey picked Amy up at the airport IIRC 2:30 and drove back to Tony's to get dropped off so Amy could go back to the airport to pick up Ricardo and JP,they would not all fit in the car. So I don't know when she went to the tattoo parlor.

July 2nd is when she got the Bella Vida tattoo and then she went back again on July 15th.

I wonder if the Anthony's are going to use the donation money for Casey's bond. That would frost my shorts. I just can't stand these people. Looks like today is going be an even bigger circus. I bet more protesters are going to show up too.
Cindy was just on the Today show spinning her insanity all over the place. Still maintaining Caylee is alive & how she & Casey talk about Caylee & the fact that the media is outside their house and the protestors last night have nothing better to do, they should be out looking for her granddaughter! She is so delusional! I don't see any of them including Casey out scouring the streets looking for Caylee! So, basically, she lied again since everyone else (LP and Tim) have both stated that Casey doesn't engage in any conversation nor does she seem interested in the whereabouts of her daughter. Cindy also said the car didn't have a smell at some particular time trying to establish that someone just put a dead body in the trunk at the lot. God, my head is spinning. The guy from Today interviewing her (Lester) had such a disturbed look on is face after the interview. NUTS! :bang:
Cindy was just on the Today show spinning her insanity all over the place. Still maintaining Caylee is alive & how she & Casey talk about Caylee & the fact that the media is outside their house and the protestors last night have nothing better to do, they should be out looking for her granddaughter! She is so delusional! I don't see any of them including Casey out scouring the streets looking for Caylee! So, basically, she lied again since everyone else (LP and Tim) have both stated that Casey doesn't engage in any conversation nor does she seem interested in the whereabouts of her daughter. Cindy also said the car didn't have a smell at some particular time trying to establish that someone just put a dead body in the trunk at the lot. God, my head is spinning. The guy from Today interviewing her (Lester) had such a disturbed look on is face after the interview. NUTS! :bang:

Man, Unreal!!!!
I always thought that the majority ruled, but I guess in this case the Anthony's do maybe we are the ones that are nuts. LOL
I am so hoping they find Caylee today. It would be great to see Casey barely make it to the driveway before they arrest her AGAIN.
No!! We are not nuts, at times I would say that to myself...Cindy is something else I best go and have my coffee before I say something I shouldn't!!!!!!!
If they have video of Casey at the stores, they probably have receipts as well showing she didn't buy a single thing for Caylee. When my children were that young, I always needed to get something for them at the store. I hope I can keep up a little today, my daughter's birthday party is today ( 8 girls coming over YIKES) but I just have to know what's happening cause playing catch up will hospitalize me LOL.
No!! We are not nuts, at times I would say that to myself...Cindy is something else I best go and have my coffee before I say something I shouldn't!!!!!!!

yea i think i should go start my coffeepot. Reading what she said has gotten under my skin at the moment:rolleyes:
Does anybody know if TES has started their searching or what time they are due to start it? Thanks
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