Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #156

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Do we know dates for the Target shopping sprees? I hope someone leaks the receipts It would be very interesting to know what she bought.

Forgive me for not knowing the link...I read it on here earlier today that the police did have survellience video of Casey using the check at Target, and I believe at another location but I forget which. So, I would bet based on the register number, date and time stamp of Target's survellience they'd be able to track down the receipt number and purchase info.
Do the gp's still have an attorney representing their interests? They did at the beginning (per the 400 pages -- I think it was when LE went once to look at the backyard it mentioned two lawyers representing Casey's interest and one represeenting Cindy and George's interest to pbe present) but I haven't seen that to be true since.

I assumed Baez took over that role...I think he represents all 3 of them. He certainly is having conferences with Cindy without Casey there. IMOO
He can get himself in serious trouble making these sorts of statements. What if, when they go to trial, she says she doesn't know where Caylee will be obvious she changed her story. Is this guy capable of thinking about what is best for his client and understanding the basics of DNA? Has he ever even done a case before where DNA evidence was presented? She seriously needs a better qualified lawyer. IMOO

IMO, no legitimately qualified criminal defence lawyer would be babbling on about DNA like he did last night. His colleagues there must be embarassed. IMOO

I totally agree with you. He really blundered. He let his anger get the best of him. He realized it, too, because he quickly ended the interview.
I also used to work at a car dealership. If you need a key for a car you can call the VIN into a dealership and get a key made. I am sure the people in the tow industry have ways to get keys made. I am sure in the underworld that someone can make keys for just about anything. Locksmith trucks make keys all the time.

Yes, you are probably right. Anything is possible.

Now then, please explain the mathematics involved in calculating the extremely unlikely odds that the tow yard just 'happened' to loan out the specific car, which belongs to the specific family that is missing a lovely little girl? And that that specific car was loaned to someone who just happened to place a different body in the trunk, return it to the tow yard, and have resulting DNA matches on the hair.
Newest little tidbit Cindy now plans to file charge against OCSD for civil rights violation in Casey's arrest yesterday. Not happy with the knock under lights.
George taped off the block as a crime scene anyone able to read tape?

We still have Casey saying 9th of Jun and mom now agrees with dad it was the 16th of June for last sighting of Caylee but Cindy testified for the 15th.
Bond with Padilla's not yet decided but the 3000 was covered by another. She is still in jail. Still no Caylee.
Yep - you got it summed up about right.

Think the tape is "caution" but much discussion about GA blocking the "right of way" and the swale as this is considered public property.

The original bond has been "endorsed" which after much discussion - endorsed means basically "surrendered" such as when you endorse a check over to your bank you "surrender" that check for payment.

Have not heard ANYTHING remotely connected to the NEW bail amount or that anyone has stepped forward. Besides - now the bond is back to $500K +

But yea, you seem to be up to speed. lol
You know what I think is so INSANE is that the lawyer and the parents/family spokesman, etc. are all out there running their mouths about things that sound like defense attorney smoke and mirrors. Any prosecutor will love having all their silly theories before the trial. What happened to keeping your mouth shut after you get a lawyer? Isn't that the first thing the lawyer tells you????

Maybe they never got the memo :woohoo:
Forgive me for not knowing the link...I read it on here earlier today that the police did have survellience video of Casey using the check at Target, and I believe at another location but I forget which. So, I would bet based on the register number, date and time stamp of Target's survellience they'd be able to track down the receipt number and purchase info.

it was bank of america and they do have video. I'm just hoping the FBI adds federal charges for stealing the gov check from the grandparents.
I also used to work at a car dealership. If you need a key for a car you can call the VIN into a dealership and get a key made. I am sure the people in the tow industry have ways to get keys made. I am sure in the underworld that someone can make keys for just about anything. Locksmith trucks make keys all the time.

So not only are we illegally loaning cars, were also having keys made for them too???? Wow, Casey must have some really bad luck!
I just caught a clip of wesh news online - searches being conducted on horseback, atv's, air boats. The Anthony's are cosidering filing a civil suit against OCSD over the rearrest last night.

UGH!!! You've got to be kidding me! What do they want -- money to fix their lawn? (said sarcastically only in part!)
George put that tape up because he fertilized. He was wrong to rope off the sidewalk and swale but he did anyway - prob thinking because he fertilized he could. Sometimes people do put up little signs about fertilizing because of the chemicals and such - you can burn your lil tootsies. So I think that might be his thinking about why he "could" put up that tape.

As far as the case and the forensics - I think that they are back and they are conclusive that it was Caylee in that trunk and she was deceased. However, LE HAS to tie Casey to that in order for ANY charge to stick. IMO that is what they are working on now - tying Casey to that body or decomp or something. Wonder what became of those pants? Did Cindy ruin any forensics that may have been on them? But LE has to tie Casey to it all before they will charge her.

Well if it turns out to be true that the property was FERTILIZED. Hope that OCSO TAKES NOTICE, this would seem to be a very odd time to FERTILIZE. Normally LIME is one of the components in FERTILIZER & it has been my own experience that this is done later on, especially in the warmer climates, that being said isn't the southern part of the country expected to experience rainfall? It is my understanding that LIME decreases ODORS in addition to speeding up chemical breakdown (decomposition). Anybody else find this odd or am I just missing this completely?
IMO thats so far fetch its silly. But looks like JB reasonable doubts working on some but that always seems to change after a while so he throws a new one out there. As far as Cindy saying she went to talk to the tow yard. We dont know what was really said. Not to mention if these people never actually went in the car then there a good chance they wouldn't smell it. Im sure the lot has lots of cars and when they take them there they sit there for weeks without anyone going near them. Now if the DNA from the stain comes back Caylee's for sure Cindy's story wont hold water not that it does IMO now:)

Of course it is far-fetched... What about this case HASN'T been far-fetched. Truth is far stranger than fiction. I threw this out there because it will be the defenses job to shoot holes in everything the prosecution puts on the table. His job will be to convince the jurors of MANY different "plausible" explanations in order to confuse them and cause reasonable doubt. Worked for OJ. Far fetched or not...

The only way to prove Caylee was in the car would be with absolute proof of DNA. Remember all the results are being leaked by SOMEONE. If they had EXACT dna results.. CASEY WOULD ALREADY BE ARRESTED FOR MURDER.

IMO if the evidence is there justice will be served....
I think Casey did something around the time of the phone calls to Cindy and family and got no answer. Probablly wanted to go out and could'nt with caylee, so she just took her out the equation, I know this sounds savage but you have to admit anyone who would have the nerve to move poor caylle around in the trunk after such time had passed nothing surprises me

I concur. I also think those calls were for a sitter, and Cindy was angry with her b/c of the theft from her own mom and was giving her the silent treatment. So Cindy may be feeling really guilty for not being there for Caylee's sake.
I also am thnking and pretty much agreeing that George knew about it after the fact. After the fertilizer post earlier today, I would really like them to look under that hybicus sp tree that was recently moved. Dig it up and look down deep. jmo
Cindy can't sue for the police violating her daughters right. Casey would have to do that.
Hellooooooo Casey is grown now. Over 21. Doesn't need mommy to bake brownies and send her to school.
Sick dynamics going on there.
Just a thought re: the body being placed in the car while at the impound/tow lot...there is usually a good deal of security for those places since I'm sure there is a threat of people wanting their cars back without having to pay the high fees. There is probably a video surveillance system of some sort as well. I'm wondering how someone totes a corpse into the lot and places it in the trunk of the Anthony car for a while, then returns and removes the corpse at a later date? Seems a bit ridiculous.

Also--I just watched the Today show clip with Cindy. I am sooooo tired of her telling us to "look for" her granddaughter. Those detectives were doing nothing but looking for that little girl--and guess what? They couldn't find her because her daughter sent them on a wild goose chase!!!! We CAN'T look for Caylee because Casey made sure that nobody could easily find her.

One last thought: Do any of you get the feeling that Casey is not as stupid as people think? I'm just thinking that the best way to beat a murder rap is to make sure that there is very little evidence--she had a full month to cover her tracks, make up lies, and when she finally had to admit that her daughter was missing, she bought herself even more time by lying about every single thing. It just seems so disgusting that she is doing everything in her power to make sure nobody can find Caylee, and if they do, prove what happened to her.:furious:

The constant demands that everyone go out and look for Caylee are truly bizarre. I don't recall any other missing children where a family member did that.

I can clearly recall family members on TV, grief stricken and crying, saying 'please help me find my little boy', 'please take a moment to take a second look at children you see and see if she looks like my daughter' and holding up a picture.

Cindy's demands come with angry face and voice, and they are demands, not pleas of grief. They border on abusive, and sometimes are abusive.

What makes it even more odd is that she doesn't give a clue *where* to look. Yet she claims to have received more than 2,000 tips. Why isn't it 'please check my website. we're posting all siting locations. won't you please take a moment to see if your city is listed, and if so, keep an extra eye out for my grandbaby?'

After today's demand, I've been thinking a lot about why a person would do what she's doing. Demand everyone do something. Shame them. And don't give a single clue how (where) to do what's she's demanding.

I don't have any good ideas on it yet, but I'm convinced there's something there. I just can't put my finger on it. There's something familiar about it, but I just can't place it.

I'd love to ask one of the psychologists they have talking about the family to comment on it.

Something else that strikes me about this and seems related and important, is that Cindy herself is not searching. In her video with the protestors she says the most ludicrous thing. She says that the media is not allowing her and George to search for Caylee. Huh??

Is this some big psychological thing? Or is it as simple as she knows Caylee is dead, directly or indirectly, knows it's really futile to search?

I think I'll have nothing but questions about this case for the rest of my life.
Well if it turns out to be true that the property was FERTILIZED. Hope that OCSO TAKES NOTICE, this would seem to be a very odd time to FERTILIZE. Normally LIME is one of the components in FERTILIZER & it has been my own experience that this is done later on, especially in the warmer climates, that being said isn't the southern part of the country expected to experience rainfall? It is my understanding that LIME decreases ODORS in addition to speeding up chemical breakdown (decomposition). Anybody else find this odd or am I just missing this completely?

That was my first thought............
wonder where Lee has been? Maybe I have just missed him on the recent video reports...has he been around?
I also think there is something in those photos that were deleted on July 16 before LE came back. I think that she may be in an area of one of those photos. I wish I knew if they could be retrieved. And of course I wish I could see them. lol
I heard today the Casey can't get out of jail now because the bond was finally revoked. I got so confused when they decided then decided against it. I guess the demonstration and the police action fixed that.

That was kind of a brutal arrest though. All in front of those cameras. I guess the Police are getting tired of being pushed around by a "person of interest". Still I'm concerned about the DNA tests. It's the only thing that hinges on this case. With what they have now, I don't think they can arrest her on murder charges. OMG...I beginning to think they will never find Caylee's body,
OK--George & Cindy are going to sue the OCSO for arresting their daughter on theft charges? That are even admitted to by Casey in her written statement to LE? you know--the money that she had to steal to find her daughter...I wonder if they have a case?:banghead:
Well if it turns out to be true that the property was FERTILIZED. Hope that OCSO TAKES NOTICE, this would seem to be a very odd time to FERTILIZE. Normally LIME is one of the components in FERTILIZER & it has been my own experience that this is done later on, especially in the warmer climates, that being said isn't the southern part of the country expected to experience rainfall? It is my understanding that LIME decreases ODORS in addition to speeding up chemical breakdown (decomposition). Anybody else find this odd or am I just missing this completely?
Nah not really - we fertilize down here pretty much year round - once in spring and once in fall - plus you always WANT to do it right before a good rain - if it stays TOO dry it will burn up your lawn. So that fact that he did this today - doesn't really mean nothing - BUT the FACT that it is GA and is up and doing it bright and early the day after Casey was arrested on prime time national TV last night is a little strange.
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