Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #156

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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They did in the Natalee Holloway case.
There is a picture of the horses in the TES thread, no picture of dogs. Dogs would probably only be used if something looked suspicious, like mounded dirt or something like that.
Does anyone think it is weird that we haven't heard of ANY of George's family? WE heard about Cindy's mom and dad through the police reports and Rick, Cindy's brother, but NOTHING from George's side of the family! JMO
IIRC there was some mention of George's sister being at a tent handing out flyers - this was early on in the circus.
Your avatar creeps me out, LOL! :behindbar
It was put up for last night early am for posters coming on, had a problem with upload not working but if you look up there again you will see its fixed. :)
I'm gonna be bald because of that webcam. Is someone intentionally shutting it off everytime something happens??? They're toying with us, right?
I bet they're sitting in the van with their laptop, looking at WS's, going "wanna see sumthin' funny, watch this" gone.
OT, Hey Shutterfly, what did Mr. Shutterfly say about that dropped call on his way home last night?

I must say I cracked myself up reading your post last night...
I concur. I also think those calls were for a sitter, and Cindy was angry with her b/c of the theft from her own mom and was giving her the silent treatment. So Cindy may be feeling really guilty for not being there for Caylee's sake.
I also am thnking and pretty much agreeing that George knew about it after the fact. After the fertilizer post earlier today, I would really like them to look under that hybicus sp tree that was recently moved. Dig it up and look down deep. jmo

Tell me more about the recently moved hibiscus tree
Do we know why the police and media were just there? I can't imagine JB can go a full day without blabbing to the press. IMOO
IIRC there was some mention of George's sister being at a tent handing out flyers - this was early on in the circus.

Also his mom and sister were sitting with George and Cindy on the night of Casey's 1st arrest. They saw it on TV.
You know, I thin people might have bought the story a little more if she just said, " I left caylee in the care asleep while I was inside partying, and when I came out, she was gone!"

I do believe Caylees death was Caseys stupidity...not intentional...but idiotic just teh same

The partying part would of course have gotten her in trouble if she intentionally left her there, but surely not in trouble like she is now. And, I can think of a number of cases over the years hearing about people leaving their children in the car accidentally (one parent thinking the other had brought the child in the house, or the parent who didn't normally drop the child off at child care taking them one day while on their way to work, but the child was asleep and so quiet in the back of the car that they forgot they were there, etc. Not saying it is great, just what happened) and receiving no charges at all, it truly being found a horrible accident.
Of course it is far-fetched... What about this case HASN'T been far-fetched. Truth is far stranger than fiction. I threw this out there because it will be the defenses job to shoot holes in everything the prosecution puts on the table. His job will be to convince the jurors of MANY different "plausible" explanations in order to confuse them and cause reasonable doubt. Worked for OJ. Far fetched or not...

The only way to prove Caylee was in the car would be with absolute proof of DNA. Remember all the results are being leaked by SOMEONE. If they had EXACT dna results.. CASEY WOULD ALREADY BE ARRESTED FOR MURDER.

IMO if the evidence is there justice will be served....

See that where I dont agree because LE wants a body and if they give up all the results and charge her then JB has access to them. IMO she will be charged soon there just not ready to count their chickens before they hatch. Its alot harder to find out if it was intentional without a body. But Im sure Casey already knows that and thats one of the reasons she didnt report her daughter missing. Its only a matter of time before she will be charged IMO:)
From Cindy's Today Show appearance: she was ranting about what LE told Casey in the interview at her non-existant office at US about the 2 possibilities they were going to "announce" (that either Caylee is dead, or that Casey gave her to someone she is not identifying)--she makes it sound like they meant "announce to the public" (which they did not do). They were "announcing" it to Casey in that interview because they were basically begging that girl to tell them what happened to Caylee. She is really irrational and maybe delusional.
The constant demands that everyone go out and look for Caylee are truly bizarre. I don't recall any other missing children where a family member did that.

I can clearly recall family members on TV, grief stricken and crying, saying 'please help me find my little boy', 'please take a moment to take a second look at children you see and see if she looks like my daughter' and holding up a picture.

Cindy's demands come with angry face and voice, and they are demands, not pleas of grief. They border on abusive, and sometimes are abusive.

What makes it even more odd is that she doesn't give a clue *where* to look. Yet she claims to have received more than 2,000 tips. Why isn't it 'please check my website. we're posting all siting locations. won't you please take a moment to see if your city is listed, and if so, keep an extra eye out for my grandbaby?'

After today's demand, I've been thinking a lot about why a person would do what she's doing. Demand everyone do something. Shame them. And don't give a single clue how (where) to do what's she's demanding.

I don't have any good ideas on it yet, but I'm convinced there's something there. I just can't put my finger on it. There's something familiar about it, but I just can't place it.

I'd love to ask one of the psychologists they have talking about the family to comment on it.

Something else that strikes me about this and seems related and important, is that Cindy herself is not searching. In her video with the protestors she says the most ludicrous thing. She says that the media is not allowing her and George to search for Caylee. Huh??

Is this some big psychological thing? Or is it as simple as she knows Caylee is dead, directly or indirectly, knows it's really futile to search?

I think I'll have nothing but questions about this case for the rest of my life.
In my mind it seems as if Cindy has guilt that she is projecting on others.
Why does she have guilt? Anyone's guess. Could be something that happened to Casey that she feels guilty about, could be that she knows something about this and is involved in some way.
It could be that Cindy herself is an abuse victim. George has is own problems. Problems holding a job, problems with anger. Two dysfunctional people, probably from childhood, raising dysfunctional children.
The law of averages says one out of every four people raised in that enviorment are normal. I believe Lee is the most normal one here.
Cindy is passive agressive. Notice how she was outside yesterday shaming the press and then when the protesters came on her lawn and she is talking to them she becomes calm, and switches into caretaker mode.
Imagine being raised by a mother that shames you one minute and then loves you the next. It could and does make people crazy.
I heard today the Casey can't get out of jail now because the bond was finally revoked. I got so confused when they decided then decided against it. I guess the demonstration and the police action fixed that.

That was kind of a brutal arrest though. All in front of those cameras. I guess the Police are getting tired of being pushed around by a "person of interest". Still I'm concerned about the DNA tests. It's the only thing that hinges on this case. With what they have now, I don't think they can arrest her on murder charges. OMG...I beginning to think they will never find Caylee's body,
Watching the slow motion of her "walk of shame," I watched her eyes. It was as if she finally realized how much those protestors HATE her. I agree with BeanE that she probably planned beating the system and hiding the murder forever. I do not think it was an accident.

Sorry, but I don't agree. There is no hurry to charge her with murder. They are still carrying out the investigation and may be withholding those results for lots of tactical reasons.
I also used to work at a car dealership. If you need a key for a car you can call the VIN into a dealership and get a key made. I am sure the people in the tow industry have ways to get keys made. I am sure in the underworld that someone can make keys for just about anything. Locksmith trucks make keys all the time.

WOW>>>>>>>>this is getting stretched out father and father to make it fit the crime.........

A woman loses her baby for 31 days, goes partying every night, steals her friend's money, checks, while using her car, lives with multiple men, runs out of gas in her car at a check cashing place where she told in her police statement she had her daughter with her, but does not take the car seat when she leaves her car, leaves her purse, loses her brand new blackjack phone she just stole money from her grandparents to buy, then the tow company takes the car, puts it in a secure lot, and someone SNEAKS into that secure (most likely videoed) lot puts SAME woman's dead baby in the trunk of that car after they went to a dealership and had keys made for that car............

Which is why I think whatever happened, happened on the 16th. If we believe George when he says the last time he saw them was on the 16th (I believe midmorning-early afternoon) Both Casey and Caylee left alone together.... Then, that same night the 16th, Casey stays the night at TL's without Caylee. So where is Caylee???? :waitasec:

I don't know if we can believe George...
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