Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #156

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Also, sorry, Casey called Ryan and told him she basically wasn't a sociopath, just a drug addict. and she was really really sorry about it. per Ryan's statement in the docs.
She did this around the time Caylee disappeared, middle to 3/4 in June. Cindy called him the end of may. So Casey found out that Cindy had called Ryan? and possibly other friends as well. In other words, Cindy was really making Casey look bad to her friends. I think...
It was in the backyard video with Greta, Blink.

It was a huge hibiscus tree in the rear corner of the house, very close to the pool. Cindy is quoted as stating that the tree was dug up and moved so they could move the pool box next to the house. Meanwhile, in the video, the pool box is still clearly lined up against the pool.

Hibiscus looked to be moved close to the playhouse, but I'd have to rewatch to be certain.
Do you recall the reason? I too watched the video and thought about the bush. It was explained by Cindy with George present I think.
In my mind it seems as if Cindy has guilt that she is projecting on others.
Why does she have guilt? Anyone's guess. Could be something that happened to Casey that she feels guilty about, could be that she knows something about this and is involved in some way.
It could be that Cindy herself is an abuse victim. George has is own problems. Problems holding a job, problems with anger. Two dysfunctional people, probably from childhood, raising dysfunctional children.
The law of averages says one out of every four people raised in that enviorment are normal. I believe Lee is the most normal one here.
Cindy is passive agressive. Notice how she was outside yesterday shaming the press and then when the protesters came on her lawn and she is talking to them she becomes calm, and switches into caretaker mode.
Imagine being raised by a mother that shames you one minute and then loves you the next. It could and does make people crazy.

It could very well be guilt. If and when she admits to herself what a monster her daughter is, she then is faced with what that makes her. How she contributed to that. And she has a heck of a lot to look at there that we can all see. What else is there that she knows about mistakes she's made in raising Casey, that we know nothing about?

Hence the guilt. Makes sense.

She's shamed everybody. Literally lol. And abusively. Everybody but Casey of course, who's perfect, and who everybody else is abusing.

The first couple days this was on the news, I thought she seemed loving of her grandchild. But I remember watching interviews and thinking that something was a bit off.

Did she actually also view Caylee as a burden? Resent the time, care, and money it took to care for her? Is her lack of any apparent grief and concern for Caylee because she's actually feeling some relief?

I just don't know. Just looking for some clues, some answers in there. Something to indicate

I would think that you would have to be a moron to have JB represent you in a case of this magnitude. With this huge national attention, I'm thinking that they are getting tons of offers from high profile defense attorneys...unless they think this is too much of a mess now.

That man is not capable of defending someone of just the check charges if you ask me.............I would not want him for my attorney under any circumstances. He is just a want-a-be, and is really screwing up any chance his client has.........

I doubt there are many high profile attorneys wanting this one........most do not want to be aligned with a woman who is suspected of killing her child.

Remember in the Susan Smith case, they had a TON of attorney's who turned that case down before the court could find one to defend her.
I wonder if the date on the camera wasn't wrong. Mine is many times.

I thought it was interesting that the photos were uploaded on the 17th (is that correct?) and then kind of looks like someone was trying to hide the fact that they knew where Caylee was on June 15th. Maybe protecting the June 9th red herring date?
That was my first thought............

Glad it's not just me, thank you. I really believe that if Caylee isn't there deceased NOW then she certainly WAS & even if he didn't fertilize the back of the property it would be on the search dogs paws when going through the front of the property. I think that the way this is coming down, a former homicide detective, would reasonably expect a return of the dogs as FINALLY an OFFICAL TES SEARCH is now UNDERWAY.
I would think that you would have to be a moron to have JB represent you in a case of this magnitude. With this huge national attention, I'm thinking that they are getting tons of offers from high profile defense attorneys...unless they think this is too much of a mess now.

I agree re being a I don't think she's getting those offers. She has no money to pay, and the case is big and would cost a fortune to do pro bono (you would need to hire forensic experts, your own dna experts etc), plus you will work for months without pay. And she's not very popular. But she would still probably be better off with trying to get a senior public defender. IMOO
Do you recall the reason? I too watched the video and thought about the bush. It was explained by Cindy with George present I think.

Yes, they said they dug it up and replanted it so they could move the pool tool box next to the house, because they feared Caylee would climb up on the box and get in the pool. BUT, said pool tool box was still next to the pool.

Just watching it again now. IIRC, the dogs hit very, very close to where the bush had been.
WOW>>>>>>>>this is getting stretched out father and father to make it fit the crime.........

A woman loses her baby for 31 days, goes partying every night, steals her friend's money, checks, while using her car, lives with multiple men, runs out of gas in her car at a check cashing place where she told in her police statement she had her daughter with her, but does not take the car seat when she leaves her car, leaves her purse, loses her brand new blackjack phone she just stole money from her grandparents to buy, then the tow company takes the car, puts it in a secure lot, and someone SNEAKS into that secure (most likely videoed) lot puts SAME woman's dead baby in the trunk of that car after they went to a dealership and had keys made for that car............


Maybe there's this whole underground network of body disposers who keep transferring bodies from trunk to trunk of cars in tow yards!


IMO if the evidence is there justice will be served....

There's other important evidence that could be gotten, like witesses to her dumping the body, or at least people seeing her in an unusual location around June 16. They may also be trying to figure out whether Cindy, and particularly George were involved in any way in the coverup, or had knowledge about Caylee's murder/accident that they won't reveal.
That man is not capable of defending someone of just the check charges if you ask me.............I would not want him for my attorney under any circumstances. He is just a want-a-be, and is really screwing up any chance his client has.........

I doubt there are many high profile attorneys wanting this one........most do not want to be aligned with a woman who is suspected of killing her child.

Remember in the Susan Smith case, they had a TON of attorney's who turned that case down before the court could find one to defend her.

I guess there's always Mark Geragos! Does he ever win one of his high profile cases?:rolling::rolling::rolling:
If LE had DNA evidence that the human decomp was Caylee's they would have already ARRESTED casey for MURDER.

Can anyone her PROVE the car was not driven off the tow yard lot?

My point is about reasonable doubt... jurors are not idiots.. but they can be confused. How else do you explain OJ getting off after they find bloody gloves and clothes yet Scott Peterson gets the clanker with only circumstantial evidence.

In my heart Casey may have killed Caylee... she is a horrible, evil person (proof is in the pdf's of that) However, as an American I have to believe in the presumption of innonence until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. I do not want to lose this fundamental right.
IMO, you have the right to be PRESUMED innocent. But you also have the RESPONSIBILITY to be truthful and help find your missing child. What kind of country is it where you continually give rights but expect nothing in return from the citizens? I am not talking about her right to remain silent, I'm talking about the necessity to give honest information instead of lies...
Maybe there's this whole underground network of body disposers who keep transferring bodies from trunk to trunk of cars in tow yards!


Hey--it happens. Remember the roving band of homeless people who abducted Lacy Peterson and transported her body to the Bay?
You have to remember how proud Cindy was of all her cameos. "Which one?" she says. And that happened long before the media started hounding them.

And Cindy did not seem at all sad in that phone call, which is really weird because she supposedly only found out 24 hours before that her granddaughter was missing. IMOO
Here's a thought. After going over ALL the video from last night and a few previous ones as well. Why do we not see GA on them anymore? Can't count yesterday's little umbrella dude - GA wasn't "mugging" for the camera there. But, think about this, we see - JB and LP together, JB and Cindy together, JB and Casey together, LP & TP, Cindy and Garrison, but I have never seen JB and GA together. Nope, not once. hhhmmmm - even JB said last night that Cindy was out there just for support for him. I think that is interesting. Anyone else?
It could very well be guilt. If and when she admits to herself what a monster her daughter is, she then is faced with what that makes her. How she contributed to that. And she has a heck of a lot to look at there that we can all see. What else is there that she knows about mistakes she's made in raising Casey, that we know nothing about?

Hence the guilt. Makes sense.

She's shamed everybody. Literally lol. And abusively. Everybody but Casey of course, who's perfect, and who everybody else is abusing.

The first couple days this was on the news, I thought she seemed loving of her grandchild. But I remember watching interviews and thinking that something was a bit off.

Did she actually also view Caylee as a burden? Resent the time, care, and money it took to care for her? Is her lack of any apparent grief and concern for Caylee because she's actually feeling some relief?

I just don't know. Just looking for some clues, some answers in there. Something to indicate


I betcha that she is not as nice to Casey behind closed doors as she seems to be. I remember my best friend in high schools' mother constantly told everyone how beautiful her daughter was, how smart ect. To hear her talk my friend could do no wrong. She seemed to be like Cindy..blind to all my friends faults. Years later my friend moved back to our hometown.
When she told me that her mom had gone off the deep end I was shocked.
Come to find out she abused my friend, her sister and their dad. The parent's finally divorced.
In many ways Cindy reminds me of that friends mom.
If LE had DNA evidence that the human decomp was Caylee's they would have already ARRESTED casey for MURDER.

Can anyone her PROVE the car was not driven off the tow yard lot?

My point is about reasonable doubt... jurors are not idiots.. but they can be confused. How else do you explain OJ getting off after they find bloody gloves and clothes yet Scott Peterson gets the clanker with only circumstantial evidence.

In my heart Casey may have killed Caylee... she is a horrible, evil person (proof is in the pdf's of that) However, as an American I have to believe in the presumption of innonence until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. I do not want to lose this fundamental right.

I disagree. They do not have to arrest her on murder charges yet. She is in jail and going nowhere. They need all the little details and the body would be really nice for their case.

Tow truck drivers here have to note the mileage when they pick up a car. Tow lots are locked and usually have guard dogs or video surveillance. You are saying that a mysterious person got through the locked gate and surveillance just to place Caylee's body in that particular car. Makes no sense. Who would possibly go to all that trouble. The car did not belong to Casey; it belonged to her parents. So who would want to frame them? They have nothing.

Presumed innocent only applies to a court of law. We are free to believe whatever we choose to believe until we are in a court of law. Presumption of innocence does not apply in a free speech country. It only applies in a courtroom.

OJ got off because of his celebrity and his persona as seen publicly. OJ was guilty and everyone knows it. The defense forced the prosecution to move before they were totally ready and the prosecution made mistake after mistake.

Scott Peterson was guilty. No one else could fit the circumstances of the circumstantial evidence. The bodies surfaced within a couple of a miles from a location that was verified that he was in and it was 90 miles from his home. That location was not even reveaaled to the public for 3 days AFTER she went missing and the area was already being watched by the Coast Guard. A dog alerted at the pier by the onramp BEFORE it was revealed what Marina Scott went to.
I wonder if the date on the camera wasn't wrong. Mine is many times.

Not according to the, it was father's day...Cindy, when asked about seemed to say she forgot she brought her there for father's day and made it clear she didn't want the police to go to the nursing home. I'm sure LE checked it, so you needn't worry about taking my word for it. IMOO
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