Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

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And I've really got to say bye for now...i'm meeting someone for dinner and running really late!
I'm not sure, but I don't think the Anthonys told the media that they'd thrown out the stuffed animals until after someone dug through their garbage and found them.

IIRC it was on tv and they saw themselves and all the chatter about GP taking trash out so then they had to open their mouths and explain.

They need to just hush...and should have from day one. They have caused so much of this circus themselves IMO.
I have a question and sorry if this has been brought up before, but, here goes....

Regarding the 'flurry' of phone calls made by Casey on June 16th(I think thats the date?)- this strikes me as odd, I dont know why but I get a weird feeling from it. Like, I keep getting this thought in my head, what is the chances of calling all those people (Cindy, George, Tony, a few other people) repeatedly and at different locations (home, work, voicemail, etc) and not reaching any of those people atleast once. Is it possible at all that she did reach one or more of them, if only talking to them for a brief minute? Has there been any questioning to the people called on if they accepted those calls, or what messages may have been left, or if they returned the calls? Sorry if this sounds confusing, but I guess what Im trying to say is, lets say you are George or Cindy, you are getting multiple calls to your voicemail, cellphone or whatever, wouldnt there be a message left or atleast a notification of missed calls, and wouldnt you then return that call to your daughter to find out what the problem was? Has there been any investigation into that, from either of thier cell phone, work phone, home phone records to see if they picked up any calls, if there were messages left or erased, or if they made a call back to her? It just seems wierd to frantically try to reach all of these people over a period of time and not one person is available or returns the missed(if they were missed) calls? Could someone please answer or enlighten me on that? Its been bothering me for awhile. It also sort of haunts me that if no one did pick up or return her calls, what if they had, would Caylee be here today? And that really breaks me heart.
People on Murts cam mentioned that someone down the street from the Anthony's know's where Caylee is - In PR where Amy went. Remember the sighting in Atlanta airport. Here is a flight to PR and you connect through Atlanta. Just wondering.

1:15 pm Depart Orlando (MCO)
Arrive San Juan (SJU) 9:01 pm Mon 1-Sep
Duration: 7hr 46mn Delta 34 / 427
Connect in Atlanta (Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Intl.)

Can you imagine just for a second if this were true, the fear Caylee would have. No one she knows around, just gone. The Anythonys may not be the best and KC is not Mother of The Year but Caylee loved them and poof they are gone.
There's no difference and that's not any rationale for obligating a lawyer to be truthful with the media. There's an attorney-client privilege in effect, for one thing. And pure honesty to the public might undermine the lawyer's defense strategy. Don't you suppose that LE monitors Baez's public statements?

I still don't understand the point, or the general presumption that people here are absolutely entitled to know what Baez is planning ahead of time. To steal a line from Casey, "Everyone Lies". Does the NFL football coach in your town tell the media in advance what the game plan is for the team's next game?

There are all kinds of lies. Some lies prejudice the listener, placing them in a bad position. There are innocent white lies. There are lies of necessity. It's perfectly acceptable to opine that Baez is a bad lawyer. But he's not really lying to anyone -- not in the bad sense of that word.
I am afraid I do not have your "respect" for defense attornies. My experience is that most of them are slimy liars who go for every bit of free publicity they can get - truth be damned. This case will put Baez on the map and don't think he doesn't know it. He might even be able to get out of his storefront address and into a respectable office building.
Quick question - When Casey was first arrested, she called home and asked for Tony's phone number.

He was her boyfriend. How come she didn't have his number?

I found young adults use "speed dial" or voice activated "call Tony". They don't memorize numbers anymore.
He just told everyone he is banned from here, in a very nice way.

Ah ok, ty for the info...I haven't a clue who he is, my answer was based on questions I just asked him about 15 minutes ago in his chat. I neva heard of him, just saw link, clicked, questioned a bit.

Well then. nuff said. :silenced::silenced:
I don't think he will deal with you? I think if she doesn't offer up the body, it's a strong piece of circumstantial evidence they can use against her.

And I agree, they will go for the max. And don't agree where someone else said LE think it is an accident...I'd be pretty sure they haven't concluded that. And given she won't tell them anything, and won't give up the body, they probably become more convinced each day that it may not have been an accident.

I think if she "murdered her" and the body will provide evidence of that, she ought to keep quiet and hope she's only convicted of accident, but if it was an accident, why would you risk going down for murder? It's not like she can beat all the charges and walk away from this. IMOO

I agree with you that this strategy she is pursuing is going nowhere. They can put her away for a few years on the charges now..and take their time building a case. If there is never a body, they will go for the max..Murder 1. The circumstantial evidence of her actions...will not meet the test of what a reasonable person would have done had her child died in an accident.

And if a reasonable person would not do what she did, they will convict.
Thats what I thought endorsed probably meant. I tried to look it up but couldn't find anything so I didn't want t post it. I am just praying they don't decide to post it again! I hope those are empty promises but I do not think Leonard will be involved in it again.

This afternoon OS reported:,0,3047015.story

"Al Estes Bail Bond Agency of Clearwater endorsed, or turned in, the bail bond on the original charges. Anthony again is being held on those original counts as well. Officials were expected to retrieve the ankle-monitoring system from her parents' home, pretty much ruling out any immediate release."
That is why I don't think it was an accident........a good attorney would have already had her work with LE & the DA on that. LE does not want to prosecute someone for the death of their child no matter how insane they are if it was not something they could have prevented. They are not just in this to make a murder case, they are in it to get the TRUTH........

I totally agree, and it's also why I'm starting to think it wasn't an accident. I just wish we knew she had a good lawyer, because then I'd feel more confident...but I think JB is a bit of a wild card, and may not be giving her good advice. IMOO
Sorry, but I have to disagree. His job is to act in the best interests of his client, not society. And, IMO, if it was an accident, it would be in her best interests to do a deal and not risk going down for murder.

ITA. He took an oath to defend his client and only his client. He also needs to step far, far away from the Kool-Aid.
Then who was the deceased person in the trunk of Casey's car?

Don't ya know? Someone who had Caylee's DNA, fluids and hair, and the mob wanted to get rid of and blame Casey..........That is the ONLY logical conclusion.

They killed the person, climbed over that high fence, slipped in the lot, got the VIN number off the vehicle, went to the dealership got a key then came back, climbed over that HIGH FENCE with a body, opened the trunk and put that body in that trunk.
I found young adults use "speed dial" or voice activated "call Tony". They don't memorize numbers anymore.
ITA. Memorizing 7 digit numbers are beyond their capabilities. moo
I believe that is correct............which makes for even more suspicion that they may have KNOWN she was never coming home to get them. Then they come up with another lie, since they are caught..........

I disagree. I know that after my daughter was born many people gave her used stuffed animals that I felt were too nasty and stinky for her to play with. Their intentions were good, of course, but I couldn't keep them, who knows what kind of germs they carried? George said they did keep stuffed animals that were in good condition and considered donating the rest but the condition was too bad.

Of course we don't know how many stuffed animals were thrown away - could have only been 2 or 3, could have been dozens. The media only tells us the part of the story they want us to hear. What I think is sad is that the media went through the Anthony's garbage. And people wonder why George is about to blow.
Don't ya know? Someone who had Caylee's DNA, fluids and hair, and the mob wanted to get rid of and blame Casey..........That is the ONLY logical conclusion.

They killed the person, climbed over that high fence, slipped in the lot, got the VIN number off the vehicle, went to the dealership got a key then came back, climbed over that HIGH FENCE with a body, opened the trunk and put that body in that trunk.

Great fiction!!!!
Ah ok, ty for the info...I haven't a clue who he is, my answer was based on questions I just asked him about 15 minutes ago in his chat. I neva heard of him, just saw link, clicked, questioned a bit.

Well then. nuff said. :silenced::silenced:

There ya go. I had put his link in the Media Forum and then when I heard him say that, I RUSHED to the Media Forum to delete it! I thought "oh my goodness, I'll get banned next!" :(
I am afraid I do not have your "respect" for defense attornies. My experience is that most of them are slimy liars who go for every bit of free publicity they can get - truth be damned. This case will put Baez on the map and don't think he doesn't know it. He might even be able to get out of his storefront address and into a respectable office building.

But the Scott Peterson case took Geragos right out of the spotlight. He used to be a commentator on many shows. When that case was never see him. The public hates him.

Not hate him for defending Scott. For saying he would find the real killers and then not even being able to mount any defense, Blowing off his big mouth, like Baez!
Don't ya know? Someone who had Caylee's DNA, fluids and hair, and the mob wanted to get rid of and blame Casey..........That is the ONLY logical conclusion.

They killed the person, climbed over that high fence, slipped in the lot, got the VIN number off the vehicle, went to the dealership got a key then came back, climbed over that HIGH FENCE with a body, opened the trunk and put that body in that trunk.

Of course, this was also all before the LE was even notified and before the Anthonys knew the child was missing so someone really wanted to "FRAME" Casey badly.:sick:
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