Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #157

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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did you guys catch when Jessie's dad said Cindy was trying to frame him for putting the body in the cae while in the tow yard.

Yeah my jaw dropped, but I took it differently. I thought he said that he heard that "they" were going to say that his son had taken Caylee and had planted evidence in the car to frame Casey.
Oh sentiments exactly. They say one thing...compound it by lying again...putting forth another whole scenario. She once said that when Caylee comes home we will all owe her an apology becasue she is a mother of the year!

Ya know, I think I can even top that statement........didn't Grams once say early on that we would see Casey as a HERO?
I'll tell you what guys, if they do find Caylee's body, the Anthony's will try and pin it on anyone they possibly can that isn't named Casey. Mark my word. They are a dangerous group.

Absolutely agree!
I think the Anthony's think that Jesse had something to do with the disappearance of Caylee. But I don't think the Anthony's think Caylee is dead. I think they thing that Jesse put some sort of evidence in the car to make it seem like Caylee is dead so he can get away with absconding with her. I think its horsepucky. Just another hallucination of the Anthony's. They come up with some oddball ideas.
I would hope that JG requested to see the official documents regarding that.. and not an email.

My husband went through that about a year before we met (where he was told he was "the baby's daddy). He demanded the DNA testing and the results came back to him directly from the DNA lab, via certified mail that had to be signed for by him only.
I wonder about the DNA testing since I think Caylee looks so much like JG. Maybe the DNA results came in the form of an email? Maybe one of Casey's "creative" emails?

Considering she was the one that told them that Caylee was JG's and they were there at the birth and she was "probably" getting money from them to help support Caylee (no proof of that), it makes no sense for it to be a creative email from Casey. Why would she want to lose a possible monetary source when she steals from all of her friends and family?

Have you looked at JPC? It's eerie especially if you see pics of him and his sister when they were younger.
I would hope that JG requested to see the official documents regarding that.. and not an email.

Well, if he is like my 23 year old he didn't. "Mom, I got it in a Email"..."Well I'ts official son, you probably won 10 million dollars".
DNA results are given by certified letter at the least. Many people require official proof of the results, emails don't cut it. Jesse was the one who requested the test, he woul dhave received he results.

I have received them by regular mail and fax ~ never certified mail
did you guys catch when Jessie's dad said Cindy was trying to frame him for putting the body in the car while in the tow yard.

Yep, I sure did. I got the impression that Rev Grund was repeating what his son had been questioned about, because I believe (and no I have no proof) that this is what the defense has as one of their reasonable doubt strategies. Further, it ties in with something Mike Walsh (co-counsel with Baez) said on Dan Abrams MSNBC show about 2 weeks back about Jesse saying "he has mental issues" when Clint Van Zandt asked him about Casey's fiancee.
I don't believe the keys were left in the car. I also have yet to see any source other than Cindy say the purse was left in the car.

400 page doc said the car had keys and pocket book. not for cindy either the lady who called tow company or tow company.
That is my recollection also ~ the smell hit him when he and George went to the car together and George opened the door. That was when he smelled the smell that made him think of the suicide car. You know ~ the car may have been parked away from where the employees walked around. It's not like they were probably walking around sniffing all the cars every day.

Not sure where I read this, but tow yard guy said the car smelled just like a car they had on the lot, in which a man had committed suicide and was in the car for a while. Of course, this may have been reported by "a source close to the investigation".


Your welcome. And glad you were there. It was FUN! :)
Oh, remember that Renea? Something like that? She seemed to disappear from here but from what she said, my comment above makes sens.
Yeah my jaw dropped, but I took it differently. I thought he said that he heard that "they" were going to say that his son had taken Caylee and had planted evidence in the car to frame Casey.

I didn't hear him say Cindy..I heard they..
From what they said on Gero. tonight they really don't have that option, unless she commits a NEW crime once released.
The bond underwriter can pull the funding at any time, for any reason.

The terms of the bail contract aren't reliant on the defendant committing a crime, new or otherwise. It says that bond may be revoked if the defendant is arrested and incarcerated for anything more serious than a "minor traffic violation".

Casey is in breach of the agreement. The surety company may not want to keep her on the street because the risk that she'll run increases with each new set of charges filed against her.
Did Casey even know chatt in 2004? She didn't Ricardo or Amy until summer of 2007.
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