Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

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Ewwww move to France and have twins? Like she is some low budget Angelina Jolie except instead of Brad she has JB!!!!!!

And of course she is still KC. There's not much worse than that, is there? I think being on the Dirty would be a move up for her.

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keeps a pic of caylee on her bedstand? god forgive me i hope that picture haunts her rest of her life....wait she doesnt have a soul...move to france??? LMAO! im sure they would LOVE the most hated woman in america! -NOT! thanks melanie, for being brave to buy the NE. i admit, i havent gotten it yet b/c i havent gotten paid yet lol.
im sure JB is living his bella vita after helping get this woman off scott free. looked at as a pariah, and if he quit, or she fired him? yeah, the chickens are coming home to roost.

I really believe Casey is incapable of feeling haunted. If she does have a photo of Caylee anywhere, it is for effect make a statement she herself does not believe but that might help others sympathize for her loss. It would be the same thing as Misty Croslin and Ron Cummings showing a photo of Haleigh.

I really believe Casey is incapable of feeling haunted. If she does have a photo of Caylee anywhere, it is for effect mak a statement she herself does not believe but that might help others sympathize for her loss. It would be the same thing as Misty Croslin and Ron Cummings showing a photo of Haleigh.


IF she has a photo of Caylee around, in my opinion, it is so she can tell people who SHE - meaning FKC - is. Less she be another forgotten felon in the masses.
The felon wants to have twins?? What the heck?! She couldn't wait to get rid of the one she had!

Not unless her dreamed-of future sugar/baby daddy could afford a nanny (not a Xanax nanny, not a Zanny nanny...a real nanny) to actually care for the hapless kids (whom she would drag out for photo ops, just like poor Caylee). And she's vain about her body; I don't think a twin pregnancy would work for Please, if there is a G-d, no more babies for this egg donor. It's too horrible to even think about. :(

I don't think any country would let her keep a child. Even if they believed Caylee drowned accidentially she never TRIED to save Caylee. Her poor attempt to "cover herself" with her fake story and her reasoning is all about her, no concerns about her child, "can't call 911 because I could be arrested." No one thinks about that in an accidential drowning, you just think there is a possibility I can save her and make that call without any thought's just "Do It". jmo
IF she has a photo of Caylee around, in my opinion, it is so she can tell people who SHE - meaning FKC - is. Less she be another forgotten felon in the masses.

And what makes anyone think she put it there. She's just too lazy to take in down. But I'm willing to bet KC's in the picture, too. jmo
Thanks for your thoughtful post. My earlier post about having a "smidgen of sympathy" for Baez wasn't popular, but it's not in my nature to wish harm on anyone. Yes, I believe that everyone will eventually pay for their misdeeds, but it is for G-d to decide how, when, and in what capacity. Bottom line here is that many people have born the brunt of Casey Anthony's behaviors, and the fallout will likely continue for some time. jmo

I missed your earlier post perhaps but I agree with you, I've some sympathy for him as well as the rest of the DT who really thought they were just saving her from death row...NEVER did they think they'd be stuck with her and I dont envy them that...

that said, JB is a grown man and chose his path, and he will deal with the consequences of his choices as we all do, and it seems he has already had consequences...

I kinda hope nothing truly bad ever happens to OCA...twas bad enough to feel bad for her falling on her face in the elevator that time :|
I'll be the one turning the cover page over to the back up here in Canada!:floorlaugh:

:great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I'll cover Ont. I did do it at shoppers once. :floorlaugh:
I'll do it again.

:great: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Heehee ... another suggestion :innocent: ...

You know how they keep those NE's right there at the check-out counters ? So ... just non-chalantly pick-up a stack and oops, just happen to put it down right next to the toilet paper -- where it belongs ...

I am giddy that things are not going the way KC expected them to go. I don't think she expected to be losing half of her appeals team, or to be meeting the degree of backlash that has erupted since the release of her so-called diary. She essentially hasn't gotten a great deal of press on it, and the press she's gotten has been less than stellar. Darn it, Van Der Sloot's guilty plea came out at roughly the same time as her video outing, and the local news outlets only seem passivily interested in her shenanigans. Cheney can't be happy with her latest baggage that she seems to have piled on herself.

I can't wait to see what type of train wreck is around the next corner for KC.
Okay thanks! Now none of the rest of us need to buy it and line her pockets.
France? What happened to Ireland, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Mexico??? Did they all reject her???

Hmmmmmm...that's funny. A poster here on one of these recent threads posted the other day that FCA liked French.....I was (at the time) going to respond "Don't you mean Irish?" but didn't.

What a coinkydink....
IF she has a photo of Caylee around, in my opinion, it is so she can tell people who SHE - meaning FKC - is. Less she be another forgotten felon in the masses.

You got that right. It is not to remember's so she can say "hey, look at me, I'm the mother of that child murdered by her grandpa"
That's the ONLY reason she would have a picture of Caylee.
Hmmmmmm...that's funny. A poster here on one of these recent threads posted the other day that FCA liked French.....I was (at the time) going to respond "Don't you mean Irish?" but didn't.

What a coinkydink....

And yet she was supposed to be taking a Spanish class. Because yes, Spanish will help her a lot in France. *big eyeroll* So now she likes French? Her tastes change faster than she goes through men!
And yet she was supposed to be taking a Spanish class. Because yes, Spanish will help her a lot in France. *big eyeroll* So now she likes French? Her tastes change faster than she goes through men!

I wish she would move someplace else.

Don't go away mad....just got away...:floorlaugh:
Now that it seems probable that Casey has been communicating with Cindy, I wouldn't be the least surprised if her mother is behind the release of the "therapeutic" video. Cindy doesn't give a flying cluster**** what her daughter has said about George, Lee, or even herself: Cindy thinks that Casey can do nothing wrong and should profit from the death of little Caylee. It's probably bugging Cindy no end that her gorgeous daughter hasn't made the talk show circuit yet, and she knows that time is running out for anyone to want to hear from the infamous Casey Anthony. Cindy is pathetic and makes me :sick: jmo
I don't know why everyone seems to think that Jose Baez has nothing going on just because he is not replying to all of this. He won an unwinnable case whether anyone likes it or not. His name is well known for doing just that. It is what it is and all the crying about him will not change it. Jose Baez won the case that everyone said was unwinnable. That is amazing. I am still in shock.

He is not going anywhere with his tail between his legs - not imo.
I don't know why everyone seems to think that Jose Baez has nothing going on just because he is not replying to all of this. He won an unwinnable case whether anyone likes it or not. His name is well known for doing just that. It is what it is and all the crying about him will not change it. Jose Baez won the case that everyone said was unwinnable. That is amazing. I am still in shock.

He is not going anywhere with his tail between his legs - not imo.

Any thoughts on why he hasn't made a statement about all of this yet?
I don't know why everyone seems to think that Jose Baez has nothing going on just because he is not replying to all of this. He won an unwinnable case whether anyone likes it or not. His name is well known for doing just that. It is what it is and all the crying about him will not change it. Jose Baez won the case that everyone said was unwinnable. That is amazing. I am still in shock.

He is not going anywhere with his tail between his legs - not imo.

Big deal - and who's lining up to hire him or interview him now?

At least all the other lawyers out there now know if you tell enough lies you can get anyone off a guilty verdict. Sure - I'm amazed.:banghead:

He's a pariah. IMO

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