Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

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oh FYI Joran killed Peruvian girl because he had PTSD post Natalie Holloway

He and Casey should get together and find a volcano somewhere and go for a swim.

Oh I have faith that they will someday...for all eternity ;) I have been following these threads with disbelief, can't believe I got sucked into all this quagmire again. :banghead: After feeling stunned over the ineptitude of the jury, I made peace with what was...I wasn't happy she was found not guilty, but she will never be innocent. And I was willing to leave her to a higher Judge ~ still am, actually. So who knows what will happen with all of this, but if she DOES move back in with Mommy sympathy to the Hopespring Dr neighborhood. And if Baez has a conscience, even if it's all shriveled up and on the verge of disappearing, I hope somewhere there is some regret that plagues him the rest of his life. JMO.....
Joanner! Thank you for posting that Fox video! I read the post about it earlier, but wanted to see the clip with my own eyes!
So ... did Casey accuse two of her lawyers of releasing the video ... and they suspect that she released it herself ... so the two lawyers are filing notice of ceasing to act?

I'm just throwing this out there as possibly what is going on ???
I'm very surprised to hear that Jose may have moved back to Miami? Is he planning on going back into the bikini business? Because here in Lee County, Florida, the Hispanic community cannot stand him? I wouldn't think just two hours SE of us, it would be that much different?
Mr. Man Jose better watch his back! Let's not forget what she did to the last man who crossed her (i.e. her dad). I can see her saying she now suddenly remembers things that JB did to her! Karma will get him too. I don't think the two could be colluding about a book and sharing the windfall for several reasons:
1. They are both malignant narcissists and neither will be willing to share with the other
2. No one will give a rat's arze what JB has to say whether he is with Casey or Casey-less
3. He can't share anything we don't already know because of attorney-client privelege
4. They are both malignant narcissists and would never agree to share

MOO said the little brown calf...
Wonder if him moving to Miami has anything to do with all the legal bridges he burned in Orange County. Must be pretty hard to work out of that courthouse after making such an @ss out of himself for the last 3 years!
Don't know if this has been posted (probably has, but I can't find it)

I don't know how true it is, but Geraldo says Baez has left Orlando and moved to Miami.

I have made a correction after rewatching the video a couple of more times: Geraldo doesn't exactly say Baez has moved his practice to Miami, just that he has moved to Miami. So I guess it could be inferred that he has also moved his practice. In looking at Baez's new web site, it sure does look like Miami in the background, IMO.

I don't know about anyone else, but I found pleasure hearing from GR that JB is "OVER IT".
Oh I have faith that they will someday...for all eternity ;) I have been following these threads with disbelief, can't believe I got sucked into all this quagmire again. :banghead: After feeling stunned over the ineptitude of the jury, I made peace with what was...I wasn't happy she was found not guilty, but she will never be innocent. And I was willing to leave her to a higher Judge ~ still am, actually. So who knows what will happen with all of this, but if she DOES move back in with Mommy sympathy to the Hopespring Dr neighborhood. And if Baez has a conscience, even if it's all shriveled up and on the verge of disappearing, I hope somewhere there is some regret that plagues him the rest of his life. JMO.....

Lets see if she moves back to Hopespring, I think the neighbors will revolt.
The Anthonys should think this out very carefully, if moving in the mother of the year is in their plans. Remember the supposed fight. They will start up again. CA can't control KC. Then there is the neck breaking and household weapon search. Who exactly were they for? Then we have GA packing a pistol. Was it really to get answers from KC's friends or KC. Life will be a living hell with her back in that house.
I think it was as simple as he realized his daughter would get the death penalty if he did not go along with the defense lie, and he couldn't live with that choice. I believe that much about George. Cindy, however, is entirely a different story in my book.

I think it's the same with the DT. Their defense was fabricated to save her life from the death penalty. Never in their wildest dreams did they allow for the possibility that she would get off scott free. It sure threw a monkey wrench into the works, didn't it?
Oh I have faith that they will someday...for all eternity ;) I have been following these threads with disbelief, can't believe I got sucked into all this quagmire again. :banghead: After feeling stunned over the ineptitude of the jury, I made peace with what was...I wasn't happy she was found not guilty, but she will never be innocent. And I was willing to leave her to a higher Judge ~ still am, actually. So who knows what will happen with all of this, but if she DOES move back in with Mommy sympathy to the Hopespring Dr neighborhood. And if Baez has a conscience, even if it's all shriveled up and on the verge of disappearing, I hope somewhere there is some regret that plagues him the rest of his life. JMO.....

How much you want to bet that the Homeowners Association of Hopespring St. has amended their by-laws.

Paragraph 63(b)(2)(ii)
No baby killers will be allowed to reside in any residence in The Neighborhood.
I think it's the same with the DT. Their defense was fabricated to save her life from the death penalty. Never in their wildest dreams did they allow for the possibility that she would get off scott free. It sure threw a monkey wrench into the works, didn't it?

12 monkey wrenches.
Mr. Man Jose better watch his back! Let's not forget what she did to the last man who crossed her (i.e. her dad). I can see her saying she now suddenly remembers things that JB did to her! Karma will get him too. I don't think the two could be colluding about a book and sharing the windfall for several reasons:
1. They are both malignant narcissists and neither will be willing to share with the other
2. No one will give a rat's arze what JB has to say whether he is with Casey or Casey-less
3. He can't share anything we don't already know because of attorney-client privelege
4. They are both malignant narcissists and would never agree to share

MOO said the little brown calf...

BBM: That made me laugh. Reminded me of the movie Misery....cockadoodie Man.
Okay, here's some CHILI


Here's some LASAGNA


Yummy yummy! Glass of wine and I'm now reviewing the threads, but NOTE I am sitting on my hands! As noted always for those non-believers - if I put in red bold, it is the truth!

Caylee, God is not finished yet and is working his karma
Don't know if this has been posted (probably has, but I can't find it)

I don't know how true it is, but Geraldo says Baez has left Orlando and moved to Miami.

I have made a correction after rewatching the video a couple of more times: Geraldo doesn't exactly say Baez has moved his practice to Miami, just that he has moved to Miami. So I guess it could be inferred that he has also moved his practice. In looking at Baez's new web site, it sure does look like Miami in the background, IMO.

Is Orlando throwing a party out of relief? :floorlaugh:
What is it she does now? Look how she rubs her hands.

It is an accustom'd action with her, to seem thus
washing her hands. I have known her continue in this a quarter of
an hour.

Lady Macbeth:
Yet here's a spot.

Hark, she speaks. I will set down what comes from her, to
satisfy my remembrance the more strongly.

Lady Macbeth:
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!—One; two: why, then
'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky.—Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and
afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our
pow'r to accompt?—Yet who would have thought the old man to
have had so much blood in him?

Not a bad fit here.........................
For realz! LOL! GR said in that clip that JB IS moving his practice to Miami.

First, I thought I remembered he was moving his practice, then I didn't listen far enough the second time I watched.

Thanks so much for the correction :seeya:
Lets see if she moves back to Hopespring, I think the neighbors will revolt.
The Anthonys should think this out very carefully, if moving in the mother of the year is in their plans. Remember the supposed fight. They will start up again. CA can't control KC. Then there is the neck breaking and household weapon search. Who exactly were they for? Then we have GA packing a pistol. Was it really to get answers from KC's friends or KC. Life will be a living hell with her back in that house.

Welp - here's what I would do...

We have some intell from someone here that the Ants are remodeling their bathroom...

I would remodel my bathroom to make it more attractive to buyers/renters, then I would take that income and MOVE to a rental - preferably in another country. GA can keep his job - little apartment somewhere or parents or LA - gotta think the girls are going to skip the country... I hear Aruba's nice

ooooh ooooh! ETA - Lee and Mall can move into the house, pay the rent, let GA stay in (gag) KC's room and the little women and skip! It'll work ! Totally!

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