Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

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Mr. Lip Man had no comment from CA & GA about this subject. He was just on Dr. D
Imagine that! Said he was just finding out about it and had not yet given his clients a copy of the report...Whatever...
I don't know what to think, as far as any possible future children go...we see so many cases here where children are returned to, or never taken from, what are clearly horrible situations...I wouldn't put much stock in the idea that any future baby would be automatically taken from her, or even monitered, especially if in another state and/or some years from now...

You know once upon a time I would have been sure you are wrong but we saw a case here not long ago where baby ONE was removed from the home (father incarcerated) due to abuse and a couple years later along comes baby TWO. The gmother made several calls to DCF but nothing was followed up on, low and behold baby TWO was murdered by the same father, idiot mother also indicted due to covering up. Sadly many neighbors heard this baby's cries and no one wanted to get involved.

CFCA has been handed a golden ticket, not guilty of murdering, abusing, manslaughter-ing Caylee. Does the DCF report even mean they would look in on another child? I'm not convinced. Legally she is NOT GUILTY. (Now I'm gonna go throw up - first time I've said that.)
In light of how everything appears to be working IN FCA's favor, this report could have been written on the back of a napkin with a crayon and filed in the back of a recipe box and still be as important as this typed report - the DCF report doesn't mean diddly!

...anyway, that's just my opinion...
Did they speak on the phone on that day?

IIRC they were only texting by this time.

Was this the weekend CA said CFCA was supposed to come home with Caylee and Jeff so CA backed off? Then CA finds the car had been towed in June so CFCA was not stuck in Jville while JH's friend tuned up the car or whatever.

CA went to p/u Caylee at US on July 3 but CFCA later told her she was not there, so it had to be close - Thurs July 3 / Fri/Sat/Sun July 11 - 13 all sensitive dates for them.
It was their right and duty as concerned grandparents to reprt their daughter to DCF as soon as they could not talk or see Caylee. I had to do this years ago with one of my kids. It was a tough call but had to be done and boy did she hate me for a while. It all worked out in the end and she eventually thanked me for doing it and has a healthy, loving relationship with her kids.

Tough Love....sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I commend you for your courage. jmo
BBM - another piece of misinformation??? Either a typo by DCF or an incorrect statement by CA...the report has a few.

Don't forget the original report was information that was given to the investigator during his interview with KC and CA. The information is only as good as it's source, (and that should tell us something here.) So what was written down is what KC and CA told this investigator. If the information that is reported is false it is recorded in a written report as was told to this person as fact. They are not saying this is, indeed, a fact but that this is what they were told at the time. Hope that is clear.

We know the information is false now and are we surprised that KC lied and CA went along with it..... jmo
My thinking is that the report was released now because there is a risk that she could have another child or somehow become a caregiver for another child and abuse/neglect or kill that child.

When she was in jail, there was no point in dedicating scarce staff time to completing and releasing a report. She obviously couldn't harm another child while she was incarcerated.

Now that's changed. She could potentially put another child in danger. Since her location is unknown, it makes sense to release the report to make other child protection agencies aware of the situation so they will respond if they learn of her again being in a position where she might put a child at risk.

There was a case where I live of a young mother whose baby died. She was charged, but the charges were dropped after the preliminary hearing because they did not feel there was enough clear evidence to get a conviction. But the child protection report verified neglect/abuse. The next time she got pregnant, that report became evidence that was used to get a court order to have her child taken into foster care as soon as it was born.


I just had a horrible thought! What if she changes her name?
Does that mean she will be clear of this?
Don't forget the original report was information that was given to the investigator during his interview with KC and CA. The information is only as good as it's source, (and that should tell us something here.) So what was written down is what KC and CA told this investigator. If the information that is reported is false it is recorded in a written report as was told to this person as fact. They are not saying this is, indeed, a fact but that this is what they were told at the time. Hope that is clear.

We know the information is false now and are we surprised that KC lied and CA went along with it..... jmo

Not a bit, not even a little! That bad apple didn't fall far from the tree where she apparently learned to lie like a sleeping dog.

As a mother and gmother I am disgusted and sickened by CA's behavior as much as I am her murdering daughter.
Not a bit, not even a little! That bad apple didn't fall far from the tree where she apparently learned to lie like a sleeping dog.

As a mother and gmother I am disgusted and sickened by CA's behavior as much as I am her murdering daughter.

I could not agree with you more.

:rose: Caylee Marie Anthony - Forever in our Hearts
I just had a horrible thought! What if she changes her name?
Does that mean she will be clear of this?

I was wondering the same. Is there anything in place were a negative DCF report like this one can be used to prevent future child abuse?Does changing your name or moving to a different state negate any repercussions this report may have?
I think she may have had the thought of killing....but she functions on spur of the moment. No planning goes on in her head.

You really thought that she planned this before K was even born?
Come on.
I just had a horrible thought! What if she changes her name?
Does that mean she will be clear of this?

Nope. It just becomes an "alias". You are who you are and your records follow you no matter what you call yourself.
I just had a horrible thought! What if she changes her name?
Does that mean she will be clear of this?

That is a good, scary question! This one spent 9 yr in prison when her husband killed her 2 yr old son, left State when got out and now has another one. she changed her last name to her new husbands.
Kind of an old story but I will never forget little Bradley. I always felt if they wouldve left him with his loving foster Mum he wouldv'e been OK:(
Will this be casey having more kids, too? *shudder*

This case caused a big uproar in the social services at the time. I think people were fired? He was so adorable.
What kind of Mother could stand by while a man dumped her 2 yr old in a toilet bowl:maddening:
Nope. It just becomes an "alias". You are who you are and your records follow you no matter what you call yourself.

I think only if you go into the Fed witness protection do you get a whole new Identity. Leaned this from watching GoodFellas :floorlaugh:

But what if you legally change your name? How could you change your SS#? You;d have to change alot to totally lose your identity and get a whole new one.
Nope. It just becomes an "alias". You are who you are and your records follow you no matter what you call yourself.

I hit thanks but it didn't go through. I am so happy to hear this.:woohoo: Doesn't matter who is the care giver, they could have called the police with their concerns and plate number, simple as that. I have done this on my sons girlfriend when we were concerned for our granddaughters welfare. The police gave us no issue about checking on her. I simply don't get why this wasn't done? Instead they write a myspace post? I can't even wrap my head around what these people were thinking...

These are some questions that need answers :

1. WHY did the DCF release this report today, 8-11-11 ?

It has been over 5 weeks since the NG verdict ? Why today ? I'm not buying the "we've 'closed' the case" or the "Sunshine Law" or some reporter requested it.

There has got to be a REAL REASON this was just released.

2. WHY did the SA Team NOT use this report at Trial ?

I just do NOT understand WHY this state agency and this "report" was NOT brought into the trial. The SA Team was very organized and had all their "facts" together ... I just don't get it ! Sure, JB and the DT would have "objected" which would have been nothing "new" ... Then JP would have had to make that decision.

3. Does Judge Perry know about this report ?

I want to know if Judge Perry knows about this ... this "circus" of a trial was held in HIS courtroom -- and the "buck stops" with him ! He should have NEVER rushed that jury selection - budget constraints or not ... He should have NEVER "coddled" and "coached" JB and the DT during the trial ... He should have NEVER let Baez get away with that OS and the "false" allegations ... Judge Perry should have NOT done a lot of things that I could go on and on about ... you know what I mean ...

To use Judge Perry's words ... it "was not his first rodeo" ... he KNOWS that CFCA murdered Caylee ...

We saw that look on his face when he read that verdict ... he had to be as stunned as everyone else ... but he held it together because he had to -- he is the Judge afterall.

MOO ...

I don't care what the "law" IS ... and I don't care what the "lawyers" spin IS on the law ...

The bottom line here is that the DCF ruled that Casey Anthony's "FAILURE TO PROTECT" CAUSED CAYLEE'S DEATH !

Now ... WHAT is the State of Florida going to do about it NOW ?

I am late chiming in on this, but if the jurors didn't listen to the SA, Orange County law enforcement, crime scene investigators, the FBI, the medical examiner, etc., for God's sake they wouldn't haven't listened to or acknowledged a DCF report. Ugh!!!

I was outraged when I first read about this and I can't say it makes any sense AT ALL. l just don't 'get it.' But I am SO glad that it is 'officially' on record somewhere that FCA is responsible for the death of Caylee.

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