Casey Anthony's Written Statement

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Patty G, nice to see all that in red print. Makes it very evident. Do you mind passing it onto the prosecution so it can become Exhibit #58, 343 for the Jury to review? ;)

Well done, there always is a tiny bit of truth in lies people tell.
Considering in the very same statement she claims to speaking with Caylee earlier that day and says Caylee was going on and on about a book and seemed perfectly fine. So no contact with ZFg about why she took Caylee, but also spoke to Caylee and Caylee did not seem to be in danger.

She is evil and her lies cancel each other out. Will we ever know the truth?
Yes, I remember she said that Caylee was talking about her book and her "shoes" belonging to Caylee were not found by police when the car was taken. I wonder what truth Casey might have been thinking of when she made up that lie ?
Yes, I remember she said that Caylee was talking about her book and her "shoes" belonging to Caylee were not found by police when the car was taken. I wonder what truth Casey might have been thinking of when she made up that lie ?

Excellent point! There absolutely must be some grain of truth to it. Now, trying to figure out what that grain might be is another story altogether. I wonder if there's also a missing book out there somewhere. :waitasec:
Excellent point! There absolutely must be some grain of truth to it. Now, trying to figure out what that grain might be is another story altogether. I wonder if there's also a missing book out there somewhere. :waitasec:
I wonder if the A's still have the book Caylee was reading at the nursing home ? I think Casey ditched Caylee's shoes and some clothes, either that or Cindy got them and did something with them before LE took the car ?
Looking back to the day she was arrested for the first time It appeared to me that KC had the same smug smiley face as CA at the depos. They almost had a look of being superior and nothing was going to phase them.

Now that you mention it, I think you are right. I wish someone could do a side-by-side of the two of them with their smirks on. :mad:
On Thursday, July 15, 2008 around 12pm, I received a phone call from my daughter, Caylee. Today was the first day I have heard her voice in over 4 weeks. I’m afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days, I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back.

When Casey was questioned by LE about how Caylee sounded, Casey said she sounded fine and was talking about a book she was reading and some shoes. She was specifically asked by LE if Caylee was upset at hearing her voice and Casey said she was not upset at all. Why was she then "afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days" if Caylee sounded just fine. These two statements don't jive. If she wasn't concerned about what Caylee was going through on July 15, why was she concerned in her written statement? Balderdash!!

If Casey states that she spoke with Caylee on July 15th, and it has been proven that Caylee was deceased in June, then how can anyone still believe that she is not responsible for her death? I just don't understand how anyone can still make excuses (CA, GA, etc.) and think that she is innocent...
This is the statement that MOST jumped out at me. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing sounded like BS. But when I read GA's witness statement and saw the same sentence, it really bothered me. Why would KC even write that in her incident report? Why would GA write it in his witness statement? "Caylee will be three years old on August 9, 2008". They both wrote the exact same sentence. Why? Caylee's birthday has nothing to do with her being taken. I always felt like GA instructed KC to write this b/c he knew the way LE viewed past tense verbs = this was a way to bring Caylee to the present and future in a written statement IMO. Caylee's upcoming birthday is something that would come up as an after thought, but not during the initial reporting of Caylee missing IMO. It just bothers me - ALOT. JMHO
Yes that sentence jumped out at me is too much of a coincidence ! Also, all of George's attention, in the statement, given to calling Cindy's cell phone and then the house phone and voice mail and calling Lee...get to the point man ! Your Granddaughter is gone and he is writing about what he was doing before he even gets to the house.
I don't understand how the A's can say they didn't get a description of Zanny from KC until she was in jail. This description was written out the first day, and I don't believe for a minute that the A's didn't know exactly what she wrote.

The 31 days statement, plus the fact it was said on July 16th, and made the disappearance date of June 9th, has always been a stickler for me. Not a very clever lie at all to state the wrong date if you were going to give the correct number of days.

The description of the nanny's teeth and being a "10" are not words I have heard directly from the inmate. I don't know if I missed it, or if there are other statements I just haven't heard. However, when I heard both the A's criticizing the one and only real ZFG at the depo the other day, my reaction was she should add them to the lawsuit and go after them as well. They both publicly humiliated her by telling her she didn't measure up to the description of the fake nanny. I was appalled at the nerve of them to say that THIS woman isn't young, cute, with perfect white teeth, and not a TEN. What, guess KC had clear physical requirements for who she imagines she leaves her daughter with.
This is a good point, I don't think the perfect ten and the straight teeth part came out until the "fake" Zenaida filed a law suit against Casey.
Ok, I don't get past the FIRST SENTENCE before I have a major problem....

what kind of mother isn't sure WHAT TIME she dropped her daughter off at the babysitter's?

"Between 9 am & 1 pm???!!!!" FOUR HOUR WINDOW???

If she's going to her (imaginary) 'job' what time did she want to start pretend working that day? :rolleyes:

Hard to believe her family, lawyer & LP would even begin to defend these STOOOOOPID lies. What's wrong with THEM???

Also of note Casey wrote that she called Zanny earlier that morning about dropping Caylee off that afternoon.

IMO/Theory Casey was calling Cindy,(Zanny is whoever is watching Caylee at that moment)not necessarily that morning, about dropping Caylee off to her to babysit so she can "go to work" IMO in Casey's mind that story works:bang:
I don't believe she ever had ZFG phone/address but I would like to know IF she gave LE an address book as she claimed in the depo.

If CA did have contact info for ZFG then why did she not use it?(I know we've asked that question many times :))
CA seemed to becoming frantic in locating Casey/Caylee.
CA was told my Casey they were staying at a hotel at Universal Orlando after ZGF "car accident" along with Jeff H. Did CA call the hotel to inquire about them?

Then CA sends Lee out to find Casey on July 3rd and posts on MySpace
IMO CA had NOOOOO clue how to track down Casey other than calling her on her cell phone, if CA had made any genuine attempt she would have found out sooner that Casey was LYING LYING LYING about EVERYTHING. IMHO
Some of the lies are just so obvious and verifiable that they defy belief that anyone would think they'd stand up to any investigation. For example, that she met the babysitter through Jeffery Hopkins who used her for his son Zachary -- the existence of a son is easily disproven. (Unless he was kidnapped, too!) If you need to lie about that, why not just say that you saw a poster up on a telephone pole or something like that? Sigh...

bold me
Yes that sentence jumped out at me is too much of a coincidence ! Also, all of George's attention, in the statement, given to calling Cindy's cell phone and then the house phone and voice mail and calling Lee...get to the point man ! Your Granddaughter is gone and he is writing about what he was doing before he even gets to the house.

I just reread all the A family written statements and even before seeing your post I thought the same thing about GA's statement. He sure did beat around the bush didn't he?

The "Caylee (My grand daughter) will be three years old on August 9,2008", that GA and KC both wrote, still eats at me!
If Casey states that she spoke with Caylee on July 15th, and it has been proven that Caylee was deceased in June, then how can anyone still believe that she is not responsible for her death? I just don't understand how anyone can still make excuses (CA, GA, etc.) and think that she is innocent...

Such a great point!!!

I just don't understand how anyone can still make excuses (CA, GA, etc.) and think that she is innocent..

Thats what is so exasperating regarding the A's!!!! jmo
I'm glad somebody put this back up - it made me focus on something that has been bothering me for quite awhile.

The day this happened, all of the Anthonys put June 9 as the last day they saw Caylee. Lee mentioned somewhere (first interview? can't remember) that Cindy may have mentioned the date first and then KC just went along with it in her conversations and in her police report. At the time the report was taken, nobody knew any differently. The date of the 15th at the nursing home did not surface until later. So, everybody that night the statements are taken is working off the June 9th date, including KC.

Except, she also says "it's been 31 days since I've seen my daughter". As if she had somehow counted the days and knew them exactly.

The date on her written police report, that she filled out, is July 16th and it is written right at the top of the page. Giving someone who might be thinking on the fly and not considering the fact that June only had 30 days, someone might think that from June 15th to July 16th would be 31 days if they didn't stop to consider.

How strange that even though her official date missing was on June 9, KC perhaps subconsciously indicates it from her own experience - July 15 (which is the last documented day she was seen by anyone other than an Anthony family member).

So how would she even know it had been 31 days unless she was going by the dates in her head that she knew she had last seen her? A month ago plus a day. 31 day is incredibly specific. Nobody else described it that precisely at all.

I really REALLY think she slipped right here, because no one else, even her parents knew the day of their statements that it had been on the 15th and not the 9th.

I've noticed that she is very specific with days and numbers in her interview with LE.. and also with names. If you go back and listen, she states that she reported her phone missing "9 days ago." To me that sounds too odd. Usually when asked "when did you report your phone missing?", one usually answers "I think it was about a week ago", or "Gosh, I can't remember, I think it was a few days ago," or something of that nature.. but she answered "It was 9 days ago." 9 DAYS AGO?? I can't keep track that specifically of when I would file a report of a missing phone. Good grief!!

Also, when Mr. Melich asked her about names of friends she would provide their middle names as well. That was wierd to me. I have friends that I have known for years. If you ask me their names, I can tell you their first and last names, but I may not be able to give you their middle names. :confused: TMI... and sometimes TMI can equal guilt and in this case it definitely equals guilt!!:mad:
If Casey states that she spoke with Caylee on July 15th, and it has been proven that Caylee was deceased in June, then how can anyone still believe that she is not responsible for her death? I just don't understand how anyone can still make excuses (CA, GA, etc.) and think that she is innocent...

:furious: :furious: :furious:

it drives me totally :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: c r a z y.....
KC insist that she talked on the phone on MONDAY June 16th to
ZANNY/NANNY ( bo banny b a n a n n a :bananapowerslide:fannna fo fannny ) ok settle down... KC Says she talked to Zanny on
Monday June 16th and took CAYLEE over there...
between 9:00 and 1:00 .... ( GA says he saw them at 12:50) so
she had 10 minutes to get there before 1:00 like
we are suppose to b e l i e v e that...
and who
W H O in there right mind.... needs a 4 (FOUR) hour window...
to say.... I took my child between 9:00 & 1:00..... now really !

Then.... KC LIES again saying


only problem..... no NO PHONE RECORD>>>>

No land line ~~~~~~~~~ NO CELL PHONE ~~~~~

NO tracking of ZANNY/Nanny ( Nanny bananna's :rolleyes:) :crazy::crazy:
:Banane12: Door # 1
:Banane12: Door #2
:Banane12: Door #3
:Banane12: D O O R to NO WHERE
:liar::behindbar:Banane12:= KC

God Bless !
On Monday, June 9, 2008 between 9AM and 1PM, I, Casey Anthony took my daughter Caylee Marie Anthony to her nanny’s apartment. Translation: I can not subtract or add. Today is the 15th, I have counted the days to 31 so that would be, yeah - June 9. Somewhere between 9 and 1, I just can't recall, I dropped off my daughter to her imaginary babysitter who lives in a vacant apartment so I could go to my pretend job.

Caylee will be 3 years-old on August 9, 2008. She was born on August 9, 2005. Translation. Caylee will be 3 on August 9th. (Safe to assume she is not talking about August 2 years from now or 2019. Stupid! I suppose she repeats this because it is true and counts as 2 true statements so she can say, "I didn't lie about everything. I told the truth more than once." whine)

Caylee is about 3 feet tall, white female with shoulder-length, light brown hair. She has dark hazel eyes (brown-green), and a small birthmark on her left shoulder. Translation: I don't need to give you much detail here, you aren't going to find her.

On the day of her disappearance, Caylee was wearing a pink shirt, with jean shorts, white sneakers and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Translation: At least that is what Dad said she was wearing on the 16th the last time he saw us together and although he saw us on the 16th, she disappeared on the 9th. "That is my story and I am sticking with it, because it is the truth."

On Monday, June 9, 2008, between 9AM and 1PM, I took Caylee to the Sawgrass Apartments, located on Conway Road. See, told ya'. It was somewhere between 9 and 1, I just can't remember June 9th that well and although the surveillance cameras don't show me there, I came in a backwards sort of way, so they didn't capture me there.Caylee’s nanny Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez has watched her for the past year and a half, to two years. The phantom nanny appears when I have to drug Caylee and lock her in the trunk so I can make a booty call.

Zenaida is twenty-five years old, and is from New York. She is roughly 5 foot, 7 inches tall, 140 pounds. She has dark brown, curly hair, and brown eyes.Did I forget to mention that she is half black and half hispanic? Do you think that would help?

Zenaida’s birthday is in September.What does one buy for a Virgo phantom? I know her birth month, but not her phone number.

I met Zenaida through a mutual friend, Jeffrey Michael Hopkins. She had watched his son, Zachary Hopkins for about 6 months, to a year. I met Zenaida in 2004, around Christmas. JMH, oh yeah, I just ran into him a couple of days ago, let's use him and his imaginary son, Zach. Did I tell you I met ZFG right after I got pregnant, I mean grew a big tumor?

On the date listed above, June 9, 2008, after dropping Caylee off at Zenaid’s apartment, I proceeded to head to my place of employment, Universal Studios, Orlando.How many times do I have to tell you it was June 9th, it is listed above and here it is again. Geesh! Why can't you believe me, I am giving you resources here. So after I did whatever I did, whenever it was, I proceeded to head, oh heck, I went to my job which I don't have. I was, however, at a place where I USED to work, so it isn't all a lie./COLOR]

I have worked at Universal for over 4 years, since June 2004. I left work around 5:00 PM, and went back to the apartment to pick-up my daughter. Ok, so I haven't worked for Universal for over 2 years, but I hung out there until 5 to pretend like I was working and then I went back to the vacant apartment, I don't know why the video does not show me there, to get Caylee.

However, after reaching the apartment, I realized that neither Zenaida, Caylee, or either of her two roommates were home. Was my face red! When I got there, I realized that there was no one named Zanny that lived in the vacant apartment and Caylee was no where to be seen and even the roomates evaporated. I made a huge mistake. Huge. I had made everything up and lost my kid too!

I have briefly met Raquel Farrel, and Jennifer Rasa, on various occasions. Raquel, the waitress at TGIF's, you know her. She waited on me once when I was there with some friends. Jennifer, she has a MySpace acct., we are bff.

After calling Zenaida to see where she and Caylee were, and when they were coming home, I waited outside of the apartment.I called ZFG anyway. I was like "when are you coming home?" but they didn't say because I have no number for ZFG, so I sat in my car and smoked a doobie.

I had called Zenaida earlier that morning prior to bringing Caylee over for the afternoon. When I called her that afternoon her phone was no longer in service. I called ZFG 3 times that day and she never answered because I never had a number for her and althouhg I may have dropped her off at 9, 10, 11 - heck I can't remember, it was for the afternoon, so I could pretend to go to work. Then the number I didn't have, also didn't have service. It was really a f'd up day!

Two hours passed and around 7:00 PM, I left the apartment and headed to familiar places that Zenaida would go with Caylee. One of Caylee’s favorite places is Jay Blanchard Park. So, I sat there in the car, loaded, waiting for TONY to finish up with his lab, listening to hip-hop until I could go to Blockbuster with him for 8. And ZFG always went to Blockbuster with Caylee. Did I tell you Caylee likes JBP? Just thought I would throw that in.

I spent the rest of that evening pacing and worrying at one of the few places I felt “at home”, my boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro’s apartment. Translation: He didn't know beans, so he still believed me and I went there to party and not have to listen to my parents' cr*p over me not knowing where the heck I left Caylee. I may have been laying on the sofa watching movies and making out with TONY!, but in my heart, I was pacing and worrying. What do you mean I was with RM this night! I was not! I broke up with him like on the 10th or something!

For the past four weeks since Caylee’s disappearance, I have stayed at Anthony’s apartment in Sutton Place. Except when he was out of town and I went to stay with RM and AH, other than that, I mooched right into someone else's life.

I have spent everyday since June 9, 2008 looking for my daughter.Not physically, but I have kept my eye out for her, in case I see her somewhere. I had to buy sunglasses so I could look all day without hurting my eyes.

I have lied and stolen money from friends and family to do whatever I could by any means to find my daughter. Last time I lost her I stole $4,400 from mom and dad trying to find her and told then some mugger hit me on the head and took the money from me. When she is lost, I steal and lie and am proud of it.

I avoided calling the police, or even notifying my own family out of fear. I have been and still am afraid of what has, or may happen to Caylee.I didn't want to go to death row, so I laid low and tried to avoid all contact with anyone that knew me well. I wondered all the time how she was doing in the swamp bag, I still do - really.

I have been and still am afraid of what has , or may happen to Caylee. I have not had any contact with Zenaida since Thursday, June 12, 2008. I received a quick call from Zenaida.Just cause the cat is out of the bag and I can't really put my finger on my daughter, it still bothers me to think that her bones are being scattered by animals in the swamp because that is what good mothers do. Zanny has not appeared again, except she calls me on my lost phone. If we could only find it, we could get her number! She called me once, we chatted briefly.

Not once have I been able to ask her for my daughter, or gain any information on where I can find her.Zanny never shuts up, it's all about her, her, her, I can't get a word in edgewise. Chatter, chatter and I forget to ask, "hey where is Caylee"? It just slips my mind.

Everyday I have gone to malls, parks, any place I could remember Zenaida taking Caylee. I have just done what I normally do, stay away from home all day pretending to be in Tampa at a convention for work.

I have gone out, and tried to find any information about Caylee, or Zenaida, whether by going to a popular bar, or restaurant. (true statements)

I have contacted Jeff Hopkins on several occasions to see if he had heard from or seen Zenaida. Jeff currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida.I told about this guy, but he is all the way in Jacksonville, you'll never find him. When I ask him about Zanny, he says"WTF are you talking about?",so calling him is a waste - a huge waste.

On Thursday, July 15, 2008 around 12pm, I received a phone call from my daughter, Caylee. Today was the first day I have heard her voice in over 4 weeks. I’m afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days, I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back. I talked to Caylee yesterday in my heart and I swear I heard her voice! I keep getting images of what a body looks like after over 4 weeks, or 31 days whichever is greater. I know it is important to get Caylee back. You've said that, my mom said that, my dad said that, my brother Lee even said that, so I know how important it is, for everybody and for me too and for Caylee.l

With many and all attempts to contact Zenaida, and with the one short conversation, on June 12, 2008, I was never able to check on the status or well-being of my daughter.I haven't gone back to where I left her. Are you kidding me? There are snakes in there everytime I try!

Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando, or is she is ever going to bring her home. This phantom has never once told me, wait did I tell you Caylee is definitely not in Orlando? Well, she's not here so don't bother to look for her in Orlando. So I don't know why she took her AWAY from here, but she did and won't tell me when she is coming back, but she is. You guys just have to be patient.
This is without a doubt the best post I have ever read...I just had to reply to this in it's entirety !!!!!!!!!

Respectfully, I disagree with your conclusion here. While I don't have children myself, I have noticed that many of my own family and friends do this when referring to the age of their younger children and grandchildren - usually under about age 5. If the child is closer to 2 than 2 1/2 they will just say "she's 2" and if closer to 2 1/2 they will say "she's 2 1/2" and if closer to 3 they will say "she'll be 3 on such and such" or something along those lines. I think it's because there is so much difference in the physical and mental development of a 2 year old (24 months) and an almost 3 year old (in this case 34 months). I have a great niece who is now the age Caylee was - it is 2 months before her 3rd birthday. If she was ever missing or anything and I was being interviewed, I could see myself saying something like she'll be 3 on June 12th because I would want to make sure that they knew they weren't looking for a 24 month old toddler but for a pretty smart pre-schooler.

Just my opinion, of course.

Sorry for cutting in to this serious talk with a funny, but we need a laugh. My sweet little niece was asked how old she was in the grocery store by two sweet little older ladies, "Four" she answered them. "When will you be five Cutie?" they were loving her up. She looked at them like don't ya know, "Just as soon as I'm done being four!" It was hysterical.
On Monday, June 9, 2008 between 9AM and 1PM, I, Casey Anthony took my daughter Caylee Marie Anthony to her nanny’s apartment. Translation: I can not subtract or add. Today is the 15th, I have counted the days to 31 so that would be, yeah - June 9. Somewhere between 9 and 1, I just can't recall, I dropped off my daughter to her imaginary babysitter who lives in a vacant apartment so I could go to my pretend job.

Caylee will be 3 years-old on August 9, 2008. She was born on August 9, 2005. Translation. Caylee will be 3 on August 9th. (Safe to assume she is not talking about August 2 years from now or 2019. Stupid! I suppose she repeats this because it is true and counts as 2 true statements so she can say, "I didn't lie about everything. I told the truth more than once." whine)

Caylee is about 3 feet tall, white female with shoulder-length, light brown hair. She has dark hazel eyes (brown-green), and a small birthmark on her left shoulder. Translation: I don't need to give you much detail here, you aren't going to find her.

On the day of her disappearance, Caylee was wearing a pink shirt, with jean shorts, white sneakers and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Translation: At least that is what Dad said she was wearing on the 16th the last time he saw us together and although he saw us on the 16th, she disappeared on the 9th. "That is my story and I am sticking with it, because it is the truth."

On Monday, June 9, 2008, between 9AM and 1PM, I took Caylee to the Sawgrass Apartments, located on Conway Road. See, told ya'. It was somewhere between 9 and 1, I just can't remember June 9th that well and although the surveillance cameras don't show me there, I came in a backwards sort of way, so they didn't capture me there.Caylee’s nanny Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez has watched her for the past year and a half, to two years. The phantom nanny appears when I have to drug Caylee and lock her in the trunk so I can make a booty call.

Zenaida is twenty-five years old, and is from New York. She is roughly 5 foot, 7 inches tall, 140 pounds. She has dark brown, curly hair, and brown eyes.Did I forget to mention that she is half black and half hispanic? Do you think that would help?

Zenaida’s birthday is in September.What does one buy for a Virgo phantom? I know her birth month, but not her phone number.

I met Zenaida through a mutual friend, Jeffrey Michael Hopkins. She had watched his son, Zachary Hopkins for about 6 months, to a year. I met Zenaida in 2004, around Christmas. JMH, oh yeah, I just ran into him a couple of days ago, let's use him and his imaginary son, Zach. Did I tell you I met ZFG right after I got pregnant, I mean grew a big tumor?

On the date listed above, June 9, 2008, after dropping Caylee off at Zenaid’s apartment, I proceeded to head to my place of employment, Universal Studios, Orlando.How many times do I have to tell you it was June 9th, it is listed above and here it is again. Geesh! Why can't you believe me, I am giving you resources here. So after I did whatever I did, whenever it was, I proceeded to head, oh heck, I went to my job which I don't have. I was, however, at a place where I USED to work, so it isn't all a lie./COLOR]

I have worked at Universal for over 4 years, since June 2004. I left work around 5:00 PM, and went back to the apartment to pick-up my daughter. Ok, so I haven't worked for Universal for over 2 years, but I hung out there until 5 to pretend like I was working and then I went back to the vacant apartment, I don't know why the video does not show me there, to get Caylee.

However, after reaching the apartment, I realized that neither Zenaida, Caylee, or either of her two roommates were home. Was my face red! When I got there, I realized that there was no one named Zanny that lived in the vacant apartment and Caylee was no where to be seen and even the roomates evaporated. I made a huge mistake. Huge. I had made everything up and lost my kid too!

I have briefly met Raquel Farrel, and Jennifer Rasa, on various occasions. Raquel, the waitress at TGIF's, you know her. She waited on me once when I was there with some friends. Jennifer, she has a MySpace acct., we are bff.

After calling Zenaida to see where she and Caylee were, and when they were coming home, I waited outside of the apartment.I called ZFG anyway. I was like "when are you coming home?" but they didn't say because I have no number for ZFG, so I sat in my car and smoked a doobie.

I had called Zenaida earlier that morning prior to bringing Caylee over for the afternoon. When I called her that afternoon her phone was no longer in service. I called ZFG 3 times that day and she never answered because I never had a number for her and althouhg I may have dropped her off at 9, 10, 11 - heck I can't remember, it was for the afternoon, so I could pretend to go to work. Then the number I didn't have, also didn't have service. It was really a f'd up day!

Two hours passed and around 7:00 PM, I left the apartment and headed to familiar places that Zenaida would go with Caylee. One of Caylee’s favorite places is Jay Blanchard Park. So, I sat there in the car, loaded, waiting for TONY to finish up with his lab, listening to hip-hop until I could go to Blockbuster with him for 8. And ZFG always went to Blockbuster with Caylee. Did I tell you Caylee likes JBP? Just thought I would throw that in.

I spent the rest of that evening pacing and worrying at one of the few places I felt “at home”, my boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro’s apartment. Translation: He didn't know beans, so he still believed me and I went there to party and not have to listen to my parents' cr*p over me not knowing where the heck I left Caylee. I may have been laying on the sofa watching movies and making out with TONY!, but in my heart, I was pacing and worrying. What do you mean I was with RM this night! I was not! I broke up with him like on the 10th or something!

For the past four weeks since Caylee’s disappearance, I have stayed at Anthony’s apartment in Sutton Place. Except when he was out of town and I went to stay with RM and AH, other than that, I mooched right into someone else's life.

I have spent everyday since June 9, 2008 looking for my daughter.Not physically, but I have kept my eye out for her, in case I see her somewhere. I had to buy sunglasses so I could look all day without hurting my eyes.

I have lied and stolen money from friends and family to do whatever I could by any means to find my daughter. Last time I lost her I stole $4,400 from mom and dad trying to find her and told then some mugger hit me on the head and took the money from me. When she is lost, I steal and lie and am proud of it.

I avoided calling the police, or even notifying my own family out of fear. I have been and still am afraid of what has, or may happen to Caylee.I didn't want to go to death row, so I laid low and tried to avoid all contact with anyone that knew me well. I wondered all the time how she was doing in the swamp bag, I still do - really.

I have been and still am afraid of what has , or may happen to Caylee. I have not had any contact with Zenaida since Thursday, June 12, 2008. I received a quick call from Zenaida.Just cause the cat is out of the bag and I can't really put my finger on my daughter, it still bothers me to think that her bones are being scattered by animals in the swamp because that is what good mothers do. Zanny has not appeared again, except she calls me on my lost phone. If we could only find it, we could get her number! She called me once, we chatted briefly.

Not once have I been able to ask her for my daughter, or gain any information on where I can find her.Zanny never shuts up, it's all about her, her, her, I can't get a word in edgewise. Chatter, chatter and I forget to ask, "hey where is Caylee"? It just slips my mind.

Everyday I have gone to malls, parks, any place I could remember Zenaida taking Caylee. I have just done what I normally do, stay away from home all day pretending to be in Tampa at a convention for work.

I have gone out, and tried to find any information about Caylee, or Zenaida, whether by going to a popular bar, or restaurant. (true statements)

I have contacted Jeff Hopkins on several occasions to see if he had heard from or seen Zenaida. Jeff currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida.I told about this guy, but he is all the way in Jacksonville, you'll never find him. When I ask him about Zanny, he says"WTF are you talking about?",so calling him is a waste - a huge waste.

On Thursday, July 15, 2008 around 12pm, I received a phone call from my daughter, Caylee. Today was the first day I have heard her voice in over 4 weeks. I’m afraid of what Caylee is going through after 31 days, I know that the only thing that matters is getting my daughter back. I talked to Caylee yesterday in my heart and I swear I heard her voice! I keep getting images of what a body looks like after over 4 weeks, or 31 days whichever is greater. I know it is important to get Caylee back. You've said that, my mom said that, my dad said that, my brother Lee even said that, so I know how important it is, for everybody and for me too and for Caylee.l

With many and all attempts to contact Zenaida, and with the one short conversation, on June 12, 2008, I was never able to check on the status or well-being of my daughter.I haven't gone back to where I left her. Are you kidding me? There are snakes in there everytime I try!

Zenaida never made an attempt to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando, or is she is ever going to bring her home. This phantom has never once told me, wait did I tell you Caylee is definitely not in Orlando? Well, she's not here so don't bother to look for her in Orlando. So I don't know why she took her AWAY from here, but she did and won't tell me when she is coming back, but she is. You guys just have to be patient.

This is delicious. Please send it to Yuri. They want, need and deserve a laugh. Absolutely priceless!
Okay, here's my problem with KC's statement-

KC lied all the way throughout her statement- therefore, why are we so determined to try and figure out things that happened on June 9th, 31 days ago, June 12th, or any other date or time she said? We need to get past all this and don't use anything she said, and very little of what any of the A's said either. I have milked all of this dry.
It's a dead end- Go back to beginning with the interviews of everyone else, times and dates.
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