Casey appeals her 4 Lying to LE convictions

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I'm not sure what all this means but all the Talking Heads repeatedly said CA would get out of jail that day of the sentancing, for time served. They all mostly said that they would combine the sentence to one, because of Double Jeapardy.
I would be surprised if she got any money from spending more time in jail. Maybe it's something they do in Florida, but certainly not in TX.
My thinking if only one charge of lying is applied the civil cases would have less of a chance to fly.
Zanny the Nanny lady just doesn't seem to have much of a chance for me. I know she suffered but she proved that she wasn't involved. I keep thinking what work place would fire you if you did a good job and you were cleared. Maybe I'm not thinking straight but, all could it be these civil cases want a little 5 minutes of fame?
Respectfully, let me split a legal hair here. As I am sure Cindy's evil lawyers will. The car was given for the police investigators. But only as an investigative tool in the missing Caylee case. NOT AN EVIDENCE ITEM in a murder trial. Cindy will not dispute the July - December time frame. But the December 2008 until now. I doubt the police served a search warrant for the new circumstances. Seeing they already had the car. And everything has been messed up in this case. Wait for it.

And may I be wrong here.

Respectfully,I believe you are incorrect. Law Enforcement agencies are within their rights to confiscate, hold,and secure a vehicle,they have reason to believe,may have been used in a commission of a crime. In this case, Law Enforcement had probable cause to hold the car. IMO
I can't help it. Johnny-come-latelies here who are so FCA sympathetic and concerned about her rights (boo hooo) are now automatically assumed by me to be part of the sleazy DT social media searching flunkies. I can't help it. And it is because the DT admitted they were doing it. IMO
Originally Posted by defense101
IIRC she pled guilty on the check fraud, so I don't know if you can appeal once you plead guilty.

Snipped from mombomb's post #22, bold is mine:

HHJBP: I would also impose the statutory court costs. ICA - you have a right to appeal. If you can't afford an attorney, the court will appoint one. Do you wish to appeal?

JB conferring with ICA.

JB: We would like to reserve our right.

HHJBP: You have 30 days to file an appeal. Does she have the financial where with all to file appeal?

JB: No.

HHJBP: She will need to fill out an affidavit of insolvency. An untimely notice of appeal is a forfeit of her right. It is your responsibility to file the appropriate paperwork before you are relieved of your responsibility in this case.

Court in recess.

Hey Snaz, I don't know if anyone has addressed this or not. The quote you got from mombombs post was for the conviction for 4 counts of lying. Not the check cashing convictions of which she pled guilty to. IIRC if you plead guilty (which she did for her felony convictions of check fraud) you lose the right to appeal.
Because of the suits and upcoming filings against her, she will be able to keep from is this the reason?

It's my understanding that since she is appealing she can plead the 5th anytime she is in court on any of the outstanding lawsuits. This can push back all lawsuit hearings until after the appeal process is exhausted. She is doing this so she can legally get out of getting on the stand and being forced to tell something that will result unfavorably in any of the lawsuits. Also, it keeps her from saying something that the Feds might use to charge her for something (anything).

How's that voodoo doll coming, my friend? ;)

LOL - nicely thank you but I need more stuffing to make the head and body bigger - I have long large pins.........:great:

My dogs want it...hmmmm...

BBM: "Voodoo Doll" ... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

They sell all kinds of "Voodoo Dolls" down here in the French Quarter :floorlaugh:

I have never bought one or used one ... but this case is going to make me want to look into getting a "voodoo doll" ...

:waitasec: Maybe I should buy at least a dozen to start with ...

It is as if Casey Anthony and her defence team are simply toying with the American justice system - and enjoying themselves in the process. The celebrating winning the case by toasting in champagne in front of a window in a bar, the CM finger to the press (how classless - he reminds me of the devil himself), all the smirking. They want more - more attention. Well good, go ahead. I am sure there will be a backlash for yalls in there somewhere.
:waitasec: But ... if there is $ MONEY $ to be made off this car ... the A's will try to make the $$$$$!

They will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for $ MONEY $ and to be on TV !

Sick ... absolutely sick ...


The car is worth money. It could be ending up sitting at that Las Vegas Casino(forgot the name) that buys that odd ball stuff at high $$$ for display purpose.
Also if the DT can get the lying conviction reduced to one count, they could charge the state for false imprisonment since it would reduce the jail sentence. Mason did hinted to that earlier on.
Thank you!

Okay, this is for an appeal to presented to the Court of Appeals. This will all just be written briefs called a Petition for Appeal, KC will never have to appear in Court for these. The State will file their response, also a written brief. Here it takes 6 months to 1 year before the Court of Appeals makes a decision (usually a denial), then it will be filed with the Supreme Court, same procedure. Now, there may be a time in between when the attorney may appear for a 3 Judge Panel review/oral argument (if they do this in Florida), but that will not be televised, KC will not be there, usually only takes a few minutes and usually results in another denial.

This will not delay the ZFG issue any further I don't think.

Off to read the other 2 documents.

All of this for 4 misdemeanor convictions. What a horrible waste of tax payer monies!
Respectfully, let me split a legal hair here. As I am sure Cindy's evil lawyers will. The car was given for the police investigators. But only as an investigative tool in the missing Caylee case. NOT AN EVIDENCE ITEM in a murder trial. Cindy will not dispute the July - December time frame. But the December 2008 until now. I doubt the police served a search warrant for the new circumstances. Seeing they already had the car. And everything has been messed up in this case. Wait for it.

And may I be wrong here.

At best they would not be charged any fees. And there was never a request to get the car returned. It stinks. CA does not want in near her home. Strip it down and crush it. Her granddaughter may have died in the trunk of the car and we all know she was transported the the remains site in it. CA would not want anyone else to use this car to make money. This is CA, after all.
It irks me to no end that Casey has the right to appeal the convictions but the state doesn't have the right to appeal the not guilty verdict.
BBM: "Voodoo Doll" ... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

They sell all kinds of "Voodoo Dolls" down here in the French Quarter :floorlaugh:

I have never bought one or used one ... but this case is going to make me want to look into getting a "voodoo doll" ...

:waitasec: Maybe I should buy at least a dozen to start with ...


Mind buying me half a dozen and shipping them up to your friendly Canuck? Then we could have voodoo vibes coming from everywhere. And I think we have a poster from Amsterdam and at least a couple of Brits, and I'm pretty sure I remember a Brazilian responding - and Brazil has some big time voodoo power down there!
I see a world movement happening....:great::floorlaugh::great: kinda like Greenpeace, but not so much...:rocker:
At best they would not be charged any fees. And there was never a request to get the car returned. It stinks. CA does not want in near her home. Strip it down and crush it. Her granddaughter may have died in the trunk of the car and we all know she was transported the the remains site in it. CA would not want anyone else to use this car to make money. This is CA, after all.

What does that (bold) mean? Under the same circumstances would you want someone to make money on the car?
er - I sure hope talking about voodoo dolls isn't a TOS.......:innocent:
I truly do not think ICA could come up with all this on her own. JB was at the jail yesterday in his little BMW. He has, IMO, gone through the 200 grand and now needs to make more money off his client.

Regardless of what anyone says, IMO, he didn't win the case because he is really a good attorney. I wouldn't want him, if GOD FORBID, I ever found myself or someone in my family needing a defense attorney.

I see it coming down to a fight between JB and GA&CA to control ICA. Not because they care, but because of the M.O.N.E.Y.

Poor Caylee. Expect more dysfunction and lots of it. MOO
Off hand, I see this appeal on the charges of lying as SOP. Comes with the defense package. IMO.
I'm not sure what all this means but all the Talking Heads repeatedly said CA would get out of jail that day of the sentancing, for time served. They all mostly said that they would combine the sentence to one, because of Double Jeapardy.
I would be surprised if she got any money from spending more time in jail. Maybe it's something they do in Florida, but certainly not in TX.
My thinking if only one charge of lying is applied the civil cases would have less of a chance to fly.
Zanny the Nanny lady just doesn't seem to have much of a chance for me. I know she suffered but she proved that she wasn't involved. I keep thinking what work place would fire you if you did a good job and you were cleared. Maybe I'm not thinking straight but, all could it be these civil cases want a little 5 minutes of fame?

In light of yesterday's "Accident" in OK, I would assume that a business that felt that their employees could be in danger because of death threats and other threats to the person accused would fire that person, if for no other reason than safety of all other employees and their company's reputation for keeping an accused kidnapper on payroll. I don't know what the laws are in FL, but here in VA they can fire you just because they don't want you anymore, no matter how good your work was. ZG would have been considered a liability most places.

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