Casey, "Don't worry, I haven't said anything.."

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Now I have a question. Suppose CA's question to KC about "foregiving" had anything to do with the fight the night of June 15th. What if CA had found out that KC was drugging Caylee and putting her in the trunk of the car and CA choked KC, called her a "spiteful b*t*h" knew full well that this should have been reported to LE as child abuse and did not do so. I would think CA would be very worried that KC would have told a doctor about what happened and CA might feel she could get into trouble for not reporting the abuse. She's a nurse. jmo

That's actually what I meant. It wasn't just about family fights, it was events leading up to the demise of Caylee. I believe Cindy had strong suspicions what Casey had done. I go back and forth about how much the family knew of the actual death, but if they didn't KNOW, they had strong suspicions. Of course, they were in cover up mode from the earliest days. Casey and Caylee left that house for a reason, and that reason is that why Cindy let them stay away all that time without putting up a huge fuss. Sure she and Lee went looking for them once at least, George claims he chased Casey in the car once, but other than that, they weren't really looking.

All of those times Casey went back into the house during those 31 days, no one was suspicious? Nothing was out of place? They noticed nothing missing? Not even chicken and frozen pops? Surely they had to know something was up.
i could have the timing of this wrong (so much info to keep straight in this case) but recently Tim M said when he was at the house (the x on the map thing) and george grabbed KC and threw her against a wall and told her to get out of his house. (after that she went to the lawyers all day)

Could this be what she meant about not saying anything?

She didn't tell them about her fight with her mom or about George being agressive toward her so that if she gets out (of jail) again they will release her to her parents custody.

If she told LE about the physical stuff from her parents they would not release her for her own safety.

Just a thought. Again, not sure when the tim Miller event at the house happened in relation to this jail house interview.

But that sentence KC said has always bugged me!

We're talking about the first jailhouse visit (July) the parents made when they talked about not saying anything. Tim Miller didn't arrive until after KC was released from jail.
That's actually what I meant. It wasn't just about family fights, it was events leading up to the demise of Caylee. I believe Cindy had strong suspicions what Casey had done. I go back and forth about how much the family knew of the actual death, but if they didn't KNOW, they had strong suspicions. Of course, they were in cover up mode from the earliest days. Casey and Caylee left that house for a reason, and that reason is that why Cindy let them stay away all that time without putting up a huge fuss. Sure she and Lee went looking for them once at least, George claims he chased Casey in the car once, but other than that, they weren't really looking.

All of those times Casey went back into the house during those 31 days, no one was suspicious? Nothing was out of place? They noticed nothing missing? Not even chicken and frozen pops? Surely they had to know something was up.

I have often wondered if they kicked her out during that fight.
I don't think Cindy was saying "car". I think she was asking aboutthe carseat. Remember as a general rule the carseat always moves with the child. I think the car seat being in the car is something that nagged at CA early on.

KC goes on to say Zanny's carseat was pink floral, to her mom, in one of the interviews. The carseats owned by the A's and KC were Eddie Bauer plain fabric seats. KC also goes into a rant about how Zanny had everything at her house "socks, shoes, diapers, clothes and toys" I'm 99.9% sure she was talking about the car and not the carseat. JMO.
I am still confused on this one-I am not sure at all what CA would be in the position to forgive KC for saying...did KC call them bad names, or say that they did something to Caylee? What did she say in that time period to be forgiven for??
As to KC's response, she could be doing one of two things-Just answering with no idea what the heck CA is even referring to, or answering evasively (she interrupts and screams at the guard to fix the volume)-I think sometimes liars use interruption, body movements, ums and uhs, to evade the question or statement.
Just not sure what she could have said to be forgiven, it seems CA was the one saying not so great things about KC and KC would be the one granting forgiveness.
If this has been brought up earlier, forgive me.

At approx. 13:24 in part 1 of jailhouse tape, Cindy says to Casey:

CA: I've a question for you.

Casey: Go ahead.

CA: How come she never got a chance to get the car? It doesn't make sense.

Casey: (Pause) Mom...(Pause)...because this is recorded. I don't know who's gonna see things...and who's gonna misconstrue everything else. Like I said, there are things I directly need to say to each of you that

CA: OK. I trust that.

Casey: that Lee and I are finding other means to do.

I never noticed this before. I listened to this segment over and over. Who's Cindy referring to when she asks "How come SHE never gotta chance to get the car?" Is she talking about Casey's car that got towed? Do you think this was a slip and she meant to ask, "How come you never gotta chance to get the car?" Right before this exchange, Casey admits that "Yes" she's protecting the family, but not from anything she's done. Then Cindy goes on about how the family's "stronger than ever" and Casey needs to understand that they don't need protecting.

I'm just trying to figure out who "she" is and what car they're referring to. TIA

Perhaps when tCasey's car was found or when the search for the car suggested to Casey that the car's discovery was imminent, she scrambled to explain why she "had no idea" where her car was. The only way to explain where her vehicle (complete with very ripe trunk smelling of decomp) was - was to give CA some half-baked fairy tale about how Zanny/Nanny had the car last. Maybe Casey gave some baloney about how Zanny had not only withheld Caylee from her but then came around and stolen the car. That way there was already a reason NOT TIED TO Casey HERSELF for not knowing where her car was and it stinking of dead body when finally found.

It was all the elusive Zanny's fault.
How about when CA asks Inmate Anthony if anyone has been in her house. Inmate responds, Ma, I told you she had a key! (I'm trying to find that jailhouse video)

CA has been playing into Inmate Anthony's hand, IMO...
How about when CA asks Inmate Anthony if anyone has been in her house. Inmate responds, Ma, I told you she had a key! (I'm trying to find that jailhouse video)

CA has been playing into Inmate Anthony's hand, IMO...

I also vaguely remember that comment and found it odd. I remember wondering that controlling CA hadnt made a big deal about Casey handing out keys to her (CA's) home and how it seemed out of character for CA to not be irate over that.
I also vaguely remember that comment and found it odd. I remember wondering that controlling CA hadnt made a big deal about Casey handing out keys to her (CA's) home and how it seemed out of character for CA to not be irate over that.
and iirc in one of the emails between cindys mom and the aunt?? they make a mention about someone being in and out of the house and how it was a safety and privacy issue and how she couldnt believe that casey was letting strangers in the house. gosh i hope im remembering that correctly.
the car thing is the one thing casey has been unable to whip up an "explanation" for. didnt address the car once in her letters did she? and apparently no one has been able to come up with an explanation for what happened in that car trunk........except he kinda knew it was caylee in the trunk didnt he. all imo. i just keep asking myself why in the world george would even think that.

Whip up an explanation, that's so true that usually Casey could come up with some more detailed story.

Your post makes me realize, what kind of lies could you even come up with if you didn't have a Zany to blame, huh. Everyone falls silent when it comes to that car that reeks of death. No even Casey the Big Liar has been able to come up with a decent lie for that.

Hopeful, heard this other forensic case on tv where the car had been totally cleaned after a murder except for a tiny section of the car seat strap, and also...get this.... the car jumper cables which hadn't been swiped clean. Anyone think CA and GA missed a spot? Hopeful, the truth is going to prevail no matter what lies have been told.
Just thought of this again today, although I haven't seen them show this particular clip in all the videos lately. Maybe that's no accident.

Has this ever been explained?

For reference from CNN Transcripts:
CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY`S MOTHER: We forgive anything that you`ve said.

CASEY ANTHONY, MOTHER OF MISSING CAYLEE: Hold on. Can we turn the volume down? You can probably hear it. My head`s going to explode. I haven`t said anything, don`t worry.

What do you guys think about this in light of all the new...developments?
This is always in the back of my mind as well. It is really the only thing in all those tapes that made me truly stumped about what it could mean.

We forgive you if you told the truth about a pool accident? I don't know. George's suicide note IMHO really spoke the truth and I honestly don't believe he knew anything about Caylee's death after reading that note.

If you told the truth about being molested? Cindy would never stay with George if he really did molest her and she knew about it.

It just doesn't make sense to me and I can't think of one plausible meaning for it.

Thanks for bumping this up. I am really interested in what our best sleuthers theories are on this.
Was Padilla on the scene yet during this jailhouse visit with "don't worry I haven't said anything"? Also, the Grunds were talking to people at some point about the Lee touching Casey story and Cindy being abusive, and then there was Tony who'd been told that George physically abused Casey as well. Also, Amy had told Cindy that Casey was calling her crazy, that George was cheating online, and that he'd had a stroke. That's plenty for the family to forgive. The car was never mentioned at all that I've heard. She avoided that one like the plague and really couldn't have had much excuse except the white trash bag or thinking squirrels. But, then she was already thinking and trying to hint and suggest that people were after the family and they were all in danger, so the smell could have ended up being some dope dealer who'd been locked in the trunk or some such ridiculous story.
This is always in the back of my mind as well. It is really the only thing in all those tapes that made me truly stumped about what it could mean.

We forgive you if you told the truth about a pool accident? I don't know. George's suicide note IMHO really spoke the truth and I honestly don't believe he knew anything about Caylee's death after reading that note.

If you told the truth about being molested? Cindy would never stay with George if he really did molest her and she knew about it.

It just doesn't make sense to me and I can't think of one plausible meaning for it.

Thanks for bumping this up. I am really interested in what our best sleuthers theories are on this.
She said she wasn't gonna tell private stuff to a psychologist/stranger.
Why would CA say that? KC is an adult and what she "says" is her business!
Besides it's privileged information. The psych can't repeat it.
So how would CA ever really know unless one of the parents ended up arrested?
CA was bullying her STILL imo. Warning her not to.
GA made no comment...
Personally I think it was about the "story" they concocted.
I fell like CA had taken Caylee away and kicked KC out.
How it went from there? I am clueless...
BUT she still hasn't told... I don't think CA meant about abuse. I feel like it was something more recent...
Was Padilla on the scene yet during this jailhouse visit with "don't worry I haven't said anything"? Also, the Grunds were talking to people at some point about the Lee touching Casey story and Cindy being abusive, and then there was Tony who'd been told that George physically abused Casey as well. Also, Amy had told Cindy that Casey was calling her crazy, that George was cheating online, and that he'd had a stroke. That's plenty for the family to forgive. The car was never mentioned at all that I've heard. She avoided that one like the plague and really couldn't have had much excuse except the white trash bag or thinking squirrels. But, then she was already thinking and trying to hint and suggest that people were after the family and they were all in danger, so the smell could have ended up being some dope dealer who'd been locked in the trunk or some such ridiculous story.

I (think) that was 7/25. LP talked to Baez like 8/12 didn't he? Arrived 8/17...
By then she'd possibly already lorded it over her parents that they'd cleaned out the car and were therefore implicated.


I think there was a fight on the 15th, and CA possibly assaulted KC, and KC was holding that over her but CA didn't care because she wanted Caylee back so she was willing to forgive KC talking about it if it would help, which of course by then it wouldn't.
This is always in the back of my mind as well. It is really the only thing in all those tapes that made me truly stumped about what it could mean.

We forgive you if you told the truth about a pool accident? I don't know. George's suicide note IMHO really spoke the truth and I honestly don't believe he knew anything about Caylee's death after reading that note.

If you told the truth about being molested? Cindy would never stay with George if he really did molest her and she knew about it.

It just doesn't make sense to me and I can't think of one plausible meaning for it.

Thanks for bumping this up. I am really interested in what our best sleuthers theories are on this.

I've wondered about this too...the only thing that makes sense or as much sense as anything can about this case is that this was CA & GA first visit w/KC since she had been arrested.

The only other contact they had w/KC is when she called from Jail demanding Tony's number. She talked to everyone on the phone that night like dog's. I think that is what CA was referring to when she said, "We forgive anything you've said or done." KC being KC and not having a clue what her mother was talking about since she lied to them all the time and talking to them this way was nothing new could only come back w/"Don't worry I haven't said anything." Before KC answers she looks confused/uncomfortable and all the crap she says before answering about how loud the volume was shows that she is stalling trying to figure out what CA is talking about, imo. Also, look at CA's face after KC answers, she looks like she didn't expect KC's answer and has not a clue what she is talking about.

Fortunately, for KC I think the way she answered CA that day worked in her favor as far as JB saying there was some big family secret and he used it in the trial. I think it all had to do w/that one phone call and nothing more.
Wow reading this original post was creepy.. pretty much summed up most of the DT's strategy. In the end, they had almost 3 years to concoct their "brilliant" explanation (AKA lie).. Kind of makes you ponder that whole "defense tweaked their strategy skimming social media and message boards" theory a bit deeper..
Well, this is my theory. Here goes...

Remember it had been a week since George and Cindy had seen Casey. During that week I saw Cindy saw more than once, when asked what she wanted to say to KC, that she had to tell her that she loved her and forgave her for whatever had happened, that was what people needed to hear in order to feel free to communicate (I'm paraphrasing, obviously.) Cindy says "We forgive anything you've said" and then while KC is yelling for them to turn the volume down Cindy also says "or anything you've done" (you have to watch Cindy and listen closely, because she's talking while KC is yelling.

I've always thought Cindy was busting a gut to find out ANYTHING about what happened to Caylee. She wanted to rush in there and get the message across that we forgive you for everything, just tell us where to look. I've never thought that the doctor being there had anything to do with what Cindy said.

Now, as far as what KC meant by "Don't worry, I haven't said anything" who knows with this bunch.

Just my thoughts...
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