Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

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pleeease stop encouraging him, ya'll. please.
(((((Jolynna))))) I'm sorry about your nephew. I have one that is similarly situated. I love him to pieces, but would never let him live with us. ):

Yes I do think they miss the social skills. They generally have boundary issues also. Like KC following Amy around for those few days when TonE was in NY. Probaby drove poor Amy crazy. Why didn't she go to work or to the nanny's? Because there was no work or nanny.

I have always been fascinated by people's behavior. And not nice people's behavior - I am more intrigued by those that are "disturbed." I don't know what that says about me except that maybe I should have became a psychiatrist instead of choosing my current exciting and rewarding position of File Clerk/Pion!

Whilst I was surfing I found an interesting website (and maybe y'all have discussed this before, but I am too lazy to look, so if you have please ignore)

this person had done an analysis of Casey's interview and indicates areas where he feels Casey is being deceptive. One thing he noted was that in the following paragraph, Casey is using present tense verbs which indicates she is not collecting from memory, but making up the story as she goes along.

"I got off of work, left Universal driving back to pick up Caylee like a normal day.
And I show up to the apartment knock on door nobody answers. So, I call Zeniada cell
phone and it’s out of service. It says the phone is no longer in service, excuse me.
So, I sit down on the steps and wait for a little bit to see if maybe it was just a
fluke if something happened and time passed and I didn’t hear from anyone

How interesting is that?
pleeease stop encouraging him, ya'll. please.

OneLostGrl, lol, it took me awhile to figure out who you were talking about. I searched the threads up and down and still could not see the posts you were referencing.

Finally figured it out, as I had put this person on "ignore" after reading the first couple of posts. You can go to a poster's profile page and add them to your "ignore" list. Works wonders, lowers your stress level, and lets you focus on the real issues of this case.

I have chosen not to read this person's posts. I respect this person's opinion, but have chosen not to read or respond.

This case has captured the attention of us all, and I really want to focus on moving this case forward and on the intelligent and thoughtful posts.

To add a person to your "Ignore list":
Click on the poster's name in the upper left corner.
Click on "View Public Profile".
In the upper left corner, under the poster's name, click on the down arrow for "User Lists".
Click on "Add to Ignore List".

Peace on!

The ultimate "non-distancing": This chick drove around for days!!!!! with a decomposing body in her car. The smell was still overwhelming weeks later when the car was returned to the Anthonys. She had to have had that smell permeating her clothes/hair, etc. SOMEONE else had to smell it on her and wonder wtf. Did she just use a lot of perfume to cover it up? Since she was having the discussion of the smell with Amy, I have to believe that someone said something to her. Solution? Dump the car....not to distance herself from any crime she may have committed, but to ditch the object that is causing her social life to suffer. Hard to party smelling like decomp.

By the way, I believe the trip to Puerto Rico was a catalyst. She'd been talking about it for months, looking up prices on the 'net, checking arrival/departure times. "It's a go, I just got the time off from work :)" Then of course, she couldn't go and Amy and Ricardo went, and Casey was stuck with Caylee.

This just keeps getting twistier and twistier.
I have always been fascinated by people's behavior. And not nice people's behavior - I am more intrigued by those that are "disturbed." I don't know what that says about me except that maybe I should have became a psychiatrist instead of choosing my current exciting and rewarding position of File Clerk/Pion!

Whilst I was surfing I found an interesting website (and maybe y'all have discussed this before, but I am too lazy to look, so if you have please ignore)

this person had done an analysis of Casey's interview and indicates areas where he feels Casey is being deceptive. One thing he noted was that in the following paragraph, Casey is using present tense verbs which indicates she is not collecting from memory, but making up the story as she goes along.

"I got off of work, left Universal driving back to pick up Caylee like a normal day. And I show up to the apartment knock on door nobody answers. So, I call Zeniada cell phone and it’s out of service. It says the phone is no longer in service, excuse me. So, I sit down on the steps and wait for a little bit to see if maybe it was just a fluke if something happened and time passed and I didn’t hear from anyone." How interesting is that?

Hi kajohn, I'm also fascinated by those people who do not act or think like us, those with deviant behavior. I think we are drawn to their stories, because as much as we would like to figure them out, we can't, as we can never think like them. Ahhh, but they are so intriguing...

I would love to be an FBI profiler to figure out how they operate. My dream job would be to figure out these cases, and to understand how sociopaths/psychopaths think.

Thanks for the link. I've seen that before, but it's nice to get a refresher.
OneLostGrl, lol, it took me awhile to figure out who you were talking about. I searched the threads up and down and still could not see the posts you were referencing.

Finally figured it out, as I had put this person on "ignore" after reading the first couple of posts. You can go to a poster's profile page and add them to your "ignore" list. Works wonders, lowers your stress level, and lets you focus on the real issues of this case.

I have chosen not to read this person's posts. I respect this person's opinion, but have chosen not to read or respond.

This case has captured the attention of us all, and I really want to focus on moving this case forward and on the intelligent and thoughtful posts.

To add a person to your "Ignore list":
Click on the poster's name in the upper left corner.
Click on "View Public Profile".
In the upper left corner, under the poster's name, click on the down arrow for "User Lists".
Click on "Add to Ignore List".

Peace on!


Thanks for your help though I already know how to use the ignore function. I was asking others to please ignore :)
Hi kajohn, I'm also fascinated by those people who do not act or think like us, those with deviant behavior. I think we are drawn to their stories, because as much as we would like to figure them out, we can't, as we can never think like them. Ahhh, but they are so intriguing...

I would love to be an FBI profiler to figure out how they operate. My dream job would be to figure out these cases, and to understand how sociopaths/psychopaths think.

Thanks for the link. I've seen that before, but it's nice to get a refresher.

Hi Laneymae - have often heard that people who work on figuring out crimes and get to see the criminals up close and personal, find that it changes them - very hard to get to know how the criminals think without some of the darkness slipping into their own psyche - wonder how much of a problem that is? That would be my fear of being a profiler - I agree with you that it is fascinating to try to figure these people out - maybe we are lucky we do not totally get them.
Thanks for your help though I already know how to use the ignore function. I was asking others to please ignore :)

Actually, I was adding info to your post on telling others how to ignore, not telling you how to do it.

Sorry, was on your side, and just agreeing with your post. I maybe should have broken that up into two separate posts.
Actually, I was adding info to your post on telling others how to ignore, not telling you how to do it.

Sorry, was on your side, and just agreeing with your post. I maybe should have broken that up into two separate posts.

Ohh, I see. Well, thanks :)
Sorry to butt in, I thought his posts were kind of amusing but it may just be because I popped my adderall too late! Personality Disorders

Scroll down to Personality Disorders to see this:

12.08 Personality disorders: A personality disorder exists when personality traits are inflexible and maladaptive and cause either significant impairment in social or occupational functioning or subjective distress. Characteristic features are typical of the individual's long-term functioning and are not limited to discrete episodes of illness.

The required level of severity for these disorders is met when the requirements in both A and B are satisfied.

A. Deeply ingrained, maladaptive patterns of behavior associated with one of the following:

1. Seclusiveness or autistic thinking; or

2. Pathologically inappropriate suspiciousness or hostility; or

3. Oddities of thought, perception, speech and behavior; or

4. Persistent disturbances of mood or affect; or

5. Pathological dependence, passivity, or aggressivity; or

6. Intense and unstable interpersonal relationships and impulsive and damaging behavior;


B. Resulting in at least two of the following:

1. Marked restriction of activities of daily living; or

2. Marked difficulties in maintaining social functioning; or

3. Marked difficulties in maintaining concentration, persistence, or pace; or

4. Repeated episodes of decompensation, each of extended duration.
[QUOTE. snipped -- OR

What an important insight!! It never occurred to me that Casey could have been jealous of Amy going to PR with Ricardo! OMG! I need to reread Amy's and Ricardo's interviews and see when Ricardo broke up with Casey. I know Ricardo said it was an "uneventful breakup, we were both ready to go our separate ways breakup," but this may cast more light on it.

So if Casey took money from Amy, she may have wanted Amy to know what she did, and did not want to distance herself.

Look at who drives her and walks into the court office/Jose's office with her. Someone is always with her. She never goes alone.

...could be. yet Casey did buy the tickets for Amy and Ricardo and she also had a chance to go but instead begged out as she always does. She couldn't possibly have hoped to continue a relationship with Amy after this so she was dumping her to be with Tony and hopefully move into his new apt with him.

What is interesting to me and what I have personally experienced with sociopaths is that they are csapable of going where most won't the way that they come on...such as the fowardness of Casey emailing Amy about what great times they will have together and 'we will be just us girls'. She had Amy snowed. So snowed in fact that Amy was reluctant to turn her 'best friend' in initially.

Sociopaths make their victims feel special.
I was wondering if JB wants her to wear the glasses etc? Maybe part of his defense of the theft is that she only took the money to help aid in the search for her daughter. She kept all of the recipts which is out of character for her so she could pay AH back eventually. You know AH was her very best friend, she wouldn't steal from her except in these trying circumstances. :boohoo:

Don't we all do missing persons searches in Target buying Bud light and push up bras? We need big white shades to disguise ourselves. :rolleyes:

Actually, wouldn't surprise me a bit that they're testing out a defense theory -- Casey had Amy's permission; Amy was paying back money owed to Casey, or some other such nonsense. Remember the cash she stole from Amy before she left for PR? She lied her way out of that and probably expects to do it again. The sunglasses may be almost like a trophy.

I've said all along that Casey is probably angry with Amy. What kind of a friend would do this to her? Huge waste. Should have never trusted Amy.


She`s a thief and the spending spree and the crime spree is a celebration of the fact that the little girl is out of the way. Now she can indulge in her own lifestyle and she can live without the little girl, she can do whatever she wants to do.

But it`s not just a homicide. It`s the -- or a possible homicide, it is the
beginning of a crime spree.


I liked the way she put that because I had felt for some time that KC sort of 'snapped.'
This lady indicates that as soon as she killed Caylee........she just continued to commit crimes.
I now understand.

And not just a 'spree' but a way of life.!
I always thought one thing Casey said was extremely revealing. When she was on the phone from jail to her friend, she said, in a really irritated way "All they care about is getting Caylee back.....(long pause)....and honestly, that's all I care about, too."

So I think her mask slipped a little and her true thoughts slipped out "all they care about is getting Caylee back" and she realized it, and quickly got the mask back on, then went on with the rest of the statement, pretending like that was all she cared about, as well.

I think that was a peek into her true thoughts/feelings about Caylee, as well as her parents. LOTS of jealousy there.

Tons of jealousy there! In that phone call KC proved she has little to no maternal feelings toward Caylee. I wonder if KC had untreated depression after Caylee's birth and she never formed a bond with her. I guess that falls in line with KC possibly being a sociopath and incapable of forming emotional bonds.

It is just difficult for me to grasp how a person can be that manipulative and unfeeling toward another human being.
The ultimate "non-distancing": This chick drove around for days!!!!! with a decomposing body in her car. The smell was still overwhelming weeks later when the car was returned to the Anthonys. She had to have had that smell permeating her clothes/hair, etc. SOMEONE else had to smell it on her and wonder wtf. Did she just use a lot of perfume to cover it up? Since she was having the discussion of the smell with Amy, I have to believe that someone said something to her. Solution? Dump the car....not to distance herself from any crime she may have committed, but to ditch the object that is causing her social life to suffer. Hard to party smelling like decomp.

By the way, I believe the trip to Puerto Rico was a catalyst. She'd been talking about it for months, looking up prices on the 'net, checking arrival/departure times. "It's a go, I just got the time off from work :)" Then of course, she couldn't go and Amy and Ricardo went, and Casey was stuck with Caylee.

This just keeps getting twistier and twistier.

Debs, I am wondering the exact same thing. The smell had to be in her clothes. Cigarette smoke reeks just after a few hours of being around it in your hair, clothes etc. Not to mention going in a short order restruant place and walk out smelling like week old grease.

I can't for the life of me see where someone , anyone hasn't mentioned KC having an odor about her clothes, herself etc other than Cindy saying the pants stunk like the car. Her clothes etc had to smell .... this has been bugging me big time, why no one else has mentioned it that spent time with her.
Debs, I am wondering the exact same thing. The smell had to be in her clothes. Cigarette smoke reeks just after a few hours of being around it in your hair, clothes etc. Not to mention going in a short order restruant place and walk out smelling like week old grease.

I can't for the life of me see where someone , anyone hasn't mentioned KC having an odor about her clothes, herself etc other than Cindy saying the pants stunk like the car. Her clothes etc had to smell .... this has been bugging me big time, why no one else has mentioned it that spent time with her.
According to AH or RM, she was doing a load of wash at their place when she stayed over July 1rst. Who knows, maybe with the excuse of helping out the guys, she was regularly doing laundry at AL's place. She was probably washing a lot!
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