Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

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If you have not experienced yourself or a loved one struggling in psychosis or worked in fields associated with psychiatry it would be difficult not to see KC as insane. Psychosis is being out of touch with reality as ILG has reported. Kc is cunning and entertaining like most narcistic people sciopath but not insane is my thought process.
I still believe that Baez and Casey are involved but just not as involved as they were when she spent every day at his office....if you catch my drift :crazy: I believe that Casey probably believes that Baez is doing everything possible so that she will walk out of the courthouse door after the trial. She probably believes everything that he tells her. When two people are emotionally involved there are times one person can't see the forest for the trees...and I think that is Casey. He is her Mexican Knight in shining armor who rode in on his big black horse to save the day. She knows only what he tells her. She doesn't even see anyone else. I doubt she even knows half of the things that are said in meetings between the attorneys for her defense.

I agree that she would never say that she was insane or even mentally ill.
The insanity plea would never have worked anyway because Casey has no documented history of mental problems. I don't think she has ever had a mental health eval either.

I wonder if that attorney wanted Casey to plead guilty due to mental illness if the Pros would give her LWOP instead of the death penalty? I honestly don't believe a jury will give her the DP. I think they will look at her age and other things and have an ounce of compassion for her for some reason and give her LWOP. I could be way off base though. I really don't care what they do to her as long as she is locked away. I don't look for her to ever plead guilty or take a plea if offered which I doubt it will be.

I do not think they are involved. I do think he would get a BJ if he could, but is being watched, :rolleyes:
I think she may be happy to see a face that is on her side, anyone in her position would be.
Is she a flirt? sure; does she use her sexuality? sure; I do not think they are involved in an emotional way at all.

They could have done a mental evaluation, but he is going in a different direction.
I think as her attorney he is self serving.
His direction will hang her.
JB doesn't want or need the A's involved. The A's certainly don't want to be involved with JB and company because their gravy train pulling the money car on wheels would disappear. In other words, they need KC convicted to keep the money rolling in. Think about it. JB becomes famous - (ok stretch here) for a few years. If KC should by chance get a lighter sentence then JB can tell TL how wrong he was. The A's gravy train derails while JB rides his. When KC is convicted, JB's train derails and the A's start collecting $$ from go (again), blaming JB and company and re-attempting to position themselves as the victims of JB's blunders. While misunderstood KC sits in confinement wondering why no one will listen much less believe her.

TL was smart to follow MN and jump off this train wreck.

And the greatest crime of all this: Caylee is forgotten and used for personal financial gains.

IF God forbid my kid was even in such a horrid position...I would stop acting like a jerk on TV and start screaming that this BOZO for a lawyer will hang her. Yes Bozo is in it for fame. And Geraldo Rivera IMHO is supporting that. :(

As far as Caylee being forgotten I agree I am the one that opened the thread that Caylee has no representation. :(
I agree, this would have been the perfect defense in this case. He could argue mental health issues (not insanity) and perhaps KC would have seen the light of day again in about 15 years. He had to see the amount of evidence and the most likely outcome for KC (guilty) and this sort of strategy just may have worked in her best interest.
GOOD POST :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I am not convinced that it is her interest that even begins to enter his mind.
Here is a link to the original discussion started 11/05/08 I was gonna bump it but it's closed.

[ame=""]Attorney Seeks To Spare Casey Anthony From Death Penalty - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
And THAT is key here. JoseB can't get Casey to cop a plea to anything, to go with any kind of defense that she does not want to. I doubt this is JoseB's doing.. most likely it's Casey maintaining she did not commit this crime. Remember the letter to the judge a few short weeks ago about the DA being pissed because she won't cop to a crime she did not commit? It's all about Casey standing by her nanny story IMO.
You are absolutely right! There isn't much JB or any attorney can do if the defendant is adamently denying committing the crime. And this is what I believe is happening here. MOO
You are absolutely right! There isn't much JB or any attorney can do if the defendant is adamently denying committing the crime. And this is what I believe is happening here. MOO
I have a strange feeling that he knows her parents know and who ever is funding the fiasco too;
know far more then we do.
In the Orlando Sentinel interview today (in current news thread), Lenamon stated that he "had great concern over the case's future because of media exposure".

So why is he going BACK on television AGAIN???!!!!:mad:
Because a commercial for 60 seconds cost well over $100,000. K this is free.
Why do you think JB is on all the time :rolleyes:
You are absolutely right! There isn't much JB or any attorney can do if the defendant is adamently denying committing the crime. And this is what I believe is happening here. MOO

I wish we all really knew what is happening...
But I think KC is just depending on him.
I do not think she is a brain child making any decisions at all.

I think other lawyers walk because JB is in charge. :crazy:
I listened to Lenamon on JVM and I got the eerie feeling he was alluding to using past abuses on Casey. He never came out and said that. I just got that feeling.
I listened to Lenamon on JVM and I got the eerie feeling he was alluding to using past abuses on Casey. He never came out and said that. I just got that feeling.
If you find a transcript I would be interested in reading it.
IF God forbid my kid was even in such a horrid position...I would stop acting like a jerk on TV and start screaming that this BOZO for a lawyer will hang her. Yes Bozo is in it for fame. And Geraldo Rivera IMHO is supporting that. :(

As far as Caylee being forgotten I agree I am the one that opened the thread that Caylee has no representation. :(

I have brought it up before and will again- I often wonder if Cindy and George are TRYING to get Casey convicted.
I don't think Lenamon was trying to mount a legal insanity defense at all. I think he likely wanted to pursue a plea deal and/or was looking towards mitigation in post-conviction sentencing -- namely, extreme emotional distress that rendered a diminished capacity. He has been blogging about mental health issues related to filicide. I believe he's trying to get out there what he feels is the best way to go for Casey's defense.

It sounds like, from the link someone posted earlier with his statement regarding his withdrawal from the case, that perhaps he wasn't given the freedom to perform his duties in a way that would be crucial to mounting a good EED mitigation presentation.

Stands to reason that Casey and/or Baez refused his proposed theories and perhaps intend to go with SODDI/cornfuzzle the jury with scientific testimony to try to create reasonable doubt. I think they are hellbent on going for a full-on not guilty verdict. It's certainly her right to do so, but in a case where there is so much overwhelming evidence of guilt, maybe not the smartest move. Casey/Baez are foolish to reject the expertise of this attorney.

I imagine the judge is going to question Casey again about representation to be certain she is on board and in full agreement with each of her counsel, including whomever the defense brings on board as the death-qualified attorney. He's well aware of the bizarre goings-on with the defense counsel.

Here is a link to the post-conviction mitigating factors. I can see his having tried to go with:

(a) if she had agreed to a plea deal;
(c) (d) and (g) based on his filicidal diminished capacity theories;
(i) if she had cooperated and told LE the truth to resolve the case.

Sounds like a good plan to me, but I believe the defense will be similar to the Phil Spector defense team -- trying to overwhelm the jury with a multitude of experts. Good luck with that. :rolleyes:
I have brought it up before and will again- I often wonder if Cindy and George are TRYING to get Casey convicted.

I didn't wonder, I clearly said it! Their future income depends on it. Apparently having a murderess as a daughter does pay. I sincerely hope the people in Orlando see through the hoax this family has inflicted upon them.

CA/GA do not want to see TL or any other attorney whip up a defense that places any blame on either of them. That house is built of glass with smoke and mirrors to divert any fault of KC's upbringing down on them.
I must admit I have thought that CAGA must want to do their daughter the maximum amount of harm they can, on many occassions. Then just about the time I am truly convinced of that, they seem to do a reverse spiral and appear to be wanting to help her. Truly baffling the way they behave. I dunno if they know what they are doing themselves.

On another subject..Sorry to have upset some ppl by admitting to having worked with inmates re-integrating into society.. perhaps I should hasten to redeem myself by pointing out my son, my only child, went into law enforcement, with my backing and support. AND we are quite close, (which is not as odd as it may seem, after all, we do know many of the same people.) And our goals are remarkably similar.. we want to stop the bad people from hurting other people. We bring to the table what I consider a unique amount of real life expierience, common sense, toughness, and compassion.
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