Casey & Family Psychological Profile #9

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IMO-it's OK to be alittle :crazy:! I always say that branches that don't bend - SNAP
Yes, yes and yes. There was/is something very underlyingly weird with the mother/daughter relationship between those two. KC it seems was damned if she did and well, you know. The fact that KC used the fact that Caylee was first placed in CA's arms as such a sore spot moment is indicative of some deep underlying control issues. After hearing about it though, I'm thinking that hospitals should have a rule! I swear, I'm still suspicious about who Caylee's bio father was as I feel that this knowledge would shed light on the overall situation. It's a gut feeling I have and, of course, could be way off base.

We may share that gut feeling. Although mine is more just suspicion because of the way one of the released docs was worded. Well a few other things too, I guess all of them together got we wondering. Will we ever know? IDK. JMO
Good call- it's called Gaslighting. is emotional abuse, severe emotional abuse meant to make the victim think they are crazy, wrong or at fault for whatever the issues are. The gaslighter denies actual events, things they said or did and claim the victim is lying even in the face of actual proof. Though many do it knowingly it isn't always on purpose, they don't always know this is what they are doing.. they are sick, disordered.

Cindy engages in it often IMO. I don't think the behavior is new at all- think about the friends of Casey's that say Casey called and said she needed to be in a nut house- then the next day was fine.. I think mommy did that. Cindy gaslights (or attempts to) during Police and media interviews, with LP, Tim Miller, and the general public. She thinks she can do it to everyone- she thinks she is all powerful.

Here is a good link to info on gaslighting for anyone interested.

TY for the link. I'll definitely check it out. So it is possible that CA could have had this drive to push KC to something awful but even if she did she may not have done it intensionally? or consciously? because of her own illness? Is that correct? JMO
So she said them both - almost in the same sentence! Thanks for the link. :blowkiss:

Fire away peeps - have at it!!! (not that you need my permission)

Oh you've got to hear the LKL where a caller calls in and asks CA why she changed her mind about the smell in the car. CA says in one sentence, and I kid you not......"I changed my mind... I never changed my mind about the smell in the car. What I said was that the car smelled." NO CA you said "the car smells like theres been a dead body in the damn car!" Try telling that to CA, even faced with a recording of her own words, she says what I said was that the car smelled. This is a sick woman. MOO
Oh you've got to hear the LKL where a caller calls in and asks CA why she changed her mind about the smell in the car. CA says in one sentence, and I kid you not......"I changed my mind... I never changed my mind about the smell in the car. What I said was that the car smelled." NO CA you said "the car smells like theres been a dead body in the damn car!" Try telling that to CA, even faced with a recording of her own words, she says what I said was that the car smelled. This is a sick woman. MOO
GA was asked about it on that show ,also.He said he had no idea garbage could smell that bad.
Caylee was found the next day.
Bet LK was kicking himself for not being tough on them.He was soooo sympathetic.
You know, another thing, CA may have seemed to walk on eggshells around KC at times(anything that could be public) but at some age KC found her own power against her mother. These two women went tit for tat once KC figured out she could use all her learned behavior from her mother. KC had the best teacher in CA and at some point began using it back on her mother. Each figured out what control they had over the over. It may not have been mutual in KC's childhood but it became mutual at some point. KC screaming at CA in earshot of the neighbors and CA seeming to just take it, CA's way of coming up rosy again. I bet inside that house she let the screaming rip at KC. MOO
Red I have added to the above quote/post as this Dr. is not IMHO informed/educated on this case and is doing a diservice to all by putting her ill-equiped 2 cents in. Once she gets up to speed on things I would like to hear her opinion but until then I value the posters here at WS much more.

Bold mine!

GMTA! :highfive:
From someone who seems not to know the difference between the Tony's, or even that there is a second Tony to whom KC was seemingly far more attached to than TR, I take it for what it is worth-- not much. I am also dubious of anyone who approaches a case with an agenda to prove a predetermined hypothesis.

And this;

"However, the bigger picture, Kirwin said, is the socio-political issue of the amount of support and resources available to women, calling it as much an issue for women and feminists as it is crime."

Give me a break. Yes women face challenges, many poor or otherwise disadvantaged women face challenges, Casey IMO hardly even registers on this score. This is a middle class young woman who had many opportunities but failed to rise to the occasion.
From someone who seems not to know the difference between the Tony's, or even that there is a second Tony to whom KC was seemingly far more attached to than TR, I take it for what it is worth-- not much. I am also dubious of anyone who approaches a case with an agenda to prove a predetermined hypothesis.

And this;

"However, the bigger picture, Kirwin said, is the socio-political issue of the amount of support and resources available to women, calling it as much an issue for women and feminists as it is crime."

Give me a break. Yes women face challenges, many poor or otherwise disadvantaged women face challenges, Casey IMO hardly even registers on this score. This is a middle class young woman who had many opportunities but failed to rise to the occasion.

Good call- it's called Gaslighting. is emotional abuse, severe emotional abuse meant to make the victim think they are crazy, wrong or at fault for whatever the issues are. The gaslighter denies actual events, things they said or did and claim the victim is lying even in the face of actual proof. Though many do it knowingly it isn't always on purpose, they don't always know this is what they are doing.. they are sick, disordered.

Cindy engages in it often IMO. I don't think the behavior is new at all- think about the friends of Casey's that say Casey called and said she needed to be in a nut house- then the next day was fine.. I think mommy did that. Cindy gaslights (or attempts to) during Police and media interviews, with LP, Tim Miller, and the general public. She thinks she can do it to everyone- she thinks she is all powerful.

Here is a good link to info on gaslighting for anyone interested.

Gaslighting, never heard of it until I read it just now. Understand it fully. I know people from all walks of life that are enduring this behavior from a "loved one" in some form or another.
I guess I would be called the Snuffer because I try to undo what the Lighter has done. "No, you ARE beautiful. No, you ARE smart, go for it. No, he IS an azzhole. YES, you can." Gaslighting, I guess, I equated it with bullying, but it is more psychological than just bullying. I do know that it is just mean and I don't like it.:mad:
Wow, I'm in the midst of some very perceptive and intelligent people. The article was written by someone that doesn't know the specific details of the case. I don't know how we can connect Casey to those other poor struggling mothers mentioned. Poorly written article, in MHO.
Hey OLG. I'm not giving GA a pass. He has to come clean too. I've shifted focus but don't trust him - never have. :eek:

I'm not giving him a pass either. Dudes a loser who steals from his own wife, who can trust such a person about anything, ya know?
Yes, yes and yes. There was/is something very underlyingly weird with the mother/daughter relationship between those two. KC it seems was damned if she did and well, you know. The fact that KC used the fact that Caylee was first placed in CA's arms as such a sore spot moment is indicative of some deep underlying control issues. After hearing about it though, I'm thinking that hospitals should have a rule! I swear, I'm still suspicious about who Caylee's bio father was as I feel that this knowledge would shed light on the overall situation. It's a gut feeling I have and, of course, could be way off base.

I don't think we know that Casey used it.. George and Cindy say they think she holds a grudge, that they think she resents her mom for it but as far as I am aware they are the only source of that information.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of an iguana? They are very wise,old souls. :rolleyes:

They're a lot like cats, in some ways.

They're about as bright as a house cat. They learn to use a potty pan easily. They learn commands, easily. (and words like "dinner" and "treat" instantaneously).

And, like cats, often when one commands an ig, they look at one like... why should I mind YOU? What's in it for ME?:)

They listen, and they LOVE to be talked to!
So until one is aware of it (intentional or not) one does not realize why they feel diminished or invisible? Would that be a proper assessment?

But no wonder one would seek out people to pay attention to them - as they are desperate for some kind of validation - no?

Absolutely.. has a lot to do with the sexual promiscuity.
Do you know a pathological liar? (or a family of liars?) Here's some sites that have stated proof from studies done that the brain of a liar may be wired different.

“Pathological liars can’t always tell truth from falsehood and contradict themselves in an interview. They are manipulative and they admit they prey on people. They are very brazen in terms of their manner, but very cool when talking about this.”

Adrian Raine has also previously found differences in the brains of psychopaths and normal people which are recognizable in brain scans.

"People who habitually lie and cheat --- pathological liars --- appear to have much more white matter, which speeds communication between neurons, in the prefrontal cortex than normal people, the researchers found. They also have fewer actual neurons."
TY for the link. I'll definitely check it out. So it is possible that CA could have had this drive to push KC to something awful but even if she did she may not have done it intensionally? or consciously? because of her own illness? Is that correct? JMO

Sure, she could have been doing it without realizing it.
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