Casey & Family Psychological Profile #9

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I agree with you on many of your points about absentee fathers who have the luxury of walking away from their responsibilities with nary the slightest social stigma. And while there is legal recourse for mothers, that bears no guarantee of any support financial or otherwise. I also believe that Caylee's biological father may very well be alive, whether he knew that he was Caylee's father in life is anyone's guess.

As has been speculated that Caylee may have been the product of incest: Would that not fit with the statements that have been made about, " not telling" {kc to ca} The entire family backing up KC in her thefts, lies, and stonewalling. LA helping care for Caylee and still living at home. The feeling that there is an underlying "something" not being told? Just a thought to ponder.
As has been speculated that Caylee may have been the product of incest: Would that not fit with the statements that have been made about, " not telling" {kc to ca} The entire family backing up KC in her thefts, lies, and stonewalling. LA helping care for Caylee and still living at home. The feeling that there is an underlying "something" not being told? Just a thought to ponder.

It has already been shown that LA is NOT the bio father. The FBI tested for that.
Ya know the whole "Cindy held her first" thing just smacks of Anthony melodrama! If It hadn't been that-it would have been something else-that's just the way the Anthony's role!! When I had my son-I had an emergency c-section because of pre-eclampsia. I was out from anathesia for quite a while. When I woke up my mother-in- law (who I loved dearly) was there with pictures of her holding my son. I was overjoyed to see my child in the arms of his grandmother. But, we weren't the Anthony's-we certainly have our share of familial problems, like everyone does. But, there are some family's that just live for drama-toxic to the core!!

It's different when the mother and/or daughter perceives herself in some sort of rivalry with the other. Then it doesn't matter if the doctor technically held the baby first, what matters - and matters very much - is whether mother or daughter was the first to get to hold the baby.

I didn't realize it til I was an adult, but my own mother perceived me as some sort of rival, usually for the attention and validation of other family members, especially my father. I had no idea I was in any kind of competition with her, but now when I look back, things she said and did make sense when I consider that she perceived herself in some rivalry with me. I had never considered it because it sounds silly, an adult in competition with a child, especially their own, but it happens, and I see a lot of what I dealt with going on between Casey and Cindy.

I'm not saying this happened at all, but just spitballing - the entire situation with Cindy saying Casey is a bad mother could stem from that one event...a control-freak mother who might seek to validate herself at her child's expense could lord something like getting to hold the new baby first as a sign of her superiority over her insecure and sheltered daughter extremely effectively.

I almost feel sorry for Casey when I view her in that aspect, assuming that kind of rivalry towards mothering Caylee was present in that family, and I believe it was. Cindy should have stepped back, and unless Casey was completely incapable of holding Caylee, she should have let Casey have that precious first bonding with family moment.

IMO, unless the birth mother is unconscious, she absolutely has the right to hold her own newborn over the baby's grandmother - if nothing else, she just went through pregnancy and delivery and has earned the right, and that's whose heart and voice the baby has been listening to all of that time. Respect the bond between a mother and her newborn, or perhaps risk her not bonding as well as she should and the child suffers.

IMO to all.
As has been speculated that Caylee may have been the product of incest: Would that not fit with the statements that have been made about, " not telling" {kc to ca} The entire family backing up KC in her thefts, lies, and stonewalling. LA helping care for Caylee and still living at home. The feeling that there is an underlying "something" not being told? Just a thought to ponder.

LA was cleared of this speculation and it's evidenced in the docs. (not sure where right now).

I'm still not sure all others were cleared in my own heart and mind - even, let's say, a cousin.

Also, we are not really allowed to discuss this topic - too emotional and violent at times. But I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

Other theories: A wealthy, older prominent man. Lee's best friend. JPC. RP - among others.
LA was cleared of this speculation and it's evidenced in the docs. (not sure where right now).

I'm still not sure all others were cleared in my own heart and mind - even, let's say, a cousin.

Also, we are not really allowed to discuss this topic - too emotional and violent at times. But I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

Other theories: A wealthy, older prominent man. Lee's best friend. JPC. RP - among others.

:eek: I thought I had heard everything but that is a first!
LA was cleared of this speculation and it's evidenced in the docs. (not sure where right now).

I'm still not sure all others were cleared in my own heart and mind - even, let's say, a cousin.

Also, we are not really allowed to discuss this topic - too emotional and violent at times. But I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

Other theories: A wealthy, older prominent man. Lee's best friend. JPC. RP - among others.
I'v had 3 post pulled over the last week or so and don't understand entirely. What i do understand this is a forbidden subject on the main forumn and also now in the basement. with these stated post of concern I will remind everyone that there is a sealed yellow envelope being held by Judg S about this subject and will be released at trial. This is a hot potatoe so I would advise to carry on with our angst with this family.
LA was cleared of this speculation and it's evidenced in the docs. (not sure where right now).

I'm still not sure all others were cleared in my own heart and mind - even, let's say, a cousin.

Also, we are not really allowed to discuss this topic - too emotional and violent at times. But I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

Other theories: A wealthy, older prominent man. Lee's best friend. JPC. RP - among others.

How about Uncle Rick's theory? The party in December? I gather he heard about it from his Mom, who got it from CA.

Caylee was not fathered by a relative, because her DNA did not show the homozygous alleles. That's how one can recognize children that are the products of incest, in the absence of parental DNA. Her DNA was heterozygous.

RP Hasn't seen the A's since his marriage, and not much before that. The As have been isolated from the extended family for a long time, due to their enabling of KC's criminality.

RP only hears news of the As through their mother. hang out with them.

If KC has cousins, she doesn't hang with them.

With respect, I'm not sure why incest and KC keeps coming up, when there is no evidence of same?

KC has enough male friends. All of them apear to be young, attractive (by her standards), partyers. Some are productive, some are not. None seem terribhly mature.

No evidence of a rich, older guy. No calls/texts/apparently no financial support, or LE would've found it.

As LE says, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one (Occam's Razor).

It may be that only Kio has the story, when she said she met the guy who fathered KC. One nighter, and he and KC weren't into eachother.

Or, maybe Uncle Rick was right, and it was a party.

But, whomever the father was, there is no evidence to implicate him, at all.

And, we likely don't want to start an ugly rumor, implicating an innocent (again!).

Meanwhile-- CK is correct. Anyone interested in discussing incest can find the thread in the PL.
I admit it, I briefly entertained the incest theory, that was until I read an account (albeit fictional) of a young female sociopath who made similar claims to illicit sympathy and to manipulate men she pursued romantically. It would not surprise me in the least if that were what Casey intended when she was feeding those lines to Jesse.
I think that my comment makes the most sense on this thread. If not, I hope someone (a mod maybe) will re-direct it...I don't know where else to place this!???

I have been following this case since the beginning. I read here (regularly) and many other places (sporadically). Always, consistently, I see comments about how "surely", "without question", "obviously" CA loved Caylee. Personally, I don't believe that CA is capable of "love" in the true sense of the word but despite that, I've searched high and low in the FACTUAL information that we have to believe that she did. I have found nothing other than material evidence. Caylee most certainly had every frikkin' toy that money could buy...But what else did she have? An attentive Grandmother who knew who she was with every day for the 2 1/2 years of her life? For crying out loud! This woman who loved her Grand-daughter dearly didn't even have the "nanny's" phone number!??? Didn't know what her Grand-daughter did morning to evening every single day of her short life! I'm sorry but something doesn't equate for me. It hasn't from the very beginning and I'm sure that it doesn't now. I don't mean to offend normal people with normal sentiments. But "normal" is not a word I would use to describe CA.


Bold is mine. I have to soooo agree with you. Caylee did have toys. CA/GA overcompensated in this area. As has been discussed ad nauseum how most folks, grand folks, even us aunts and uncles have babysitters phone numbers and addresses, somehow this concept escaped the A's.
I too have followed this case since day 31 and the thought kept popping into my mind, Are we (the public) being scammed, this is while we thought Caylee was still missing and all were still searching but as more facts came out I came to realize a live Caylee was just not to be. CA/GA behavior was still odd and then reports about "Missing children" searches on the computer prior to Caylee being "missing". Then that jab in the gut again (scammed).

What is going on? Is this some kind of reality show being played on the public? What gives? Then Kidfinders and their shenanigans. I was thinking was this a fake missing child scam gone wrong? KC's first jail visit phone call speaking to her Mother, "You don't know my involvement?" Then the first jailhouse visit, KC said to CA/GA " I didn't tell them anything".

No, All is not Well Pink Panther. I suppose anything can be read into any of their statements, phone calls by now, we have analyzed them so much, but I remember my initial gut reaction was that of someone pizzing on my leg and telling me it's raining!JMHO.
I admit it, I briefly entertained the incest theory, that was until I read an account (albeit fictional) of a young female sociopath who made similar claims to illicit sympathy and to manipulate men she pursued romantically. It would not surprise me in the least if that were what Casey intended when she was feeding those lines to Jesse.

BTW, I had a big problem with a social worker who convinced all sociopathic or other Axis II females that they must have been raped or incestuously abused and had forgotten about it.

He did not hold the same theories with males, with the same bx and dx.

Then, he'd have the ALL females act out the "rape," so they'd remember it, and get "well." Which they didn't. .

Some sociopaths have been sexually abused. Some haven't.

Two of the most telling pieces of evidence against are:
1) KC has never been afraid of leaving Caylee around any male family member, and

2) In the A household, the males appear to be subordinate to the females. KC shows no fear or subordination to either of the A males.
Bold is mine. I have to soooo agree with you. Caylee did have toys. CA/GA overcompensated in this area. As has been discussed ad nauseum how most folks, grand folks, even us aunts and uncles have babysitters phone numbers and addresses, somehow this concept escaped the A's.
I too have followed this case since day 31 and the thought kept popping into my mind, Are we (the public) being scammed, this is while we thought Caylee was still missing and all were still searching but as more facts came out I came to realize a live Caylee was just not to be. CA/GA behavior was still odd and then reports about "Missing children" searches on the computer prior to Caylee being "missing". Then that jab in the gut again (scammed).

What is going on? Is this some kind of reality show being played on the public? What gives? Then Kidfinders and their shenanigans. I was thinking was this a fake missing child scam gone wrong? KC's first jail visit phone call speaking to her Mother, "You don't know my involvement?" Then the first jailhouse visit, KC said to CA/GA " I didn't tell them anything".

No, All is not Well Pink Panther. I suppose anything can be read into any of their statements, phone calls by now, we have analyzed them so much, but I remember my initial gut reaction was that of someone pizzing on my leg and telling me it's raining!JMHO.

The sad thing is.. that if Caylee had any regular playdates with any, say, neighbor kids, it would not have taken 31 days for her absense to have been noticed.
Bold is mine. I have to soooo agree with you. Caylee did have toys. CA/GA overcompensated in this area. As has been discussed ad nauseum how most folks, grand folks, even us aunts and uncles have babysitters phone numbers and addresses, somehow this concept escaped the A's.
I too have followed this case since day 31 and the thought kept popping into my mind, Are we (the public) being scammed, this is while we thought Caylee was still missing and all were still searching but as more facts came out I came to realize a live Caylee was just not to be. CA/GA behavior was still odd and then reports about "Missing children" searches on the computer prior to Caylee being "missing". Then that jab in the gut again (scammed).

What is going on? Is this some kind of reality show being played on the public? What gives? Then Kidfinders and their shenanigans. I was thinking was this a fake missing child scam gone wrong? KC's first jail visit phone call speaking to her Mother, "You don't know my involvement?" Then the first jailhouse visit, KC said to CA/GA " I didn't tell them anything".

No, All is not Well Pink Panther. I suppose anything can be read into any of their statements, phone calls by now, we have analyzed them so much, but I remember my initial gut reaction was that of someone pizzing on my leg and telling me it's raining!JMHO.
:clap: That last line sums it up! So many questions as to all the cloak and dagger behavior comming out of all the A's (kC included, Defense side bar hush hush talk, sealed photos, sealed paternity (sorrry Brini,), in camera meetings about finances, media spokes person with an alias, unscrupulous leeches with foundations, indecison about Caylees body,lying without breaking stride (many people in this case) a physical argument denied emphatically by CA ect.... What made this sociopath take the plunge into murder? Simplest answer of a sciopathic female that who wanted freedom or a more complexed reason causing KC the sciopath to tilt and break? I'm going to wash the yellow rain out of my mind as diversions don't get past most of us any longer. <3
I admit it, I briefly entertained the incest theory, that was until I read an account (albeit fictional) of a young female sociopath who made similar claims to illicit sympathy and to manipulate men she pursued romantically. It would not surprise me in the least if that were what Casey intended when she was feeding those lines to Jesse.

Actually even KC didn't claim incest.

She said GA "abused" her (type of abuse not specified). She also said that LA "tried to touch her, once, in middle-school."

If, in the unlikely event that KC was telling the truth, for once, she never complained of full incest.
:clap: That last line sums it up! So many questions as to all the cloak and dagger behavior comming out of all the A's (kC included, Defense side bar hush hush talk, sealed photos, sealed paternity (sorrry Brini,), in camera meetings about finances, media spokes person with an alias, unscrupulous leeches with foundations, indecison about Caylees body,lying without breaking stride (many people in this case) a physical argument denied emphatically by CA ect.... What made this sociopath take the plunge into murder? Simplest answer of a sciopathic female that who wanted freedom or a more complexed reason causing KC the sciopath to tilt and break? I'm going to wash the yellow rain out of my mind as diversions don't get past most of us any longer. <3

The answer is. Who gained? What did KC want, and how did she manage to get it?

She wanted freedom. Like SS, DD, DP, and SP. Like the other 183 mothers who killed kids, and multitudes of males who killed kids and/or spouses.

CA had just told KC she had to get a job and spend more time taking care of Caylee. With Caylee out of the way, half of the problem was solved.

if there was something else, she would've gone after somebody else.

BTW-- IF the yellow envelope is paternity -related (which no one had said IIRC), it's likely that it has as much relevance as do JG's school grades and LE performance reports, which have ALSO been taken into evidence.

Or, it may also be yet another negative, like JG and LA's paternity tests.

And, we may find out in the next dump, in any case.

Bottom line: One doesn't see a lot of sexual speculation around same-crime perps who are male, or who are unattractive females.

I think that before we start another rumor, and possible defame an innocent, we need a little evidence. Otherwise, it's too much like the rumor-mongering that the As are doing to JG.
Now, I thought KC's reaction, "You don't know my involvement?!" was an appropriate response to CA's, "I don't know your involvement,"

It sounded to me like she was implying, "You think I'm INVOLVED!?! Mother!?! How COULD you?!?"

"I didn't tell them anything, could have meant the big fight, the latest theft, or any of the family disfunction. I'm guessing it meant the fight on the 15th.

The family fight information would be EXTREMELY incriminating, to KC.
Whoa Brini! LOL! I'm not commited on anything about paternity! We do have the documents from LE provided by the doc dumps that states "Parentage Report, CA GA &LA bold writing stating sealed until trial. Not to be open or destroyed before trial." I just added that in with the rest of the oddities in the case that have had us sluething our brains away. Working in your field has also told me that as with everything else medical, know two sociopaths are the same across the board as this is a complexed disorder that although I agree whole heartedly she seems to display sciopathaic tendencies that make me feel comfortable in giving KC that label, I'm intrigued by nuances of her story leading into murder as I was with the cast of charactors you posted . They all have a black heart , brain and follow the criteria set fourth in psychiatric journals. I'm sure scholars 10 yrs from now will fine tune this diagnosis once again.
Whoa Brini! LOL! I'm not commited on anything about paternity! We do have the documents from LE provided by the doc dumps that states "Parentage Report, CA GA &LA bold writing stating sealed until trial. Not to be open or destroyed before trial." I just added that in with the rest of the oddities in the case that have had us sluething our brains away. Working in your field has also told me that as with everything else medical, know two sociopaths are the same across the board as this is a complexed disorder that although I agree whole heartedly she seems to display sciopathaic tendencies that make me feel comfortable in giving KC that label, I'm intrigued by nuances of her story leading into murder as I was with the cast of charactors you posted . They all have a black heart , brain and follow the criteria set fourth in psychiatric journals. I'm sure scholars 10 yrs from now will fine tune this diagnosis once again.

Maybe less than that! They are close to identifying all the wiring differences even now.

Maybe they will even identify a gene, at some point. ;-)

Also, remember some industries NEED sociopaths, or think they do. Military, CEOs, Intelligence (think: CIA), politics, finance (looks like TON of socios there :mad:)

BTW-- We already know, then, what's in the envelope. Since Caylee's father is not a relative, it can't be either GA or LA. and, LE's have already been announced. Of course it's not CA either. ;-)
Now, I thought KC's reaction, "You don't know my involvement?!" was an appropriate response to CA's, "I don't know your involvement,"

It sounded to me like she was implying, "You think I'm INVOLVED!?! Mother!?! How COULD you?!?"

"I didn't tell them anything, could have meant the big fight, the latest theft, or any of the family disfunction. I'm guessing it meant the fight on the 15th.

The family fight information would be EXTREMELY incriminating, to KC.

I could agree with you a thousand times. Just depends on which topic these specific statements come up in and where in the statement you place the emphasis. Like I said, at least for me, I've analyzed their statements to death, to the point they are almost meaningless because now I can make them mean anything.
I could agree with you a thousand times. Just depends on which topic these specific statements come up in and where in the statement you place the emphasis. Like I said, at least for me, I've analyzed their statements to death, to the point they are almost meaningless because now I can make them mean anything.

Also, KC has a way of creating an aura of mystery around herself.

She's really just a nicely wrapped empty box. But, she manages to put across that she has depths, secrets, all kinds of stuff.
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