Casey files for-Indigency; Defense reveals how much it's been paid!

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My opinion only, but I think Baez is using "lawyer speak" when he says Casey has had no income since she was incarcerated. I read it to mean, since she has been in jail since October 14th. However, it could very well be that she did receive the "income" while she was out on bond (the $200,000) for pictures or fees.

I am sitting on the edge of my seat with the rest of you for the hearing tomorrow. I just hope someone remembers to bring the popcorn.

Good point..maybe she did receive the money while out on bond.
I thought Baez was up in NY around Aug 2008 and felt he may of been brokering a deal for Casey. But that is JMO.

They claim Casey has no money.
Claim she has paid Baez and Lyon's.
Claim that she could afford to pay for her defense if the DP was not back on the table.

Well, it can't be all of the above. I also find it very interesting that State’s secret information no longer needs to be secret. Prosecutors are done with their investigation and report no need for delay in the release of details. I wonder
if this has anything to do with what will be discussed in tomorrows hearing?

Casey Anthony Expected To Attend Indigency Hearing
Indigency Hearing Set For Thursday Morning

UPDATED: 6:18 pm EDT March 17, 2010
Casey Anthony is expected to attend her indigency hearing is set for 11 a.m. on Thursday.

Jose Baez told WESH 2 his client, Anthony, should not be facing the death penalty.

Baez said because the state attorney's went in that direction, Anthony's defense has become much more expensive. "Casey Anthony was willing and able to pay for her defense," Baez said, "until the state changed their position and decided to pursue the death penalty."

Video: Casey Anthony Expected To Attend Indigency Hearing


State&#8217;s secret information no longer needs to be secret!
"Snip" By Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel March 17, 2010
Prosecutors are done with their investigation and report no need for delay in the release of details. "It's unclear what is in the material and what it has to do with the case. It's also unclear when the information will be released to the public."
Judge Stan Strickland signed an order last month that sealed the information. He wrote in his order that prosecutors showed "good cause for delay" in releasing the material to Anthony's defense team and the public.
Once he unseals the information, prosecutors will give the information to her defense attorneys.,0,2922338.story

Good point..maybe she did receive the money while out on bond.
I thought Baez was up in NY around Aug 2008 and felt he may of been brokering a deal for Casey. But that is JMO.

They claim Casey has no money.
Claim she has paid Baez and Lyon's.
Claim that she could afford to pay for her defense if the DP was not back on the table.

Well, it can't be all of the above. I also find it very interesting that State’s secret information no longer needs to be secret. Prosecutors are done with their investigation and report no need for delay in the release of details. I wonder
if this has anything to do with what will be discussed in tomorrows hearing?

Crazy isn't it? Can they ask how much money she has to be able to afford a defense for a non-death-penalty trial and ask that she put that towards her death-penalty trial and then the State would pay for the rest? I mean seriously? I don't understand her defense AT ALL.

Also, I hope JS unseals the information tomorrow. So the SA can hand it over to them for Casey's Birthday.
I really have a gut feeling that we are going to be disappointed with how the Judge handles this tomorrow. I fear we will not hear where this money has come from or where it has disappeared to.

Hope I'm wrong ... I also hope he rakes JB over the coals.

Unfortunately, I tend to agree with you. I think it will be short & sweet.
Okay, okay now I really am confused because JB is saying that KC would have had plenty of money for her case had SA not put the death penalty back on the table. That because it is a death penalty case it has cost her more money. But wait.....JB has not done anything.....100 plus depos that have not been done, no sign of any experts, no experts signing up to look at evidence, lots of motions which contained no useful information to benefit KC's case filed, really nothing done of any importance. So where did this death penalty money JB's pocket? No way jose, tell us it is not so. Because it is a death penalty case should JB have followed his moral compass and put those depos out there as his first priority. Unless he left that compass in one of his old suits that he disposed of to make room for the new ones.

That should go over well with the good people of Florida. But wait. Lets just think about this folks. If SA had not put the DP back on the table there probably would not have been a story here, which means KC probably would not have gotten the money. So who is to blame that the money ran out? Certainly not AL and she appears to have doing most of the work here. And who asked that the trial be pushed out? Defense. And who has not come up with their witness list? Defense.

I hope the people of Orlando yell so loud over this that our good neighbors in Canada can hear. JMO
Unfortunately, I tend to agree with you. I think it will be short & sweet.

I thought JB had to reveal any third parties that contributed to the defense of Casey? Didn't he say there was a family in Conn. who was helping pay for Casey's defense?
Okay, okay now I really am confused because JB is saying that KC would have had plenty of money for her case had SA not put the death penalty back on the table. That because it is a death penalty case it has cost her more money. But wait.....JB has not done anything.....100 plus depos that have not been done, no sign of any experts, no experts signing up to look at evidence, lots of motions which contained no useful information to benefit KC's case filed, really nothing done of any importance. So where did this death penalty money JB's pocket? No way jose, tell us it is not so. Because it is a death penalty case should JB have followed his moral compass and put those depos out there as his first priority. Unless he left that compass in one of his old suits that he disposed of to make room for the new ones.

That should go over well with the good people of Florida. But wait. Lets just think about this folks. If SA had not put the DP back on the table there probably would not have been a story here, which means KC probably would not have gotten the money. So who is to blame that the money ran out? Certainly not AL and she appears to have doing most of the work here. And who asked that the trial be pushed out? Defense. And who has not come up with their witness list? Defense.

I hope the people of Orlando yell so loud over this that our good neighbors in Canada can hear. JMO

Really does make one wonder what the defense has been DOING all this time.
I thought JB had to reveal any third parties that contributed to the defense of Casey? Didn't he say there was a family in Conn. who was helping pay for Casey's defense?

Something else that just does not sit right. "A FAMILY in Conn. who was helping to pay for CASEY'S DEFENSE." Family and Casey's defense in the same sentence makes no sense whatsoever. Why would a family, presuming the family consists of parents and children fund KC's defense? I have not heard of one mother who is not outraged that a mother would kill her child. Now if you were to tell me KC actually made a deal and sold pictures of her daughter to pay for her defense...that I would believe. So do we think we have been lied to. That would be old news in this case. JMO
Casey Anthony: Jose Baez blames prosecution for Casey Anthony’s seeking indigency
Caylee and Casey Anthony, George and Cindy Anthony, WESH, WFTV, WOFL — posted by halboedeker on March, 17 2010 5:38 PM

“This afternoon, Jose Baez told us that his client Casey Anthony would have had plenty of money to defend herself had the state not chosen to seek death,” WESH’s Bob Kealing reported.

Casey, who had NO JOB and NO ASSETS had plenty of money to defend herself.
I would like to know what/how much "plenty of money" is?
And how much did Baez expect to spend or ,ahem, make on this case before it became a DP case? After all Casey had plenty of money.

I guess what is upsetting is that we have an accused murderer who is funding her defense using the murder victim's photos & video.
It is unforgivable that a murderer can fund their defense with pictures of their victim. Since the ABA doesn't seem concerned with doing the right thing, we need to write to our representation to pass a law forbidding this cynical, immoral and disgusting practice. While they're at it, it wouldn't hurt to reform and limit the fame seekers' (Lyon, Macaluso, etc) ability to attach themselves to out of state cases simply for publicity and aggrandizement.

We don't really see this in other professions and the lawyers simply have to be reigned in. Enough is enough. It used to be considered unethical for an attorney to even advertise. Why have we let these people take over??

Yes it is Horace.
I may have missed it along the way, but what time is the hearing tomorrow? TIA
ETA: Never mind, I found it, 11;00 am EST
Humph. Defense made an incremental disclosure about how much it's been paid. $70K from DePaul, $70K from Todd Macaluso. !!
Casey's former lawyer just posted on what's going on re the hearing

I haven't been here for awhile, had to take a break - step back from all this.

Surfing thru the TV and there was Casey Anthony on the screen! Shocked me. Immediately went to the computer.

Now, Im going to go read all thru the Websleuths form to catch up with everyhting.

God bless everyone here!
And curious to know whether the $70,000 he forked over to the Anthony defense came from:

........."misappropriated about $145,000 and misused nearly $61,000 in client money"

The docket numbers on the Bar Court cases against Macaluso were from 2006 and 2007 IIRC. Macaluso didn't show up until 2009 or so. So I doubt it.
Huh? What are you basing that on?

Do you think shes spending a year in a hotel?
I suppose its possible.
Perhaps she even flies home every night?

I was only thinking....because I have traveled for long periods of time, as do people I know...we usually find rental homes/apts/condos.
Orlando has many rentals for this sort of traveler. :)
The docket numbers on the Bar Court cases against Macaluso were from 2006 and 2007 IIRC. Macaluso didn't show up until 2009 or so. So I doubt it.

Yes, thank you for that. When I first heard Baez say in court that Todd gave that huge amount of money to the defense, that was my gut reaction, the state bar is going to have a field day with that little revelation, possibly that money will have to be removed from Casey as he cannot be trusted since he took money out of one of his other client's trust accounts. Then I looked at the old information and realized even though it has come to the surface now the time of the alleged fraud/stealing was some time ago. However, and I am going to have to ask my husband about this when he wakes up, I still do not believe we have heard the last of this. Unless Casey was indigent at the time he donated the money to her defense I thought it was outside of the rules.
Maybe one of the lawyers can help us, or I could try to look it up int he Florida rules later. I saw the judge lean back in his chair, one of his tells, and when he asked if Todd paid the money as a condition to join the team I spilled my tea. The judge is not boisterous, but his pensive look told me we have not heard the last of this, imo.


Florida Rules of Professional Conduct
..... Rule 4-1.8 Conflict of Interest: Prohibited and Other Transactions ... - Cached - Similar

Rule 4-1.8 Conflict of Interest: Prohibited and Other Transactions
(e) Financial Assistance to Client.

A lawyer shall not provide financial assistance to a client in connection with pending or contemplated litigation, except that:

(1) a lawyer may advance court costs and expenses of litigation, the repayment of which may be contingent on the outcome of the matter; and

(2) a lawyer representing an indigent client may pay court costs and expenses of litigation on behalf of the client.
Yes, thank you for that. When I first heard Baez say in court that Todd gave that huge amount of money to the defense, that was my gut reaction, the state bar is going to have a field day with that little revelation, possibly that money will have to be removed from Casey as he cannot be trusted since he took money out of one of his other client's trust accounts. Then I looked at the old information and realized even though it has come to the surface now the time of the alleged fraud/stealing was some time ago. However, and I am going to have to ask my husband about this when he wakes up, I still do not believe we have heard the last of this. Unless Casey was indigent at the time he donated the money to her defense I thought it was outside of the rules.
Maybe one of the lawyers can help us, or I could try to look it up int he Florida rules later. I saw the judge lean back in his chair, one of his tells, and when he asked if Todd paid the money as a condition to join the team I spilled my tea. The judge is not boisterous, but his pensive look told me we have not heard the last of this, imo.

If I'm not mistaken Mr Hornsby (on his blog) thinks it highly inappropriate and likely to be against the Florida bar rules and almost certainly will be investigated further.
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