Casey Has Started Blogging 9-29

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I hope this helps those who arent familiar with the disorder, this is a good summation of its affects and diagnosis. Most people with this dosorder are withdrawn and rarely so they continue with a normal and outgoing social life as stated in this definition.

Post-traumatic stress disorder Index

Definition of Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder: A common anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Family members of victims also can develop the disorder. PTSD can occur in people of any age, including children and adolescents. More than twice as many women as men experience PTSD following exposure to trauma. Depression, alcohol or other substance abuse, or other anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with PTSD.

The diagnosis of PTSD requires that one or more symptoms from each of the following categories be present for at least a month and that symptom or symptoms must seriously interfere with leading a normal life:

Reliving the event through upsetting thoughts, nightmares or flashbacks, or having very strong mental and physical reactions if something reminds the person of the event.
Avoiding activities, thoughts, feelings or conversations that remind the person of the event; feeling numb to one's surroundings; or being unable to remember details of the event.
Having a loss of interest in important activities, feeling all alone, being unable to have normal emotions or feeling that there is nothing to look forward to in the future may also be experienced.
Feeling that one can never relax and must be on guard all the time to protect oneself, trouble sleeping, feeling irritable, overreacting when startled, angry outbursts or trouble concentrating.
Traumatic events that may trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or military combat. Among those who may experience PTSD are troops who served in the Vietnam and Gulf Wars; rescue workers involved in the aftermath of disasters like the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C.; survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing; survivors of accidents, rape, physical and sexual abuse, and other crimes; immigrants fleeing violence in their countries; survivors of the 1994 California earthquake, the 1997 North and South Dakota floods, and hurricanes Hugo and Andrew; and people who witness traumatic events.

Many people with PTSD repeatedly re-experience the ordeal in the form of flashback episodes, memories, nightmares, or frightening thoughts, especially when they are exposed to events or objects reminiscent of the trauma. Anniversaries of the event can also trigger symptoms. People with PTSD also experience emotional numbness and sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, and irritability or outbursts of anger. Feelings of intense guilt are also common. Most people with PTSD try to avoid any reminders or thoughts of the ordeal. PTSD is diagnosed when symptoms last more than 1 month.

Physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal distress, immune system problems, dizziness, chest pain, or discomfort in other parts of the body are common in people with PTSD. Often, these symptoms may be treated without the recognition that they stem from an anxiety disorder.

Treatment may be through cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, and/or exposure therapy, in which the person gradually and repeatedly re-lives the frightening experience under controlled conditions to help him or her work through the trauma. Several types of medication, particularly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other antidepressants, can also help relieve the symptoms of PTSD.

Giving people an opportunity to talk about their experiences very soon after a catastrophic event may reduce some of the symptoms of PTSD. A study of 12,000 school children who lived through a hurricane in Hawaii found that those who got counseling early on were doing much better 2 years later than those who did not.
It could be interesting. For those who can get into her facebook to read the blog to confront her.... nicely. Say that you don't believe that she is Casey, don't mention Caylee. Yes, you will take a chance that she will then block you from commenting again. Perhaps not if you pose as a supporter- better yet a good looking male supporter. OTOH she may set out to prove to you that she is indeed Casey. Try to engage her. If she is looking for attention she will set out to prove her identity.
did anyone report her 'blogging' to her probation officer?

isn't she on probation? isn't she not supposed to go online per conditions of her release? can't she go back to jail if caught? :)

also - I hope someone sent this to LE - it's just more rope for her to hang herself with.

sociopaths would be a lot smarter than they are if they got out of their own way. which is kind of the catch-22 they are in, because they want the attention, so often end up incriminating themselves this way :).
You know what irritates me about seeing her dressed in a flag? My son is on his second deployment in Iraq. You ask any veteran about that picture and I'm sure they will tell you she is disgracing the flag.

I have a close friend that served in the Marine Corps in Iraq. He has 15 confirmed kills, 5 of those with a knife. He was running across a field one day with another Marine who got hit by an rpg. My buddy caught some of the shrapnel and was covered by a film of the other marine. He woke up two days later in Bahrain, passed out and woke up three weeks later in Germany.

He would not wear the flag as an article of clothing.
He has PTSD.
did anyone report her 'blogging' to her probation officer?

isn't she on probation? isn't she not supposed to go online per conditions of her release? can't she go back to jail if caught? :)

also - I hope someone sent this to LE - it's just more rope for her to hang herself with.

sociopaths would be a lot smarter than they are if they got out of their own way. which is kind of the catch-22 they are in, because they want the attention, so often end up incriminating themselves this way :).

Just curious.... I have noticed a lot of poeple share your opinion that she is just doing more to hang herself so I am wondering what about these blogs do you think would really hurt her???? I dont really see how anything she posted related to her guilt or Caylee, but a lot of people think this so I was wondering if you might explain your perspective to me. Thank You!!!
I have a close friend that served in the Marine Corps in Iraq. He has 15 confirmed kills, 5 of those with a knife. He was running across a field one day with another Marine who got hit by an rpg. My buddy caught some of the shrapnel and was covered by a film of the other marine. He woke up two days later in Bahrain, passed out and woke up three weeks later in Germany.

He would not wear the flag as an article of clothing.
He has PTSD.

Oh my...that stuff just breaks my heart..... that has got to be so hard to live with. :(
What is wrong with her? What makes her think anyone gives a crap about her other than what she can offer to find Caylee? Who cares why she was wearing a flag, or what she thinks of NG?

I can't believe she thinks she is a celeb, and that anyone actually gives a rats hiney about anything that comes out of her mouth unless it has to do with Caylee..
I have been diagnosed as having PTSD and I disagree.

How people with PTSD act has nothing to do with what is going on inside. People with PTSD can compartmentalize and carry on.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think inappropriate affect is also a symptom. Casey's affect is definitely off, IMO.

I think the chloroform and missing children's site searches before Caylee's disappearance point toward premeditation. I agree with Rasgirl that Casey is a planner.

But, I think PSTD is a legitimate explanation for the partying after Casey disappeared.


I respectfully disagree. I think you are giving her too much credit here. those with PTSD still have a conscience. if she were actually a moral, honest person prior to this event, I might be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. but there are many other factors to her psyche besides the post-traumatic 'partying', and few redeeming qualities to her. CA has not told the truth to a single person once in her life in the past three years, and has stolen a lot of money from both family and friends, with no regrets. she's a textbook sociopath. in fact, it's almost like she's studying up on it to become a better one.

read the "Casey's psychological profile" thread that I started - page upon page of evidence pointing toward sociopathy/lack of conscience.
Just curious.... I have noticed a lot of poeple share your opinion that she is just doing more to hang herself so I am wondering what about these blogs do you think would really hurt her???? I dont really see how anything she posted related to her guilt or Caylee, but a lot of people think this so I was wondering if you might explain your perspective to me. Thank You!!!

Let's just start with her behavior. If my child were missing I think I would not be sitting around blogging I would be looking for my "lost" child.

:waitasec: Keep it up KC let the public know what your made of....We are just your potential jury pool....
I would bet the farm against PTSD. All my money is on antisocial personality disorder--in other words, Ms. Anthony is what used to be called a psychopath and still is often referred to as sociopath.
I think she needs to blog. The more she blogs the more info that will come out that can be used against her when she goes to trial. We all know that she has a temper.
I hope she comes up against someone that will argue back with her. She has to be right we all know that. I think she would start spewing her crap big time if the right person can blog with her. Anything she can do to hang herself on I am all for.
Just curious.... I have noticed a lot of poeple share your opinion that she is just doing more to hang herself so I am wondering what about these blogs do you think would really hurt her???? I dont really see how anything she posted related to her guilt or Caylee, but a lot of people think this so I was wondering if you might explain your perspective to me. Thank You!!!

I'm not the person you quoted obviously, but my opinion is that ANYTHING she says can be used against her. So it's best for her to just not say anything at all, which is what Jose had been doing a good job advising her about so far, because we weren't getting anything out of her.

Remember Drew Peterson? Joel Brodsky either didn't bother to shut him up or couldn't shut him up and as he kept talking he kept making himself look worse and worse, making comments about how he's never going to get a date now. It's just better for them to NOT say anything. Even though so far you could argue she hasn't said anything bad yet, she still could, or even the fact that she is online blogging period could be against her home confinement rules. (Not sure if it is, but could be)

Basically the way I look at the internet is this - the more you put yourself out there, your name, your pictures, etc. the more you make yourself subject to unwanted attention or something being used against you. Example: Pics on Facebook of you partying, looking drunk. (I have people from work on my friends list so I'd never post pics like that, if they existed.) Even if someone "tags" you in a photo, maybe they took a picture of you at a party drinking, that can be connected to your profile. Even as an innocent bystander, even if you've done nothing wrong your life can be turned upside down. Imagine if suddenly someone on your Myspace friends list murdered someone and it became a huge high profile case like this. Then people (like us WS's) start examining you and your blog and everything on your site just because you are "connected" to an alleged murderer.

It's just crazy now with the internet that you have to be so careful what you put out there. Dr Phil recently did a show about this too that was interesting.
Just curious.... I have noticed a lot of poeple share your opinion that she is just doing more to hang herself so I am wondering what about these blogs do you think would really hurt her???? I dont really see how anything she posted related to her guilt or Caylee, but a lot of people think this so I was wondering if you might explain your perspective to me. Thank You!!!

i was going to respond, but i see everyone else kind of said what i wanted to say for me.

also to add - the reason that smart people who know the legal system who are interrogated by the cops lawyer up right away is because once you lawyer up you don't have to answer cops' questions anymore. a lot of suspects don't realize this, which cops use to their advantage in interrogation - the idea is to get as much info out of a suspect before he lawyers up. LE can't get any answers out of CA right now because Baez advised her not to talk. but since they know she's a "talker" according to her friends, the more likely she is to reveal information she wouldn't otherwise in the presence of her lawyer. she doesnt' even have to talk about Caylee or the case - in fact, it's the fact that that's exactly what she ISN'T talking about that is so strange - that she's able to talk about so many other things that any parent in the same situation would be so overcome with grief and terror that they wouldn't even be able to turn on a computer, let alone blog. all together it paints a very disturbing psyche, which can be presented to the jury and used against her
Just curious.... I have noticed a lot of poeple share your opinion that she is just doing more to hang herself so I am wondering what about these blogs do you think would really hurt her???? I dont really see how anything she posted related to her guilt or Caylee, but a lot of people think this so I was wondering if you might explain your perspective to me. Thank You!!!

Because what she is doing is outside the norm for a parent of a missing child. Parents of missing children usually show a range of emotions that you don't see with Casey. No anger toward the alleged abductor. No apparent fear for Caylee. No frustration about the lack of results in finding Caylee. Not even any apparent guilt feelings about what else she could have done to prevent this (even when a parent has no guilt in the matter, they usually suffer from guilt feelings.)

Instead she is acting more like the typical suspect. The "I don't care what evidence you have, I said I was innocent and so you have to believe me" attitude. Anger toward accusers. Life goes on attitude. Blogging about things unrelated to Caylee, gives an appearance of "I don't want to think about her." All of this will be very damaging if they can get it in front of a jury.
Wow, she was so ready and eager to answer the questions about what she was wearing, but doesn't like the questions of where her daughter is or what she did with her....she wants to be a celebrity, keep up that "fanbase" and then make millions off movies and books.

sick sad person and all at the expense of a 2 year old's life.
Because what she is doing is outside the norm for a parent of a missing child. Parents of missing children usually show a range of emotions that you don't see with Casey. No anger toward the alleged abductor. No apparent fear for Caylee. No frustration about the lack of results in finding Caylee. Not even any apparent guilt feelings about what else she could have done to prevent this (even when a parent has no guilt in the matter, they usually suffer from guilt feelings.)

Instead she is acting more like the typical suspect. The "I don't care what evidence you have, I said I was innocent and so you have to believe me" attitude. Anger toward accusers. Life goes on attitude. Blogging about things unrelated to Caylee, gives an appearance of "I don't want to think about her." All of this will be very damaging if they can get it in front of a jury.

Totally agree. I think of Beth Twitty when I think of "typical mother behavior when you have a missing child"....her life revolved around her daughter's disappearance...she felt powerless, she spoke out, she showed her emotion, she was angry, upset...if she were blogging she would have blogged only of her missing daughter. Obviously everyone may react differently, but Casey's behavior is so suspicious all around.

Casey is only focused on the case against her.
did anyone report her 'blogging' to her probation officer?

isn't she on probation? isn't she not supposed to go online per conditions of her release? can't she go back to jail if caught? :)

also - I hope someone sent this to LE - it's just more rope for her to hang herself with.

sociopaths would be a lot smarter than they are if they got out of their own way. which is kind of the catch-22 they are in, because they want the attention, so often end up incriminating themselves this way :).

She isn't on probation because she hasn't been convicted of any crime yet. If it was a stipulation on her bail I don't know.
I'm not the person you quoted obviously, but my opinion is that ANYTHING she says can be used against her. So it's best for her to just not say anything at all, which is what Jose had been doing a good job advising her about so far, because we weren't getting anything out of her.

Remember Drew Peterson? Joel Brodsky either didn't bother to shut him up or couldn't shut him up and as he kept talking he kept making himself look worse and worse, making comments about how he's never going to get a date now. It's just better for them to NOT say anything. Even though so far you could argue she hasn't said anything bad yet, she still could, or even the fact that she is online blogging period could be against her home confinement rules. (Not sure if it is, but could be)

Basically the way I look at the internet is this - the more you put yourself out there, your name, your pictures, etc. the more you make yourself subject to unwanted attention or something being used against you. Example: Pics on Facebook of you partying, looking drunk. (I have people from work on my friends list so I'd never post pics like that, if they existed.) Even if someone "tags" you in a photo, maybe they took a picture of you at a party drinking, that can be connected to your profile. Even as an innocent bystander, even if you've done nothing wrong your life can be turned upside down. Imagine if suddenly someone on your Myspace friends list murdered someone and it became a huge high profile case like this. Then people (like us WS's) start examining you and your blog and everything on your site just because you are "connected" to an alleged murderer.

It's just crazy now with the internet that you have to be so careful what you put out there. Dr Phil recently did a show about this too that was interesting.

I agree with what you said completely I was just trying to make the point that nothing she said is really damning..yet. OT I really really really dislike Dr. Phil especially because he isnt even licenced, sorry just had to say that oooh I dont like him hahahaha. sorry
I agree with what you said completely I was just trying to make the point that nothing she said is really damning..yet. OT I really really really dislike Dr. Phil especially because he isnt even licenced, sorry just had to say that oooh I dont like him hahahaha. sorry

I'm not a fan either but that particular show was interesting.
I am a fan of Nancy Grace ... a lot can be said about NG
she has been a child advocate for a very long time.
And has not lost a kid and not reported it for 31 days....
she knows wwhere her children are....and loves them enough to take days off to be a MOM.
I like NG.Always have always will.
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