Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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I have always felt she is sub normal intelligence wise which may be why the family coddled her so much. Something has been wrong with her since birth to be treated the way she is by the family. They should have never allowed her to have a child in her care. Its very apparent there is something wrong with her both psychologicallly and intelligence wise. Most people would know that these lies would never fly but she doesn't seem to have a clue.

I have to agree with you. Maybe this is why it makes sense how the Anthony's protect her. Parent of children with special needs many times make the same mistake of completely spoiling their children because they feel bad for them.
It really is no wonder the Anthonys are in such denial. For some reason after putting her voice to the lies I am starting to feel some compassion for them again...somethng I had lost quite awhile back..

With all the nuttiness, crazziness, meaness and pure hate, there is something just so sad it makes my heart just ache. A whole family torn to pieces. A baby gone. Heartbreaking. Myself, I just don't think I could take it much longer.
Wow JB is def going to bring up the fact that the jury pool has been tainted and maybe he is right, because this audio screams guilty murderer.

That girl is a piece of work and her family eats up her lies because to them she is very convincing, they are not used to liars like LE are.
I can't believe the lack of emotion. She is just so nonchalant about the whole thing. It's very disturbing.
the jury is not going to be able to ignore this when it comes to trial (esp neglect trial...I am sure they will use it)
there definitely is something very very wrong with her and it's really disturbing-she feels nothing she doesn't care and maybe never will

Waddles (and Manatee)

It is very very disturbing -- I had to turn the tape off my because "back away slowly and RUN as fast as you can" instinct was kicking me so hard. She's dangerous. I think this is what sociopathy "sounds" like.
she is sleeping with everyone

Personally, it's starting to sound more and more like Casey IS Zenaida to me.
No, they don't know where she was when she supposedly dropped her off at Sawgrass. If they did, we would know where Caylee is. :-(
Geez, I almost confessed, and I didn't do anything! How could she keep lying to those guys, I was scared of them.
I have to agree with you. Maybe this is why it makes sense how the Anthony's protect her. Parent of children with special needs many times make the same mistake of completely spoiling their children because they feel bad for them.

Wait a minute, my children are special needs. Casey only has a few needs, alcohol, cash and gasoline. None of those are all that special.
Evil is not a special need, pathological lying is not a special need, neither is psycopathy, sociopathy, what ever you wanna call it. She is coddled enough as it is. Please let's not slur the special needs people of this world by sticking Casey in with them.
Waddles (and Manatee)

It is very very disturbing -- I had to turn the tape off my because "back away slowly and RUN as fast as you can" instinct was kicking me so hard. She's dangerous. I think this is what sociopathy "sounds" like.

But see Sociopaths tend to have very high intelligence. They are great con men. These type of lies to officers show very little understanding of their ability to track down this information...something is very wrong here.
I have to agree with you. Maybe this is why it makes sense how the Anthony's protect her. Parent of children with special needs many times make the same mistake of completely spoiling their children because they feel bad for them.

She is not special needs - she is a selfish, spoiled, evil liar. There is nothing wrong with her. IMHO of course.
she is sleeping with everyone


Yes !! I totally think she is sleeping with Baez. What else are you doing for 6 hours a day? Not looking for your kid that's for sure !!
This is my first post so I hope I don't mess up! I have listened to both of these tapes. This girl talks exactly how my step-daughter talks who is a diagnosed sociopath!!! There is NO doubt about it in my mind now that she isn't one! My step-daughter talks in this monotone way too and just goes on and on with stories that don't even matter to what she is lying about. She can lie at the drop of a hat. As a matter of fact she will lie even when there is NO reason to lie. She is not capable of feeling any remorse and will never EVER admit the lie, even when it is proven to her face that it was all a lie!! To this day even though we have disowned her and confronted her and proven certain things, she will still be talking and throw out her original lies eventually woven into whatever she is talking about. I always wonder IF she actually believes them, or if she is just incapable of admitting to lying?

KC, like my daughter in law don't EVER feel bad about hurting or using anybody. They don't think out what will be the consiquences to their actions and they don't feel love for anybody. My daughter in law has three young children and I worry about them every day. I believe that one day she will kill one of them. She would leave them with Satan himself if it meant that she could go out running and meeting guys. KC seems to be the same way. My SD also will sleep with any number of guys and girls too. She has no morals just like KC.

I could go on and on about her sociopathic behaviors, but if you have never personally known one, you have a very hard time imagining anybody being that was. I am convinced that my SD has NO soul and I am convinced that KC hasn't got one either!
Wow JB is def going to bring up the fact that the jury pool has been tainted and maybe he is right, because this audio screams guilty murderer.

That girl is a piece of work and her family eats up her lies because to them she is very convincing, they are not used to liars like LE are.

But you know, those of us very interested in this case can't imagine everyone else who doesn't stay current with the Caylee Anthony case. I am always amazed by the number of people who have heard of a major case, but certainly don't seek out info regarding it, and who don't have an opinion one way or the other. I know, its hard to believe but it happens.
Now I understand her comment ot Kristina on that first jail house call about her not crying because she has to stay COMPOSED for LE.

She has to remain composed and vigilant as she lies so that she can seem like she is telling the truth...oh I get it Casey.
Waddles (and Manatee)

It is very very disturbing -- I had to turn the tape off my because "back away slowly and RUN as fast as you can" instinct was kicking me so hard. She's dangerous. I think this is what sociopathy "sounds" like.

Exactly -and this has made me so sick that people who think like she does walk this earth, any tiny bit of sympathy or benefit of the doubt I had left is gone, and as someone just said before, how can anyone still believe anything she says, she has lied her way to jail for the rest of her life I think
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