Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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So GA and CA originally thought she was lying? Why do they believe her now?
oh not to go off topic... but my latest theory revolves around

i think the baby died from gasoline fumes that were in the trunk

im got more info - but i will post on another thread

Looking forward to it!
She is really is on the defensive in part II and III considering they are specifically there to help her find Caylee. I still can't believe the security guard at Universal statement which was stated just soooo matter of factly. Oh, LE must really want to nail her to the wall for the disappearance of that baby!
Oh Lordy, I think I'm going to have to take a double dose of my blood pressure medication tomorrow morning so my head doesn't explode. :furious:
"I saw my mom's reaction right off the bat and it would have been the same from the getgo" (why she didn't tell her mom sooner)
she is a monster

frightening - and her parents continue to coddle her

my gggggggggggggggoooooooooooooooooooodnesssssssssssssssssssssssssss
A "neutral place"

What is a neutral place & what does that mean to her?

"nuetral"....I think means not home with her parents who would want her to produce Caylee....away from questions or interrogation. Away from where she dumped Caylee....away from her car anything at all that reminds her of what she did to that little girl.

She is hiding from herself and what she did in that statement.
When asked about her car running out of gas and whether she parked it there to cash a check, she offered voluntarily "I wasn't abandoning my car, it just circumstantially ran out of gas". They probably should have stopped her right there and said, we never said you were abandoning it, all we asked was if you went into the store to cash a check, why would you say that?
the jury is not going to be able to ignore this when it comes to trial (esp neglect trial...I am sure they will use it)

Not to mention the fact that she lies on tape then admits she lied. The charge pertaining to making false statements and obstruction.
When Casey says something like the only mistake she made was leaving her daughter with someone she trusted, with someone who had been taking care of her, who had been taking GOOD care of her...she sounded defensive...almost as if she was describing herself.
Personally, it's starting to sound more and more like Casey IS Zenaida to me.

Good Point Maybe indeed she is Zenaida, she had a psych evaluation in jail I think, I guess they would have put her in an institution or on drugs but maybe she fooled the psych too I don't know- she definitely is not of this world
But you know, those of us very interested in this case can't imagine everyone else who doesn't stay current with the Caylee Anthony case. I am always amazed by the number of people who have heard of a major case, but certainly don't seek out info regarding it, and who don't have an opinion one way or the other. I know, its hard to believe but it happens.

Tracy you are right - my husband hates when i talk about this and never reads anything about it.
She is really is on the defensive in part II and III considering they are specifically there to help her find Caylee. I still can't believe the security guard at Universal statement which was stated just soooo matter of factly. Oh, LE must really want to nail her to the wall for the disappearance of that baby!
Oh Lordy, I think I'm going to have to take a double dose of my blood pressure medication tomorrow morning so my head doesn't explode. :furious:

Im going to have to go back on mine from all this..
I think cops are throwing the public a bone. I think more will be coming down soon!
And now the detectives decide to shift gears. He is supplying the rope and KC seems so pleased someone is listening to her story. BUT.....she is hanging herself instead of pulling herself out of the hole. Hey! Maybe that's what she used the shovel for......
Yes, I just to that point in the tapes. The 2 cops who are being hardest on her leave the room, and she starts opening up to the "good cop".

Of course, she's still lying, but in longer passages.
If it helps, my two year old screams and tries to shut the computer every time he hears Caseys voice. They say children are good judges of character, I guess it must be true.
We need to get that backwards speech guy to analyze this stuff!!! Especially the part where she says she doesn't know where caylee is every time it's mentioned on the tape!
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