Casey Interview Recordings Released Discussion

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She kinda gives herself away with telling them she can get phone #s on line.
She shows her rescourcefullness.
She also said that ZG had Lived at Sawgrass for 3-4 months and the apartment had been vacant for 142 days IIRC whach is roughly 4 months.
Casey was asked if she gave the parents to the father's parents?

Casey repiled she hadn't seen the father's parents since he was about 6 or 7.

Who has she known this long?

Just Ryan. I don't think it's him. She may be torqued, because her lawyer asked him for a character reference. He refused.
This is what I think...
Casey doth protest too much + Casey lies + Caseys elaborate details = GUILT
...........And, I didn't even have to hear these tapes to know. Because I heard her in jail say "all everyones worried about is Caylee" (as if no one worries about Casey herself) I knew back then she was guilty!
..........If I were those cops I would have punched her! So I admire LE's composure!
(I think I need shot of whiskey, after listening to her garbage!..j/k)
I think the cops were bluffing when they said they had the surveillance tapes. They wouldn't still have tapes after 31 days.
LE is discussing parents in general and her mom in particular giving her crap so to speak. In response, KC said (referring to CA) "The thing she said..." and then she caught herself, stopped and said something else. There ya have it. CA said something to her that caused her to harm Caylee.
She has absolutely no one's number, they should have asked her if she knew her mom and dad's number or Lee's.
She talks about Caylee in past tense:

"She liked Jay Blanchard park....She liked to just attempt to run around Lake Underhill. She liked to go walk the big trail at JB Park. She loved that."

She knows she's dead.

Didn't Scott Peterson talk like that? Seems he referred to Lacy in past tense in an interview.
You know what? I bet she gave Yuri altered printouts of her phone bill...she offers to print out phone records for previous months.

She's so stupid to not know that the investigators don't need her printouts...that they can easily get her phone records which reveal much more than what her silly printouts reveal.

She honestly thinks that she's smarter than these guys.
Why didn't they drill her with that?

Or, the part about "handing the baby off on the stairs," for months.

What mother would not step inside the apartment, even once?
Okay, this is just a little thing.... but I kind of think that Casey does know a Zenaida. The pronunciation she gives the name is very authentic. And though Casey is in Florida, I doubt she speaks much Spanish. Even those who do would be more likely to render that name Za NAY da than S/Za NIGH da.
Yes Jade. I have noticed Just that with my SD. They seem to be energizer bunnies when it comes to playing out their lies. They seem unhuman in all aspects of relationships and so on. The reason we keep giving them chances is because we think of them as we are and NOT as they really are. It takes a long time to be able to separate them from our expectations of having human emotions. They are NOT like us in any aspect. Their emotions are all forced as you will and not actual. So they can go on tirelessly as if they are made of steel. Even when they face multiple charges, as does my SD too, they just seem to not care. They just aren't capable of caring or worrying about the consequences of their actions.

MB Wings - that gives so much insight to the type of personality. I think that's why so many of us (me included) keep trying to figure it all out, as you said, "we keep giving them chances is because we think of them as we are and NOT as they really are." I think maybe only somebody who's lived with a person like this could truly understand.
Didn't Scott Peterson talk like that? Seems he referred to Lacy in past tense in an interview.


In most of the interview, she's careful not to talk in past tense about Caylee...but she slipped here.
Ok...I've listened to all of it now.

This will NOT play well before a John and Jane Q Public jury.

Not at all.
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