Casey on Piers Morgan

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Are Richard Hornsby's tweets allowed here? He has also referred to this.
When Morgan mentioned that "The Hunger Games" was about killing children, Mason replied that he was aware it had Harry Potter type of popularity.

I realize that name calling is frowned upon, but Mason continues to be an idiot.
snippet from :

MASON: But she's read Grisham books she likes. And she particularly likes books dealing with international travel.


MORGAN: I think the "Hunger Games" is about -- it is about -- kids killing each other.

MASON: Yes, yes.

MORGAN: Weird subject matter.

MASON: Apparently has taken on like the "Harry Potter" stuff, I guess. She's very interested in photography. Her -- she works out a lot. Her favorite shows, "I Love Lucy," "The Three Stooges." Old movies. Particularly ones in black and white. Travel. Those types of things that she some day would like to be able to do. And she will be able to do.

"The Three Stooges" :floorlaugh: ... she must be watching :

... or ...

Richard Hornsby ‏@RichardHornsby

@bobkealing @piersmorgan But did he buy some pictures from her, did she get licensing fees, did they pay Cheney....
View conversation

That bunch doesn't do something for nothing. Sumpting hinky here. Why and why now. If she is sooo innocent in her deluded mind why not show up and tell the world herself? I'm sure Pierce Morgan is great at providing security for guests. She makes me laugh. Hard. The tears are over.
Just saw on my twitter feed that there is a FULL interview coming in September. Don't know the source of this information. It is from the "leader" of the "haters" as they are referred to by some of Casey's supporters.

Which media outlet is giving her the time?

I'd like to know now so I can cease watching a single show they produce. Not kidding. I will delete their channel from my favorites list and never tune in again.

I just hope it isn't CBS because I would hate to give up Big Brother. I would probably need to obtain a Rx for withdrawls, but I swear I would do it.
Are Richard Hornsby's tweets allowed here? He has also referred to this.

Yes. Any MSM reporters or tweets from verified professional members here are permitted in this forum.
Piers Morgan ‏@piersmorgan

Just to clarify things re my exclusive Casey Anthony interview, she was paid the following sum: $zero #CNN

Tweeted a while ago ..

Mods, please remove if his tweets are not allowed!

Then who was paid for the new pictures of Caylee??? Mamma or Mason.
They were not free. Nice play on words there.
Well we do know who would have had to provide the new pics :maddening:
Morgan reads from his interview that KC says she did not kill her daughter, etc. and Cheney says, and I KID YOU NOT, "and she said that without any prompting", "without any lawyering".

She must be innocent. How deep KC is and I just never thought of her actually saying that - this puts a whole new light on my view of KC Anthony. How could I have been so wrong.

Everytime this idiotic team of lawyers opens their mouths, they get dumber and dumber. It would be refreshing to see someone, anyone actually call any one of these "people" on the actuals of the case.


Re. the bold - Cheney Mason is lying here too. Because it was made very clear that Cheney put Casey on speaker phone to answer Pier's questions. That means they had to be in the same room. So Mason expects the public to believe that he wasn't "prompting" or coaching her? FGS! At the very least quit insulting our intelligence.

Why does Mason give a darn about rehabilitating her image anyway? His job is DONE.

Shoo. Go away. All of you. Just drop off the face of the earth.

And if you refuse to do that, then go talk to the Pinellas 12. They might be interested in listening to your BS. Spare the rest of us.

When I see the Anthonys I think of major train wreck.

Oh I think she was just plain jealous of her - FCA doesn't have the same kind of feelings as we do - she imitates what she thinks we are feeling which is why she is so off the mark when she has to answer a question or react to a situation. She was jealous of her and then Caylee became a big issue because she was no longer a cute package FCA carried around, she was a live outgoing child who needed far more time and attention than FCA was willing to take away from herself.

I'm sure killing Caylee felt like a very "handy" solution. If you don't want something - just get rid of it. I think that is the way she thinks.

Casey Anthony is a very envious person and it is pathological. She feels very unimportant.
Me too... I saw it when I went on radaronline to read celebrity gossip (I call my celebrity magazines that I read by the pool "mindsmut" and this is not different)

i WILL NOT watch that interview and I WILL NOT EVER believe a word that comes out of the mouth of Casey Anthony or any of her "lawyers".

How disgusting.

And as for respecting the jury's decision= NEVER

Casey Anthony is a pathological liar and not even a convincing one for the most part. I can see through her lies as they are so transparent in nature. Even Bernie Madoff is a better liar than her. I mean he scammed billions of dollars for decades. He could of gotten away if it was not for the 2008 Financial Meltdown.

Anthony is so self-deluding that she has a highly distorted image of herself. She think she is so special. Anthony is very deceptive and loves deception. The more I think about Casey Anthony, the I more think is very similar to Diane Downs, Jerry Sandusky, Lori Drew, Bernie Madoff, Joran van der Sloot, and Betty Broderick. They love and thrive by deception. They are deceptive and secretive in nature. Speaking of that, Madoff's parents, Ralph and Sylvia Madoff, were crooks as well, like Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony are. The apple does not fall far from the tree. :crazy:
Anyone who doesn't think FCA or Mason was compensated in some way for this 'interview' is either being very naive or in denial. Networks do these back door deals all the time. Perhaps 'compensation' involved securing rights to a future full length interview.

These networks can't help themselves to give her airtime if she comes calling for attention. And she knows it.
So... this is an"exclusive" interview pm had with the felon...even though she wasnt seen or heard during the interview...And she supposedly answered her questions without any "lawyering".... But Mason was her mouthpiece... Is that correct?

Good to know cnn didnt pay for that sham.
CM: " I do not believe for a minute she was trying to pull the wool over my, or any of our team's eyes."

Well, than I think he needs to go to the wizard and ask for a brain
To all my friends that are still here as we were for the trial,


And as we all know she is still and always will be a sack of $$$$.
It was a 10 minute 3-way phone call. PM called CM who put <modsnip> on speaker phone.

By PM's own admission at the start of the show, he said it felt very "random at times". So he must have had to present a bunch of questions, she answered with soundbites, and he had to make enough heads or tails out of it all to make it sound like heavy journalism. Remember folks, before this gig, PM was in charge of England's red-haired stepson version of the National Enquirer... before he was caught & fired in disgrace for publishing hoax photographs.

Really it was just a temperature-taking stunt to test the waters at almost a year after the shameful verdict. Is Joe Public still going to make a fuss if a network gets her on-air, or is she still the media's greatest lepor?

The answer is YES.

Funny? Didn't CM say to PM that she denied killing her daughter without lawyering up? What a ********ter. He was on the line.

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